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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    On average, about 149,608,900km from the centre of the sun.
  • Personal Motto
    Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina
  • Interests
    - Engineering (particularly geotechnical),
    - Physics,
    - Mathematics,
    - Formal logic,
    - Philosophy,
    - Adorable things (especially ponies, cats, bunnies, and grey ducks),
    - Collecting/accumulating various aesthetically pleasing oddments,
    - Collecting/accumulating various interesting antique miscellanies,
    - Collecting/accumulating various second-hand dictionaries/thesauri,
    - Collecting/accumulating various nifty and often archaic vocabillularary words,
    - Finding and categorising various forms of genetically mutated daisies,
    - Making things up on the spot (intellectual ad-libbing is my forte),
    - Owl City, Pentatonix, & chipper chiptune music,
    - Reading Sir Terry Pratchett & Brandon Sanderson novels,
    - Reading C.S. Lewis' classic theology books,
    - Reading the surviving observations and deductions of various ancient philosophers and scientists (e.g., Da Vinci, Aristotle, etc.),
    - Lego (great for modelling simple engineering problems),
    - Minecraft,
    - 8-bit games,
    - Irony,
    - Being interesting.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Empire Roleplay

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Chancellor Neighsay
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
    All six of them
  • Best CMC
    All three of them
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
  • Best Episode
    The Last Problem
  • Best Song
    Open Up Your Eyes
  • Best Season

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  1. Try new Chunky Oxygen Flavor!! Feel the new brand of Air from Widdershins's new Chaos Brand products!

      Goes down hard, and sticks healthily to your anterior cavities!*


    *Motto still in progress. Chaos Inc. not held responsible for causes of death apart from reharvesting of organs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Widdershins



       Oh! Uh, a remarkable... 78% customer survival rate satisfaction!

       Does that imply that after the thirty days we return the money? Because i’m happy to say we’ve never had to do that!

      Granted, in merit of business honesty, we’ve only had two beings for our focus group control polls. And both fled screaming.

       One dude actually tried the product first!!

      *Chaos Inc. is a subsidiary of  Infinity Acres. Almost all companies are unknowingly  a part of Infinity Acres.

    3. Duality


      Speaking of companies, I've been meaning to get into the stock market for a while now. Does Chaos Inc. have buyable shares? What've your returns on investment been like over the last few tax years?

    4. Widdershins


      We also have shyable bears.

       That's not really adherent to the present topic, but I felt it was an option you should keep on the table.

      There is much interest in our company as of late due to the fact-proven hypothesis widely known that large conglomerates are guaranteed to do well when they actively threaten the lives of their consumers. One would think that would be detrimental, but one does not dispute the Trend Graph in Analytics. 

      Governmental taxes are low, despite the many governments we have to go through for acquiescement of business practices. As with the small number of other businesses willing to acknowledge our support, it is seen as an almost superstitious ill omen to garner our support. We were in bed with oil companies for a while and look how that turned out!

       We really should have thought more about our bid to lower costs by reinforcing oil tanker ships with layers of snack wafers.

       The cost in rat lives was insurmountable. 

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