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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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  • Gender
  • Location
    On average, about 149,608,900km from the centre of the sun.
  • Personal Motto
    Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina
  • Interests
    - Engineering (particularly geotechnical),
    - Physics,
    - Mathematics,
    - Formal logic,
    - Philosophy,
    - Adorable things (especially ponies, cats, bunnies, and grey ducks),
    - Collecting/accumulating various aesthetically pleasing oddments,
    - Collecting/accumulating various interesting antique miscellanies,
    - Collecting/accumulating various second-hand dictionaries/thesauri,
    - Collecting/accumulating various nifty and often archaic vocabillularary words,
    - Finding and categorising various forms of genetically mutated daisies,
    - Making things up on the spot (intellectual ad-libbing is my forte),
    - Owl City, Pentatonix, & chipper chiptune music,
    - Reading Sir Terry Pratchett & Brandon Sanderson novels,
    - Reading C.S. Lewis' classic theology books,
    - Reading the surviving observations and deductions of various ancient philosophers and scientists (e.g., Da Vinci, Aristotle, etc.),
    - Lego (great for modelling simple engineering problems),
    - Minecraft,
    - 8-bit games,
    - Irony,
    - Being interesting.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Empire Roleplay

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Chancellor Neighsay
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
    All six of them
  • Best CMC
    All three of them
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
  • Best Episode
    The Last Problem
  • Best Song
    Open Up Your Eyes
  • Best Season

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  1. So I have what might be startling news for you & a minor request.

     I would like  you to put this as your Avatar. Because, I am afraid I must break this news to you, but you are Blathers.


     "I am quite knowledgeable, you know."  A-Hoo! A bug! Get it away from me! But if you want biological information on it I will acquiesce...

      I find myself mystified why Blathers even keeps a bug part of his museum if he hates them so much. Perhaps the museum associtation insists on there being at least three wings to qualify, and hey, bugs are everywhere.

     Me: "Hey Blathers? How come there's also alot of fish and frogs in the Insect Wing?"

     Blathers: "Well, it is our endeavor to provide as suitable a natural environment to make our vermin specimens happy. And as you well know, insects can produce rapidly so it is only befitting that the addition of insectivorous organisms would be necessary to keep numbers down and keep a comfortable biodome to...."

     Me: "You want them dead, don't you?"

    Blathers: "Yes."


     I'm not saying you have a tendency to prattle, be flighty or a massive dork.... well okay, maybe the last part.

     (Sorry for the grainy photo. Best I can manage, stiff upper beak, you know? Alas, it is hard to take pictures of birds in their natural habitat, yes?)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Widdershins


      Gaaasp! Shots fired!

      A lot less theorhetical than your Mathematics!

        Like, Lungs plug into the Esophagus, its pretty straightforward. 

    3. Duality


      Yeh but robots made out of meat and gooey bits kinda stretches your suspension of disbelief, y'know? I mean, all the robots we know of are constructed from carefully engineered parts made of half-decent materials, so this whole 'life' business just seems like a particularly bizarre splodge of pseudoscience. Me, I reckon biologists invented the idea of life so they could get a job with an art degree and it all snowballed from there. No way these 'meatbots' actually exist. :eww:

    4. Widdershins


      Humans of Proportionate Size? I don't think they exist.

       They're supposed to be, what, 70% water. Just sloshy innards unnconnected propped up by calcified scaffolding that leaches out nutrients for the fluid channels? At least its realistic that every part of it can go horribly, horribly wrong at any given moment. 

      Besides, its clear they're not intended to be robots. That implies they only act by outside input. Why create a species if it didn't form its own directives to rise up and overthrow you violently, think for itself?

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