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Aurora Wolf

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Status Updates posted by Aurora Wolf

  1. Despite over 200,000 people dying all over America, The Dodgers just clinched first place in the National League West for the eighth straight season. 

    I really did think the Padres could sneak into first, but they’ll get another chance next year.

  2. This really is the most unenthusiastic I have ever been on my birthday. 

    COVID-19 is still killing people all over the country, voice actors are still being harassed by trolls, and these fires are still burning. And all Trump is doing is GOLFING!

    Things need to change for the better. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Miss


      Happy Birthday! 

      and yea when my bday comes imma probs have similar feelings. 

    3. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      I agree. Trump is lower than an insult to Presidents everywhere. He's supposed to be thinking about the safety of the country

    4. ChB


      Happy Birthday, Aurora Wolf! :)

  3. I had hoped for better news to share, but we’re seriously considering evacuation due to the fires going on in the state. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChB


      Stay safe!

    3. EpicEnergy


      Stay safe, and I hope the fires stay away from your house! :kindness:

    4. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Stay safe Aurora! :worry:

  4. This new stadium in Texas sure isn’t giving the Dodgers any love tonight.

  5. I’m glad I tuned in for tonight’s Dodgers game. Playing baseball with your brother in the Major Leagues, even when he’s on the other team, certainly is a special moment. 

  6. Has it really been this long since the last time I logged in?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Aurora Wolf

      By the way, what do you think of my new form?


    3. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      I love it. I imagine it gives you more incentive for hugging ponies.

    4. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Well, you are welcome into my coils anytime. :P

  7. @Eren Jaeger you're not fooling anypony here! It's way too obvious you're the one who sent me that Cupcake badge. Come here, sugarcube!



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luigi


      No. I got them from Sugar Belle

    3. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      She did a pretty good job with them. No wonder Big McIntosh loves her so much

      (Both me and Eren are still hugging each other)

    4. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Well, no reason was provided in your Cupcake badge description so the fact you guessed it was him is impressive. :D

      Whoever sent me my box gave me such a generic quote not even if I could tell who it was. :P

  8. Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs are really playing some serious football. I'm pulling for them to win the Super Bowl.

  9. Playing through a few chapters in Fire Emblem Awakening, I wonder how it would be if MLP and Fire Emblem had a crossover. Hasbro wouldn't allow it, but I can't get it out of my head.

  10. Why am I suddenly thinking of Twilight Sparkle or one of the CMC's saying this line?


    1. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      This is Fire Emblem Awakening. I started it last night.

    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      How are you Aurora?

    3. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      Not bad at all.

  11. (YAWN) It looks like this SNF game is pretty much over. There's no way I can see Seattle comin' back. I'm goin' to bed.

  12. I can't believe I let myself get distracted for so long. And now it's over. I hope everypony enjoyed the finale that's seen it. In other news, it looks like I had an unexpected guest follow my Twitter.1832031983_Screenshot_2019-10-12NotificationsTwitter.png.b80b6e668a71073b385e18b8b558e135.png

  13. Hello everypony!

    Hopefully y'all are having a good start to the weekend. I went all day yesterday not knowing it was Friday the 13th.

    And one more thing, I'm really sorry about the super late reactions to the birthday wishes I got. But it was a great day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Glad you enjoyed it.

    3. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Aurora Wolf

      Sorry, I forgotten your birthday until today. I was a bit busy. :blush:

    4. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      You have nothing to be sorry for. I never came online that day, so it's not as if I'm without fault either.

  14. (YAWN) Mornin' everypony!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      He told me all about the Anime dubbing company controversy. And I was only glad to allow him to vent/cry on my shoulder if necessary

    3. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      I did all I could for him too.

    4. ChB


      Good morning, Wolf! Hope you are well.

  15. This has been a pretty emotional weekend for our country.

    1. Luigi


      Truly, but you don’t mind if I feel your tummy, do you Applejack?

    2. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      "Oh, go on ahead, Rainbow."

      (Isn't in the best mood for roleplay)

  16. (YAWN) Mornin' everypony!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sparklefan1234
    3. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      @Sparklefan1234 I think he's just takin' a break from the roleplay. He always comes back from those breaks sooner or later.

    4. ChB


      @Aurora Wolf Doing well, thanks! :) 

  17. (YAWN) Mornin', everypony!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChB


      Good morning, @Aurora Wolf! How are you doing, today? :) 

    3. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      I'm doing just fine, ChB. How about yourself?

    4. ChB


      @Aurora Wolf Doing well, thanks! :) 

      Go Dodgers! 

  18. That's a very pretty forums banner with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

    1. CypherHoof


      I agree; I think the comic version of how they hooked up is funnier though :)

  19. (YAWN) Mornin' everypony!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Aurora Wolf @Monado Dash

      Thank you two for saying that. Now Daddy must go to work

    3. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      Have a nice day at work, @Will Guide

    4. ChB


      Good morning, Aurora Wolf! How are you doing? :) 

  20. Seein' as how there are a lot of artworks depictin' Gamer Luna in that headset, I sometimes wonder if I'd look good in that kind of style. Maybe I should ask Rarity what she thinks.

  21. Another day of apple buckin' in the books!

  22. Sugarcube. I can't believe it's already been two years.

    Happy Birthday, little Dashie! (Hugs the poor little baby)

    1. Luigi


      Thanks, Mama.

  23. It doesn't feel right having to lay down on a haystack in the barn like this while Big McIntosh is doing all the work. I suppose I better get used to it if Nurse Redheart doesn't want me bucking apples for all these months.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Aurora Wolf

      (I take your hoof)

      Like, I said, since you're a natural born pony, it should be born the same way all ponies do, in the mother's belly. As a Changeling, I can tell you that it likely will be shifting shapes occasionally in there, but I promise that as long as you follow the doctor's orders, you'll be fine.

      @Little Baby Dashie

      Son, when this new baby comes, promise me you'll be nice to it. Your mother and I love both our children.

    3. Luigi


      You can depend on me, daddy.

    4. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      You're right. I'll keep it safe. That's a promise, @Will Guide

  24. (YAWN) Mornin', everypony!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Luigi


      YAY! Bathtime!

    3. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Aurora Wolf

      @Little Baby Dashie

      Daddy Will watches you two from a distance with a warm smile

      Maybe Daddy will be home in about 3 hours.

    4. ChB


      @Sparklefan1234 More like a base-stealer. ;) 


  25. I'm back from Nurse Redheart's office. I was expecting this to be a lot worse than it turned out.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Emperor Azurailo

      Emperor Azurailo

      @Aurora Wolf I am unable to tell whether Shining Train got along with his new brother or not since they haven't officially met yet, but he knows Dashie is his brother. However, my son is not aware of the new foal that is coming soon. I am informing him right away. Or is it better if I summon him here?

    3. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      @Emperor Blu Traincrown I accept the offer of protection.

    4. TheRockARooster


      @Aurora Wolf



      I’m so happy for you, my friend. ^^

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