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About Widdershins

  • Birthday 1989-07-06

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Japan, actually. Amazingly.
  • Personal Motto
    It's all a show, I really should relax.
  • Interests
    Been loyal to the gameboy console my whole life. Deeply entrenched into the Pokemon fandom to where I'll buy anything Gamefreak puts their stamp on no matter how bad of a glitchy mess their games may be. *cough*pokemongo*cough*

    Recently got into Fire Emblem & Phoenix Wright's games.
    But mostly else, I try to practice my drawing & reading. Other then alot of listening to the radio & YouTube with occasional Netflix, not much else. Haven't so much as seen any television in over a decade.

    As to topics I like, I'm usually prone to the supernatural, magical or fantastical. I'm also quite the rabid DragoNerd & am incapable of viewing anything they do as bad!
    I'm quite interested in biology & sciences and a big animal lover. Though... if the 22 dogs plus more pets I've had over the years has taught me anything, they're quite messy too... so taking care of said animals isn't all that high on the list, heh.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Forest

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony
  • Best Mane Character
    Twilight Sparkle
  • Best CMC
    Diamond Tiara
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Limestone Pie
  • Best Season

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  1. He's actually a very excellent example of the line between Horror & Humor. Who?

     Sans. From Undertale.

     He's one of the first guys you meet when you find yourself lost in a strange world. And he's a sentient skeleton. That SHOULD set off some alarms for you. But he doesn't make any sudden moves and in fact, talks very openly about being satisfied enough with his current situation to crack jokes and show that he has absolutely no interest in seeing you as a threat or any reason to be threatening by.

    but when you DO give him a reason to act...

     The dude has flaming beast skeleton lazers at his beck & call. Because, to re-remind you, he's clearly held together by magic and it'd kinda be hard to not know how to kill when your like that. The things he could do to you, merely by the knowledge of whatever had to be done to make him the being that he is...

     But he don't. Sans is a chill dude. Give him a hoodie and a place to slouch and wisecrack from, that's all he needs. He's a Comic, this Sans.

    I am sorely disappointed Papyrus doesn't have further family members by the names of: Wingdings, Centaur & Helectiva.

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