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About Widdershins

  • Birthday 1989-07-06

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Japan, actually. Amazingly.
  • Personal Motto
    It's all a show, I really should relax.
  • Interests
    Been loyal to the gameboy console my whole life. Deeply entrenched into the Pokemon fandom to where I'll buy anything Gamefreak puts their stamp on no matter how bad of a glitchy mess their games may be. *cough*pokemongo*cough*

    Recently got into Fire Emblem & Phoenix Wright's games.
    But mostly else, I try to practice my drawing & reading. Other then alot of listening to the radio & YouTube with occasional Netflix, not much else. Haven't so much as seen any television in over a decade.

    As to topics I like, I'm usually prone to the supernatural, magical or fantastical. I'm also quite the rabid DragoNerd & am incapable of viewing anything they do as bad!
    I'm quite interested in biology & sciences and a big animal lover. Though... if the 22 dogs plus more pets I've had over the years has taught me anything, they're quite messy too... so taking care of said animals isn't all that high on the list, heh.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Forest

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony
  • Best Mane Character
    Twilight Sparkle
  • Best CMC
    Diamond Tiara
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Limestone Pie
  • Best Season

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  1. I get up, first thing in the day on my two days off on a row in a week... check my computor...

     And two teenagers are calling me mentally deficient.

     I don't like the Internet much. I would prefer to have friendship.

     This is... gonna take me a bit to get over...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Duality


      It takes committed brains about nine months to conceive of water fully. This is how I reproduce, incidentally.

      It wasn't too excruciating - the qualification I've got only took two years to finish. Digging holes in the dirt doesn't take a PhD, it must be admitted. :P

      It's only a shame that my job isn't friend-extendable. I think you'd quite enjoy drilling in the middle of forests with birds singing and sun shining and grass greening and all the rest of it - it may be more physically taxing than a job in a pizza kitchen but the working environment would be a definite step up.


      At any rate though it seems that my online age obfuscation techniques have succeeded. Step 1: don't tell anyone your age. Step 2: pretend you're edgy and old. Simplicity wins again. :oh_golly:

    3. Widdershins




       it may be more physically taxing than a job in a pizza kitchen



       Admittedly, my jorb is primarily that of "Go get this." "Put these things here." So, not really all that difficult really than I can say if your job is basically pointing out where the machine that does the drilling goes down.

       It's just.... How many times in a day I have to literally spin on my heels, snap to attention, respond as quickly as possible to barked commands, even halfheard ones, because lest I give anything less than 100% I couldn't stand the judgement. Sigh... I turn around, bam, there's someone else new there whizzing past with some other errand they have to do. Machines in some undetectable corner beeping in my ear for 5-8 hours. It's... taking all my energy.

       I would... find it quite the bonus to at least work near a window so I can see the daylight changing. Have fresh air, possibly.

        ...wait, is "grass greening" a discernible action? I feel that would be frightening, to hear a plant grow in real time.

    4. Duality


      Hey now, no need for aggressive stares. My job has only recently included supervising machines - the core of my job is hand-drilling those sweet sweet 5-meter holes. Shoving steel poles into the ground for 7 hours is more taxing on the muscles than a day working the pizza ovens, you surely can't deny.

      That said, the pizza job sounds orders of magnitude more psychologically exhausting. It's awfully hard to cope with the incessant stimulation and stress that any fast food job entails, and your fine self has a more sensitive mind than most. There are at least a dozen major mind-health horrors that I could name from your descriptions of your job alone - it's certainly not your fault that you've been feeling so horrible lately. It's especially unsettling to hear that you don't even work in view of daylight.

      You can't hear grass greening but you can smell it in the air. It's the opposite of what cut grass and salads smell like. :mustache:

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