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Status Replies posted by GrimGrimoire

  1. Rubber bands last longer when stored in a refrigerator.

  2. Rubber bands last longer when stored in a refrigerator.

    1. GrimGrimoire


      Probably a person really into rubber bands.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. And here we have stygiomedusa gigantea a deep deep sea jelly fish only seen 115 times



  4. And here we have stygiomedusa gigantea a deep deep sea jelly fish only seen 115 times



  5. Why are there ants in my bedroom? >:C

  6. I aways wanted to see what a country would look like if it wasnt controlled by thegoverment. But by privatized corporations.

    Would it have the interest of the people in mind, or would they exploit their citizens for every dollar they make?

    These are questions I want answers to.

    1. GrimGrimoire


      They would have no need to increase slave labor overseas. With no government to create laws around employment and fair treatment of employees, they could do it right here in the country with no need to explain themselves to anybody. Look up information about how factory workers and miners and the like were treated and lived in the US back in the early days of the industrial revolution. look at countries experiencing that growth for themselves. They are not doing 9-5 hours with steady insurance, I can tell you that.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. I aways wanted to see what a country would look like if it wasnt controlled by thegoverment. But by privatized corporations.

    Would it have the interest of the people in mind, or would they exploit their citizens for every dollar they make?

    These are questions I want answers to.

    1. GrimGrimoire


      As said above, that is already happening. The governments may be what people think of as in charge, but corporations very often rule them.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. spent an hour and a half writing. feels good to get it all out.

  9. I don't believe in hats. 

    1. GrimGrimoire


      I am glad I am not Quailman. Try explaining that outfit to the police when you are outside a school campus.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. just spilled my heart out. i needed that.

  11. I don't believe in hats. 

    1. GrimGrimoire


      That is OK, they don't believe in you either.


      Do you believe in capes?

      Capes are important so that you can tell anyone who sees you, you are most definitely not just running around in your underwear.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. had to listen to hip-hop all day at work, i swear every song was about stealing someone's girl and heartbreak and my god the beats were repetitive

  13. I am always watching. I always see what goes on here. Felt like saying that.


    1. GrimGrimoire


      None of us are around you, and we could all be ducks masquerading as humans online.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  14. I am always watching. I always see what goes on here. Felt like saying that.


  15. Some people just say something dumb, and then there are those others that like to make a cape out of dumb and wear it running around making whooshing noises.

    Worst superheroes ever.

  16. Barbara Millicent Roberts is literally the most successful woman in history. She has had more careers in the amount of time most of us will ever have studying for one.

    Either that or she just can't hold a damn job.

  17. Good morning my friends 

    1. GrimGrimoire


      No, it is morning. The "good" part is debatable. ^_^

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. Interestingly enough, noone seems to talk about the movie anymore :P

    1. GrimGrimoire


      Well, it is 8 months old, what did you expect?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Guys help, I'm actually interested in Transformers movie


  20. Good morning my friends 

  21. I got some awesome news.

  22. *intense fight*


    Enemies don't have hp implemented yet, because I ran out of free time. I'm going to work, this will have to wait. :dry:

    1. GrimGrimoire


      Toughest parasprite ever. If it multiples... Equestria is over.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. Woke up with a flat tire. Wah wah waaaah. Because of providence, my wife happens to have the morning off and was able to drop me and my daughter off. I still got to work before everyone else, although I'm going to get a parking ticket and will have to get the tire patched tonight. No biggie though. It all worked out 

    1. GrimGrimoire


      Sorry to hear you have had a rough morning. You can probably argue the ticket if you are inclined to. Or bribe them with doughnuts.


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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