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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Canteen_the_unstable

  1. As they got out and headed into the cottage Kriz looked at everyone "As stated pick a room and get ready for dinner. Remember we are a big dysfunctional family. Try not to draw attention to our little group." he began to undo his jacket buttons and loosened his tie up a bit "Let us say about an hour before we meet? Let you get a shower and dressed." with that he headed to a room and shut the door locking it behind him. Removing his suit jacket, he placed it on a coat hanger neatly. Undoing his shirt buttons along with his pants he set them along with his jacket. Heading to the shower if one were to spy on him they would notice scars along his back along with a large branding of a Zero in the center of his spine. Removing his gloves revealed another set of brandings there and scars along his hands. As he took his shower a black color began to run down his back as the dye in his hair was coming out. After his shower he began to get dressed, wearing a pair of light grey dress pants, a white dress shirt. Putting on a pair of gloves before tying up his shoes. Walking out to the living room he ran his hand through his now white hair, as well sporting a pair of rectangular framed glasses, brushing his hair to have it fall down around his head "Seeing we need to not draw attention to ourselves...I chose to wash that dye from my hair...and wear my glasses. Not many know I wear them."

    To all that has been very patient with me as I walk through the dark. Thank you have some cuteness









    1. TBD


      hope you're doing well! 

  3. Chuckling a bit he watched the others as he sat there, listening about the yacht party he nodded "Do what must be done. If need be have me go...at least I wouldnt stand out because...you know I am rich and famous." he teased before relaxing in his chair having it recline back a bit "Though that is as you said a few days so get what you will need and be discreet. If you need cash ask and I'll handle it." closing his eyes he sighed a bit "Now then we have a plan, we should get hotel and other accommodations out of the way Vehicles, locations mapped out, hotels.Also as I explained to Beez here the phones provided have a translator on it should you need it." looking at Robin he smiled some "Can you find a hotel near the business we are helping? As well one adjacent from where that lady disappeared at."
  4. Hey guys I am super sorry about the lack of posting from me. I have been going through an episode of depression and recently began physical therapy for an old shoulder injury. I will try to get one up by the weekend and if I do disappear again @TBD 🚬 Could just say kriz is doing a side thing so I dont hold this up
  5. Can someone else do a post? Been feeling a bit of writer's block.
  6. This is true I like the idea of it being an illusion used by someone to get on the inside of the group. That way if @Jedishy Is able to rejoin, can without issue or character death.
  7. Gone permanently. We can just say his illusion disappeared and poof gone
  8. Btw guys I dropped ball. Jedishy is unable to continue in rp and tbd is a bit sick. O3o
  9. Sitting there he watched the others as he began to stand, walking to the front of them before speaking in a clear voice "It is as he said, we are going to Italy to deal with a gang distributing a very dangerous drug. They are calling it Cocaine however it is far from that." taking out his cell he began to tap on it before displaying a picture. It was a woman who normally her quirk wasnt strong...fighting off a group of police officers before being taken down "This woman was arrested after tearing through a department store. Shops were left in shambles, however after she was finally in custody and the drugs wore off info was gathered." He looked at them smirking some "The reason I have some of this info is from the connections we have and a corporation that I am trying to merge with. The woman has no prior arrests, no prior fits of rage, and she had some of this drug on her person. "Cocaine" is what this group is selling the drug under..however from what I can tell at least it increases quirk powers ten fold. Whether this is from Japan being sold here in Italy or a new variation of what Japan has we are unsure. When we land we will split up right away." he then got a serious look in his eyes as he spoke "We are going to Italy to deal with this situation and learn what we can in the meantime, no one outside of the corporation Is aware we are on our way. Some of you are well known especially after the press conference the other day." "I would say keep a low profile however it will be hard for Beez and Draco to do such. However Robin and their Skill set should come in very useful. On a plus they are relatively unknown and should be able to blend and disappear in the city streets." sighing he put his phone away as he stretched a bit "We have a ways to go so relax until we land because the moment you step off this jet..you will be under scrutiny from Beez and myself. I had some tests for all of you lined up to see how well you did together together and if there were any weak links that needed to be severed. The only ones immune are of course the dear Dr. and Nanami the rest of you are now officially put on notice...welcome to your Training period." Before he moved again he looked at the old limping man "Now then onto more important matters...how did someone follow you all here let alone get onto the plane? Explain."
  10. Jailed for not kissing when offered a kiss when kisses are the best
  11. 76c151da1a2c500ce392af40b552422a--tails-doll-creepy-stuff.jpg.46924305969b95cd75673b47003d3641.jpg

    1. Canteen_the_unstable
    2. Tacodidra


      Whoa, that's creepy. :mlp_blink: Though the first one is cute in a weird way. :please:

  12. As he sat there looking through news articles on his cell, he heard Beez speak to the others who showed up finally. Looking up Krizalid stood looking over the group "Well I had plans for you all to see how you work together..however this takes priority." he sees the man limping onto the plane and tilted his head some "And we seem to have picked someone new up? We can discuss it on the way to Italy." he heard everything Beez said bringing people up to date "Yes, it is as he said we will be in teams. Not only do we need to figure out if this "Drug" is coming from Japan or if they are creating a new strain of this dangerous drug. We have seen in Japan how it increases a quirk's power ten fold." as the jet was about to take off he sat down thinking a bit "If worse comes to worse we MAY need to buy some of this drug off the street so we can inspect it. Once the mafia is found we need to keep them under watch carefully. Find out where they are keeping their labs, or even storage of the drug. As well we need to keep the police in on the details...show them that unlock in Japan where most heroes go out and keep the police in the dark. If we have any questions ask your team leader." sorry on post if it's weird or anything. Been in pain from muscle strain @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Goat-kun @Buck Testa @Jedishy @TBD 🚬
  13. One in the side story area then one in the normal o3o
  14. One team in side chat one team in normal and communicate One team in side chat one team in normal and communicate
  15. As Kriz got his text he smiled some "So it seems we are going to be busy." as he had plans to meet and get simple assignments out to see how each member functioned. This will work just as well, as he arrived at the private plane he got on as he looked at Beez "Ah good seems you got here before me. I have an idea of when we get to Italy. Maybe two teams." he thought a bit as he sat down in the seat next to Beez "A team to deal with these mafia and a team to study this drug they have." he leaned a bit in his seat before sighing "Not exactly what I had planned for this week however I am sure we will be just fine." Taking up his cell he checked it "Beez would you be willing to lead the team against the Mafia? I know it is short notice, however I am sure you can deal with it. If it can be done peacefully great...if not, I am afraid you will need to take them out." as he looked over the news stories from Italy news sources he tilted his head "I wonder if they got this from Japan...or made a brand of their own..we will need to know all we can...wait..can you Speak any Italian? If not there is a translator on your cell."
  16. Watched this love it. This and food wars are my two favorite anime

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