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Everything posted by CentipedeGhoul

  1. @Blitz Boom Starburst blinked once in confusion, and pointed to himself with a questioning gaze. No one so far in his entire life had ever greeted him so calmly and without prejudice towards him, that it felt weird when somepony actually did it. Usually he got a slap on the back, or a ...shove to the ground. "Good morning - I mean, good evening to you too, ma'am," Starburst greeted the blue-grey mare, and thankfully, in a respectful tone. "I was just here to deliver a box of pastries to someone in this inn."
  2. Holy shit, this is amazing! Thank you so very, very much!
  3. "...I feel like that's good advice, almost." He mouthed, sipping on another glass of orange juice. As he felt a nudge and heard Silvermoon whisper in his ear, "Hey, would you look at that, the kid has his eyes on a mare," he merely shook his head in silence. "That mare?" He asked, "No, she just resembles a changeling to me. I was just... surprised, that's all."
  4. @silvermoon15000 @Lil' Lovebug He stopped squinting as soon as the other mare noticed him, and deftly averted her gaze. Shit! He chastised himself, slowly turning his eyes away from her and trying to keep his focus on the two DJ's up on stage; his nerves wracked like hell. Did she see? I bet she did! He looked unnerved and troubled, and kept himself calm by remembering the breathing exercises Princess Celestia taught him way back when. I'm okay... He took a cautious glance back, I think. Mr. Silvermoon was sitting stock still, not even moving his lips or even a hint of any movement at all. How long did he need to digest what he had just blurted out?
  5. @Orange Sparks @Lil' Lovebug Starburst sat awkwardly beside a forlorn Mr. Silvermoon, who was -he guessed - digesting whatever Starburst had 'blurted out' in a frenzy. He swivelled in his chair, catching a glimpse of a mare either having a conversation or just plain old 'flirting' with what looked to be another mare. He downed his glass of orange juice, and squinted his eyes, focusing on the other mare. The light seemed to glint of her skin like it was almost a hard outer layer.
  6. @Pr0m4NV14 @Rapid Wind @Orange Sparks "What happened to... Cinnamon?" Starburst asked the both of them curiously, waving a hoof in front of his face. "Is he alright, did he hit his head or something?" He continued, catching himself momentarily and curtly apologizing.
  7. @Pr0m4NV14 @Rapid Wind @Orange Sparks He raised a brow at her accent. Was she somewhere around Appleloosa, or possibly the Emerald Isles? Regardless, a pony was still a pony, and he would be happy to help the both of them, with whatever problem this stallion was dealing with, and judging from his disheveled appearance; he guessed that they were dealing with a lot. ...disheveled appearance. As if Starburst's appearance wasn't disheveled. "Of course." He nodded and gestured for the three to follow him.
  8. He retreated his hoof quickly and answered, "Uh, no. You weren't exactly disturbing me." He took a glance at Ms. Bridge and sent a respectful nod her way, "I was just worried. I thought serious something must've happened."
  9. @Blitz Boom Thank god someone realized. My character is Starburst, a previous student of Princess Celestia's who lost his parents in a train accident and whose sister is stuck in a coma. He left his birth home in Manehattan for Ponyville at her request. He lives and works at the Sugarcube Corner, and spends the time he has not going around finishing errands strategizing, while also learning more about magic. Right then, seems only fair. -plops down on an armchair- I can wait.
  10. Starburst stopped his stroll for a minute, the clip clop of his hooves on the wooden bridge below him halting abruptly. He took a glance at the river slowly flowing in under it, the dragonflies that lightly skipped along the water and caused small ripples on it. The package he held over his back weighing almost like a feather. The sun shone down warmly on the small town of Ponyville, casting it in a bright yellow. He shook of all other thoughts in that moment and kept on walking, to a small inn, where as Pinkie had told him numerous times, was where a certain customer had placed an order for someone. @Blitz Boom@Lil' Lovebug
  11. @Pr0m4NV14 @Rapid Wind @Orange Sparks Starburst nearly leaped out of his skin at the sudden outburst a few paces away from him, darting back and forth to find the pony who sounded as if he or she was in pain. Or, maybe they were, he wouldn't know. He tracked the sound to an earth pony, who was also darting his head back and forth. Starburst walked up to the stallion, and tapped his shoulder as gently as he allowed himself to.
  12. "Well... that stallion just now mentioned 'retirement'." He started, unsure if he should continue. But the open gesture from Mr. Silvermoon led him to finish it anyways, "and I was wondering by... what he meant, that's all." "You don't have to answer it, if you don't feel like it. I just don't feel like prying into other people's business is well worth my time." He continued talking. "But now, every time I come here, I get flashbacks to when I lived in Manehattan with my parents, who've sadly passed on," What was he saying? Why was he spilling out his entire life to this one stranger from a bar? What was the point? He asked himself. He answered that readily with a question of his own. Why not? "And ever since they've passed on, and ever since my sister was stuck in a coma, and ever since I've fought with grit and nail to request Princess Celestia to teach me magic, and ever since I've searched for a spell to wake my sister up, and ever since I've left to live in my parent's apartment in Manehattan, I've felt lost. I'm drifting through an empty sea, on a leaking boat, and I've got no idea how to fix it!" He slammed the table with his free hoof, not sure if the orange juice was spiked, or if the orange juice being as it was, was getting to him.
  13. He nodded, feigning a grin at his offer, "Maybe, I'll see if I can." Starburst looked at the two with a curious gaze. Questions that he felt eager asking, felt dry on his tongue. He wouldn't want to pry into Mr. Silvermoon's own personal life, the stallion probably wouldn't even answer his own questions anyway!
  14. Starburst, the stallion, held up his glass of orange juice, "I think I'm fine for now." His mind questioned instantly some snippets of Bridge's conversation with Mr. Silvermoon. Retirement? Socializing for once? He shook his head as the two - what seemed to be - old friends started catching up.
  15. Who are these ponies? He asked himself quietly as he took notice of Pinkie divving up the brownies into six pieces and handing them on a plate. A yellow maned blue unicorn, a dark grey unicorn, and many more that seemed to be hidden under the extensive color palette that reminded him of a rainbow. It's not my place to comment. He answered his own question.
  16. He sighed before responding, "It's Starburst, not Sunburst, Mr - I mean, Silver. Moon." His tone turned almost robotic, almost as if he were reading from a script instead of just, well, talking. Socially awkward wasn't the worst of his problems. There were a whole lot that was wrong with him... "I usually strategize for fun." He blurted out, adding hastily after realizing how boring that made him sound, "but I occasionally study magic!"
  17. Done. Had a nap. Was over 2 hours. Didn't see notifications. Still sleepy.
  18. He remembered faintly that once, Pinkie's scrump-didily-tious brownies sent somepony to the hospital. The pony was fine however... mostly fine.
  19. Starburst was busy sweeping away dust in Sugarcube Corner, shuttling away what time he still had. The cacophony of pots and pans coming from the kitchen alarmed him, but not to the point where he would investigate what was occurring inside. It was probably just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. He let out a heaving sigh, and stared at the open calendar pinned to a wall. Nearly three weeks since he'd last took a job here at Sugarcube Corner. So long...
  20. "Uh, my name?" He sputtered out uneasily. "It's Starburst... Mr. Silvermoon." Great first impression, Starburst, real great! Pinkie would laugh hard at this, Rainbow would join with an even louder laugh! ...I feel sick to my stomach. He waited patiently for the other older stallion's response, who was busy formulating a response. Starburst kept on sipping his glass of orange juice, unnervingly quiet for the moment. This, out of everything else he could do - which wasn't much - was his best talent. Silently slipping into the shadows, being ignored and alone.
  21. He nearly jumped out his seat in horror at the fact that anyone would be willing to sit next to him, or even talk to him... other than Pinkie does to him on a regular basis. "Y-yeah," He answered out in a hushed tone. "I do know Pinkie." Starburst would rather not wield the 'I even work with her, and sleep in the same room as her.' card against him. What would be the point if he didn't believe him? The stallion probably wouldn't mind, and Starburst himself wouldn't mind as well.
  22. He headed over to he bar, feeling peckish for something light and not strong. Whiskey was overrated anyways. Orange juice was better than it. Taking a seat on one of the padded chairs, he said to the bartender, "A glass of orange juice, please." and promptly buried his head in his hooves. Better to just be a background object than to be a distraction for someone, or a nuisance. What was he even doing here? He himself didn't understand it at all. What was the point of him venturing to this establishment? He spotted a mare standing in front of two stallions, looking quite pretty. He noticed two DJ's over by the lights. Better to be an observer. It's better this way.
  23. A tan brown unicorn by the name of Starburst shook his messy raven black mane out of his eyes, stumbling forward from the wooden platforms of Ponyville Station onto the hard-packed dirt of the town proper. The train behind chugged on to its next destination, leaving behind a number of scattered passengers hooking up with friends and lifetime pals. The ride from Canterlot had been long and tense - the train had rocked from side to side along the tracks, and it felt as if at anytime, the train would topple over and he would join his parents in the great Unknown - but he had gone through it. It was sometime since he'd last been here in Ponyville - possibly a week or so spent in the castle of the Two Sisters. He started forward, ignorant of what was happening all around him.
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