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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Prometheus

  1. Tonight I tried an Italian beer for the first time, yes come on beer from Italy? Yes they exist, and ok it was not bad. I’m out with some friends, pony friends. Normally I hardly find time, but when friends want you out what can you say? 


  2. Goodnight.


    I’ll see you all tomorrow, hopefully.



  3. Well, I sit here on my sick bed, making a comeback to the forums.

    The only thing keeping me going in this time of sickness is one couple.



    Anyone know who these 2 are?

  4. Goodnight all.


    Take care and I might not be on for long in the morning.


    See you all whenever and be safe.

  5. Thanks for the follow!

  6. Thanks for the follow, mate.

  7. Thanks for the follow, mate.

  8. Thanks for the follow, mate.

  9. So, there's only a few things left to do in Kingdom Hearts 3.



    Complete every minigame and get a good score.

    The Flantastic Seven Challenges.

    Use a shotlock from the Keyblades I currently have.


    These three before the Keyblade Graveyard/final boss.


  10. Got my con-badge for BronyCon all sorted. Only two weeks to go! Hope to see some of you there. :yay:


  11. It's honestly amazing how much of a difference that lifting some weights while listening to some music makes to your mood. Before you start, you can feel lower than ground zero, but afterwards you feel like a titan ruling the earth! :sneer:

    Been refraining from doing heavy workouts since I got my tattoo done in order to let the healing process (which can take anywhere between a week or two) settle for a while. And god damn did I need this workout. :love:

    I strongly recommend it to any of you out there who are having a bad day, it does wonders for your overall mood. :yay:

    Furthermore on the subject of tattoos, I'm seriously considering getting a full sleeve on my left arm! I mean, of course I'm not gonna get a sleeve in one sitting, that'll probably set me back about 2 grand! :yeahno: It'll most likely be an accumulator that'll build up over time, y'know? 

    Anyway, how's the day been treating you lot? :mlp_smug:

  12. Good morning everyone! FINALLY Illinois bound! :yay: Wish us luck! 

  13. Happy Birthday (sorry I didn't say yesterday as I thought your birthday was in may)

  14. Happy b-day! :balloon:

  15. Happy happy birthday to you! Fluffy ponies and delicious cake all for you!



  16. Happy birthday! :love:

  17. Happy birthday, my friend! :pinkie: I hope your day is an awesome one! B)

  18. Just watched the Bronies documentary for the first time since it came out, and honestly, it made me appreciate the fandom even more. I'm a sucker for wholesome stuff like this, and it really made me feel that despite our numbers going down over the years, we're still a tight community that has left a mark on the internet that will probably last forever. And to think, all over a damn cartoon... Honestly, who could've seen this coming? :yay:

    I do regret that I wasn't in the fandom during its prime, but hey, at least I'll be here at the end. :)

    Also, the kid's dad just cracked me up every time he was on camera. Just look at his face, that's the face of a broken man. :laugh:

    Image result for brony documentary dad

  19. Just one week til the birthday of the greatest country in the world!!! :yay:B)


  20. I have a new member of my household now.....
    Id like for you to meet....me...:yay:


  21. Never. Drinking. Again. :scoots:

  22. I want to learn how to draw; any tips?

  23. I want to learn how to draw; any tips?

  24. I'm sorry, I wasn't a fan of your sequel.

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