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Nyactis Mewcis Catlum

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About Nyactis Mewcis Catlum

  • Birthday 1994-05-24

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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Rainbow Dash
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. Since DQ made a list of episodes hated, thought I'd do the same.

    I actually generally like even the episodes that a lot of people pan, so that's why you may not find Rainbow Falls here (lol). Like I admit they're bad, but they're a guilty pleasure for me for one reason or another. This just goes to episodes that I dislike enough that I don't want to watch again.

    S1: I don't really hate any of them in S1.
    S2: Dragon Quest (28PL ironically enough made me like MMDW more)
    S3: One Bad Apple 
    S4: Trade Ya! Simple Ways
    S5: Tanks for the Memories (I have a very complicated relationship with Amending Fences)
    S6: Newbie Dash 28 Pranks Later 
    S7: Fame & Misfortune 

    1. Shrug


      Looks more or less what my list would look like. Although a few of those would be under the “strongly dislike” category rather than hate category for me. Also TMMDW would make it on my most hated list. 

    2. Nyactis Mewcis Catlum

      Nyactis Mewcis Catlum

      Yeah, there are episodes that don't quite make the cut that I dislike just because I would willingly watch them again, I just don't like them (that includes MMDW, btw). An episode being left off of here doesn't necessarily mean I like it, but that there's something in the episode that would make me want to come back to it to watch it again.

      Technically 28PL has something like that but for the entirely wrong reason (I actually hate that episode so much that I find myself thinking about it a lot, it has a lot I like to talk about with it).

    3. ErasedIndex


      I'd have to rewatch the whole season to find my hated episodes.

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