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Kevin Tang

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About Kevin Tang

  • Birthday 2003-08-04

Contact Methods

  • Discord Username
    Kevin T.#8685
  • Twitter
  • deviantART
  • Steam ID

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Peaks of Peril, Equestria (but actually 🇮🇩)
  • Personal Motto
    Practice makes way for improvement
  • Interests
    Hobby : Online games especially Roblox, reading anything interesting, and drawing ponies!
    Passion : definitely something related to economics
    Interest : MLP fandom and the show ; economics

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Autumn Blaze
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Autumn Blaze
  • Best Episode
    Sounds of Silence
  • Best Song
    A Kirin Tale
  • Best Season

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Kirin (10/23)


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  1. I realized that you always post on my profile, and I never really do the same to you! :o 

    ...Time to change that! :mlp_icwudt: Bonjour monsieur! As-tu eu une bonne journée aujourd'hui? :fluttershy:

    Say, are there any other ways as to reach you? I've been feeling like this way isn't the most efficient way to chat... :please: But hey, if you don't, there's nothing wrong with that either, I just want to be able to talk to you, so if that means talking in status updates, it's perfectly fine by me. :kindness:

    Did you learn anything new today? Anything interesting that you learned about or discovered? :ooh: 

    I hope that you've been having a fantastic day so far, and hopefully, we can chat again soon! A tout à l'heure! :squee:

    1. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      That feeling when somebody actually did the same thing as I did to them. :bedeyes:

      Bonjour Monsieur! :fluttershy: Oui, je passe une bonne journée aujourd'hui. Merci beaucoup! :grin:


      I used Google translate for some of the sentences.

      I don't mix my other social medias with MLP related stuff so... I don't really know what to use. Status update is completely fine for now, but if you have any suggestion, please let me know! :please:

      Since highschool started, I have learned many new things. I don't even know where to start! Forces, vectors, movements, bacterias, viruses, chemical equations, the periodic table, matrix, logarithm, accounting, macro/micro economics and many more. I started to learn violin too. Also French which started on this semester. Overall, this new school year is filled with many new knowledges to learn. :)

      Merci! Bonne journée à l'école! À plus tard! :muffins:

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