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Kevin Tang

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About Kevin Tang

  • Birthday 2003-08-04

Contact Methods

  • Discord Username
    Kevin T.#8685
  • Twitter
  • deviantART
  • Steam ID

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Peaks of Peril, Equestria (but actually 🇮🇩)
  • Personal Motto
    Practice makes way for improvement
  • Interests
    Hobby : Online games especially Roblox, reading anything interesting, and drawing ponies!
    Passion : definitely something related to economics
    Interest : MLP fandom and the show ; economics

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Autumn Blaze
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Autumn Blaze
  • Best Episode
    Sounds of Silence
  • Best Song
    A Kirin Tale
  • Best Season

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Kirin (10/23)


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  1. Geez... LoE is boring and I barely see any other ponies there that isn't an NPC

    Is the game dead or what?

    1. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      Most ponies get on in the evenings because they are either in school or at work. Another time they get on is the weekends. Also, SCC (Sugar Cube Corner) is usually where you can find the most ponies if there are any online, that's the normal hang out spot - just check there, probably a few there now, but you have to check both rooms in SCC since one room normally has a lot more ponies than the other.

      I don't think the game is dead, but I don't really know how many people play it now.

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