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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. My Pinkie sense is tingling



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ice Princess Silky <3

      Ice Princess Silky <3

      I wonder if this is a premonition of sorts.

      WHAT are you up to, Pinkie?! :okiedokieloki:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      @Pinkie Pie@Ice Princess Silky <3 

      I accept this premonition with graham crackers on the side. :pinkiehappy:


    4. Pinkie Pie

      Pinkie Pie

      @Ice Princess Silky <3

      This is just my Pinkie sense telling me that things will start falling

    1. Rikifive
    2. Astralshy


      I'm jealous

      Riki has its own Ponkbot to clean his rooms :0

    3. Rikifive


      Why, of course I have :proud:

  2. Oh my Gosh

    Welcome! I'm so glad to see you here

    Here! Let me show you around! Here are so many great things

    to discover. For example all the mustaches I hid on admins profile



  3. Don't be shy best friend at your service You will be actually of great help! hihihihi
  4. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    what's up ?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      I thought you sprayed! :trixieshiftleft:/:raritywink:

    3. Ice Princess Silky <3

      Ice Princess Silky <3

      Oh my gosh!! I actually know what is going on and I am giggling XD 
      I am on board for this mischief!

    4. Pinkie Pie

      Pinkie Pie

      you do ?

      tell me! tell me!


  5. I approve on the shipping of @Ice Princess Silky <3 and @Luna the Great of all the Russias I'm also coming for my best ever friend @Cash In I will make you the best chocolate milk drink
    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      An invitation?!
      I don't know what it's for, and I don't care. When @Pinkie Pie invites you to something, you accept! :pinkiehappy:

    2. Pinkie Pie

      Pinkie Pie

      It's just about a special occasion which I plan for a

      common friend

      and I need some guests


  6. It's dangerous to go alone!

    Take this!


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ice Princess Silky <3

      Ice Princess Silky <3

      What is happening, even? ^_^

    3. Pinkie Pie

      Pinkie Pie

      Oh, just one small project of mine, which I call

      Fun for Cash

      and it's working wonderful so far

    4. Sparklefan1234



      I see you like playing for the fun after all :)


      @Pinkie Pie @Cash In @Ice Princess Silky <3 Tee hee. 




    You would ?!?!?!?!?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      I wish I had an Equestrian Bestie like, @Cash In and @Pinkie Pie have each other.

      Except (headcanon) @Rainbow Dash because all she does is insults me and calls me lame. :dry:


      At least when Trixie messes with me she winks so I know she's joking.😜

    3. Pinkie Pie

      Pinkie Pie


      Oh! I know the perfect pony to show this too ♥

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Pinkie Pie :grin: <--- ? 😁 :twismile: <---? 🥰

  8. Busted!

    I see chocolate and fun


    1. Cash In

      Cash In


    2. Sparklefan1234


      I like how the ponies visit Ebenezer @Cash In's profile in hopes that his heart will grow three sizes.:applehat:/:mlp_smug:

    3. Pinkie Pie

      Pinkie Pie



      @Cash In


       I'm waiting for the moment when you admit that you love chocolate and fun ♥



      It's experience and not just hope

      Wait and see :3






  9. As the race was going on, a certain pink earth pony with a poofy mane and tail was preparing up ahead. This mare in particular was the super duper party pony of Ponyville, Pinkie Pie. "Ooooh~! I'm super duper excited to give everypony some cake and participate in the race at the same time!" Pinkie exclaimed, continuously preparing cake batter and confection into a giant party cannon. "Just a bit of chocolate here, some edible confetti there. Just a little more and it'll be perfect!" Pinkie smiled as she added more and more to the cannon. The moment that she had heard about the Running of the Leaves, she knew she had to plan ahead. After receiving the list of who would be participating, the pink mare knew that she had to go bigger than any party she had ever planned before. "It's a good think I brought Big Bertha with me. Otherwise, I'd probably need more than one party cannon for the occasion. Although, that does sound like fun, but maybe I can plan for that for next year." Pinkie giggled, recalling the times that she had party cannons stashed around everywhere in Ponyville. In case of party cannon emergencies, of course. She even recalled the time that she had placed party cannons inside Twilight's castle. She didn't manage to find them all, but that's what added to the surprise of finding one. Besides being blasted with confetti and the surprise factor, of course. "Maybe I'll even add in those teeny tiny cannons just like when Twilight opened up the School of Friendship!" Pinkie grinned with a squee, feeling nostalgic as she baked. Once everything had come together, the mare rubbed her hooves together as she knew the time was upon her. "Okie Doki Artichoki! Now to lay and wait for everypony to make their presence and then the surprise can begin!" Pinkie whispered, hiding behind the trees so as not to be seen. Even Big Bertha was hidden without a trace, so that nobody, not even the racers or even Starlight and Trixie could see it. The idea was thought out by the planning committee and Pinkie was on board the moment she and the mention of cakes were brought on board. The plan was for Pinkie to jump out to surprise the racers, while launching a giant pile of cake batter for the racers to enjoy. At the same time, they would have to traverse a slippery sliding path to continue on with the race, or end up in a triple decker chocolate cake mess. She thought it was a win win as they get to party with cake and eat it too. For the moment, everything seemed quiet. The tension was very thick, you could almost slice it with a knife. Her focus was cut short as she heard what was the sound of rustling from the pathway that lead to the race. Thinking it was the racers, it was time for her to make her move. "SURPRISE!!!!!!" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping out as she pulled the string to launch the cake batter sky high. However, the presence of the rustling was nowhere to be seen as there was nobody on the pathway. "Huh. That's weird. I know for sure I heard something. I hope I didn't miss the timing." Pinkie started, before suddenly breaking out into shivering and shaking. This was her tried and true Pinkie Sense and from her numerous combos, anything could happen. This shivering and shaking, however, could only mean one thing and one thing only. Whatever was about to happen was going to be a doozy. Suddenly and without warning, the ground on the racetrack had begun to rumble and crack. Almost as if an earthquake and a stampede were taking place at the same time. "W-W-W-Whoa-oa-oa! T-Th-This is g-g-g-gonna be a b-b-b-big d-d-d-d-dooozyyyyyyyy!" Pinkie managed to say, before a good portion of the ground had given way into a sinkhole. The hole itself was a little deep, but it was still enough to climb out of. The rumbling itself had caused some of the leaves around the trees to give way and fall themselves. Effectively sending them into the sinkhole. The rumbling had soon stopped as soon as it had started and thus Pinkie's shaking and shivering had soon ceased. "Whew! Now that's what I call a doozy!" Pinkie started, before the massive amounts of cake batter had started plummeting towards her location. The batter itself had littered the ground before and after the sinkhole, while a good portion of it had landed within the sinkhole. Blending together evenly with the leaves, while some of the cake mix had landed on Pinkie. "I knew I was almost forgetting about something." Pinkie giggled, while using her tongue to lick the chocolate off of her with a hum. "Now that's the making of my best cake yet! I can't wait for everypony to enjoy it! Uh oh!" Her celebration was short lived as she had realized that the racers would soon be here. OOC: Welcome everyone to your first obstacle! The path has been flooded with chocolate cake batter and a sink hole that has opened up. To overcome this obstacle, you must roll a D20 to decide your fate! A roll of 10 or lower will result in a penally. A 25% decrease on your next roll when racing down the track! An 11 to a 16 will proceed as normal. If you manage to roll a 17 or higher, than a reward will be presented to you! A 50% increase on your next roll when racing down the track! The effect of your roll will go into effect once you get through this obstacle. Good luck to you all and may the roll be in your favor!
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