@Blitz Boom
Betsy simply does a curtsy, preferring to think on the information, and takes her leave. "Thank you for the service!" She adds a small smile to her sentence as she exits the building, walking calmly and efficiently towards her place of work and living place - the mansion she'd worked at for plenty of her life. She was sure she hadn't neglected anything.
She nods, smiling as she accepts the flask. "Thank you, sir!" She turned her back to the others, which was when she poured a bit of the powder into the stew. As she exited the building, she swished it about to dissolve the powder into the liquid.
Her intentions were not so innocent as they might have seemed.
Like previous occasions, she barges into Button's house. She joyously yells, "Hey! Got you some stew! I know you didn't ask, but...take it anyways!" She smiles, thrusting it into Storm's grip.
Storm smiles. "Thank you. Stare, meet Matrix Twang, a good friend of mine." She takes a long glug of the soup, watching the two meet one another. While she does, something feels...wrong inside. "now. UH..Stare...bandages are in the bathroom under the sink."
Something, she doesn't know what, causes her to gag violently for naught five seconds before going unconscious, spilling the stew to the ground.
Matrix realizes her dilemma. Stare is present which interrupts her plan. She decides to stop playing nice. She just stares, smiling at Storm, who isn't dead but immobile. "So. Your name's Stare...eh?" Her expression is still smiling, but almost...sinister. She doesn't directly admit to her actions...yet.