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Matrix Twang

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Everything posted by Matrix Twang

  1. 3/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXd2WxoOP5g One of my favourite songs...ever.tbh.
  2. The Plot (NOTE: Redo of an old RP that went nowhere) Food ran out a week ago. Water just ran out - the water covering the planet is gone; dried up. In desperation to keep the pony race alive, you make a rash decision - and sell your soul to Scorched Forest, the ruler of Tartarus. In other words, the devil She strikes a deal with you: complete the tasks she sets for you, she will keep you from malnourishment and dehydration deaths. One goal in particular she sets for you - kill Celestia and Luna. If you succeed, she has promised to revert the apocalyptic events that occurred a decade ago and restore the world to its former glory. If you fall out of line, you will either be severely punished (with debuffs) or eliminated entirely. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are two possible endings: 1. You complete the missions and restore peace. 2. The party dies in failure, and the planet as you knew it will never return to its glory. The Rules Inform us before you take a hiatus! Example: From June 9-16(or 18) I will be on vacation and a week or so hiatus. Only an example. This is a text-based RP. No complaining! If you fight with other members, I won't hesitate to kick you out. (Thus killing your character) Tying in with Rule 1, we won't pause the game for you. As for interacting with Scorched, it will mostly only be after task completion. All dice rolls are done by me. When they are necessary and I haven't seen that yet, PM me! Speaking of hiatus. If you badger someone to participate during a hiatus we were aware of, I WILL kick you out. As for post length...i have a lenient minimum of 3-5 sentences. This is a cross-website RP. So my friend from tumblr will give me their posts and I'll post them here! Have Fun! If you're beefing with others here, do let go of your argument ASAP. How To Enter! I will only accept 6-8 people. If you want in, please follow the below steps! 1. Comment on this post, linking your posted OC on this site and PM me. 2. If you post after i get 8 people, you ill beon a waiting lis 3. You will receive a message back telling you you're in! List of people currently registered: 1. @asksparklingcider (tumblr) - Lavender Spectrum 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  3. @Blitz Boom Matrix looked him over for a good moment. He didn't seem too bad of a threat. Rather, since he was an earth pony, it wouldn't be so hard to dismantle the situation. Stepping backwards a step, she focused, zoning in on the stallion. She cast a lullaby spell on the stallion. In success, which she felt was likely due to his species, he would plop asleep within a few simple seconds. If this happened, she would up and walk outside, a new idea in her mind. As she'd pass Stare, she would stop to speak. "I'm legally innocent. Think about it." She would step outside, shutting the door behind her, walking casually down the street, depositing the cup the stew was in inside a public trash can. She'd smile to herself, knowing her plan had worked and she couldn't be convicted of murder nor assault.
  4. Perfect Xmas song for kids!


  5. @Blitz Boom {MATRIX TWANG} Matrix wasn't about to just let this stallion barge in and take the body. No, she would step in front of him and levitate a nearby plate over. "Nope. Sorry. Please leave. Now." If either of them moved towards her, she would feel threatened and under attack, thusly reflexes would take over and she would smash the plate over their heads. As they would've been the instigator, she could plead self-defence and thus be acquitted of the assault charge. As for Button's situation? She was solid.The evidence was completely insufficient, and thusly she could not be convicted of the poisoning. It could be played off as a fainting spell from the self-injury, or various other natural causes. As well, she had only put a few sprinkles of the poison in her bottle - the rest was genuinely sugar. This would ensure she wasn't found with a bottle of poison on her person. It had been a poison that dissolves quickly, is untraceable, but works just ask well, meaning they couldn't prove she planted the poison in the stew to begin with. As of right now, she was completely innocent in the eyes of the law. She intended to keep it that way. She was sporting two pairs of tie-dye socks, thus her hoofprints were not left behind. "Well? You gonna go?"
  6. @Blitz Boom {BETSY VIOLET} Betsy simply does a curtsy, preferring to think on the information, and takes her leave. "Thank you for the service!" She adds a small smile to her sentence as she exits the building, walking calmly and efficiently towards her place of work and living place - the mansion she'd worked at for plenty of her life. She was sure she hadn't neglected anything. {MATRIX TWANG} She nods, smiling as she accepts the flask. "Thank you, sir!" She turned her back to the others, which was when she poured a bit of the powder into the stew. As she exited the building, she swished it about to dissolve the powder into the liquid. Her intentions were not so innocent as they might have seemed. Like previous occasions, she barges into Button's house. She joyously yells, "Hey! Got you some stew! I know you didn't ask, but...take it anyways!" She smiles, thrusting it into Storm's grip. {STORM BUTTON} Storm smiles. "Thank you. Stare, meet Matrix Twang, a good friend of mine." She takes a long glug of the soup, watching the two meet one another. While she does, something feels...wrong inside. "now. UH..Stare...bandages are in the bathroom under the sink." Something, she doesn't know what, causes her to gag violently for naught five seconds before going unconscious, spilling the stew to the ground. {MATRIX} Matrix realizes her dilemma. Stare is present which interrupts her plan. She decides to stop playing nice. She just stares, smiling at Storm, who isn't dead but immobile. "So. Your name's Stare...eh?" Her expression is still smiling, but almost...sinister. She doesn't directly admit to her actions...yet.
  7. @Blitz Boom {BETSY VIOLET} Betsy was confused. Suddenly, it seemed, everypony was telling her to stop working. With a confused shrug, she left the kitchen wordlessly. She only spoke when she was outside of the kitchen. "Thank you. Although, sir. You're the owner. I do question the no extra bits policy." She gives Straw an asking look. {MATRIX TWANG} Matrix gave Straw a smile. "Oh, it's fine. I don't care a whole lot. Here's your bits." She gives Straw three counterfeit bits. She was skilled in forgery, which was how she had gotten the spa's ownership transferred to her. Thus, it was definitely difficult to notice the difference. "May I take it to go? I am in a bit of a hurry. I need to go see my girl, Storm Button!" Just visible in her mane was a small bottle, which fell out. She hastily picked it up. "Sorry! I put sugar in my food for medical reasons. I'll put some in my stew when I'm home." [STORM BUTTON} Storm accepted the cloth, holding it to her head, rubbing it around to wash the wounded area. It now bled more due to the blunt trauma she gave herself. She wasn't surprised Stare had figured it out easily. "You're right, Stare. It has to do with my emotions...a different weather pattern for each emotion that affects roughly a third of Ponyville. So when I'm in pain like earlier, a hurricane spawns very close to me." She ponders the rest of what Stare said. "Let's see. My wallet contents. So my ID, money...yeah." She thought on the subject for a moment. "Can I meet this pony who can help beforehand?" as she poses the question, she rummages around a bit more to see if any other items are absent.
  8. Hel-lo! I'm starting an ask blog and was wondering if any-pony could make an avatar for me? :3 The request: Kerfuffle (colour version, from Rainbow Roadtrip). Dark gray background. Her eyes are narrow, hoof up to her mouth as if to laugh. (not narrow in a way that makes her look angry/insane, more of a sneaky/devious way). Thus, just a bust. Shading isn't necessary as this is a free request section of the forums! Thank you! (of course i WILL credit you on the "Credits" page! This is the free reqs forum, but it'd be downright evil and vile of me to NOT! )
  9. @Blitz Boom {MATRIX TWANG} Matrix made a low grumble. She reaches a hoof"That...was rather rude. Anyways. I'll take the ginger stew I suppose." she leans on the counter, waiting for the chef to serve her meal. The place didn't look like the Manehattan buildings she normally ate at. However, she wasn't that picky about the buildings. Matrix despised that sort of prissy attitude. The injuries were blatantly visible on the chef, but she didn't really care. It was his problem, also she didn't prefer to know somepony's gripes and troubles. From experience it often led to endless babbling on their end and boredom on hers. Thus, she never really spoke to ponies like the chef who looked like they had a long hell of a story to tell. {BETSY VIOLET} ...huh....Betsy depleted the rest of the stew left in her bowl. Standing up, she walked clmly over to the kitchen sink, and instinctively began to wash any and all dirty dishes and glasses that had been placed inside.It was a task drilled so deep into her subconscious she hardly noticed she did it anymore. It was such a subconscious act she'd near-forgotten where she was, but felt like the chef couldn't mind. It was work being done for free, after all. She hoped the owner wouldn't mind either. {STORM BUTTON} Button was, honestly, surprised they refused the pay. It simply hadn't occurred to her that they were just being nice. She had a new appreciation for the stallion - he'd rubbed her the wrong way in the restaurant. It occurred to her that maybe he was just annoying sometimes, not some self-important douche. She gave a smile. Then heard the question. "No. Stare, if you know what'd happen..." she sits up on her bed. "...I'd much rather smash my own head in than let THAT happen." She gave her best reassuring smile, holding the expression. The wound on her head bled a bit more due to the second injury. She wiped it from her head. "I'm fine, Stare. Just a bit of blood. Want me to make you anything to eat, since you're here and its getting later into the day?"
  10. @Blitz Boom {BETSY VIOLET} Betsy had a moment of shock. What sane pony would turn down extra money?! She took a bite. It tasted great to her, but that wasn't her comment. She said kind of indirectly, but obviously towards Chop, "thank you, sir...seems like a shark bite. Or some large marine creature, anyways." She continues eating her stew in silence. {STORM BUTTON} She woke up in her bed. This confused her, until she saw Stare and Alonsus near her bed. She sighed. "Sorry, go back. Don't waste work time because of me.." She rolls in her bed, head throbbing from the self-inflicted injury. It was worth it though - she'd lost control of her mind there. "You can take some bits from the jar for your time. Thanks for taking me here though." She gives a small, calm smile, trying to make them leave so she could sleep. {MATRIX TWANG} For the first time in a bit, Matrix strolled casually through the streets of Ponyville.It did nothing to impress her eyes in it's construction-filled state. Despite Manehattan having plenty of construction, she found it more appealing than here - especially once she noticed a random griffon helping out. Shaking her head, she sighed. Too many ponies up and about for her to do as she wished. Her stomach growled despite her obvious exasperation. I guess I have to eat somewhere...The first place she found was out of the way and off-putting to her. However, it was not filthy, which eased her tension. Giving yet another sigh, Matrix stepped inside Sloppy Joe's. What caught her eye instantly was a small bloodstain on the floor. She noticed the pony who seemed to be the chef also manned the register. "Hello! Um...what do you recommend? My first time eating here, so...yeah! Um...wow. Is business that slow? No other staff...must be hard.'" She gave him a smile.
  11. When they COMPLETELY DITCHED Silver Spoon! How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  12. Eh...I've never been, so no by default. TPAM's favourite artist does mumble crap
  13. ....that would be the vast majority of fads. Fads are kinda dumb. Have you ever heard a song by Boyinaband?
  14. 6.5/10 Very relevant song:
  15. @Blitz Boom {BETSY VIOLET} Betsy nodded. "Thank you, sir." She mumbled, rummaging to find three more bits and give them to Alonsus. "For the chef. For his trouble." She turned her attention to outside. Dammit. I don't have my umbrella. She very lightly cursed under her breath and held her gaze until her food would be delivered once more. {STORM BUTTON} After the tremor, Storm felt the pain. Her eyes went wide. "Yes. Thanks." She rapidly pressed the cloth on her head. Trying to come up with positive thoughts but failing, she looked around the building frantically until she remembered her purse. "Don't freak out. I'm doing this for safety..." Grabbing her purse by the handle, she swings it on her hoof, gathering speed. Of course, she had stepped backwards to avoid hurting Stare or Alonsus. Once she was satisfied with the speed, Storm brought the purse closer to her until it smacked her on the side of the head. The impact knocked her unconscious. Almost instantly, the rain ceased and the day's normal weather - sunny - returned.
  16. I have neither wings nor a horn, but I guess I can be of some help! Let's. Do. This.
  17. 7/10 (Thought I'd post this since it's a great song and Pride Month!)
  18. tfw you check your email after a few days...and see that someone in some city in freaking LAOS tried to hack your Google account! :mlp_okiedokieloki:

    (Note: All is good, Google auto-prevented the sign-in)

    1. CypherHoof


      I need to change from 2SA to 2FA at some point.

  19. When the way you remember what day it is is by remembering your RP partner who posts every 2nd day posts today.

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