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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Matrix Twang

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Everything posted by Matrix Twang

  1. 485695335_Smallbean.thumb.png.2b2104e873541213ec504a0c60dd2b7e.png

    Meet my new OC, Small Bean! She's six inches tall at 18 <3

  2. @Blitz Boom {BETSY VIOLET} Betsy simply did a curtsy and said, "Thank you, sir." before picking up the bowl and delivering it to a small table. "That's quite fine, I don't really care to talk too much myself. On that note, please don't speak to me further." She ate slowly, completely ignoring the fact Alonsus had pushed some bits back to her. It did not matter in her opinion nor her employer's - what was a few extra bits? She didn't care to let Alonsus finish his sentence, nor pay attention to the other mare. She knew Alonsus would just tell her the same thing she'd been told over and over again. Doing her best to ignore everypony, Betsy took her dress and draped it over her head to hide herself. {STORM BUTTON} Storm holds her head after crashing. Oww.... there was a clear lump and a small fracture from which blood leaked slowly, but that was the least of her concerns. She walks over to Stare. "Sorry...It took extra time. I tripped in a puddle of mud, as you can kind see, and i got robbed while I was away, not the best time. Here's the three bits though." The nerves came back. With said nerves came more tremors, knocking Betsy's stew to the ground. Calming herself, Storm relaxed and so did the tremors. Once again she held the bits out to Stare. The sun shone outside. Then a thought came into her mind that this would set her back on finding her sister, which caused a ping of sadness. This ping of sadness caused a small rainstorm to start out of nowhere.
  3. Banned because I ate 90% of daily values fat just in chocolate
  4. Matrix Twang

    request shop Bean Shop

    Bean Shop I'm opening a request shop! I do reference sheets in my "bean" style. I can do any colours, just tell me what you'd like. Request template: Colors(use coolors.co please! Allows you to make an image I can use) Styles(mane and tail) Species: Gender: Age: Weight: Height: Orientation: 2-4 Personality things: Examples Rules 1. I can only do so much at once. BE PATIENT. 2. FLAT COLOURS ONLY, unless you'd like a gradient. 3. ONLY PONIES. No non-ponies. (I can do Kirin though) 4. If you harrass me, I will block and report you, and delete your request. 5. PM me if you have questions. Enjoy! I look forward to making your references!
  5. @Blitz Boom {STORM BUTTON} Storm nodded, shooing off her embarassment. "Thanks..but I was going home anyways. I'll come back, as long as nothing happens, with the money." She waves to Stare and dashes off to her small, affordable house. It was nothing elaborate, just enough for a single mare to get by in. Setting her drink down on her small, wooden desk which doubled as a table for her, Storm went to her bedroom. The room was painted black and the windows covered for an easy sleep. The open window made it breezy. She checked her savings bank. Still not enough... She'd recently gotten word her younger sister had gone missing, and was saving up to pay a private detective to find her. She figured that in four months she'd be able to afford it almost exactly. She opened her wallet, only to find it devoid of anything. A thought occurred to her - she never opens her window. The ground shook again. She shook it off and begrudgingly took three bits from her savings. She ran back to the restaurant. It was mostly smooth, save for tripping into a puddle, and she dashed, crashing into the doors of the establishment. {BETSY VIOLET} Betsy nods. "Yes, please." Reaching into her satchel, she retrieved the coins and dropped them on the counter. She did not even notice she had overpayed, and kept staring. She had to wonder what happened for the chef to look the way he did. A thought came in to her mind - her employers wanted her to at least try communicating. So she asked of the chef, "Sir? Don't you find it overly tempting working with food? It's much healthier to only eat every few days...no? Don't you get tempted to eat what you make?"
  6. I don’t think so and I don’t hope so. lol. Wasn’t...good or popular enough.
  7. Woot 30 tumblr follows :O 

    Hey everypony! To celebrate hitting the 30-followers mark on tumblr, I’m holding a special raffle! To enter, simply comment or react(whichever you prefer) and I will enter you! I will accept up to…let’s say, 32 peeps?

    This is a Character Creation raffle. What does this mean?:

    -All for free, I will design a completely new OC for you! Tell me if there’s any specifics you want or if I should just go ballistic.

    -The package includes: A FULL OC Sheet, a reference sheet, and an art piece!

    -For the art piece, you can either describe something or let me handle the design! 

    -Completely free! No hidden fees or taxes! Lol my jokes are crap.

    Note: OC Sheet means written reference for personality, backstory, etc. Just FYI if you didn’t know.

  8. Will old characters be deleted when the update is done? I’ll just move mine into google docs for now if so.
  9. @Blitz Boom {STORM BUTTON} Storm panics. "...I screwed up and forgot my wallet at home. Should I...uh, work the debt off?" Nervous sweat began dripping down her head as many thoughts coursed through her mind. Suddenly, the the ground began vibrating in a small area. She thought happy things, and the rumbling stopped. "Sorry. That's...yeah. Or should I just go home and get my wallet? I'll pay double for the trouble, Stare..." She gives a shaky smile. {BETSY VIOLET} Betsy shakes her head. "I'll sit once I've got my meal, sir." She stepped to the side and waited, staring forwards blankly. She didn't let her thoughts flow as to attempt avoiding conversing with the clearly talkative stallion. Her stomach growled loudly. She blushed from embarassment. Realizing he'd probably look in her direction, she directed her gaze towards the kitchen and the busy chef.
  10. Hey! I've been having an issue. For RP prposes I need to edit my character, but there is no edit button. Is the site broken or am i doing a thing wrong?
  11. https://imgur.com/a/j57vs2f Hey! Her name is Sekkachi:) (NOTE: She's meant to be much chubbier than she is in the ref, nothing innapropriate though) Mind doing her, s'il vous plait? (Please?)
  12. Wait what. Weird Al is 58?! I thought he as like 35 lol.

    1. Patty Thundersnow

      Patty Thundersnow

      Yup. He's been in entertainment forever it feels.

    2. Matrix Twang

      Matrix Twang

      Can't believe I'd never have known if not for a random comment on a youtube music video.  lol. Love his music!

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Yeah, he's been in the entertainment industry for the last 35 years or so. Also he's actually 59. :twi: Looks a bit younger than 59 though. :blink:

  13. Blood tests today. Waste of time in my opinion....that's life tho lol

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Blood tests are a giant NOPE for me. :sealed:

  14. YES! Hell yes. I watch G3 as a kid, always watched that every year. I have the DVD! Ermegersh the nostalgia is real. Gotta watch that again this xmas, maybe w/ my little sisters To me it's a Christmas Classic.
  15. @Blitz Boom {STORM BUTTON} Storm smiled at Star, a mare she had seen multiple times during her deliveries to Sugarcube Corner. "Thanks, Stare. Have a good day!" Ignoring Alonsus completely despite the fact he was the one who finished her order, she smiles and turns to the maid. "Betsy, did yo stop eating again?" She sighs, giving a slight smile. "You-" Betsy interrupts her with a vacant, blank voice. "Excuse me, but I need to place my order." Despite the lack of emotion, there was a firmness and decisiveness to her voice. However, she kept composure and waited for the mare to move. {BETSY VIOLET} Sigh...it gets to me sometimes. Ponies keep trying to get me to eat more. It is simply a waste of time. It got to her, not in a self-hateful way but rather made her more negative towards others, which was not good for her reputation or career. {STORM BUTTON} Storm stared for a moment, then waved to the employees and walked outdoors, sipping her latte. Nopony really spoke to her, so she put on her pair of black headphone and listened to some music for relaxation as she strolled down. Suddenly, she had a horrid realization that she'd neglected to pay. Nearly spilling her latte, she dashed back. {BETSY VIOLET} "Hello, sir. I'd like to order the...ginger stew that mare mentioned." Betsy did a curtsy as she trotted forwards, not wanting to waste time. All she wanted was to eat fast, pay, and get back to her job. This was a waste of precious time. {STORM BUTTON} Storm stops before reaching the restaurant, realizing she'd left her wallet back at her home. Do I really want to go back in? it's only a few bits...She loitered around the entrance, debating the decision. Her panicked visage was in clear view of the employees.
  16. Could you do Sweet Scoop, who’s my mascot OC? My adorable ice cream shop owner who’s got a convoluted as all heck backstory and lineage. Lol. As for the pose: she’s leaning on a glass counter which is above a bunch of different ice cream flavours, happily licking an ice cream cone. As for the background: Behind the counter of an ice cream shop. Light blue wall, menu in white chalk on a blackboard. if it’s too complex I can easily erase some stuffs. Ty. Or I could give art in return if so?
  17. Banned because YouTube auto play is awful sometimes
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