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Flying Pencil

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Status Replies posted by Flying Pencil

  1. King of the ponies is the title given to one who obtains everything this world has to offer! You're talking about seeking the great treasure of wealth, fame and power... the treasure that you seek is the One Piece!


    (because she wears a one-piece jumper-shirt. Such a weird looking outfit)

  2. Thanks everyone for the compliment and hope, but i am still going to take a long break from this forum. I just need time and no, I am not suicidal. This may be my last post, but I don’t want everyone to worry about me. I’ll be fine, I also might be accepted into a community art college. So things may get better for me. Thank you everypony, again. I wish you all the best while I’m gone.

  3. It's almost New Year's Eve for me, just a few more hours! I don't have any big plans for it, but I do at least want to stay up past 12am for New Year's. Anyways, I hope everypony's day went well today!

    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      My day went well. Let’s hope 2023 is better

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. die-hard2-bruce-willis.gif


    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      Welcome to the party pal!

  5. *Me looks at date*

    24th...... Hmm.... Wait, it's Christmas Eve :rarityhat:

    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      Hope you have a merry Christmas. I still got to wait another day

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. Anyone watched Sonic Prime yet. I haven’t since I’m working on a some animations. Heard it’s good though and has Jacksepticeye in it.

  7. Happy Friyay before Christmas


    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      I wish everyone a merry Christmas and I got the day off

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. HwPlnPzJufQ 

    Im helping this guy out to become pony famous.

    He is one of my favorite active new pony content maker.

    And he sings good.

    Of course! He is filipino thats whyB)

  9. * Starlight was here *


    have a good day my friend :>

  10. Been a rainy day today. Thankfully it wasn't sleet like some weather apps were saying. Good thing there are video games to keep me busy when the weather is rain.

    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      Same here with the rain, but I just got out of school for Christmas break. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Just watched the newest episode of Helluva Boss. Seeing Stars. I loved it although I wish we could've seen more of Moxxie and Millie

  12. How's everypony doing today? :grin:

    For me, today was nice because I slept well and played some video games. Been working on Black Desert mostly since I've found lots of things to do in it and since a new update is going to be released tomorrow. :eager:

  13. Happy Birthday to me~

    ...So, who wants butterscotch caramel cake? :dash:

  14. ab2756c1745240670c4f4984995802992a3393a9
    Sometimes we all need a little boost of positivity.

    {Mental breakdowns due to irl situations are the worst}

    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      @Pandora I’m so happy to see you again. I hope everything is alright for you. *hug*

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. @Kn0xDaF0x

    I heard you want afox wizard concept right? sketch-1665109451712.thumb.jpg.269b398c5c799d73e5e2b0a82a84582c.jpg

    Meet light-paws 

  16. ...

    Well, I think Sonic might get dethroned for best theatrical video game adaptation. Unless you don't think it's fair to compare live action to full CGI.

    I was gonna share something else, maybe something about plumber issues I had today. But no. This. Gotta share this.

    Take care, my crowd. B)

    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      Looks like two old classic rivals are going to battle again. This time for the theaters 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. -

    Happy Birthday, my airborne friend!!! :mlp_yeehaa::balloon::blue_baloon:

  18. Happy birthday, my friend! I hope you enjoy your day! :yay:

    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      Thank you so much hug*

  19. :balloon:H a p p y   B i r t h d a y   :blue_baloon:

    I hope you have a great day :>

    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      Thank you so much *hug*

  20. Happy birthday, my friend! :pinkie: I hope your day is an awesome one! B)

  21. :blue_baloon: HappBirthdaFlyinPencil!:blue_baloon:
    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      Thank you so much *hug*

  22. Hello there, my crowd! Welcome to my Weekly Musings: Orange Edition. :mlp_icwudt:

    [I ❤ JAPAN] -- [I ❤ THE COLOR RED] -- [I ❤ CELESTIA]

    Police STOP - Emoticon Point Right Feel free to leave a video request. Your video will eventually be featured in a future Weekly Musings entry! Point Left STOP - Emoticon Police

    Is anyone else in the mood for those red-white-&-blue popsicles? 309445.gif Let's talk about the week we just finished, my crowd.

    sun.png.8ab21d7000bfb88f283da8c5e2f104cc.png Hmm... The biggest thing that happened to me this week... Well it's debatable, but if I'm focusing on something positive first, then I'll give it to my mother. I was able to help her find a TV for her room. :BrightMacContent:She had been needing one for a while, and I helped her find the perfect one for the perfect price, remote and all. I do enjoy being able to help and give back. I helped pay for the TV. I couldn't pay all $55 of it, but I could pay $12 of it, and she agreed that $43 is way more affordable. And considering how many Live TV channels that are available for free, it's practically a steal.

    twi.png.f9a8f7839a12a89136cd0641ade8efb0.png As for any major bad things, my Twitter was hacked for a short while. :yeahno: It seems it was just a bot. Thankfully, I was able to log on, change my name back, and switch passwords. However, I still feel strange about it. I've had accounts for MANY things, but Twitter seems to be the only one affected. Weirdest of all, it was only my main Twitter account, not my secondary. This bot was oddly selective.

    sun.png.8ab21d7000bfb88f283da8c5e2f104cc.png Then some other non-personal stuff happened. Coolio died. The spool of nylon string for my weed eater exploded; oops. A new Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie was announced. There's going to be a 3rd Deadpool movie. But other then that, it's been an average week. :proud:

    twi.png.f9a8f7839a12a89136cd0641ade8efb0.png Watching MLP Make Your Mark Chapter 2 is a mixed bag. There are moments where the characterization tanks and it almost feels like we're taking a step back in how these pony shows are written. However, they are going all-in with their connection to G5, the good episodes/moments are REALLY good, and the main series is slightly better than the TYT shorts. :huh: Wish I could say more then that, but that's where I'm at. We only got a partial season, so it's hard to judge based on that. As for my thoughts on individual episodes...

    • Episode 01: Hate the theme song. We achieved nothing except more build up, and the focus is all over the place. Hitch being upset by magic, and celebrating Sunny's birthday, makes me think this takes place before most of the TYT episodes, even though we need the first few to set up the Brighthouse and other details? I'm so confused. Hitch suddenly doesn't seem like a capable father figure, and this episode doesn't address it at all. Why is Opaline so mean to her hired help? The only interesting detail dropped was that a magical cloak was cast around Equestria.
    • Episode 02: This episode was so much better, you could easily skip episode 1 in favor of this. It's just so much more focused and does so much! It's good to see Sprout's sentence has been reduced to community service. Hitch might be infuriating, but this the same character flaw he had in the movie; he's so preoccupied with rules and immediate dangers that he sometimes fails to see the big picture of take a chance on the unknown. It doesn't come from a bad place, he is genuinely concerned about others, he just has backwards priorities. This is also the episode that gives us the return of Twilight Sparkle and some hints at the lore, a mystery tree that Sparky can magically connect with, and the advice Hitch needed to be a better dragon dad. (And yay! Tara Strong confirmed for Twilight Sparkle!)
    • Episode 03: Technically, it's a filler, but it's good kind of filler? If it wasn't for the side-story of Opaline plotting her misdeeds, this would be a great slice of life episode. Zipp and Pipp are at their best and at their worst. Their character flaws are on full display here. Zipp can be so rebellious that sometimes she forgets to be a good friend. Pipp can sometimes live in the moment so much that she forgets to see the bigger picture. I still agree that they should be focusing more on trying to make sense of Twilight's message, but the ending was so sweet, I'm just glad to see them reconnecting. And may I saw, I really want to hear more of Queen Haven's singing!
    • Episode 04: This episode was a little infuriating, and not in the good way. I am glad that Sunny's friends were there to pick her up when she was feeling down, but really it was the entire town that needed to be taught a lesson. I haven't felt this frustrated since the ending of Fame And Misfortune. Speaking of Sunny, I had no idea she had a habit of getting into "useless" causes? This is something that needs a bit more exploration. Lastly, I have no idea what the villain meant by "her kind" since most alicorns I know don't act like her. Not unless you count Sombra or Chrysalis.
    • Episode 05: Cutie mark switching episode? Been there, done that. This one is handled differently, though. Personalities got switched (mostly) instead of powers. Interesting how they didn't even fully explore the depths of what Sunny and Hitch do, yet still managed to learn to appreciate each other's roles regardless. For a moment, I thought Sparky's dragon magic would be used to fix things. How exactly did Zipp learn how to fix things without it? Not sure how I feel about “Flora Magic”. Seems kind of limiting. Also, DID THEY JUST CASUALLY MENTION THE TREE OF HARMONY & THE ELEMENTS?!
    • Episode 06: Not the first time we've seen a sleep-over episode, though Twilight might drive herself crazy with the way unicorn sleepovers have changed over the years. Seeing Misty fake sing? I haven't cringed like this since Spike tried to sing the Cloudsdale Anthem. How did they manage to redecorate Izzy's “room” that fast?! Still, there's only one thing that matters here, the lore dropping. I honestly like their explanation here better than the comics. Twilight wanting to defend Equestria from a villain makes WAY more sense than just sealing the magic away at the drop of hat without talking to her friends or anything first. Too bad Misty wasn't completely covert after all.
    • Episode 07: Well, I was kind of hoping that Opaline would get the lantern after all so that the story would push forward, but such did not happen. We didn't even have a liar-revealed moment with Misty. So unless you enjoy seeing Zipp doing her high-tech detective thing, this episode is pretty skippable. Also, Opaline is the worst, and Pipp's song in this was easily the best one in the MYM series so far. BTW, did anyone notice the animation error where Misty had a cutie mark? Unless she drew that on herself and I just somehow missed that detail.
    • Episode 08: I feel bad... I hate that Sparky was kidnapped, I feel bad for Misty being under Opaline's cruelty. Most of all, I feel bad that this is how Chapter 2 ends. Wish I had more thoughts to give, but I really don't. Also, I gotta admit, the song in this episode was even better than the one before it.

    sun.png.8ab21d7000bfb88f283da8c5e2f104cc.png NO GEATS OR DONBROTHERS THIS WEEK! osnb5Gt.png ypGkU4g.png I got busy doing a lot of other things on my computer, but I'll be back at it soon. Just needed a break.

    twi.png.f9a8f7839a12a89136cd0641ade8efb0.png MLP TYT 29: Continuity? What's that?! :scoots: So this episode is basically a bite-sized rehashing of the last episode of MYM Ch. 2. It comes complete with the first appearances of Sparky, Misty, and Opaline in this series. My only question is... When exactly is this series suppose to be taking place again? I thought I figured out the continuity, but now I have no idea. Maybe it's just this episode that takes place mid MYM; and maybe the same will be true for any future episodes. OR! Maybe none of this is canon at all, and I'm making a big deal over nothing. Still, if it is canon, then why did splitting up work better here than it did in MYM? Last of all, Misty is seen with her cutie mark, again. I am really beginning to think she drew that on herself, because it would be strange for the same animation error to happen in BOTH shows.

    sun.png.8ab21d7000bfb88f283da8c5e2f104cc.png MOVIE TIME! icon?1379626399 This time, I saw THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER. When did Thor become the master of the feel-good movie? I was amazed with the last one, did not expect this one to top it, but they found a way. This movie touches on things I've wondered about since I saw Marvel's concepts of gods. I won't go into it too deeply since it touches on religion and other subjects, but if you want to know my personal thoughts, contact me privately. Every character gets a happy ending after all, and you feel it here because there is a narrative about how there might not be an eternal paradise after it's all over. You get touches of other mythology. And best of all, the movie ends with a promise that I can't reveal. You'll just have to watch it for yourself. Also, we've got a new status quo for Thor. Things are really beginning to look up! Next time... Haven't decided yet! Feel free to make some suggestions!

    That's all for now, my crowd. B) Take care, and remember the simple fixes.

    Am I getting into DIY furniture videos? I'm getting into DIY furniture videos. When the reveal is this good, how can you not? This is "The MOST Paint I've Ever Seen on a Dresser... Furniture Restoration" by Modern Makeovers.


  23. Hi everypony, how are you all doing today? I'm doing ok, played a lot of Destiny 2 today so I had fun. 😀

    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      I’m doing fine. Just woke up. Hope you have a good day

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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