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Bright Honor

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Status Updates posted by Bright Honor

  1. night my friend.

    1. Radiance64


      Have a good night bro. ^_^

  2. I hope everyone is enjoying themselves.

  3. yo can i add you on skype? :3

    1. TheInsaneShane


      Oh shit!!!! Sorry! I'm really late! Yeah sure man!!! What's your Skype?!

    2. Bright Honor
  4. Anypony wanna chat?

    1. Delernil


      Sure. PM me if ya like.

  5. What game should I get when I probably get a PS4?

  6. I hope a Nintendo Direct comes soon. now isn't the time for secrecy Nintendo.

  7. If you are indeed the windbreaker, how many times do you fart per day?

    1. EcstaticWind


      Dude, that's not funny

  8. if every pork chop was perfect there'd never be any hot dogs.

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      If we never stopped fighting World War I there never would have been a World War II.

  9. Not to hate on Valve, but I think the Steam Machines are gonna blow up in their face.

  10. wanna pm? :)

    1. Envy


      If you want, but I might not be able to respond until tomorrow.

    2. Bright Honor
  11. Just watched the powerpuff girls special...Ms Sara Bellum got abs lol

  12. Yo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skye


      Rainbow Falls was pretty good. It's fine.

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      yeah and watching a ps4 and xbone vid.

    4. Skye
  13. Would you like my Nintendo Network ID?

  14. Wanna get bribed by microsoft? :P

  15. I can see far and wide, dat plot has no where to hide.

  16. Anyone wanna talk?...

  17. any PC gamers with skype or something? just want some advice.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deleteduser12304978


      Hmm, i dont have experience with laptops, always preferred Desktops.

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Yeah laptops are just more convenient for em though. :/

    4. deleteduser12304978


      \o/ sorry i cant help

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