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Bright Honor

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Status Updates posted by Bright Honor

  1. I cant get the "Bad Seed" song out of my head!

  2. Is it bad that I dont consider the Wonderbolts that...wonderful?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Just me I guess :/

    3. Lunatic


      just because spitfire is to awesome to help ponyville move the water doesnt mean she's lasy!

      and RD got her flank kicked way harder by the red dragon.

    4. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      I never said she was lazy. And its true that RD got her butt kicked, it actually helped since it got Fluttershy to stand up for her friends. Sorry its just...the wonderbolts really havent impressed me so far :/

  3. That was the best CMC episode ever.

  4. In season 3....Twilight will think magic is her ally, but she merely adopted the magic.....Trixie was born in it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      But eh it doesnt really matter who Trixie is, what matters is her plan.

    3. NavelColt


      I'm hoping she got her enhanced powers from Sombra, who either took her over or influenced her and gave her some of his power. His horn was intact when he blew up after all. No reason to not believe he might not be dead.

    4. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      True. Then afterwards, Trixie will show Twilight where she has made her home while preparing to bring magic....then Trixie will break her.

  5. Goodnight everypony :(

  6. Is it bad that sometimes I think the world would be better without me?..

  7. She's my Pinkie Pie! Whole lot of sugar what a sweet suprise!

  8. Next Saturday on the hub...Trixie will be Ponyville's reckoning.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. I want to go to history class again so I can watch The Pursuit of Happiness!

  11. Watched The Pursuit of Happiness today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      It wasnt all of it since it was during my 1 period history class, but so far so great :)

    3. Jack Durango

      Jack Durango

      I watched it on a road trip from a collection of DVDs I'd never seen before. To me, it demonstrates how perseverance and something in life worth living for give us the strength to carry on, despite the problems we face in such a competitive and capitalist society. It's a fair look at reality, I must say, and just an overall enjoyable film. It's cool that you get to watch it in History!

    4. Bright Honor
  12. Nintendo Wii U launches in North America today!

  13. I love Pinkie Pie!!!!

  14. going to bed early. Night everypony.

  15. Eyes got watery a bit earlier :(

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