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Bright Honor

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Status Updates posted by Bright Honor

  1. Wii U in one more month!

  2. All my Ask Threads die :(

    1. Mirad


      Here comes Gordon Freeman to help!

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      How will you help?

  3. Anyone want to give me a cookie?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      I got cake.....is that good enough?

    3. longgone


      hmmm....very well *gives giant cookie incrusted with chocolate chips and every edible substance that is held dear by mankind*

    4. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      *Eats cookie* Thank you very much!!

  4. So TF2 quitters are going to be punished from now on:http://kotaku.com/5952695/team-fortress-2-is-now-punishing-cowardly-quitters

  5. I guess there will be an iPad Mini coming out.

    1. Shiki


      So. An iPod.

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Apple does this every year.

  6. Honestly...I don't really play Call of Duty anymore :/

  7. I swing hammer and cut wood.

    1. Evilshy


      I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay.

  8. The Hulk has come to Equestria....

  9. Celestia should start an Avengers team.

    1. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      She could be like Nick Fury :3

    2. Dimitri Hammer
  10. Good day on the jobsite.

  11. Nickolodeon isn't what it used to be :/

    1. Nas


      I hope you didn't notice that just now, lol

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Seriosuly I missed the early 2000's. Spongebob, Oddparents, Jimmy Neutron, that was the bomb. Now we get stuff like Victorious...

    3. Nah


      For the last 10 years.

  12. I wish I had someone to RP with.

    1. Toothless the Night Fury

      Toothless the Night Fury

      That's what Roleplay World is for. =P Or, I'm also a pretty decent RPer myself, if you want a smaller scale. Send me a PM if you're interested.

  13. Honestly, I used to think no one liked me..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      I know the feeling. Bullies suck.

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Yeah I tended to geek out an such due to having Aspergers.

    4. Ron Jeremy
  14. A Spike Dragonzord? hmm...

  15. Coming up with more ideas for a MLP megazord

  16. I guess in Marvel Now! there is going to be a new Spider Man.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bright Honor
    3. Cranium Tyranus

      Cranium Tyranus

      Darker spider-man eh? Just let him have more personality then Toby McGuire.... Please Marvel...

    4. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Yeah and in that Peter aint spidey no more.

  17. May be Bane for this year's Nightmare Night.

  18. I wanna see a hoofwrestling match between Big Mac and Snowflake.

  19. Sweetie Belle is the Fillynator.

    1. termenchecks


      she's about to find out, that being a fillynator, is harder than it loooooks

    2. Bright Honor
  20. I had a song idea: BPBFF(Best Pony Best Friend Forever)

  21. I really like the Flash Thompson Venom

  22. Ugh if we don't get an airdate soon, I am gonna break somepony's back like it was a pack of uncooked spaghetti! Lol jk

    1. XrosOver


      dont worry...October is half way over!

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