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Everything posted by Zweiterversuch

  1. I love it! And I bet that wasn't a lantern at the end... and if that was...god help us.
  2. Hi. I'm known around these parts as Zweiterversuch (For Germans a common username in many forums. For people from other countries a real challenge when it comes to pronunciation.) I have been present in some sections of this forums: Octavia's hall, Sugarcube corner...etc. I've started silly topics like the one in which you create your own MLP related yu-gi-oh cards or the one in which I was looking for people to publish a comic among others. This time I've come here with something a little more serious in mind. I'm a native Spanish speaker but I can talk German, a little bit of Japanese and a little bit of English. To talk at least 6 or more different languages fluently has always been one of my goals in my life. Unfortunately and as anyone who has learned another language, it is way hard to learn a language when all you do is repeat something from a book and you don't really have anyone there to correct you in case you make a mistake. That's why I'm looking for someone who shares the same goal with me (or who for some reason must practice Spanish, German or Japanese) to do a language exchange. So that together we might improve our skills and be a step closer to our dreams. I'm looking for people who are, Italian, English, Japanese or German native speakers. (I'm also trying to learn French and Portuguese but right now I can't even talk trash in those languages.) For people who aren't familiar with Language exchanges, here a small description of how it goes: 1.)We agree to "meet" online once or twice a week using Skype (No video conversation, in case you want to keep your real identity unknown.) 1.1)In these "dates" we'd try to talk as much as possible or do an activity that requires us to talk with each other (What we talk about is not so important.) To give you an example I'll tell you what I've done so far in these language exchanges so that you might have an idea of what we could do: -Watch a movie online together. -Watch anime online together. -Draw something and give each other advice or talk about what happened in our lives. - Play an online game together. (Yu-gi-oh or something else. No mmorpg's though. I've a serious addiction to gaming and I'm currently trying to overcome it. I mean it. It can ruin your life if you are not careful. I'm not trying to say that gaming is bad, but everything in excess is bad.) - Check each other's homeworks (I kid you not. I've done this. I'm bad at math though. Not because I'm bad at it but because I don't know how to explain things in other languages.) We could also send each other letters ( be mail buddies) so that we can also practice the written word of the language we'd be trying to learn. (Only two letters per week tops. It has happened to me before that I was overwhelmed by twelve letters a week from a previous partner I had.) As a language exchange partner I could help you with your Spanish, be it its pronunciation or its grammar. I could talk with you in German or even Japanese so that you might practice. (I can't help you in the pronunciation and grammar of these languages since I'm not a native speaker.) Also I must be clear on some things: I'm a 23 years old male. My hobbies are drawing, cooking, watch anime and movies, video games (mostly of the play station 1, super nintendo, nintendo 64 and NES.), languages, mangas, animation and voice acting (my voice sucks though). Interested people don't have to tell me anything about themselves. I'm not looking for people of a certain gender either. I do prefer that the ones interested in the language exchange are older than 15. It isn't like I discriminate children or anything, but as I said before this is serious business. I really want to improve my skills. Well, thank you for reading through all of this. P.S: If you're really interested in knowing how good I am in each language, I guess I could put up some recording for you to hear. This is also 1 of my hobbies: No, it is not bobbing my head.
  3. I'm curious now. What does Rarity Lv10 look like? Does she look like Kuriboh level 10? Is she a twin headed beast like in Yu-gi-oh, or does she look like something else?
  4. Not yet. But practice and be prepared....be very prepared.
  5. Holy bananas! This is Monster reborn + Exodia + Torrential tribute on steroids! That card must be banished to the depths of mount doom in Mordor! It's too powerful!
  6. Mm...what about this then. Why don't we make cards like Discord and Nightmare moon ritual summon monsters. Fandom ponies like Dr whooves, derpy, Octavia and others normal monsters. Characters that have more than 3 lines in three diferent episodes can be effect monsters. I think that should do it.
  7. Well, the people I need now are not the same ones I needed before.I already have kotakotakota helping me with the story and maybe the art later. Mastercadence and Zhooves who will help me with the shading in the future. After we're done with the basic structure of the story, we'll work on the lines of each character.
  8. Wow...Rarity's grief is waaay overpowered. (That means it's a great card. Too great even.)
  9. You might be right. I might need someone who can help me with that. Do you know of anybody who's willing to help me in that area?
  10. Wow those are some really good cards. I made a few new ones:
  11. Lately I've found myself intrigued by this children's card game and I've also discovered that I truly enjoy to read the descriptions on the cards and I enjoy to build decks. Because of this I've decided to "create" a my little pony related deck. And for that I want your help. I'd love it if everyone in the forums made a card based on the show of MLP:FIM. The only rule is that you can't remake a card that already exists (unless some people consider it's overpowered). For instance, you can't create an Applejack card if there's already a card for that character. Now I've made some cards and I've given them effects based on this: I created those "factions" to raise the strategy factor a little and to make people think of giving the cards useful effects. If you want to do as you want though, you can. It's a free country, man. Well, those are the cards I've thought of so far. Go here if you want to create some cards: http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/
  12. Dudes! Ponies and drugs? Really? It's obvious! The mane six would be all like: ______________________________________________ Twilight: Dudes....I've spent most of my days...no, of my years reading books. and I've achieved so little. I didn't even know friendship could taste this good. Applejack: Yeah...I know what ya takin' bout. All I know is farming, bucking and apples...freaking bucking and apples... man, I should have been an astromare...a farming astromare...I'd be rich by now! Rarity: God, applejack could you please shut up for a moment, I can concentrate! Twi: Wow...where did that come from...you ok, rarity? Rarity: Yes...it's just that I can't grab my horn. Twi: What? Rartiy: I can't grab my horn! Twi:.....dude....you know, I never had that problem. Everyday I wake up and *pop* there it is. My horn. Right in the middle of my forehead. Rarity: Well, we mortals have problems grabbing our horns... Pinkie pie: Guys... Rarity: because we mortals have little tiny hooves to grab our horns.... Pinkie pie: I think I've a problem. Rarity: What is it, pinkie pie. Pinkie pie: I think I might be addicted to parties. Twilight: Wha? Pinkie pie: I'm a party addict If I don't get my shot the day I..I-I go insane! My hair even changes and puffs Do you remember... do you remember that time we went to canterlot and I sneezed and colorful paper came out of my nose? Twilight: Yeah. Applejack: I remember that too. Pinkie pie: I put it there...I intentionally put it there that way whenever I sneezed I'd remember partying. Twi: Dude... Applejack: Woah you have a nasty problem there little fella'. Rarity: Hey wait...where's rainbow dash. Applejack: She's been back there throwing Hadoukens and kamehamehas to the moon the whole time. Rainbow dash: Hadouken! Kamehamehameha! Rainbow dash-o ryu ken. Twi: Phhhhua...ha ha ha...what is she doing...everybody knows street fighter isn't real. Right Spike? Spike: Wh-what? Sorry I was paying attention to the movie. Twilight: What movie? Spike: The movie about pinkie pie's party problem. Twi: Spike... Spike: Yeah? Twi: She just told you that. Spike: Did she? Twi: Yeah...I heard it too. She just told that. Spike: Wow...what? _____________________________________ That's exactly what I think they'd do if they ever smoke marijuana.
  13. Dude, I was gone for a few days. I hope this thread isn't dead yet.I've been trying out that shading style and I've found out that I need somebody else who is in charge of coloring the backgrounds.These are the changes I've done in the first page of the comic. Also I haven't done anything in that regard because I've been working on the plot for the comic. (Believe me, it's awesome so far.) These are some sketches for a "OC" (It really isn't a OC since I took the idea from another member of this forum. But I loved his character so much I couldn't help myself.
  14. I agree with him. Your drawings aren't nooby at all. They are in their way to greatness!
  15. That's actually pretty good. I'm working right now with Kotakotakota and Master Cadence on the story. After that I'll start drawing and after some quality control I'll have the things ready do color (shade in this case). So you've lots and lots of time before you've any work. Check this image: I want something like that....
  16. Mmm...mmm.... I think you'll become one of the best if you keep practicing!
  17. I like the rhyme....and the drawnig.....and Zecora....I like them all!
  18. As I wrote above. I need editors (If possible 2 english native speakers. A boy and a girl.) I need someone who's really good at shading (it's going to be in black and white) I need People who's really good at writing stories to help me with the story and hardcore fans who can help me stay in character.
  19. I'm currently working on something else, this: That is only a sketch of the first page of the comic I'm planning to do. I need somebody in charge to color it and somebody who's willing to edit the lines. Also I need somebody I could talk to about the story so that I may improve it. I'll be calling my drawing teacher for some tips. Please post something here if you want to work with me or send me a PM. The feeling the comic will have is something like this:
  20. Wow. I'm sure it took you weeks to do that.
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