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Status Updates posted by PonyEcho

  1. yay more comics for me to read... but still no Aquaman #12 D:

    1. Ethan Pow
    2. PonyEcho


      don't shift your eyes at me, aquaman is awesome

  2. today is rely dragging, and i haven't set off to work yet

  3. yay, just got my hoofs on some rely awesome comic :D

  4. an pony wana play some halo reach, soulcalibur 5 with me later today? i'll even play some black ops

    1. GrooveBroove


      I would but I can't since im deployed. Im sure someone will take you up on your offer though!

  5. well time for work, ponies will have to wait

    1. Ethan Pow

      Ethan Pow

      for me at the moment... ponies is my work... in a matter of speaking.

    1. Ethan Pow

      Ethan Pow

      It makes sense now... where the rage came from..

    2. PonyEcho


      actually this was just the tipping point for todays rage there was allot more i wanted to rage about but when i first tried i got to the 3000 character make and my comp crashed so i stuch with the most recent one

  6. im just gona say this quick and move on with my life, if i see anyone here joke/ mock people because of a physical feature, you are pretty much scum to me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shiki


      I wish I could brohoof this.

    3. PonyEcho


      dont worry i'll like be making a rage thread in a minute if the c :( t in which this thread is based around carrys on, you can bro hoof that suger plum ..... i didnt intend that to sound the way it did awesome name sugarplum :D

    4. Zerul


      I see where you're coming from but why?Why let another persons opinion get to you?There's literally millions of people out there who will hate based on appearance alone.Why should I let someone so close minded and ignorant get to me? That's just how I see it though.


  7. must... resist ..making a ask thread.

    1. I used to be a stranger

      I used to be a stranger

      Fight it, Echo!

      Fight that black hole!

    2. Ethan Pow

      Ethan Pow

      Echo, I demand muffins.

    3. PonyEcho


      MUFFINS!!!, i only have Pies..... Pies for everyone *throws pies at ponies*... any who i'v found a good distraction in the form of the why all the hate for Celestia thread so no ask Echo thread... yet

  8. well venting isn't helping... i need to RAGE..

  9. :Face palm: i rely gat annoyed when my comments on youtube dont get approved just because its the opposite opinion to whats being said in the vid...

  10. Down with Alicorn OC's ;P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crispy


      Not to mention the world breaking they attempt to do.




      That's beyond annoying into the land of ridiculous.

    3. PonyEcho


      true especially for RP's the moment i see a Alicorn OC in a RP i start to witness it all got to G-Modding hell. but my issue is the mind behind the Alicorn OC, what mind set does said person have to have to think that he is so high and mighty to have a alicorn OC and continue to inflate there ego... my issue is kinda with the person and not the OC

    4. PonyEcho



      :D i think i know which RP you are talking about, i just like to see people try to justify it i.e. Alacorn rage from Alicorn Radio, were they tryed to say Alacorns arn't mary or gary sues but then went on about what great leader they are... that's when i stopped watching and got put off of future podcasts.

  11. yay finally got my Halo Reach and SoulCalibur 5 back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      Do i smell an Xbox player?

    3. PonyEcho


      yes you do.. im not to big on the PS3 (only liking demons soul's and uncharted) and i can afford to be a PC gamer

    4. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      I have a PS3 but it`s my bro`s. Not much into it either. GoW & Uncharted is garbage to me.

  12. well i feel some what anti-brony today so i don't think i'll be posting much

  13. hhmm i might actually consider per ordering CoD HomeFront 2

  14. O_O i will never google image back shots of ponies for reference EVER AGAIN!

    1. Mirad


      The Clopper pics finally hit you, didn't they?

    2. Neikos


      Uhm, if it was anything explicit just turn on safe search?

  15. :) its all ways nice when someone thanks you for at least trying.
    1. Twiliscael


      Nope, you gotta win or it's worth nothing.



    2. PonyEcho


      :D oh dashofrainbow. i should go into detail, i got a thank you message from crazy misty and some other banned bronies, for actualy caring when they got banned and tried hard to change it back and get them un-banned
  16. well i think its time to change my avatar again, maybe fancy pants this time

  17. ah its nice to randomly stumble across the vid that started it all for me :)

  18. my two hater friends just watch the season 2 finally... this isn't gonna end well for me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PonyEcho


      but still 'bro's before bronies'. i'll let them have there fun because i have ways of getting back at them :)

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      I think I can definitely identify with that. :)

    4. PonyEcho


      ok every dark and disgusting think they say from now on gets a pass from this line. "so yeah a evil woman pretending to be someone else to gain some kind of profit, while at the same time feeding off the males emotion turning then into a husk who worships them and ignores plea's that show the truth about them >_> (insert over controlling girlfriend/ bitch reference here)"

  19. hhmm just went from a 30 minute discussion about fighting games to a 1.5 hour discussion of DC vs Marvel to a 30 minutes discussion about MLP, i don't know how that happened

  20. not sure whether to re-watch young justice or something else that doesn't have ponys

    1. Skullbuster


      i watch old spiderman cartoons from time to time

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