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Status Updates posted by PonyEcho

  1. thats 3 happy bithday threads so far. I think the'll be 2 or 3 more by the days end

    1. Shiki


      Pft. This ain't even when all the active users are on. Wait until American schools all let out. There will be DOZENS.

    2. PonyEcho


      good point, i should change my wager

  2. how many happy birthday threads will there be today? place you bets here, all payment must be made in cupcake money

    1. PonyEcho


      i wager 5 cupcakes the there will be at least 5.

    2. Dusty Soul

      Dusty Soul

      I wager 6 that there will be 6


  3. i wonder how hard it is for the Wonderbolts to get there uniforms on? *starts drawing*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Iudex


      Can I seeeee?


      I just noticed how my avatar looks so much like yours.

    3. PonyEcho


      true :) what yours from? mines from a drawing i made that was a cross of Fluttershy and The Punisher ' the Ponisher/ Punishy'

    4. Iudex


      Ha! Punishy! My avatar is my OC. I sketched it out and then vectored it.

  4. i'm rely getting annoyed when people point out my grammar sucks

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PonyEcho


      i can't rely afford it and my computer is a hunk of junk so I make do with what i have. if i spot my errors I correct them and if i don't notice, it gets used against me.

    3. Nicolae Carpathia
    4. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      You don't need MS word for checking on spelling and grammar. OpenOffice, a free piece of software, does that, too, IIRC.

  5. i feel like i have completely forgotten how to draw

  6. must watch everything Batman.... then maybe some MLP

  7. is there some kind of hidden joke to troll leaving, or is it just people being annoying?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PonyEcho


      wouldn't people who wanted to know just check your profile and see it on you're status,

    3. Crispy
    4. Bronium


      That makes sense...why didn't I think of that? Huh.

  8. can someone help me think of ideas for the elements of Feld0

    1. Crispy


      One of them has to be dinner, just because of that fanfic Arylett wrote.

  9. i need a nice soft thread to snuggle into, any suggestions?

    1. Bronium


      Isn't the higher thread count the better?

    2. PonyEcho


      yeah, i was thinking the random chat thread but its dead atm

    3. kirbyboi


      Try some forum games! :) Their pretty fun.

  10. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  11. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  12. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  13. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  14. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  15. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  16. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  17. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  18. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  19. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  20. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  21. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  22. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  23. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

  24. i need i nice soft thread to snuggle into, ant suggestio

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