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Status Updates posted by PonyEcho

  1. off to the Movies, be back on later (unless my phone can get a good connection)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      Have fun with that. Doesn't seem very interesting.

    3. PonyEcho


      the film was alot of fun.

    4. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That's nice. Hope you enjoyed it.

  2. Oh my the internet has so much nerd rage over Spider-man.... this pleases me :3

  3. no pain medication.... today is gonna suck :'(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PonyEcho


      k, I have no choice but to take them so i can get though the day with out any agony, but every few day i have to go without taking it, so i don't become dependent on it after they fix me up.

    3. PonyEcho


      so today is one of those days.

    4. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      I have to suck up the pain. I'd rather have constant pain that take any prescription drugs though.


      I actually enjoy the pain....not that I'm a weird guy or anything....I've just learned to tolerate it so much that it pleases me.

  4. my back hurts :/

  5. damn it OCxManeSix shipfic's your ruining my day

  6. hmmm perhaps i should try and vector some of my drawings.

    1. Vicke


      Go for it. Start with the easy ones ;)

    2. PonyEcho


      yeah i'm trying to vector my Whirlwind but i suck at using incskape, i could do with finding a good tutorial

  7. today feels rely slow

    1. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      learn the pony dance


    2. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      or try my Feel Good Music 2 entry.

  8. okay that an hour of non stop comic reading.... :3 time for another hour

  9. just played the DMC demo :|

  10. D: wwwwhhhhhhhhyyyyyy!

  11. Opinions... now more annoying then GAK

  12. VickeXWhirlwind Shipping.... soon *maybe 10-14 minutes*

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Motion Spark
    3. PonyEcho


      ..............................O_O.............................. sure............................O_o............

    4. Vicke


      Good boy <3


      You are so extremely cute, its not even funny.

  13. hmm iv'e done quite alot of drawing today, and not a single Beast Spark

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vicke


      Awesome :D

      Urgh, yeah i know that feel <.<

    3. Vicke


      How's it going with that drawing :D?

    4. PonyEcho


      you have great timing :) *read next status*

  14. returns from the mood the a ton of notification :D i feel so loved

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PonyEcho


      yeah especially when it happen for fulse reasons and while you having a nice dream

    3. Vicke


      Well, i'm glad you are back.

    4. Vicke


      That pic you made was lovely by the way.

      Thanks a lot <3

  15. may leave the forums for a bit i need to calm down.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vicke


      I'll be worried about you, no matter what you say from now on.

      Just that, hamring yourself will never grant you anything but pain. You should know that.


      Can i have any examples of what have made you angry recently?

    3. PonyEcho


      thank Celestia it's new comics day today :P much better and now i have to document all of this.... D: bleh

    4. Vicke


      Yay :D

      Go read some Naruto.


      I'm glad your feeling OK. But i'm heading to bed.

      Good night <3

  16. Socks make everypony 100% sexier.... fact

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Fox


      I feel sexier when I put on my socks.

    3. Radiance64


      Poniez + socks = lolno

      SBB no likey.

    4. longgone


      Once again, Golden Age will only wear socks if it goes with a kilt and a feather bonnet!

    1. StingeMuffin


      Turning MLPforums gay for stallions, one plot shot at a time. XD

  17. i think its time i went to sleep...... drinks coffee

  18. Damiti in socks...... it shall be done >:)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      ow :( no plot shot? :<

    3. Riclo


      He's that vulnerable to just jokes that have to do with Fluttershy?


      Yes...good info.

    4. PonyEcho
  19. ok i have a new favorite banner :)

    1. PonyEcho


      true, but still an awesome banner that i get to see for the rest of the week

  20. hhmmm my GAK thread seem to be getting more attention then i thought it would :3

    1. ParsoOfEquestria


      What have you done?! :3

    2. Fubz


      Is there a roleplay thread on it yet? That would be crazee D: *hint hint*

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