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Status Updates posted by PonyEcho

  1. well I'm back from the gym...... flops on his bed x.x

    1. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      You work out? O.o

    2. PonyEcho
    3. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      I bet you got pecs and abs from it. ;P

  2. Combat Mode Engaged!

  3. I've spent 100 days on the forums *throws confetti*

  4. hmmm Spice and Wolf or School Rumble..... what to watch :/

    1. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      Or... You can watch Pinkie Pantsu

  5. Fried Squid :L

    1. Friendship_Cannon


      fried harmonic... wat?

    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Don't worry. Mr. Harmonic a cannibal. We can all eat squid.

    3. PonyEcho


      yay! but we can't eat Harmonic no matter how tasty she may be

  6. new avatar, yay

  7. Places a cupcake on the ground

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Leafeon


      Cos, cupcakes taste good. *noms*

    3. PonyEcho


      ok well you're free to go *lets Firebolt out of trap*. *grabs the bits of The Brony Code laying around and puts them in his pack*

    4. Leafeon
  8. Places trap and lays landmines around the trap too.

  9. Puts a cupcake down

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PonyEcho


      hmmmm I have an Idea..... brb need to to visit my local ACME store

    3. Leafeon
    4. Leafeon


      K. Bye echo! ^^

    1. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      can't see them

    2. PonyEcho


      I made changes to his back story and some other stuff..... also might change his mane abit

    3. Motion Spark
  10. I think fried squid may be my new fav food :L its so goooooood

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PonyEcho
    3. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      I think you ate her...

    4. PonyEcho


      I would never eat her....... no matter how delicious she is

  11. Damn. Squid tastes rely good

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PonyEcho


      HR.......I wonder what that Squid tastes like :L

    3. qqq


      Crushed dreams and children's tears.

    4. PonyEcho


      and Squid girls eaten..... om nom nom

  12. Can I borrow your visor please?

    1. The Soldier
    2. PonyEcho


      thank you :3 i was fiddling with my combat mode but the optical lasers wouldn't switch off.

  13. Combat mode : Activated:

  14. wow its taken over 2 years but I finally got my FullMetalAlchemist dvd's back

  15. Awkward and Weird status update

  16. Time to get this fan fic written! :D . 1 hour later :Fic abandoned:

  17. I'm out of bubble bath D: , well I guess all good things must come to an end

    1. King


      *cough* Dishwashing liquid *cough*

    2. PonyEcho


      It's not the same

  18. http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/page-6#entry1374745 / Plz bring medical equipment and some Otaku's to help prevent this thread from dying cold and alone
  19. damn, my shelf broke, anime, anime everywhere

    1. Shiki


      lel @ physical copies

    2. Lisa


      If mine broke, there would be a mixture of MLP, Powerpuff girls, Mah sketches, paintings and A few books.

    3. PonyEcho


      I have a separate shelf for that stuff aka my former anime shelf (still standing strong)


  20. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) ROAR!

  21. -_- I wish people would stop asking me "How are you feeling?" because I'm tired of saying "I'm fine"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Friendship_Cannon


      so, you feel bad because people think you are feeling bad and you can´t be honest because you would feel bad for people feeling bad for you?

    3. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      Maybe you should answer for him everytime someone asks,Key Gear..

    4. PonyEcho


      @FC why would I feel bad for them feeling bad if I already felt bad? I just give them what they want to here.

  22. would anybody like a heart, poor condition and comes with a locked cage (key not included)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PonyEcho


      why the hell would I want that, I want my heart as far away from me as possible.

    3. Friendship_Cannon


      if your heart is away from you, how are you supposed to ever be happy?

    4. PonyEcho


      simple, I don't want happiness and i don't want to care anymore

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