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Status Updates posted by PonyEcho

  1. Offer your light bulbs to me! And aid in the fight for a brighter tomorrow.

  2. 50% CAPS Status

  3. Sometimes I think I should wither and die for everyones benefit

  4. ;A; Just reflected on all of my passed relationships.

    1. Crispy


      Rarely a good idea.

    2. PonyEcho


      yeah, I think the ones were I've been dumped for being "too good" hurt the most.

  5. just told my niece that EqG won't be out in the UK. she's so mad right now.

  6. just told my niece that EqG won't be out in the UK. she's so mad right.

  7. I don't know whats more annoying. People ranting about EqG, or people ranting about people ranting. Oh wait its the second one

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      I don't even remember I commented in this status update. D:

    3. Friendship_Cannon


      it´s a strange world we live in :V

    4. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      But... What about those who death threatened the company?

  8. Anypony here play EVE online?

    1. ProjectRKA


      I tried it... and I actually liked it. But it's not worth paying monthly, in my opinion.

    2. PonyEcho


      yeah, that's why I like the fact that it can be free to play one you get good at making ISK

  9. Can people quit saying that the mane 6 are being sexualized in EqG before I have to slap them to oblivion with all the mane 6 humanized fan art people have made.

    1. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      ...Are they serious?

    2. D1SC0RD


      I've seen that too. I mean come on... the EqG are children-esque. If people think they turned sexually appealing... maybe people need to reflect internally before they point fingers at others.

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Man these guys are looking for any reason to hate it. It's pathetic, opinion or not.

  10. Can the people quit saying that the mane 6 are being sexualized in EqG before I slap you to oblivion with all the mane 6 humanized fan art people have made.

  11. Woohoo! A Celestia banner \o/

  12. :'( my body hurts all over

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      I hate it when it hurts to move. It almost feels like your body is holding you hostage, doesn't it?

    3. PonyEcho


      yep,I have this cream for sore muscles but I can't rub it over my body.

    4. Yamato


      I know that feel, bro. I'm feeling the same way right now.

  13. I feel like the hospital took all of my blood.

  14. Back from the hospital, yay

  15. OK that's my heart back in its cage, time to move on with my life.

  16. EVEs almost finished downloading..... woot

  17. -_- These EqG hissy fits have officially become tiresome.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PonyEcho


      I'm usually find it fun and watch from the bleachers. but I'm just tired of this constant screeching from both sides to the point I want to scream.

    3. be my waifu

      be my waifu

      I doesn't particularly affect me in any way, so I'm still up here on the bleachers.


      /mlp/ on the night the trailer was revealed was one of the funniest things I've seen in ages.

    4. PonyEcho


      /mlp/ yeah I still have fun watching the chaos... MLP forums, feels like both sides are running there nails on a chalk board trying to be louder then the other side


    1. Jokuc



  19. Ok time to create Dimitri's beard *calls forth the power of Odin, God of Beards :3*

  20. Lesson learnt, never play LoL with a headache

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PonyEcho


      well... worse then LoL players. My times on Dota 2 were unpleasant

    3. Soundgarden


      I understand that. There are plenty of bad russian players on Dota2....


      But Valve have fixed the matchmaking, so nowadays, you'll most likely be teamed up with good players and people who can actually speak English -_-

    4. PonyEcho


      I may go back and play Dota 2 but I prefer LoL atm

  21. Ah.... so this is what happens when you cram too much anime in a single day...... X.X

  22. Well the day is over and only 3 people wished me a happy birthday -_-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chigens and Kay
    3. PonyEcho
    4. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      Damn. In the site is bad enough... But in your life? Dang...



  23. Well I'm off to drink myself into an even deeper depression..... maybe I'll get lucky and get ran over and killed

    1. Vicke


      Why depressed?

    2. PonyEcho


      well I'm not as depressed now but no one said Happy Birthday to me for a very large part of the day. It can rely make you feel dead and empty inside

    3. Vicke


      Well, that sucks :/

  24. I've just discovered what Damitri would look like with out the magnificent beard...... @.@

    1. MelancholicMemory


      That is knowledge that man/ponykind was never meant to have.

    2. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      He'd look like Lenin... Without a beard

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