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Everything posted by Unexard

  1. Googled mlp forums, got on a forum not as good as this one, left that forum, googled again and there I'm ^^
  2. Hello, I play LoL too and I'm looking for some teamates that don't rage 24/7 when I play with them. I have more than 1050 wins in normal and have a bit less than 1300 ELO, I'm specialised in AD carry and ap mid but I can do whatever the team wants if necessary. I'm on EU west btw ^^ Had me if you want, it's "Unexard" in the game Oh and why the hate for Kassadin D: He was my main but everyone ban him, leave that poor boy alone! And morganna too D:
  3. I usually ragequit from obscure game like game in japanese where you screw everything up by not knowing what you are doing at all. I erased a minecraft world once after a ZOMBIE pushed me in lava while I had 145 diamonds on me... 145! GOD DAMNIT! And I ragequited "Slender" after almost completing a perfect "first time ever" run of it and having 7 pages, I realize that the last one is in the showers with all the corridors in it. I turn around a corner, see the last page! And slendy right in front of it T_T But I never really ragequit a game, it's usually my friends who throws the controller on the ground when I beat them at blazblue/SF4/SCV/Tekken ^^
  4. I'm both. It's a bit complicated, when I have a LOT of money, I try to save it for later, thinking of what I can do with it and if it's the right thing to do. But since I'm a generous person, I always spend it all on inviting my friends to dinner or giving it to the homeless people I encounter in the streets Money doesn't really interest me so might as well use it for others ^^
  5. Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everypony ^^ Unexard here! Let's get started shall we? So, I'm a brony since... hum... almost a year now and I finally decided to join a forum about FiM to see what the others bronies are up to . I joined the forum Friendship is Magic but huuuu... Let's say they weren't very nice to each other and the atmosphere was some kind of toxic so I left... What more can I say... Huuuuuu... Best pony is... everyone of them ^^ But I must admit that Scootaloo and Discord are my favorites I live in Belgium and I'm eager to meet other bronies in my country (or not too far from it). I like reading, writing, playing video games, debating, and a lot of other stuff not really possible to do on a forum XD My OC is simply named Unexard, he is a completely white pony (eyes and mane too) and has a full moon with a ruby, a saphire, an emerald and an amethyste on top of it for cutie mark. And that's it, hope to meet a lot of cool people in here
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