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Everything posted by Alleviate

  1. Infected Mushroom is weeeeeeiiiiirrrd...But good.

  2. I know I can't wait for this new series. It seems so...Original...And....Spaghetti...This sounds like 4chan...
  3. *Beep* Sorry, the person you are trying to reach is experiencing too large an amount of win, please call back later *Beep*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      What!?!?!?!?!!? LUCKY!!!!! :c

    3. Alleviate


      Best morning walk EVARR! I feel I need to explain a lot to her now though. What she is, how she got there, etc..It's gonna be tough, but there's three of us now ^-^

      Anyhow, I'm off for now. See ya'

    4. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Mad jelly, gonna try this with the story! Good luck

  4. Right then, wow.....I....Just wow. yesterday, after reading that it was probably only Bris' mind that could create Tulpae from fictions without conscious effort. I thought, "Hey, I'll be fine, no problem, there's no chance it'll happen to me. NO chance, I'm FAR too scatterbrained for that." I read My little Dashie last night, 'cos one of my mates told me to. I did shed a tear, and was feeling kinda choked up at the end...It's sad, 'kay? Anyway, this morning, while out walking mah dog, I start chatting to Jess...Feel for her. Boom. Two presences. One: Jess. Two: Li'l Dashie. So yeah, that kinda made my day. She hasn't spoken yet, but I'm guessing that that's because if my mind based her off of the fic, then I'll need to teach her somewhat... Anyway, basically, just remember to watch how you read. Swiftablade signing-off Yup. EDIT: Dashie spoke last night, while out on the night time walk, she asked something (I can't quite remember her first words....I'm terrible.) along the lines of: 'Who am I?' I of course explained all that I could, how she's not THAT Dashie, she's herself, etc. so, 'accidental' (I hate that term...Makes me feel like we're calling them a mistake or something...) Tulpae speak a LOT sooner than built ones. Oh yeah, she learnt to walk this morning, I was about to get to teaching her, I had no idea how, then she said "I've done it! Look!" And I was blown away... She called me dad yesterday...........D'awwwwwwww Anyway, now I've been able to keep my concentration on both of them easier now! It's 'most excellent' as Bill & Ted would say. Been chatting all morn.
  5. GodDAMNIT! Seriously?! What the heck is up with me?! EVERYTHING I write goes dark...This is bloody bastardized!...

  6. Rubiks cubes are.........Well. I've never completed one, that's how hard I find them, and I've pent ages on them! Yeah, I'm guessing I'm kinda useless at them, seein' as how everyone else has finished them...Ah well, I'll finish one one day...And it'll be a cause for celebration. (like, worldwide-stop-war-stop-EVERYTHING Celebration.)
  7. Feeling crappy, had a crappy day, but at least school's off for a week, huh?

  8. Hiya! Yup, Jess....I think she owns me....Hmmm...Damn...Something's gone wrong somewhere...Meh... Anyway, I'll second her: Hiya from me too!..Uh...Have fun?... Screw it, I can't think of anything else to say...I'm mainly posting 'cos of a certain pony *Looks over at Jess who coincidentally starts whistling* Don't know what you're talking about Yeah, uh, a question occurred actually... We know that Tulpa can be brought into dreams, right? So, I'm asking: Can they control the dream? I might have missed something somewhere about this, but I'm pretty sure it hasn't been asked/answered before..
  9. And I'm finally back in the groove, so why not just make a li'l chill beat to serenade my writings?

  10. And the most useful thing here: Yay! Strait-jackets! *Facepalm* I love the helpfulness sometimes......One day I'll explain that asylums and stuff, no matter how cool Disturbed make them look, aren't usually a good sign...I mean, yeah, sure, fine an' all...Not so good in Silent Hill, Meh, I'm rambling. Stuff. Anyone else have to do school stuff with a pony around? Like, in the classroom, doing stuff, and then: pony. Just...Pony. A little distracting, no? Amusing, aye, but probably not the greatest thing to happen in the middle of a prep lesson for (yet another) English exam...So, any ideas on how to divide my concentration a little better? Also, Tulpony + Swim Training = ...She's just mocking me now... Marching up and down poolside, just watching, sometimes keeping time with me, while I'm sweatin' it...Actually.... Mwahhahahaaa *Mischevious thoughts* Depending on the set tonight...Say, can ponies swim? ^-^
  11. As said- The update is complete! Finally! It took a fair while, and is a bit on the short side, but now my field is set, and I'm back in the flow after dealing with several problems, both Fic-related, and personal. the next chapter will be longer and will be out a little faster than this one. Suggestions ARE taken into consideration, so, y'know, leave 'em if you have 'em. Let's see what happens next.. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/69853/the-adventures-of-two-best-friends
  12. Weekends are for screwing around on CoD5 on mah PS3, Let's do this! Rank 15 afore lunchtime. Yes.

    1. Jokuc


      I feel nerdy, I went from prestige 5 to prestige 7 in two days on bo2

    2. Alleviate


      ...................Bloody hell.....2 prestiges in such a short time...Wow.....That's damn impressive..

  13. ....Visualization...Mah mind is useless at some things...I mean, normal visuals are fine ...Yes. Seriously? Russian Pinkie? Yes. Meh, okie. Anyway, back to the visuals thingy. They're Okay. Yeah, but, whenever I get to a properly decent 1st person view in whatever-the-heck-it-was-that-we-can-call-a-wonderland, my eyes hurt a bit, and it becomes REALLY difficult for me to hold it. Especially noticeable when using a rifle...(There was some bad stuff, okie?...I mean, I ended up going prophet on their asses, but still, using a rifle would've been easier than a sword and some OPness.) Aiming down the sights...Ow. And it becomes so hard to keep still..... I'm sure that if we can break through this visuals problem, we'll be able to solid up Jesseh easily. Something tells me that... Colour? *sighs* Fine.. Any ideas on how to get through this li'l problem? Anyone?.. Woo...............Homework time.....At least it's DT:RM...Meh.......Aufwiedersehn Fur Jetzt.
  14. Oh, the pressures...Oh, I feel empowered to spit my bit on this now. Well, a long while back, I would've laughed at the idea of 'ponies? Sexy? Excuse me for second :RainbowDashcollapse-laughing: Nah, I've changed since I've actually known a bro that does find them sexually attractive, I first realized: I just didn't care that people found them however they did, secondly, and I'm loathe to admit it...But, as we're all so chill with stuff around here, I will, ...Banned from Equestria (daily) Is sexy. Yes. I said it. Sorry, but that's just me. I wouldn't usually go looking for R34 of these innocent and cute ponies, but if it pops up, I won't avoid it massively. Every man to himself, etc.
  15. Disturbed...Is...AWESOME! Asylum was definetely the best album (and song) Then Ten Thousand Fists. Then follows Indestructible, then the others...I have all of the albums, Another way to die is a good song...land of confusion too..Rawr..there's just too many brilliant tracks.. Best tracks IMO: 1. Asylum. 2. 10,000 fists. 3. Indestructible. 4. Land of confusion. 5. The Night. 6. Haunted. 7. The Game 8. Inside the fire. 9. Perfect Insanity. Boom.
  16. Talli'! Woo! Some serious \M/ here then. Yup, gotta live Metallica, Metallica Reloaded are a brilliant Tribute band by the way.. Master of Puppets, Fuel, Enter Sandman, another one I can't think of right now...Yup..All brilliant. Metallica are just brilliant. I gotta say though, I felt St. Anger and Death Magnetic to be a little...lacking...Yeah...It's prolly just me.. I need to get back to my Metallica actually..I've gone to a load of Power metal recently, Time for the good ol' stuff ^-^
  17. One: You sly (unintelligibleness) Meh. Nice title there dude. Seriously, first I thought it was genuine, then I thought about it a little more and just wanted to see what it was about. Two: I bet this is one of the most popular welcome board posts ever...Kudos. Well, I've said stuff, now, welcome to the forums, they ARE nicer than most. Have fun. Heh, one brilliant thing about this place (one of many ^-^) You can ask anyone about anything you don't understand etc. So useful... Have fun, oh, also, Yup that's good enough.
  18. Any CoD5 PS3 players out there?...Like, NOT hackers...

  19. Coffee= 2nd day revival OR Cold, wet, dark, morning, on the way to school, up early for whatever reason, nip into coffee#1 and grab a nice Americano....Or anything strong enough. Iced coffee is like coffee....With ICE! It's a strange, yet epic combo... (Frappes Are still best, expecially Espresso ones...And chocolate......Nomnomnomnomnom....)
  20. ...Don't hex it! By saying that, I now know that, at some point, we will have that tech...And...It's gonna be scary...Like heck! Awesome, weird, mad, scary, awesome, really odd....... Think: 4Chan, but real. 0_o Actually don't think of that......sorry...You're gonna think of that now...Damn...I'm going to shut up now... "Don't shut up." Why not? "Hey, hold on a sec....Colour, mr?" Name one. Cyan Can hardly read that... Red. Yeah, good enough. Jess' speech is now red. Woof of affirmation. Woof! Yes it is. Woof. (EDIT: Squizzel post!)
  21. ...Bad HaXXorz need to be culled..

  22. Wow......Y10 are now banned from the library....Damn....Comfy chairs....

  23. *Cough* Bad dragon *Cough* Ahem, anyway, sounds all fine to me. Just a reminder to make sure you remember the orb thingy is sentient, it is listening, it just can't respond properly yet. You probably already know that, but it's worth making sure people know these things......That lack of belief screwed me, I've learned.
  24. ....Maths H/w....Kill me now...

  25. I leave this thread for a couple of days...So, radiators. Well, I think I left sense several dozen pages back, so this is perfectly expected, I guess. Anyway, woof.. Did I seriously just type that? ....Woah....Jess' sense is rubbing off on me.. Alright, me and Jess can talk okayly these days, but I often find that I can't hear what she says (She's watching the screen now.....Uh...Strange position for a pony...But this is Jess we're talking about here ^-^) As in, she'll try to speak, but it'll be too quiet to hear in my mind. When I hear that she's trying to speak and I miss it, I often tell her to shout it, so I can here it. But I reckon she speaks sometimes and I just don't hear her...Which isn't too good, especially after all the effort she goes to.. Uh, yeah, basically, Anyone got any ideas on what we could do there? Thanks in advance for anything.... Anyone else using the Pony-hypnosis things? I'm using them so I can be ponyey so I can play with Jess better. 'Twill be awesome.
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