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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Panne

  1. I think she was a jerk still. Like why would a cutie mark change a ponies personality? I am just waiting for an episode where everyone hates her for being mean and then she has to change her personality so that people don't make fun of her instead.
  2. Out of all the languages i could find I was surprised that this show isn't in Japanese I feel like it would be a tv show right up their alley. Like they love cute little character having fun and they love almost everything from Europe and America.
  3. I love sad stories like My Little Dashie and Sealing the Envelope because I have always been a fan of shows that get me depressed (I really don't know why). Like the anime Clannad it gets you really happy and then it punches you in face with a fist of sad when you least expect it and that is just season 1. Season 2 of the series makes you so depressed you just want to sit on the floor and not do anything for weeks.
  4. Deadpool is sticking through a blue portal holding a piece of "The Cake". also I'm wearing it right now
  5. Sorry but Deadpool is amazing, and so it Portal 2. and this is slamming them together in one t-shirt of epicosity!!!!
  6. yes!!! I wanted to buy another pony shirt but a Deadpool Portal 2 cross over shirt caught my eye.
  7. I just bought my first pony merchandise. A t-shirt with Derpy Hooves wearing her paper bag costume.
  8. I would introduce a unicorn that comes from a neighboring country and he has very modern technology. He would then proceed to prove that Celestia is just tricking them that she can raise the sun and that she is keeping them in the dark ages so that they don't see anything wrong.
  9. Just bought a Derpy t-shirt wearing her bag costume!!!

  10. I think that you are right about Ponyville but i think maybe 100,000 in Equestria total because Canterlot is huge and so is Manehattan. and then there are a ton of other large cities that i think at least 2,000 live in.
  11. I was thinking somethin along the lines of of Dark Ice or something frozen. because you said he is an alicorn who likes icy mountains right.
  12. It has been bothering me for a while but i really want to know what type of muffin it is the Derpy is always drawn eating. To me it looks like a banana chocolate chip muffin.
  13. When i first finished my little dashie the first though in my head was i wish that would happen to me but with fluttershy instead and then celestia would take me back with them to equestria. But seriously I would read those other fanfictions they are good.
  14. 1.)Vic Mignogna 2.)Todd Haperkorn 3.)Lucy Christian Pretty much all of my favorite anime voice actors would be amazing. especially Vic he has a very talented voice and he can sing great as well.
  15. I have always been into Shows in different languages and of course when I began watching My Little Pony I just had to check out the other languages. I just would like to discuss favorite dubs other than English. Like my favorite non English Fluttershy is Russian and my favorite Twilight Sparkle is Finnish. Also if you have heard the Italian intro you know what I mean when I say It is awesome! So I was just wondering what your favorite dub other than English is.
  16. Well here I am.... ponies everywhere... it is beautuifful.

  17. well not all of them are gore or depression. well actually only one isn't depressing and it is Mission Implausible. It is about octavia and vinyl scratch being secret agents posing as muscicians and it is actually quite funny in parts. Rocket to insanity is about rainbow dash going insane over cupcakes (the story) and then to get rid of her fear she murders pinkie pie Sealing the Envelope now that is a depressing story... Derpy's eyes are actually caused by a brain tumor and she has 5 days left to live. Rainbow Factory now that is a scary story i thought it was scarier than Cupcakes even. How are rainbows made well simple we take failures and grind them up into rainbows that's how silly!
  18. Cupcakes.... have you read that? or Rocket to insanity what about Sealing the Envelope and don't forget Rainbow Factory and Mission Implausible I have read to many fanfics
  19. When david tennant was dying I was like noooooo ._. don't do it and they he says "I don't want to go." I was like :A: NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and i started freaking out.
  20. Devid Tennant is best pony!!!!!! I my gosh I'm a Dr.who/Dr.whooves fan. My friend tried converting me to ponies for like 5 months but had she just showed me dr.whooves i would have been an instant brony
  21. I think we are friends a bunch of people just out of nowhere friended me but i seem to remember you thing. something about depressing easily... Have you read My little Dashie?
  22. You don't know crackle the dragon? what he is like the best background character from the entire show. He only shows up for like 3 seconds and yells "bwaargh!!!!" just watch crackle sauce there is like a 2:00 version oh him spazzing all over equestria
  23. welcome to the site, I have been a member for all of an hour and i don't know what I'm doing. why is internets so hard? I feel like crackle right now. Brawwgh
  24. Well I'll list my interests now.Um, I like video games and almost everything on the internet... except homestuck, and 4chan. 4chan is a dark and cold place nothing is sacred there.
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