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About Zygen

  • Birthday 1997-04-13


  • Title
    The Zygen One

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  • Location
    P Sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney
  • Interests
    Ponies, Playing Trumpet, Marching Band, Music, Singing(Even if I'm still eh at it xD.), Video games, helping others, (Learning) the keyboard(Because I'm still a beginner right now), and posting on the forums wayyyy to much(whats a social life? xD)

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  1. Ugh.. So the football team seems to have literally 0 respect for the band, because literally like half the time while were having practice they'll just walts right through the middle of our freaking field like "HO HO HO LOOK AT MY BIG FAT MUSCLES" And despite our band director trying to tell them to get off, they just laugh and act like a bunch of stuck up arrogant assholes. Which they seem to be. >_>. Sorry, but i'm just really freaking pissed off.

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    2. Zygen


      And it's ok, I kinda get what your saying with the nerves.


      I just try to remember that our band is all in it together.

    3. inactive_user


      Me too... Though a lot of times during marching band... I usually notice I begin to kinda just feel like a total failure after certain things... Though, I feel that way a lot about a lot of things... I try not to let it get to me... :/


      Oh, and the pinched nerve is a lot better now... But then that was just unbearable.

    4. Zygen


      @Nick, Yeah, I know what you mean.


      I have a lot of self confidence issues, but I'm trying my best to improve upon that.


      And that's good to hear.

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