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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Flareon

  1. I will allow it as long as you can provide me with something later in the day. If i don't see anything by the time i get up and online I'll count you out. With that said good night all bed is calling me.
  2. Welp just totally screwed over a friend because I'm an idiot so I think I'll just go burry myself alive now. Sorry @@Snowdream

    1. Fluffy Pinkie

      Fluffy Pinkie

      Aw man don't say that we all make mistakes nobody's perfect, the best thing you can do is do try and give them an honest apology. Hopefully they figure you hope everything works out *Hugs*

    2. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz

      i noticed her post...should have waited a bit longer...i feel sorry for her having to lose her dog to cancer I know how she feels

    3. Flareon


      I don't want her gone so I just opened up another Stallion slot. I felt really bad about that :(

      Still do.

  3. So playing KH 2 and now I remember why I got so frustrated...trying to beat your 8.13 time on the mail delivery is infuriating.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Flareon


      Hey now we don't talk about Atlantica here buddy. It doesn't even exist got that.

    3. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~


      I know it dosen't exist, sadly, if you want the ultima weapon, you have to finish that world if you want to create it... PS: Glad to see another person who hates this world.

    4. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz

      Fuck Atlantis it was better in KH1

  4. @Everyone Corona flew around her room multiple times thinking of Sterling over and over. She had felt his heart beating when he was hugging her and it made her own heart soar. She couldn't wait to go to Sterling's house tomorrow and see him and what he wanted to show her. As it got later and later Corona's flying lessened before she collapsed on her bed and fell asleep. Cloud Dancer came in and tossed a blanket on over her daughter, wishing her sweet dreams for the night. (OOC: So welcome Raven played by IncognitoKiwoy. Also the end of this day will be soon so once everyone gets a post in I'll start the next day.)
  5. Ok so I've decided to open up another Stallion slot to anyone wiling to play just submit to my will...*cough*.. er I mean submit your character info and I'll make my choice.
  6. @@Sterling Crimson Corona could just sit there with Sterling all night looking up at the moon. But much like the ring around the moon faded the night was starting to get late. "I'll come by sometime tomorrow ok Sterling so we can see each other again ok." Corona gave Sterling a kind smile, walking him inside and to his father. Corona properly introduced herself before Sterling and his father had to leave and head home. Corona's father making a mention to Sterling that he's more than welcome in their house anytime. Corona waved goodbye to Sterling and as soon as the door shut she was off and in her room. Corona giggled and bounced on her bed with joy and excitement. Cloud Dancer standing in Corona's doorway. "Looks like somepony has a special somepony now." Corona blushed a deep red, she couldn't hide it from her mother. Corona was in love and she wasn't trying to hide it from them. "Yep and I can't wait to go see him tomorrow."
  7. Just beat Kingdom Hearts again. Man I missed playing that game, but now it's onto the second one and then frumpily wishing for the third one to finally be released.

    1. Fluttashy


      I know! It's been like 7 years! :/

    2. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      Banjo-Kazooie 3, KH3, Half-Life 2: Episode Three... what is it with threes?

    3. Flareon


      I curse square enix for not putting the third KH out yet. Every year it's the same thing. "Hey check out the new FF that we're bringing out!" OMG NO ONE CARES ANYMORE! STOP BEATING A HORSES SKELETAL STRUCTURE CAUSE YOU'VE BEAT IT TO DEATH LET IT ROT AND NOW ALL THAT'S LEFT IS ITS BONES!!!

  8. @@Sterling Crimson Corona's heart beat faster and faster feeling Sterling hugging her close. Corona felt like she was on cloud nine, the words that he spoke were so honest and true she knew he wasn't lying to her. Cloud Dancer had excused herself from the conversation and had seen the two out back from the kitchen. It warmed her heart seeing her daughter falling in love with somepony she knew would treat her right. Corona scooted back when their embrace had to end her cheeks very flushed, but got even redder when she heard Sterling's question. "Uh...uh...yeah of course, I can come by tomorrow at some point. I'd love to see what you've got to show me...um....that's not what it seems...I mean...I do want to see your thing...." Corona's face turned a deep red and hid it behind her wings. "I'm just... going to stop...talking now."
  9. @@Sterling Crimson Corona giggled telling Sterling to wait and see. With that Corona took off into the sky and started breaking the clouds apart pulling the water from them. She flew as high as she could and around the circumference of the moon spreading the water out as a light mist. When she finished and landed what was left was a silver ring around the moon. "That's what I wanted to show you. It's my special talent and I only do it when I'm really happy about something. Like...being around another pony I like...l.l.like you...Sterling." Corona looked at the crimson stallion her cheeks blushing a deep red. The moment was set and the mood was perfect. All Corona could do was stare into Sterling's eyes, before she knew it she felt herself leaning in closer and closer to the stallion.
  10. @@Sterling Crimson Star Streaker nodded in agreement and decided it best for tonight to keep Sterling's father over until they were done with their homework and whatever Corona had to show Sterling. Corona listened as Sterling explained to her what she was supposed to do, at first it was just a bunch of question marks to her. But soon she started to understand what Sterling was saying. "Ha there I got it all on my own that time. Thanks Sterling." Corona smiled at Sterling, her ears perking up when she heard his question. Corona looked outside her window, seeing the beautiful crescent moon in the sky. "Hmm yeah I think it's dark enough. Come out back with me Sterling." Corona could tell he was nervous and in honesty so was she, but she wanted to show him this. Once they got outside they could see a few clouds in the sky and Luna's beautiful moon. "Have you ever seen something strange happen to the moon on rare occasions Sterling?"
  11. @@Sterling Crimson Sky Streaker sat there and listened to Sterling's father with a raised eyebrow. Then a grin formed on his lips and he started to chuckle. "It's good to see another father around these parts with convictions like me. I do apologize but in this day in age a father must be like a manticore protecting their daughter. I do hope you can understand where I'm coming from, they're both at that very confusing age." Corona's father then extended his hoof. "Please don't take any ill offense to what I said earlier. I could tell right away that your son was a gentlecolt. I needed to gauge how you were, but let me assure you that Sterling is more than welcome in this house from now on." Corona sat at her desk in her room and pulled out her math book and the work that she'd already gotten done. It wasn't much, she had a basic idea of what to do but some of the things just seemed too hard for her. "Here Sterling I'm having trouble with these. I can't seem to solve for x for some reason." Corona could hear laughing coming from downstairs and figured that their parents had finally settled things out for the better. Corona on the other hoof was happy being with Sterling. Just the fact that she was with him again made her heart jump for joy. She was a little embarrassed by her room all sorts of wonderbolt posters and gear including one picture signed by none other that RD and Spitfire sitting on her desk.
  12. @@Sterling Crimson Corona was still up in her room crying, having locked her door so even her mother couldn't get in. With a sigh she went downstairs to try and talk some sense into her husband when heard the knock on the door. Corona's father was first to answer the door and stood there looking at Sterling and his father. Without saying a word he motioned them inside the house and sat down on the sofa. The first thing Sterling noticed was that Corona's parents didn't have an speck of grey on them. Corona's father a light red pegasus with a orange mane and tail, and her mother a light blue pony with a darker blue mane and tail. "So you're the boy my that wants to fool around with my little girl?" Cloud Dancer quickly shoved him. "I'm so sorry for this. my husband isn't usually this rude." Corona could hear her parents talking to somepony and decided to see what was going on. Slowly she crept down the stairs using her wings to keep herself aloft she was scooting belly first on the ceiling. "I'm sorry kid but I can't let you see my daughter. She doesn't have time to foal around with some boy she just met. We need to find what her real talent is and not that goofy mark of hers." Corona peered down and saw Sterling sitting on the couch. "Sterling!" Corona flew down next to the couch. "Daddy he's here to help me with my homework. Plus there's something I wanted to show him." Sky Streaker gave his daughter a glare at the last part making her sink behind the couch. "You're more than welcome to stay and help Corona with her homework Sterling." Cloud Dancer gave a slight wink to Sterling as if saying I've got your back.
  13. @@Snowy Storm, @@Snowdream, @@Sterling Crimson Corona continued to show her new friends around town along with herself. "I'm not really sure but most schools have them trust me I know." Corona realized what time it was and saw that it was starting to get dark. "If you two will excuse me I've gotta head home. I have plans made with somepony else tonight." Corona gave a smile before taking to the sky and raced home. She knew she still had homework to do but that was irrelevant. The boy she'd met today, Sterling, was going to come by tonight and there was something special she wanted to show him. Corona got home and quickly ran up to her room after saying hello to her parents. Corona was stopped by her father in the living room when she went flying through the house. "Young lady what do you think you're doing?" Corona appologized and explained the situation. "Oh no if you think I'm letting some boy come over late at night and see my daughter you're sadly mistaken. Now stay in your room for the night young lady." Corona flew upstairs to her room crying slamming her door shut. "Dear don't you think you're being to hard on her." "No you're being too loose with her. She need to find something she's good at not what that mark of hers shows. And don't worry about the boy I'll deal with him when he gets here." Corona's mother walked away with a angered look to talk to her wounded daughter. (OOC: Oh snap dads gonna block this blossoming love do I smell a romeo and Juliet pft no way would I be that corny. :3)
  14. @@Snowy Storm@@Snowdream Corona laughed as she walked through town with Snow and Regal. "That over there is Rosethorns. Mom says she's the best florists in manehatten." Corona looked to Snowdream with a smile. She was happy to have friends like these. "Snow do you know any good places around town?"
  15. @@Snowy Storm, @@Snowdream Corona chuckled at seeing Regal and Snowdream talking. "Well Regal I wouldn't mind being friends with you. I have a feeling that we're all going to need to stick together to survive this year of highschool." Corona walked down the streets with the two ponies pointing out a few shops and restaurants that she'd heard about from her parents. With them being more inside the city now the threat of being bullied was down with so many ponies walking around. "Sorry I didn't say where we'd meet Snowdream. I'm glad you met up with me still." Corona smiled, she was happy to be around others for once.
  16. @@Sterling Crimson, @@Snowy Storm Corona felt Sterling hugging her and she just let herself go into his neck her tears flowing into his crimson coat. It was when she heard his kind words to her that her tears started to subside. Nopony had ever complimented her on any of her looks, her mane and tail were the things she had so much pride for since they stood out from her grey coat. Corona could feel her heart beating faster as she was hugged by Sterling. Finally the hug ended when she saw a stallion walking over that had to have been Sterling's dad. "Um...Sterling if you're able to...stop by my house..." Corona stuttered writing down her address on a scrap of paper. "There's something I wanna show you ok." For now Corona was going to show this new stallion around the town or at least what she knew. Corona started walking away, looking back she stopped for a moment tears running down her cheeks again with a smile. This time though they were of happiness as she mouthed the words "Thank You" to Sterling.
  17. Oh my gosh skybound that looks soooo cool. I can't wait to see what it'll look like when it's colored. I really appreciate you doing this for me.
  18. @@Sterling Crimson Corona whipped the tears from her eyes but more just popped up and ran down her cheeks. "Some ponies in our liturature class said I was ugly cause of my coat color." Corona sniffled hiding her face behind her wings. "I'd understand if you didn't want to be around me because of it Sterling." Corona didn't know what to do, she hadn't felt this bad about herself in a few years. (Just so everyone knows I'm certain that Snow's internet has fallen apart so I'm not sure when she'll be posting again.)
  19. @@Sterling Crimson Corona slowly stuck her head out of the cloud tears still in her eyes. She flew out of the cloud and landed next to Sterling and the new pony that just showed up. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...sniffle...make it rain." Corona whipped her cheeks and hid her face as best she could. "Sorry Sterling I didn't mean to make you wait like that." (OOC: Won't ba able to post till later tonight cause of work bye for now will check in periodically.)
  20. @@Sterling Crimson Corona was crying into the cloud the after effects making it rain from that single cloud she was on. The unfortunate reality was that it also happened to be the cloud that Sterling walked under. Getting hit by the rain and was very confused with no rain scheduled today at all. Looking up he saw a blue tail sticking out from the cloud. Corona's crying was quiet but the cloud was showing her anguish.
  21. @Everyone Corona flew through the city and landed on one of the few clouds that the pegasi had left out for the day. She laid down on it and just continued crying. "It's not fair I didn't think that it would be like this. Why does everypony have to be so mean to others like me." Corona sunk herself into the cloud hiding herself from the world as best she could. Meanwhile the bell rang at school signaling the end of the first day of school. Luckily not much homework was given out...well except for math. The students were also lucky that since school started on a friday for finishing construction reasons they all had a easy weekend ahead of them. (OOC: Thought I'd set us up for some free time before going right into school again. We'll add more classes if you guys want but for now I'm going to keep it to just these four until we get a good rotation going ok. Oh and we have a new stallion in the mix, Snowy Storm as Regal hopefully he'll be posting here sometime today.)
  22. @@MagicalStarRain Corona was getting ready to read the paper when it was magically levitated away and towards some of the bullies that she was sitting behind. They read the note and turned back to Corona, "Who'd wanna be friends with a mare as ugly as you?" they exclaimed. "Look at you with you're ugly grey coat of yours. No stallion would want you." Corona had always been very self contious about her grey coat and years of bullying finally hit a boil. Tears welled up in her eyes and Corona ran out of the room crying and out of the school taking to the sky. The bullies laughing before getting sent to the principle. (OOC: figured the bullies should have one victory on the first day so far from what I remember we've all had someone protecting them.)
  23. Flareon

    Luna Fan Club

    We need more Luna!!!! There needs to be more of our beautiful and kind princess of the night. Also Luna told me to post this. Quick post more Alicorns.
  24. @@MagicalStarRain Corona looked over at Star happy to see a familiar face but sad to see Rudolf leave the school for an emergency back home. Corona pulled out a piece of paper and started writing down something. "Psst Star." Corona slipped Star the note and watched her open it. Inside the note was a question Did you wanna hang out with me and Snow after school? Corona looked over at Ruby catching a glare from her. Oh hayseeds what did I do to her?
  25. Anypony know someone looking to join an RP? Cause I'm starting to get desperate to find one for my Highschool romance RP.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fluttashy


      Ill make one tomorrow but I have an idea in mind... My OC is female :30

    3. Flareon


      Lol ok that works for me since I'm gonna crash. Can't wait to see the stallion that you create for the RP.

    4. Fluttashy


      Has your role play started yet and if so what's the storyline called?

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