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Everything posted by EileenRose92

  1. Thank you everypony for your advice and critical eyes! My studies have gotten crazy, so I haven't had much time to draw, but every time I watch an episode there is always something I'd like to try. Merry early Christmas to everypony!
  2. Yeah, I figured I'd just give it a whirl first. But I do have the anatomy sketches from a few different FIM artists. I am hoping to try that out after my exam is over.
  3. Okay, I had 20 minutes between work and class so here is a timed sketch of Grannie Smith. The body is a bit too long and the head is a bit small, but for being done in under 20 mins. it turned out very nicely. ER92
  4. No need to rush; I know how busy college life can be. Studies should always come first. However, I have found that pony sketching is a great way to destress.
  5. A pony with a curly strawberry blonde mane and tail walked through the doors of the TARDIS and looked at Dr. Whooves rolling her eyes. "Hello Sweetie," she said her voice a soft melody that flowed smooth like a lazy river. With a bit of sassiness she continued: "You never did have must luck getting her to go where you wanted her to go did you?" A sparkle appeared in her eyes and she trotted past Dr. Whooves and places a reassuring hoof on Ditzy's flank, "Steady little filly, why don't you take a short break and do a lap or two in the pool and let me have a whirl?" As Ditzy stepped back she took the controls and cast a backwards glance at Dr. Whooves. "Tell me Doctor, have we done the picnic at The Gardens yet?" Link: (Comming Soon)
  6. Hey, I just finished watching this episode. Great pictures and I think the saying goes "Better late than never!" Either way, amazing job!
  7. Wow! I wish I could draw that good out of boredom. Applebloom was my favorite, but the others are great as well. Also, if you don't pass management, at least you have a bright future in the arts!
  8. Your drawing is amazing. I hope you keep up the good work. I have nothing bad to say about the art, but I would recommend getting a spelling checker before you post next time. If it is intentional, I am sorry; if not, heed my advice.
  9. Nicely done! The eyes are very nice. Considering that this is pony drawn I give it an A++ for sure! You should try Rainbow Dash next!
  10. The shape of the face and her rear are a bit off, but other than that it is really good. I like the coloring and her expression is spot-on.
  11. Thank you Ace. I will keep doodling on my study breaks; I just hope next time my studying will take up more time than my doodling.
  12. These are my first doodles. I will try to upload more as the inspiration comes. I hope you enjoy the ponies I have created. Just to note, I will not stick to just FIM there will most likely be G! interspersed and intermingled throughout. I hope this won't bother most. If there is any pony you'd like to see me attempt, just comment. I will see if I can make a works in progress post every now and again if this picks up. ER92
  13. It looks great. I think the tail looks great, but the heag is a little egg headed. Yet, I have not tried to draw spike yet, so I cannot be too picky.
  14. Kolth, I agree, I tried to get her body right like fifty times... I had my video paused and was even trying to reference the shot I wanted to get of her, but, alas, her I-am-the-coolest pose is a bit beynd me still.
  15. I know the ponies are not the best nor ar they in color... and I know Rarity's head is a bit small (shouldn't it be a bit tho (: ) Anyways, I just wanted to share and see how bad people thought my sketches were. Personally, for my first time ever trying to draw a pony, I think I did pretty good. Also, I had to include the G1 for old time's sake. ER92
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