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Harmonic Revelations

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Blog Comments posted by Harmonic Revelations

  1. Respecting other members isn't always easy because there is a small handful that can be complete jackasses, but since there are far fewer of those on this forum than others I have been on it is much easier. And what also helps is I often remember when I was a moderator on another site and had to deal with this sort of thing, and it is not exactly on my list of fun things to do.


    I have only really seen derailment on this forum in particularly contentious threads though I am sure the random spammer phenomenon does happen every now and then. And posts asking people to brohoof to me is more a minor annoyance than anything else, I don't brohoof all that often myself so when I do it is a pretty big complement.


    I didn't really like being called a homophobic, racist ect in this one thread about the election a few months back and then having this user effectively spit in my face when I tried to reach out to him. And being lumped in with the few people who made death threats about Derpy didn't make me very happy either, if I had to that over again I would reported the bastard and moved on instead of blowing up and contributing to a flame war. So agreed completely, don't discredit people for no reason especially if you have no proof.


    I may have been against twilicorn and still am but even I and most critics acknowledge that it is too soon to tell whether it will work or not but this one user in particular who I will not name seems to keep posting more and more sensationalist threads about it. Seriously, it is all this guy ever talks about.


    I will admit my punctuation isn't exactly perfect and I can make the occasional typo but there was one user who had such bad grammer that I could hardly understand what he was actually trying to say which was a bit of annoyance to me especially because it was a debate thread.


    I will admit that I have told the occasional innuendo filled joke, I was famous for that in high school but I really don't understand why somebody would want to post graphic pictures on here when half the users here don't want to see that.

    On the topic of respecting members, if they have a legitimate opinion that you may disagree with, live with it. If they have an opinion specifically to be offensive, that's worth reporting.


    I too have experience moderating and even administrating on forums,so I know it can be tough to deal with every instance of disrespect. That's why I think it's better if users at least try to be as respectful as they can in all instances, it just helps give the moderators less work.

  2. Whaaaat. Why must you have such an epic dream? Seriously this sounded like something that should be a freaking story.


    Maybe you should turn it into a story Xd. although to be honest it almost is really.


    Epic dream, seriously I wish I could have your type of dreams.. I hardly dream anymore, and no ponies are even in it, much less the MLP forums.

    I have always been a pretty vivid dreamer. I keep a dream journal and that helps.



    Also, I might turn it into a story, but I'd have to edit it because as it is it's a bit to random to be turned into a story.

  3. "Caugh caugh" How come all the people are mods/admins/community stewerds tongue.png

    Because I don't talk to a lot of normal users on a regular basis.


    However I am good friends with at least a few staff members, and I'm dating Chigens.


    As for Marco, I go on his art stream every Saturday.


    I don't control my dreams, either, so that is something to take into account.


    I'd say the only regular users I talk to at least once a day are ~Chaotic Lightning~, Leatherbehlt and Melancholicmemory. I talk to Golgo pretty often as well. 


    There actually were a few regular users in my dream but some parts of the dream were not suitable to be posted here.

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