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Harmonic Revelations

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Blog Comments posted by Harmonic Revelations

  1. Just saying, supporting free speech is just as much about allowing a blog like the Molestia one to exist as it is respecting people's ability to hate on it. ;)

    I'm not disrespecting people's right to hate on it, I'm disrespecting the fact that they're sending it's creator death threats, which as the saying goes


    "Your right to swing your fist ends where my face begins"

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I get that a lot too but you seemed to be trying to be intentionally rude to everyone. I like that quality in most people, though (not rudeness, of course, brutal honesty) and I don't see the nastier side often anymore-as I once said I really wasn't a fan of you (to be truthful I quite disliked you) but now that I see you more I realize that you're much cooler than I imagined. I guess it was wrong of me to make assumptions. Just like that, topic derailed. Whoo.

    I'm not sure what you're referring to, and since for some reason the find content button won't let me view content from earlier than April, I'll have to take your word for it.


    If I had to guess why I was so rude I'd say it was because I was on Newgrounds for such a long time that I adjusted to rudeness being what everyone expected and had to get out of the habit.

  3. I'm taking Key 1 for both Sims 3 Expansions. (Can I do that?)


    Thanks so much for doing this!


    EDIT:  Hmm... They don't seem to be working for me, but the Mirror's Edge does.


    EDIT 2:  Wow, Origin is a troll.  It makes me think it's gonna work, and then BAP the code's been taken.  I tried ALL the Sims EP codes, and all of them say they're invalid.  Have they all been taken?

    It does appear they must have been.


    I'm going to update it under the assumption that the same people who took the Sims 3 base games took the DLC, I'm not sure who took Mirror's Edge.


    I find it just as annoying as you must when people take the codes and don't say they do.

  4. Taking it down is censorship which is wrong on all levels. Freedom of speech is something that needs to be protected at all costs and spread as much as possible.


    It's funny how intolerant this community can be even when we ourselves often face intolerance from those who don't understand bronydom, it's really hypocrisy on our part.


    And come on, Celestia is my favorite character yet I love that Molestia blog, it's a hilarious blog run by talented people. And it's personally upsetting how people overreact at such a joke.  


    Honestly I don't care what the contents of any blog are, it should not be taken down just because people dislike it, that's just plain wrong.


    In the case of children seeing it, it's the responsibility of the parents to stop that from happening, not the owner of the blog, not the wner of the tumblr, 

    if parents are looking somewhere for somebody to protect their children, they should be looking in the mirror.


    The problem with taking down R34 content doesn't actually stem merely from taking down such content, what really makes it disconcerting is that if we allow such censorship, it will jump form R34 to suggestive content to copyrighted content until eventually everything we do is controlled. It may sound like that's untrue but that is honestly how such censorship forms over time, even if not immediately.


    I mean think about it, if they can manage to succeed at taking down this blog, it means they can succeed at taking down things that don't meet their standards, and if the public's standards start changing, more serious censorship is in our future.


    I believe that once they take down this they'll move on to other content that offends them, and who knows what that might be, it's not a risk worth taking.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. That's not some act of nature or some deity. That's you taking notice of when things go your way. I'm sure there have been plenty of times where the schedule was changed and a job you were indifferent towards or even looked forward to was cancelled. You just didn't care because it didn't fit your ideology.




    You've said you don't have internet a couple times in the past couple of entries. I'd like to know how you're posting these entries, then.




    Get a job, find friends, join new clubs, become a productive member of society. Just a few I thought of off the top of my head.



    Stuff like this ticks me off. Age doesn't mean you know more. Heck, your brain doesn't stop growing until your twenties. But thankfully I've already matured enough to the point where I can see the insanity in all of this.





    I want citations on this. I want hard numbers. Remember, cancers are "cured" every day. This is most likely another case of "Ooh, I notice this one aspect of this larger entity that fits my line of thinking! That makes me right!"




    Remember when we would stick leeches on people to suck out bad blood? Or when tourniquets were the solution to snakebites? Medicine is always growing and improving. In twenty years we'll have an entire new batch of over-the-counter meds.



    You...you do know what a tulpa is, right?



    Congrats, you're wanting to move us one step closer to a Big Brother-style government. Don't like how your baby turned out? Get rid of it. Sell it to the government and try again. Because this can never work.



    But you go on a triad about what we should be doing with our tulpas. Classy.



    ...as you type out novelette-sized blog posts and watch your 47-inch television.




    I might have glanced over this at one point, but would you mind listening your "gifts" for us, please?




    Oh my gosh. Please, please, PLEASE tell me what I would learn here.



    A man once got a railroad spike blown through his head -- in the jaw and out the crown of his head. He survived. So obviously with this ONE STORY, anyone who gets hit with a railroad spike is going to survive.


    You can't prove a point on one incident. You need multiple successful trials in controlled experiments. That's how science works.




    I try to never laugh at people, but this gave me a good chuckle.



    I can guarantee you that no one asked any of this of you. No one that isn't in your head, anyway.



    Jesus Christ. The dude of Judaism and Christianity. Had wars fought over him and billions of people die in his name. Who could turn water into wine and heal the blind. You're telling me he gets his new scripture from a children's television show.


    That's insane.



    I didn't want to quote paragraphs and paragraphs of babble. I'm sorry, but if Jesus really did make a second coming, his first preaching target wouldn't be a forum about My Little Pony.



    In short: please, talk to someone you trust. Something is up and you need to get help. 

    They're probably posting these entries with their mind, between their bouts of curing cancer and clairvoyance.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Oh, I completely understand now. It all ties together, third strand of DNA, envelope inside of a smaller envelope, Bob Proctor, taking over the Vatican, Alien Invasion, Clairvoyance, I can't believe I could not see what you were saying before, this makes perfect sense.


    Of course people in China are curing cancer with their minds, it makes sense, they're spending all their time curing cancer which is why Chinese manufactured products are so useless.


    My hopes and dreams are to have a sink that dispenses any kind of Soda I want on demand and to also live in a Castle shaped like a Narwhal located on top of a waterfall.


    I now fully understand, thank you for enlightening me..



    But to be serious, sit tight while I rip apart every part of this blog, this is quite lengthy.


    I can't believe I read each and every one of these insane posts in their entirety, but here is what I conclude.


    I don't think any amount of medication could cure your particular brand of insanity, I'm sorry to break it to you. Your crazy seems to be imbedded deep into the fiber of who you are, and I see you've spent much effort embracing that, good for you, I suppose.


    First of all, voices in your head? If you are as knowledgeable as you claim then you should know that is not normal, but then again, crazy people don't know they're crazy, that's a huge part of why they're crazy. 


    Nobody's curing cancer with their mind, Clairvoyance doesn't exist, I guess maybe the only reason you mentioned these is because people who believe either of those things are probably crazy to an extent that they'll be crazy enough to pay you a cash sum for supernatural powers.


    I sincerely hope you do seek out help for your condition, as you seem prone to delusions and hallucinations, all of my communication with you has lead me to believe that you really don't understand how crazy what you're saying is. That's kind of saddening really, I honestly and deeply feel sorry for your plight.


    Or maybe you're not crazy and are just an elaborate fraud because of the way you're trying to make people pay you money to obtain something that doesn't exist. Which is really really immature and morally wrong.


    And to top it all off, you can't really prove any of the things you're saying. Even if you tried you'd just try to explain the viewpoint with the viewpoint.


    Your thought process goes much like this cycle of belief in the Bible.


    "Everything the Bible says is true"


    "Why is that?"


    "Because it's the Word Of God"


    "How can you prove it's the Word of God?"


    "The Bible says so."




    To give you an idea of how much your threat effects me (Spoiler: It doesn't), I don't believe in "god", so threatening me that way means absolutely nothing to me. Threatening me is, in and of itself, very petty on your part, but considering the overlying theme of a Billy Mays type way of selling happiness, petty actions seem right in your ballpark.


    Kill me with your mind or whatever, you can do it, just try really really hard. I dare you, I double dare you, I triple dare you to use any kind of supernatural power with an observable effect.


    Bringing my age into this is irrelevant, mainly because I'm not a child so I understand your viewpoint and also because while you're older than me, you're not old enough to very likely be senile so that doesn't explain your insanity, so it's kind of unrelated to the discussion.


    The proof you're wrong is so glaringly obvious that I feel like I would be killing brain cells if I took time to explain something so obvious. It would be like explaining why 1 can't equal 2. 


    Your dislike of pharmaceutical companies actually partly explains your demeanor because it means you would be less likely to take things like mood stabilizers or whatever else you would need to combat your condition. 


    If you don't want to read this entire post, here's a summary:


    Tl;dr $20 is a very good deal for eternal happiness, at least it would be if you weren't just either a very elaborate con-artist or actually insane (Actually the second one) and I sincerely hope you get help for whatever insanity is plaguing you.

    • Brohoof 5
  7. Someone didn't say they took key 1.


    I'm upset now.

    Indeed, it actually kind of upsets me too when someone takes it and doesn't even have the courtesy to say that they did. Especially because it's just kind of rude of them to do so.


    I like sims 3. fun game

    Indeed it is. I've spent many hours playing it.


    Sims 3 serial key 2

    Updated the listing.

  8. Wait, I finally think I figured out what you're saying.


    You're some kind of prophesized Biblical figure that had their third strand of DNA activated by a Chinese Princess and cryptic messages and symbolism hidden in not only MLP, but the forums. Which in and of itself would take quite the impressive amount of effort on all those involved, and as well all know, humans are lazy.


    Something about the eternal fight between God and Satan and whatever else, I don't know, I'm going to say it's a fight between God, Satan, and Dr. Phil, it really doesn't matter. You mentioned something about a Katy Perry song having something to do with it so I'mma roll with it.


    You said you can give some kind of gift to us, perhaps activating the third strand of DNA in us as well? There is also a lot of you mentioning that these fictional ponies have opinions on the LGBT laws, which is quite fascinating.


    You also start this whole tin-foil hat-esque conspiracy about the whole big phamacies because why the hell not, I mean, once you've already dived into crazy you might as well go the whole way, right?


    What is this scripture you mention? I'm either going to assume that you wrote it or that it doesn't exist because those are the only two things that make the least bit of sense.


    You then go on to say that the only reason we don't believe you is that we're closed-minded. Which isn't true, the reason we don't believe that is because it's batshit insane.

    • Brohoof 10
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