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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Luurilka

  1. Gawd I hate the post minimum size!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Luurilka


      @red I love reviving things.

    3. Akemi Homura
    4. Luurilka


      Why would it ever be locked? Is there a rule against reviving old status upadtes?

  2. W00t, finally destroyed the malware on my computer.

  3. Made myself a new avatar. You like?

  4. well... I hate school ._.

  5. w00t 6000 memebers

    1. Bari


      Isn't it grand?

    2. Luurilka


      Yes, it is grand.

  6. Season 3 confirmed only 13 episodes! This must have been what the Mayans meant when they prophesied the end of the world!1!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luurilka
    3. Nas


      Well, darn it. Hopefully that won't endanger the community, but I doubt that. Plus, that only gives more possibility for higher quality episodes or even a movie.

    4. Luurilka
  7. finally back from vacation, time to catch up on pony.

  8. Just got a new computer. *flutteryay*

  9. w00t fluttershy banner

  10. Why does Luna wear a bib?

  11. i just recently learned the magic of ad block...

    1. Bohtty


      no here I hope :[

    2. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Please, no. The only magic in AdBlock is how much it hurts the websites you use it on. Servers aren't free, you know.

    3. Luurilka


      @Feld0: *evil laugh* The adds will be gone FOREVER!

      But then again, you have good good point. I shall reconsider.

  12. I want the Chrysalis banner back. ;(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TomokoKuroki


      I want toast...

    3. Dreadmallon


      I want a jetpack.

    4. Pinkazoid


      Celestia can buy all the toast she wan'ts I wan't my 3 usernames



      2.Pinkabot Unit

      3.OH GAWD SHE'S HERE EVERYPONY HIDE!!!!eleven!!!!!one!!!!

  13. You must be getting this alot, but... Happy Birthday Feld0!

  14. holy crap that banner is epic!

    1. HomuraBL


      I <3 Chrysalis :)

    2. Luurilka


      @raccoonBL: Don't we all.

    3. HomuraBL


      @3pwhatever I love her more. :P

  15. great new episode.

  16. so much homework...

  17. w00t! the forums r finally working for me again! Apparently parental controls blocked it, but my mother overrode it once I asked her to.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luurilka


      Actually Feld0, I didn't. I just managed to see my post and your response by logging in from my brother's computer. And ty. Your help is appreciated.

    3. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Well, it's nice that you're able to re-join us once again, at any rate. :-)

    4. Luurilka


      yes it is, feld0

  18. I just realized that there's no new episode airing this week.

    1. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      I knew there wasn't one all week up until finally today I was gonna go to bed early so I wouldn't miss it and... oh yeah... duh! lol

    2. letterone


      UGH that's such a letdown.

    3. RippedOffMattress
  19. mlpforums through Derpy Hooves' eyes.

  20. I recently realized how much fun an extremely flammable aerosol can and lighter can be. They can make an epic flame.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luurilka


      @borealis: how can it explode if there's no oxygen in the can?

    3. Aureity


      according to something called like "backsuction" or whatever, when you shut off the spray, the force actually sucks some of the surrounding gasses back into the can. If you have a flame as part of that, and a bit of flame gets in, well, boom.


      Courtesy of my chemistry teacher :P

    4. Luurilka


      @Auroreita: kewl. I'll trust joo on that.

  21. What ever happened to NoobsNoodle? I haven't seen him for a while and I couldn't find him on the member list.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      He has changed his name a few times... even I forget exactly who he is right now :P

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Ahh there we go! Captain Rainbow!

    4. Luurilka


      ahh... Ok, ty guyz

  22. I just realized that it doesn't list posts per day on people's profiles. Why?

  23. woah. I just realized that it says "brohoof" instead of "like".

  24. ahhh yaaa. over 2000 members.

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