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Attempts To Speak To Bronies When Encountering Them In Public?


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I finally spotted a brony around my age on my way back from college on the train ride home. To put it short my Bronydar went crazy with this particular individual as we were waiting at the train stop.

At first glance this guy did not wear any MLP apparel but was on the geeky side but not 100% stereo typical. What had my bronydar go full throttle was that he wearing rather geeky clothing. He had an over the shoulder bag with sailor moon on it, he was wearing a invader zim t-shirt and his cell phone case was pink. I could not really get a good look at it but I had a strong feeling that it was MLP related.

He was watching something on his phone with headphones on. As he began walking past me, my gut instinct or bronydar that I like to call it was accurate. What he was watching on his phone was none other than an episode of MLP.

This was a major brony in the wild spotting experience for me. I was extremely tempted to go up to this guy and get to know him. He seemed really indulged in the episode he was watching on his phone and walked to far away before I could get his attention. He also seemed like a guy who is rather introverted. But I was too nervous to walk all the way on the other side of the platform and look weird in front for the many people that were there and I did not want to embarrass him in front of all of those people pointing out him watching MLP

Despite this I had one more chance to get his attention subtly hoping he would come up to me. As I was on the train this guy walked into the same car I was in as the others were too full. I found out he was behind me standing up. He was on his phone watching MLP still. I was two stops away from getting off the train. What I tried to do to get his attention was begin to play a MLP related fan video on my phone to make it obvious I was a brony as well hoping he would take his eyes off his phone for a second and see what I was watching as I held it in his general direction if he happened to glance over. Sadly he did not and I had to get off at my stop.

Being a closet brony I have not told anyone I know or people at my college that I am a brony. However, I plan on opening up to meet other bronies but one of the conditions has to be that the person I encounter does not know anyone I know that believe I am not a brony since I hide it. I do this to avoid any possible drama in college for example where I can become a target and have to deal with those anti brony people on a daily basis.

This guy I saw on the train today does not look familiar to anyone I know or goes to my college. I was very close to going up to him but it was to busy at the train station and I did not want to come up to him abruptly.

I get out around the same time from school four days a week for the rest of June for summer classes, I am hoping he gets the same train as me around the same time from wherever he is coming from. Although maybe it was just a one day thing and I wont see that brony again.

If I see him or another brony again, I will make it my goal to go up to them and get to know those bronies.


The main reason why I did not go up to him right away is because I did not want to come off as super random. Plus the only reason why I know he is a brony is because I saw him watching it on his phone. Everything else he was wearing was just geeky stuff that made my bronydar go off. Although I did not fully see his phone case, it looked to be pink and I hope that it may be a pinkie pie related thing so I can use that as a conversation starter.

Edited by GXPBlast
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Ok. Let me get this off my chest my dear friend.


I really hate it when people like yourself is a shut in. I personally hate that because you are not expressing yourself like you want to. I used to be a closet brony too. After awhile I got sick of it and wore my Pony Shirt to school one day... and I felt so much better. I began noticing other bronies around school, got to know them and they became my friends. (Since Sophomore Year). 


There is no reason for anypony to be a shut in. There's no reason for you or anypony to be ashamed of what they are proud of. We live in a free country people. Open up!! (For those American. Anywhere else is a free country.. most of them anyway). You are a human being, you only live once. You only get that one life to express who you are, and why you are there on earth with the rest of them. You're too special to be a shut in. There's people out there that wonder if you share the exact same interests as they do, hell, you may even find that person. Like what @GXPBlast has posted. He found another person that was a brony, but was too scared to go up to and say "Hey man, you a brony too?". If the person says "Hell Yeah I am, why, you one too?". Then you just give a full on brohoof to the guy or girl and talk, become friends and move on with the fandom, with that person. It's really the greatest acomplishment you can make. It's well worth it. Like I said, you only live once. Use that life wisely. Cause sometimes, you may never get that chance again. If something like this comes up and you notice someone sharing the same things you like.. do not be afraid to go talk to that person because they could be your friend.. why? Cause, Friendship is Magic. Nothing else to it.


One more thing, if you have mlp related merch like, shirts, wallets, for girls and guys (swim wear) or whatever, please do not be afraid to wear it! Show your pride to the world and say "I'm a Brony, am I am damn well proud of it!".  :yay:

Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. You tell them to *squee* off and find their own happiness.

Don't let anyone judge you. You are just way better than that jerk(s) will ever be in this life. Ignore the morons. All of you guys in my eyes, are special to me <3


It's gonna be the best experience of your life. I promise you. Why? Cause I've done it. You can too. ;):)

Edited by ~SadisticFluttershy~
  • Brohoof 11


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

"Enough Chitchat time is candy!".- Pinkie Pie.

"Storm Chasing is a commitment. Not a choice". -Me "Never stop chasing!"- Reed Timmer

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It may feel awkward at first, but just be yourself.


I see bronies and give'em a brohoof every time. I even do it when I see a pegasister. 

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I used to know a brony. He went to my old school. He was nice, but it was before I liked my little pony. He liked minecraft so we were sort of friends. And he dated my friend so whatever.

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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First of all, don't be so paranoid or apprehensive when it comes to approaching bronies. Remember, we're still people. :P


Talking to that guy or any other brony you meet is the same as any non-brony. People strike up conversations about random stuff all the time, from the weather, to sports, to cars, or something about their surroundings. Most of the time when this happens, bystanders don't even notice, and those who do notice don't care. Chances are good that if you bump into another brony and try starting a conversation about MLP, other people will ignore you. If nothing else, the two of you would be in it together if anyone had something to say about it.


Don't worry about how "random" you seem either. As I said, strangers strike up conversations about all kinds of stuff all the time. Two bronies starting a conversation about ponies? Just makes sense. :P




Lastly, and I don't have much to say on this because there really isn't much to say: don't front. I'm not saying you need to be all brony all the time to the point of being obnoxious, but don't go out of your way to hide what you are. Maybe you'll fit in better with a certain crowd if you do, but you'll always feel a little uncomfortable with them because you're so concerned with denying this one, important aspect of yourself. Reconsider how significant they really are to your life if they have to control it.

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Kyoshi made this ^^



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First of all, don't be so paranoid or apprehensive when it comes to approaching bronies. Remember, we're still people. :P


Talking to that guy or any other brony you meet is the same as any non-brony. People strike up conversations about random stuff all the time, from the weather, to sports, to cars, or something about their surroundings. Most of the time when this happens, bystanders don't even notice, and those who do notice don't care. Chances are good that if you bump into another brony and try starting a conversation about MLP, other people will ignore you. If nothing else, the two of you would be in it together if anyone had something to say about it.


Don't worry about how "random" you seem either. As I said, strangers strike up conversations about all kinds of stuff all the time. Two bronies starting a conversation about ponies? Just makes sense. :P




Lastly, and I don't have much to say on this because there really isn't much to say: don't front. I'm not saying you need to be all brony all the time to the point of being obnoxious, but don't go out of your way to hide what you are. Maybe you'll fit in better with a certain crowd if you do, but you'll always feel a little uncomfortable with them because you're so concerned with denying this one, important aspect of yourself. Reconsider how significant they really are to your life if they have to control it.


The main reason why I was nervous of approaching him was because of all that was going around us. Like the entire train platform and the train itself was full of people. Maybe if it was less crowded, I would have walked up to him. I am making it my goal if he or another brony is close to me I will do my best to kindly get their attention.


Also I did not want to bother him as he was literally sucked into the episode he was watching with headphones on. I did not want off come off as rude.


I am also a closet brony but I am working on opening up. I have only been a brony for a couple of months but I am seeing that coming out is not so bad. Although if I come out to people it will only be fellow bronies and not anyone in my family or people I suspect would be anti brony and cause drama.


But I want to open more up to people and my best bet right now is people I see who do not go to my school at all. This guy I saw was that type of person and I was getting very excited on the inside that I finally spotted a brony that I can relate to, but my anxiety got the best of me. :(

Edited by GXPBlast
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Try being open and friendly about it, if there is anything I noticed it's that people usually love random events, and talking about common interests is a great way to make friends!


For example, I was working during the last season premiere and my job was selling a lot of MLP stuff that night. When bronies would approach my counter they would always look as if they were ashamed of buying MLP merch. So in order to cheer them up I always initiated some MLP convo and would end up talking to them for a while. Needless to say, I made a lot of friends that night. Try it sometime! :)

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@GXPBlast: I hope you run into that guy again, on the train or wherever, and I hope you're able to successfully talk to him, and others as well.  I don't get out much, and haven't had any opportunity yet to try talking to any other bronies, but I want to.  I just ordered a couple of MLP shirts (my first ones), and I'm excited about wearing them.  Albeit nervous, but excited.  I'm really hoping it might draw some attention and start a conversation with some other MLP fans.  But there's no getting away from it, talking to people at random is very scary and hard to do.  But I'm still hoping I'll be able summon the courage to do it if the chance arises.  Best of luck to you, GXPBlast.  To both of us.


Oh, and incidentally, I couldn't agree more with ~SadisticFluttershy~'s post.  It's not easy, but we should all aspire to be like that.

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Sailor Moon bag + pink (presumably Pinkie Pie-related) cell phone case + watching MLP in public???  Next time you see him, embrace him and call him a "hero."  And it sucks that you're in a position (currently) where you're having to hide it.  Or that anyone feels they have to hide it.  Your Brony-ness.  I'm exceedingly lucky (and weird - so that helps) in that the people I'm close to just accept me for who I am.  Part of me is tempted to lie and say I'm into Barbie or Cabbage Patch Kids now just to see how it goes.  I'm likely older than you, and my sense of shame is just now beginning to dissolve in any significant way.  So here's hoping you get there, too, and that you encounter that wild Brony in the future.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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As @Fool Proof mentioned before I've noted a couple of times that people seem to be "ashamed" to be buying MLP merchandise, I have seen some of the very few Bronies around Australia a couple of times, when buying MLP merchandise they seem to be pretty embarrassed actually! Since it isn't as popular here, I'd say it's harder to go and buy that kind of stuff without getting strange looks.  :eww:

Though I tend to be all excited and say hello! But a lot of the times it's fairly hard when trying to strike up a conversation even about MLP, which I can understand might be a little embarrassing... okay a lot embarrassing. 


I can't really say much because I haven't really encountered many bronies at all! 


Now with more added tea leaves!

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Once I gain enough courage to buy MLP relating things, I am thinking of buying something that is very subtle like a pin or small accessory that does not give any indication of MLP  directly to people unless they are a brony themselves. Kind of like a cutie mark pin of one of the characters of the show or a quote that that is MLP related that only bronies would know. Maybe that might attract some bronies in my direction so I can get to know some in real life.

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Once I gain enough courage to buy MLP relating things, I am thinking of buying something that is very subtle like a pin or small accessory that does not give any indication of MLP  directly to people unless they are a brony themselves. Kind of like a cutie mark pin of one of the characters of the show or a quote that that is MLP related that only bronies would know. Maybe that might attract some bronies in my direction so I can get to know some in real life.

I went to a Brony meet today. It's very relaxed. We just shoot the shit! Hell, we hardly even talked about MLP! You should look one up in your area!


Beautiful, Stylish, Fabulous AND evil! What more could you want?
(Thanks Kyoshi for letting everyone use your sigs!)

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I went to a Brony meet today. It's very relaxed. We just shoot the shit! Hell, we hardly even talked about MLP! You should look one up in your area!

was it a small meetup? the meetup i went to was big and in a pub

1zxbprt.jpgbabadumbadum BAH

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was it a small meetup? the meetup i went to was big and in a pub

Yes only about 8 of us! Are you on the forum UK of Equestria?


Beautiful, Stylish, Fabulous AND evil! What more could you want?
(Thanks Kyoshi for letting everyone use your sigs!)

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This is so... silly. This entire topic.


You make seeing "bronies" as like, this mystical event. There are millions of people in the world who like MLP. I don't understand why it's being so romanticized. I don't get this whole "closet brony" mentality, which is pretty appropriating first of all, but also so ridiculous. The worst you'll get from your friends is, "huh. That's weird!" and that's it. (And honestly, if they say something worse than that, were they even your friends anyway?)


That being said, if you want to talk to someone about MLP, then go for it. I understand he was entranced by an episode and that's fine! But seriously. It's that simple. No one else (strangers around you) aren't going to give a single damn about your conversation, I promise you.

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You scream "NERD!" and run away giggling like a little girl.


But yes, overall sentiment in the thread so far I agree with. It honestly isn't a big deal, unless you have more general social anxiety, in which case talking to people in general is an issue.

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But yes, overall sentiment in the thread so far I agree with. It honestly isn't a big deal, unless you have more general social anxiety, in which case talking to people in general is an issue.


I do have a small case of social anxiety when it comes to revealing things or liking things that might cause me much ridicule. I am also not a confrontational person.


I really have very little problems talking to people, but I am not super extroverted. But once you get to know me, I am very outgoing just not in very large groups unless I know most of the people in that group and are comfortable around them.

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I do have a small case of social anxiety when it comes to revealing things or liking things that might cause me much ridicule. I am also not a confrontational person.


I really have very little problems talking to people, but I am not super extroverted. But once you get to know me, I am very outgoing just not in very large groups unless I know most of the people in that group and are comfortable around them.


Well in that case I think it's fine for you to have to steel your nerves up a little. Just don't do nothing you know, better to always try.

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I always go out with pony merch on, I always wear a hat when I go outside, always...I never leave the house without my hat. I like wearing hats. Anyways, my hats have various pony cutie mark buttons on them. and they're clearly visible, they're also a dark grey/faded black/distressed black/ , so the buttons/pins pop. Everyone sees them, so it's hard not to tell that I'm a brony. I even have a big metal Fluttershy keychain that hangs out of my pocket,I actually had someone hoof-bump me twice because of it, once when I was buying some merch at a Value VIllage (there were 3 Fluttershys in it), and the cashier happened to be a pegasister. Another time, I ran into yet another pegasister at a local Tim Hortons. :squee:

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Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Well I can't talk now because I saw a girl with a Rainbow Dash bookbag today, but I held my tongue.  Not because I was afraid to talk to another brony, because she was;

  • A Senior
  • A Popular Girl

    The connotations of a slightly nerdy sophomore such as I to talk to a popular senior such as her would be so stacked against me that I just chose not to.  :squee:

I'm the uber-conservative one.
Rainbow Dash x Kitchen Sink OTP
A great man once said, "ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS BSNS"
20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this.


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