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Why do some people hate Rainbow Dash?


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The lesbian thing is due to her rainbow colored mane and tomboyish personality which are both stupid reasons. I never understood how and why rainbows became a symbol of gay pride, I have no problem with gays but they don't own them last time I checked. And of course there are plenty of girls who are tomboys who aren't lesbians. I suppose some people don't like Rainbow Dash mostly because of her ego. Even most of her fans admit that she can often be arrogant, in some peoples opinions overly arrogant which can rub certain people the wrong way. Rainbow Dash has improved a great deal as a character though, especially in season 3. Her ego is still a part of her character but this isn't a bad thing, she also has as we saw in Wonderbolt Academy a responsible and mature side and in Sleepless In Ponyville a softer side.

The rainbow became a symbol of gay pride because of diversity; it was meant to symbolize all of the different genders, creeds, ethnicities etc within the gay community coming together as one group. As far as the "Rainbow Dash is a lesbian" thing; I truly think that is based a lot more on the rainbow thing than the tomboy thing. Right or wrong; if you see a woman irl decked out in rainbow garb; you'll presume she's gay (in fact all of the ones I hit on before I met my wife were; but that's never here nor there). As for me; I don't have an opinion one way or the other on her sexuality, or anypony else's because I really don't care. It doesn't affect me; it doesn't affect the show.

  • Brohoof 2



:huh:  :toldya:  :smug:  :wat:         Nightmare Night Fan Club        :pout:  :proud:  :please:  :confused:

signature by Scootaloodle

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To put it simply, her persistent arrogance and boasting is annoying to many, including me. I like Egocentric characters when they are entertaining, not too over the top, badass, or are used for primarily comedic purposes, but Dash just gets repetitive. There are some moments that I've really liked from her, but she definitely isn't a favorite of mine by any means

Edited by Rivendare
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Yeahh, there's one for each of the mane 6, I'm pretty sure >_> 


Hatred is such a negative emotion, and we really shouldn't waste our time exhausting it on cartoon characters of all things.


For a community so centered around "love & tolerate" we certainly do have a lot of things like "Why is so-and-so hated more than s-and-so?" type of stuff. Oh the irony (will. Joke, swing & a miss)

  • Brohoof 2


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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"Why do they hate Rainbow Dash?"

Because she can take it

She is the rainbow warrior

the 20% cooler watchman

she is the mascot this fandom needs

She is the rainbow knight.

Ok, nobody else bother posting.  Just quit now, cause no one's ever gonna beat this post.

  • Brohoof 1


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There are people who hate on RD? Really? Huh. I thought the biggest arguments against any of the Mane 6 revolved around Rarity & Fluttershy (the latter being my favorite mane 6)...

It seems to me that Rainbow Dash is both loved and hated at the same time, I have heard just as many people say that Rainbow Dash is their favorite pony as she is their least favorite or most disliked pony. Another reason I forgot to mention why some people don't like Rainbow Dash is some people are somewhat bitter about the level of her popularity, there is Rainbow Dash merch everywhere she is practically the mascot of this whole fandom. If I didn't know anything about this show I would swear that Rainbow Dash was the main character.



 Right or wrong; if you see a woman irl decked out in rainbow garb; you'll presume she's gay (in fact all of the ones I hit on before I met my wife were; but that's never here nor there).

Really? I thought the rainbow thing was used more by gay men, I have seen gay pride rallies on TV and when I have seen people dressed in anything to do with rainbows it was usually gay men. I know it was meant as symbol of the broader gay community but in terms of literally wearing it, that is what I thought but hey maybe I was wrong in that. I suppose the whole gays and rainbow thing even though I have nothing whatsoever against gays has always rubbed me the wrong way but I suppose that is a topic for another day.

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Wait, people hate Dash?! :huh: That's news to me, I always thought she was one of the most popular characters in the show. She's been one of my favorite ponies from the start, BUT! I also get what people are saying here and why she could be just as easy to dislike. Her egotistical, arrogant and somewhat brash nature can be very unappealing at times. There have been scenes where even I have to raise an eyebrow at her and wonder "dude Dash, was that really necessary?" Hating her because she's a tomboy is just plain stupid and the above mentioned traits have nothing to do with that. I'm a major tomboy but I've never had much of an ego or self-esteem (if anything I relate far more to Fluttershy) But it comes down to this: Dash has her flaws, ALL the ponies have flaws - WE all have flaws - that's part of what makes these characters so awesome.

As for the whole lesbian thing, yeah I've seen that. While I think it's pretty dumb to assume a character is gay just because they don't fit a gender stereotype and have "rainbow pride hair omgsz!!12", there's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay and it's certainly no reason to hate! That being said we don't know if RD is actually a lesbian and I doubt we ever will. If they ever announce that in the show consider me shocked, haha!! It'd certainly be a huge progressive step in showing kids that love is love but personally I'd rather keep romance - straight or gay - away from the Mane 6. Let's keep the focus on friendship. Friendship is magic.  :muffins: 

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people just seem to find her attitude annoying. this annoys me, becuase her attitude is very fun (to watch.) her attitude isnt even that mean most of the time, its just 20% cooler than everyone else. (it also annoys me because apparently im most like RD and what we most have in common is our attitude. Geez, people, we're just having fun!)

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Really? I thought the rainbow thing was used more by gay men, I have seen gay pride rallies on TV and when I have seen people dressed in anything to do with rainbows it was usually gay men. I know it was meant as symbol of the broader gay community but in terms of literally wearing it, that is what I thought but hey maybe I was wrong in that. I suppose the whole gays and rainbow thing even though I have nothing whatsoever against gays has always rubbed me the wrong way but I suppose that is a topic for another day.

At pride practically everyone is wearing rainbows, just like everyone wears green on Saint Patrick's Day. My experience has been that more lesbians wear rainbows on a day to day basis than gay men. But again; that's a stupid reason to dislike someone and it's a shame that so many people make that assumption about Dashie when it really has nothing to do with the show. I was not trying to offend anyone or to take this conversation a specific direction. I just thought when I saw it going there that I might share my experiences as a woman who's been out of the closet for over a decade to try and shed some light on people's rationale. Again, I don't care if she is or isn't as it has nothing to do with her chAracter on the show. In fact, quite frankly, I could give a damn less about anyone's sexuality in any show or in the real world and I really don't see why it matters to anyone. Unless of course you're interested in said person, for instance if my wife went hetero; I'd care but anypony else? Their life; their choice; I support them (even if they choose to be straight)



:huh:  :toldya:  :smug:  :wat:         Nightmare Night Fan Club        :pout:  :proud:  :please:  :confused:

signature by Scootaloodle

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I never hated Rainbow Dash, i just could not really understand what made her a good character.


I liked how Rainbow was in season three though. I looked back at season one and two, and finally understood. She is my third favorite together with Twilight now.

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Wachu talkinbout? I never really understood these: "Why do people hate on X?" posts. I swear, I seen it happen to every character. Not hatin', just wondering.

Well, some people seem to really, REALLY hate some characters in the show. And people just wonder why that is.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, some people seem to really, REALLY hate some characters in the show. And people just wonder why that is.

Well, in my eyes, it seems that it's an equal amount of force between each other. someone could make a post asking: "Why does everyone hate Applejack's hat?" And I would see it nearly the same as the others. But, if you see it's uneven amounts of hate to each other, more power to you.

out of my swamp

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Here is, well, let's call it a review of Rainbow Dash & what she has gone through. Take from it what you will, but he does bring up really well made points &, despite the bad he has highlighted, she still is probably one of the overall most mature. I would say 3rd, after Twilight & Applejack

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I have a special place in my heart for RD, my little brother warmed to her instantly and she is the main reason he started watching the show with me :) 

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  • 1 month later...

Well, Dash is my favorite member of the Mane Six-but, I am not blind to the problems that are present in her character.


A lot of it has to do with either the way she's written, her ego, Insecurity, occasional stupidity (which is far more prevalent in the IDW comics), being a tomboy, and her not 'living up to her Element' have all been reasons I've heard from others who do hate her.


Plus, the in majority of Merriwether Williams' episodes she is portrayed quite negatively;


"The Mysterious Mare Do-Well" highlights her negative attributes (especially her ego) and pushes them to the extreme (tossing a baby to another pony, jeopardizing the life of a falling pony to sign autographs, and her desperation to be loved by others through trying to get praise for menial tasks like mowing the lawn and opening a jar of peanut butter (stupidity) and then moping on the cloud in a horrible bout of depression, when she realizes nobody cares about her now that they have Mare Do Well, which along with her anxiety attack in "Sonic Rainboom", has made many of her haters feel that she is pathetic.


In "Hearth's Warming Eve" when Applejack tells her that it isn't the 'Rainbow Dash Show' before the play, she replies "Well, it SHOULD be! I'M THE STAR!" (There's that ego, again.)


"Bats!" had her and the rest of her friends completely disregard Fluttershy's concern's for the bats, but her reason it shown in the episode to be a part of her cider addiction, rather than through any sense of Loyalty to Applejack as a friend when taking her side (lack of Loyalty). 


But, she has been written quite poorly by other writers as well;


"Dragonshy" written by Meghan McCarthy has her being irritated by Fluttershy constantly slowing them down, which others have accused her of being a jerk for.


"Rainbow Falls" written by Corey Powell has her trying to train with the Wonderbolts and still wants to join them, despite the fact that they are clearly shown as jerks with no sense of ethics or morality in this episode so she can live her dream, despite the fact that the whole point of trying out for the games was so Ponyville could qualify. Her insanely poor choice for 'athletes' to represent the town-(who obviously couldn't care less about qualifying or the games themselves), while claiming that she could carry the team herself. She then fakes an injury to avoid having to make the painfully obvious choice in the episode. (Stupidity, Ego, and a lack of Loyalty that made no sense, unless she was blinded by the Wonderbolt's supposed 'greatness'.)


"Testing, testing...1,2,3" written by Amy Keating Rogers has her portrayed as not knowing a thing about the Wonderbolts, despite being their biggest fan and knowing enough details about them for Rarity to impress Fancy Pants by accurately assessing Fleetfoot thanks to this knowledge, which portrays her as either stupid or so shallow that she only cares about the current roster of the team.


So again, since she's always been my favorite character, there's a reason my icon is a despondent Rainbow Dash and episodes like the aforementioned two in Season 4 don't inspire much confidence in me for the writer's trying to rectify these issues in the future-there are also some users on her I try to avoid after learning about their strong hate for her (to avoid being attacked by them when they realize I don't share the same sentiment).

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Well, Dash is my favorite member of the Mane Six-but, I am not blind to the problems that are present in her character.


A lot of it has to do with either the way she's written, her ego, Insecurity, occasional stupidity (which is far more prevalent in the IDW comics), 


Unfortunately this is pretty true. I've always felt that, aside from a couple of exceptions(FF#6 with Trixie, to a lesser extent, the Pirate and Bookworm arcs), I've always felt that Rainbow Dash always got shafted pretty hard in the IDW comics, with most of the comics portraying her as either a complete meathead or always complaining about stuff being "mushy", and I always feel that her characterization in the comics is incredibly shallow and lazy. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the folks at IDW actually dislike her(honestly I think it might be true)



"Bats!" had her and the rest of her friends completely disregard Fluttershy's concern's for the bats, but her reason it shown in the episode to be a part of her cider addiction, rather than through any sense of Loyalty to Applejack as a friend when taking her side (lack of Loyalty). 

Honestly I don't see why this is a big deal. She loves cider and wants to save it. To me it just sounds like another case of the fandom getting butthurt needlessly upset over what is supposed to be a harmless gag(RD's Cider obsession). 


"Rainbow Falls" written by Corey Powell has her trying to train with the Wonderbolts and still wants to join them, despite the fact that they are clearly shown as jerks with no sense of ethics or morality in this episode so she can live her dream, despite the fact that the whole point of trying out for the games was so Ponyville could qualify. Her insanely poor choice for 'athletes' to represent the town-(who obviously couldn't care less about qualifying or the games themselves), while claiming that she could carry the team herself. She then fakes an injury to avoid having to make the painfully obvious choice in the episode. (Stupidity, Ego, and a lack of Loyalty that made no sense, unless she was blinded by the Wonderbolt's supposed 'greatness'.)

I get that Rainbow Falls isn't the best written episode, but I still think it's unfair that Rainbow Dash is always singled out when it comes to the whole Key thing. She basically goes through the same thing Rarity, Pinkie, etc., go through.



"Testing, testing...1,2,3" written by Amy Keating Rogers has her portrayed as not knowing a thing about the Wonderbolts, despite being their biggest fan and knowing enough details about them for Rarity to impress Fancy Pants by accurately assessing Fleetfoot thanks to this knowledge, which portrays her as either stupid or so shallow that she only cares about the current roster of the team.

I don't see why it's a bad thing that she only know about recent history/roster of the Wonderbolts, since there are plenty of people like that in real life. Hell I'm quite the WWE fan, yet the only things I can really remember nowadays is the Ruthless Aggression Era(mostly from around 2004)


Sometimes I feel like Rainbow Dash is a character people will go out of their way to dislike and come up with reasons that are either unfair, outlandish, highly exaggerated, or flat out don't even apply to her

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Honestly I don't see why this is a big deal. She loves cider and wants to save it. To me it just sounds like another case of the fandom getting butthurt needlessly upset over what is supposed to be a harmless gag(RD's Cider obsession). 


I'm not upset by it.


This was a reason I've actually seen cited by someone for hating her on deviantART.  

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I'm not upset by it.


This was a reason I've actually seen cited by someone for hating her on deviantART.  

I'm not saying you were(sorry if it sounded like I did), but it doesn't surprise me that some people are. Again it just sounds like a case of people taking basic cartoon gags/tropes too seriously, a problem that's pretty prevailent in the fandom especially in regards to RD

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I'm not saying you were(sorry if it sounded like I did), but it doesn't surprise me that some people are. Again it just sounds like a case of people taking basic cartoon gags/tropes too seriously, a problem that's pretty prevailent in the fandom especially in regards to RD


It's okay-I just wanted to clarify that not all of these sentiments are my own.

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Hate Rainbow? I always thought Rainbow was one of the more popular ones. Ah well, the people change their opinions a lot. 
Rainbow is my least favorite of the Mane 6, mostly because in some episodes, her main roles either annoy me, anger me, or make me very disappointed. However, in a supporting role, I like Rainbow a lot more. To be honest, I'd like to see the supporting side of Rainbow, rather than some of her main ones. Still, in some cases, Rainbow has great main roles, with Wonderbolts Academy being my favorite Rainbow episode because of her speech to Spitfire about giving up her dream to be a Wonderbolt. If Rainbow was just as well written in other episodes like Wonderbolts Academy, I would like Rainbow a lot more than I do. I still like Rainbow, in fact, I think she has the best singing voice of the Mane 6 (why hasn't she gotten her own song yet X_X), and she has some of the best supporting roles this show has ever gotten, but her main roles (some of them) irritate me, and in some cases, she's unlikable, which leads me to play the "Is Rainbow Dash likable/a good main character" game. A game I don't like playing. 

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There is just one thing that I don't like about her, her OCCASIONAL stuck up aditude. Maybe once every 3 episodes is what I mean by occasional. She is cute and kind when she wants to be, wich is more often than stuck up. She isn't my favorite pony but there is no reson to have her as your last. (I don't have a favorite pony, :-P )

All the Ponies

:please:  :smug:  :lol:  ;)   B)  ^_^  :sunny:

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To be fair she is a bit very arrogant.


(She is still my fav M6 pony though)

Edited by Thunderlane
  • Brohoof 1



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