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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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Everlast bowed. "Forgive me, you are right. You saved us all and I should thank you." A fool. Either he does not understand what could have happened to all of the magic users in the group or he is telling less than he knows. Doesn't matter. I have to play along if I want to know what is going on with this limb of his. "I was scared, I was focused on a danger present in front of me and was not expecting an attack from behind. I reacted poorly. I'm sorry."

  • Brohoof 1

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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@@purple.teal@, @@Lightning Bliss@,


"Forget... about it. Your reaction was... accurate. You must be well versed in magic.. to understand that fully," he complemented Everlast between gasps.


'Well... I would ask everyone's names right now... but I fear I would forget them. It's late, anyways. Perhaps I should be off..." Unless these ponies want me to accompany them. I could really use a bit of company, but I don't want to just walk up to them and offer to join them. They would probably find that suspicious.

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"You're leaving?" Bliss asked, surprised as she weakly wobbled over to the bizarre made pony, pulling her cloak like a blanket, over her shiverig ill shoulders, "but you just got here... And you don't look so good... I'm no expert on magic. Silly I know ACHOO," she sneezed, "I'm an alicorn and know next to nothing on magic but... It looks like it took a lot out of you. It's not safe to walk out here alone either... We did not too long ago, face some ACHOO! Scuse'me... We faced some diamond dogs not too long ago...Prehaps you should stay with us tonight."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"We don't need extra hooves Lightning Bliss, if he wants to wander aimlessly amongst the forest trees by his lonesome, then let him." Blaze finished speaking and laid his head back against the rocks behind him, he was so tired and for no apparent reason at all. How much longer would the group tolerate his foolishness.


@@Lightning Bliss


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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She turned around weakly, looking surprised at Blaze. Then hotly, her eyes narrowed and turned to face him.


"And who are you to say who can and cannot be in the group? Prince Blaze!" She snorted at him. "You're kicking out the one pony who not only took care of a mess, you problably made somehow...along with ridding a curse off me as well...And all you can say is, "let him go?" What kind of Prince are you to not offer a helping hoof to one who gave it to us in need?!"



The anger and effort of standing was taking a toll on her as she began to cough violently. "Darn it all...Stupid curse spell got me all sick with the flu it feels..." She weakly went to her sleeping bag and crawled in it. "Ignore Blaze's rude words, Rax'Mar," she added in as she got more comfortable in her bag, "he's just...not well. Maybe a bit stressed out... We all are. But if it means anything, I wouldn't mind if you stayed."

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"Unless you had places to be and your time with us has held you from important happenings, I believe it would be beneficial if you hung with us for as long as our paths lead in the same direction. Whether you do decide to stay with us or not, it would be my pleasure if you were to allow me to ask a few questions about your leg. Later though, If you would excuse me."


Everlast bowed out of the conversation and stood over Blaze as he laid down. 




"I do not mean to interrupt your peace, sir, but I understand that the fire was your doing. Was it not? If you would let me ask a few questions about your power that I believe may help us all collaborate and plan for the future of this endeavor." Everlast sat down and looked at the sword Blaze always carried with him.


"Might I begin with your tool here? Does it in anyway affect or even aid you in controlling fire? I understand that many mages in history had a tool of their own that let them channel magic beyond the basics of a horn." At this he touched his own horn with a forehoof. You said you were, as far as you know, born an alicorn, and fire came naturally for you. Have you attempted any other kind of magic?"

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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"There is no proof that fire was my doing." Blaze shifted his eye towards Everlast creepily, "So I suggest you cease pointing hooves at those who have yet to proclaim themselves as guilty. I am too tired to deal with your petty squabbles, leave me be scribe." Blaze got up from the rocks and walked away.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@, @@purple.teal,


Not much could be missed from Blissy's large ears, that being their only advantage of their size. She gritted her teeth at the firm remark Blaze made. To her at that time, he was being a right inconsiderate jerk.


"Look Blaze," she snapped at him, "there wasn't a lightning storm, there were no dimaond dogs in the area to start that fire...and that pony "Royal Flush" if I recall...used a Freezing Card Spell on me, not a fire one. And the only pony around here who can conjure fire, in your case, with a sword... Is you...So Everlast does have a right to be suspicious. Maybe if you weren't so busy being 'mysterious' and pushing us away, we could help you..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss


"And who says I need help. I don't recall inquiring for assistance, I'd advise not pestering me with your accusing antics." Blaze walked away from Lightning Bliss and two a different corner of the camp, hopefully where they wouldn't bother him again. Blazes head ache kicked in again. 'Quiet weakling! Cease persisting to escape, it will not do you any good' he thought to himself.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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((Let's play some catch up))

@@Lightning Bliss, @, @@purple.teal,@,


As Hurricane was trying to control the fire, she noticed strange things happening at the camp. She didn't bother to wonder about it though. Just after she saw the commotion, she felt her tornado give out and she started to plummet to the ground. Her wings were suddenly too weak to fly. She found herself plummeting into the fire. She braced herself before landing on the firm, burnt ground. She couldn't figure out why the fire just vanished. Hurricane figured she could get some answers back at the camp. Since she couldn't fly, she trudged though thick forest in the direction of the others. She finally emerged with her wings dragging the ground and her mane and tail messed up with various branches poking out. She was scratched up and muddy with a highly annoyed look on her face.

Edited by Vitani
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Everlast, who was reaching inside of his pack for his journal, closed the bag and got up, as Blaze walked away.  "Uh, I'm sorry. Sir. I did not mean to accuse you of anything. Forgive me if it was taken that way." Everlast partly trailed after the alicorn and called after him. "I just  wished to know more about yourself. In addition to, as I said, gathering information to help the group work together, I am researching the topic of alicorns and divinity. So if you are not up for a more in depth interview now, I would be greatly appreciative if you would find me later."


He let Blaze go on alone and returned to the main group.


@@Lightning Bliss@@


"So uh, I suppose this should have been my first priority after a battle, but is everyone alright?" He saw Hurricane come out of the forest. "You look like a true hurricane ran through here."

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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Clover had been magically enforcing the wards around the camp to the best of her ability. She was glad that her magic had returned and the spell had worn off. It had been a useful spell tho, that one that Twilight had given her, and she decided that if that Royal Flush villain turned up again, that she'd use it straight away and utilise her hooves to attack him. She'd seen the fire but had decided that her best bet was to make sure the wards were as strong as they could be rather than leave to fight it. Clover was sure it was Blaze, but there was always the chance that it was a diversion sent to distract her so she set her teeth and continued the ward strengthening. This done, she came back to the group.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony, @@purple.teal,


She snorted as she watched Blaze taking up place further away from the circle and gave up on him, not wanting to waste her strength on fuming on a brat prince for the time being. "I'm fine aside from catching an annoying cold from Flush's freezing card..." she rubbed her nose, it was turning a cute light shade of pink, "are you and Hurricane alri-"



She quickly shut her mouth as she watched the mangled mess of Hurricane, trudge out of the woods, looking very annoyed and a stink eye on her without any target to go on. "Um...I take it you're not alright Hurricane... What happened out there with you? You're wings??!! Are you ok??

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss, @@purple.teal, @,

Hurricane was about give Everlast a sarcastic remark before Lightning Bliss spoke up. She looked at the alicorn with a slightly confused look. Could she really care that much about her? Hurricane wondered. "I'm fine. Just a little messed up." she said as if the answer was obvious. "I don't get why your so worked up Princess. I'm still alive last time I checked." she then looked at her wings. "My tornado randomly gave out and so did my wings." she said with an irritated tone. Hurricane then looked at Blaze and raised her voice. "But none of this would have happened if somepony didn't decide to barbeque the entire Everfree forest!"

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@, @,


Bliss nodded at Hurricane's remark and gave Blaze the stink eye.


"Agreed on that one Hurricane, he won't even tell us what happened.... ACHOO!" She sneezed again and coughed, then quickly buried herself in her sleeping bag. "And sorry if I'm too ovelry concerned for you, I thought you were worse off then me. That stupid freeze spell I got, it's gone now but it left a little reminder of itself...a stupid c-c-cOOOOOOOLD ACHOO!" her ears flaped ontop of her face, making her look more comical then anything.

She groaned and tried to poof her ears off her face, without much success.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@, @@Lightning Bliss


Hurricane joined the group and Everlast looked at her wings. "Are you going to need anything for that?" Got to give the pegasus one thing, she is tough.


As the others talked about Blaze, Everlast turned and stared intently at him. Something is wrong, he knows it, we know it. That headache he had earlier, and his fainting in combat... I believe he lost control of his power. Is it permanent? Why would he distance himself then? Two options I see, he knows he lost his power and either his pride keeps him from admitting it, or he stays away for our own safety. without turning away, he spoke quietly to those near him. "Leave him be for now, I believe he just lost control. I ask that everyone keep an eye on him, but keep a distance. If he can't control fire anymore, who knows what could happen if he is stressed."


He turned to the newest addition to their huddle, Clover, just returning from placing shields around the clearing.



@@Pripyat Pony


"You set up protections around this place," Everlast waved a hoof around the clearing. "Forgive me for questioning your actions, but how long do you plan on us hanging around here? I'm not one to force a march on those incapable of making it, but I think that we should get out of the Everfree Forest as quickly as possible. Of course, I am in no position to make that call in the first place, simply my opinion. I'd say that we have had enough trouble here." 

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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Blaze tilted his head down to the ground and shut his eyes.

"Must I come in here and stifle your moaning myself?" The entity voiced aloud in Blazes mind.

"This is not your body to control! Give it back!"

"Your complaints are unwarranted and disregarded" the entity kicked Blaze back causing him to bleed. Blaze stood up and attacked the entity. It was no use, the entity made the rules, Blaze was use less in his own mind. The shadowy figure easily hit Blaze off of it and chained him to the floor. "Do not waste my time again Prince...."


The spirit left Blazes mind and re-entered the real world. Blaze spat up blood on the ground. He looked to the group to see if any pony saw it and when he thought no one did, he went back to his solitary.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@purple.teal, "I would think that a night's sleep, then resume the journey in the morning," Clover replied. "I have no love for the Everfree myself, tho there are good things that reside within. You are right, we should leave the forest as soon as we can and try to leave undetected. I will cast a spell to remove our hoofprints and scent as we travel tomorrow."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@, @@purple.teal, @@Lightning Bliss,

((Is Blaze still coughing up blood in chains?))

Hurricane let out a small giggle at the sight of Lightning Bliss. she then looked at everlast to answer his question. "I'll be fine. My wings will regain strength eventually." she said. "Until then, I guess I'll have to sleep on the ground." she sighed in disappointment. She walked away from the circle of poines and found her own spot on a patch of grass. She lied herself down and turned her head toward Blaze, then turned away and rested her head down.

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@@purple.teal, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @Vitani


Pushing her ears off her face, Bliss noticebly nodded to both Clover, Hurricane and Everlast in agreement, and curled herself up more, hoping her cold would be gone in the morning. Then as if by a magical instict...her horn sparkled a little, forcing her head up ever so slightly. Though the aura couldn't be noticed by the others...the magical shift in her alicorn magic...had noticed a change...There was no peace within somepony...a disharmony...She followed her magical instinct that probed her horn to point...and it settled directly on Blaze...


Her eyes went wide with fear and sadness...something was clearly wrong. She could see that he had coughed up blood...and seemed to have a different glow in his eyes...It wasn't his natural glow of heroic pride and gentle nature...it was egotistic...fearsome...and strong... What in the name of the Elements is going on with you Blaze...? What can I do to help...? At that her horn stopped its reaction...it seeming to ignite to her as a warning...She nodded in awknowledgement of this...and knew just as Everlast stated...she would keep an eye on him.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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((OOC: I know I've not been able to post on here in a while, but I'm back! Rough schedule got in the way of the rp again.))


Steel Tempest listened thoughtfully to what Royal Flush was telling him, then exhaled deeply. "Very well. Sounds simple enough. However, despite both our skills combined, I fear that we may be overpowered still, considering what you have told me. That is why I'm going to issue the help of my NEW partner..." He looked at the door leading to his house as it opened. Out came a gruff looking Earth Pony, carrying what appeared to be a very large shotgun over his shoulder. He had a serious look on his face as he heard himself being mentioned.


"You called?" he said in a gruff western accent. It appeared as if he too was from Appleloosa as well.


"Speak of the devil. What a coincidence you decided to come and visit now..." Steel said to him, looking at Royal. "This is Quickdraw. Met him a little while after you left. He's pretty skilled at wielding that thing he's carrying."


"Damn right I am," he said, walking over to the two of them. "Now... I already overheard what was going on while I was coming in, so when do we leave?"


Royal looked at him. He seemed to be suitable enough for the job, and looked trustworthy enough not to turn his back on him. "Now, as soon as I get the teleportation spell ready..." He began to predict the future of the group. "Seems they'll be getting out of the forest and into Manehattan soon enough. We'll ambush them afterwards. I want to catch 'em by surprise..." He activated the spell, and transported the three of them into Manehattan.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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((The real Blaze was chained in the mind of Blazes body by the Entity. And then in the real world, Blaze coughed up blood for a second))


@@Lightning Bliss

Blaze regained his focus and turned his head to give Lightning Bliss a menacing and sharp glare that Blaze hoped might scare her off from persisting. He then turned his head back to face the ground by his lonesome.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Everlast himself didn't feel tired, so instead he just found a spot and turned his bags upside down. His two books and coin pouch fell out and behind them fluttered all of the papers he gathered from Starswirl's secret lab. When the warriors laze and rest, then does the scholar's work begin. One last thing tumbled out of the bag, A Cyan orb. For the sake of all that is holy. He quickly shoved it back into the pack and tossed it behind him. May Celestia smite me should I go back.


Though shaken, Everlast returned to his mission. He spread out every piece of paper in an arc in front of him Four alicorns rule the country, I travel with three more. over Halfway there. If I'm going in the right direction at all. He opened Mazzerin's Mystery and began collating the notes of the two wise sages with his own. After a while he glanced at the alicorns. I think I have Lightning pinned down. Clover still needs an interview. Blaze...something isn't right. 


Everlast couldn't find anything nearby he was willing to sacrifice for the spell, so Everlast wrote on his own hoof.


A flash, and the world shifted to black. He saw everyone with the varying shades of blue. Nothing too serious then. He turned toward his  true subject. Oh curse everything! Everlast drove his hoof into the dirt and smudged the note, reverting back to the normal world. The last time I messed with something like that, most everyone died. Just watch, be prepared to restrain at anytime.

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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@, @@purple.teal, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @,


(OOC Hope ya'll don't mind, but we're all asleep, so now let it be morning!)


Bliss slowly pulled herself out of her sleeping bag. Some morning dew had fallen off a leaf of a tree above her, making her nearly leap out and stumble in the process. She was a mess from head to hoof, her mane a tangled mess from her struggling in her sleep. Her horn kept giving off magical warnings in the dead of night...warning her about the unknown threat that could be coming from Blaze...but she still didn't know what to make of it. All she knew was, whatever was wrong with him...it was evil...and cunning.


She smacked her lips, they were dry as well as her mouth feeling like a desert, she wobbled over groggily to a small puddle of fresh dew that gathered near a base of a tree that was near the sleeping male alicorn. She blinked at his tired form for a while...wondering if it would be safe to drink...But her mouth said otherwise, not wanting to be argued with. She approached the trunk that was not more then a few feet away from Blaze, and quietly lapped as quickly as she could...only to find that her horn immiedatly reacted the longer she stayed near him.


A burst of rainbow light lit up on the tip of her horn, making her whinny in surprise and rear up. She took two steps on her hind legs back, landing with a thump in some mud, splattering it near Blaze unintentionally.


"Gah...stupid horn...it's only Blaze...isn't it?" Her horn continued to sparkle in urgency.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, @,

Hurricane still asleep and was rolling around on the ground and kicking her legs as if attacking the air. In her head, she was trying to outrun a large shadowy figure. Just before it caught up to her, her eyes shot open and she sprung in the air hovering above the ground. She calmed down and looked at her wings. She smiled. "There, back to normal." she said as she landed back on the ground. Hurricane noticed commotion where Lightning Bliss and Blaze were. She didn't know what was going on, but just decided to watch to see where the whole situation would end up.

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