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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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@@purple.teal, @,


"Oh good..." she sighed feeling relieved, "I guess my magic isn't going crazy then...but..." she blinked as she watched Blaze and Hurricane continue on at a slower pace, "but...what is going to happen now? Should we warn the others...gah...DARN THESE HOOVES!" She whimpered and turned them up to show Everlast. All four hooves were clealry littered with blisters or cycts, if they weren't so packed on, she'd only be feeling achiness in her legs from the long journey so far. But her hooves were intolerable.


"Here..." she offered them to him to inspect, "how bad are they...? Can you really heal them? Just enough for me to stand and get to that inn Rax'Mar was talking about?"

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"I know, and I'm sorry, I just have been dealing with some things. I don't know what to say, but sorry." Blaze smiled at Hurricane and continued walking forward on the streets.


The Entity hated being around so many other ponies, he hated being around other Ponies in general, but it was getting ridiculous when they stepped hoof in Manehattan.

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"It's fine. we all have out moments." Hurricane was starting to think that nothing was wrong with Blaze. He seemed fine now. She then decided to get off the subject and lighten the mood. "Ever been to Manhattan before?" she asked for lack of a better topic. The hustle and bustle of the town was loud and fast. The taxis were constantly moving and ponies constantly talking.

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Blaze looked at Hurricane, "No never. To be honest I never really liked the bustling cities. It was always too loud for me, I could never get any peace or quiet. Ponyville was perfect, a small tranquil little town where everyone knew each other and relied on our hoof work to get stuff down rather then machines."

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"I agree." Hurricane said. "This city has way to any ponies for my taste. Everypony here is just moving non-stop. They don't take the time to enjoy life." she gestured to the area around them. "I defiantly couldn't live here. There's no place to fly around and be free. Although, I could make my way around the streets pretty well." she said with pride. "I wonder if we're gonna stop anywhere in the city or go straight though." Hurricane said beginning to think out loud.


((Is it day time or night time?))

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Doesn't look like you travel often princess. Don't worry, I can get you back on your feet." He split the wound between them both, and winced as his hooves burned with terrible pain. The sudden shock knocked him onto his own flank. "Well, I guess I have to give you credit. How long did you walk like that?" He slowly started to get back on his own hooves.

Edited by purple.teal
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Ooc: Gah! I forgot about this RP and had no mentions to remind me! So sorry!


Clover had stayed quiet for a time while they travelled to the city. She was thinking, wondering what was up with Blaze and about the stranger who had joined them. Perhaps he wasn't as bad as she thought; Clover knew that she had a hard time trusting other ponies and wanted to make this better. Clover wasn't feeling sore hooved like Lightning; she was well used to walking back in her own home town of Trottingham. She heaved a sigh of homesickness when she thought about her little house, with her friends nearby. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't really mesh with this city. It was too big, and too full of hurrying, thoughtless ponies. Thinking over the matter of the stranger again, she dropped back to talk to him, thinking that perhaps she ought to make an effort to try and trust ponies a bit better.


@, "I'd like to apologise for not trusting you," Clover said to Quickdraw. "The fault is mine, you see. After I graduated from the magic academy, I kind of withdrew into myself and only trusted the friends I'd made as a filly. I get suspicious of strangers for no reason; I hope that we can now be friends."

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"I do travel...just...not on hoof as much, I been using my wings more and...well my husband..." she sighed realizing she was going to have to explain herself. "My husband was there when I ascended into an alicorn, during the process, he was designated as my guardian and personal protector. I guess you could say he's my one and only 'royal guard'. As a result he takes his job seriously and insists that when I go to diplomatic proceedings, that he escorts me himself. He'll either fly me out there or teleport me himself..."


She looked down at her hooves knowing fully well why they were so bad.


"My hooves are so bad because...I've not been able to wash them as much as I usually do. Back when I was a pegasus, and half my life I grew up in Appleloosa... I worked alot with my step dad out in the apple orchirds as a volunteer, kicking apples down while he fixed wagons. One day though I bucked more then probably I should have... I guess it was due to I had another rough day at school...Anyways... As the day progressed I noticed my hooves started to ach more and more...till finally I collasped and my step father had to carry me home. It turned out that there was so much dirt, splinters and trimmings packed in under my hooves, they became infected. Mother would later tell me the reason why this happened was because I wasn't taking better care of my hooves after a long work day. She insisted I wash my hooves every night..." As Everlast abosrbed half of her pain, it still hurt, and the cysts were still present but not as angry, she slowly stood up, wincing some, "I guess as a result to keeping up on her suggestion...my hooves have become more tender...They are getting back at me for not taking care of them all this time."


She lightly treaded to the others with the occassional flapping of her wings to avoid any cracks in the pavement or debre.


"My hooves are the least of my problems right now though..." she whispered so only Everlast could hear, "Blaze is what is...I just...don't know what to do about it though."



She sighed and fluttered to Rax'Mar and Raze, pleading with them to find a place for them all to stay.

Edited by Lightning Bliss
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"I agree with that, flying is an important part of my life, and important part about being an alicorn. I just don't think it would work in such a bustling city with giant skyscrapers. Also we'll probably stop somewhere to sleep or something." Blaze was looking around the city making mental notes of everything.

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((OOC: Sorry guys, I've started school again so I'll be even more busy than I was before. I'll still try and find time for this!))


Quickdraw nodded silently at Clover's remark, but he knew she was wrong to do this. He couldn't be trusted; he was leading them into a trap after all. He could change that though; maybe disappear or try to convince them to stay in a place where Royal couldn't find them... 


No, that wouldn't work.... he thought, remembering Royal Flush's "Predict your Destiny" spell. He didn't want to do this because he liked the pair; personally he thought they were a very odd group. But he wanted what they were after, and to get that, he had to play nice and convince them to let him into the group.


Suddenly, he spotted a somewhat fancy looking hotel, about 15 stories high. From a first glance, it looked four star, to say the least.


"How 'bout there?" he said, pointing his hoof at the hotel.

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Bliss looked as Quickdraw pointed to the fancy looking hotel. Under any circumstances she would had been willing to sleep in a cheap motel like any pony, royalty or not. But her hooves still had cysts and the longer she stood on them, the more they began to swell. She wasn't about to argue about where they stayed the night. Besides...she had more then enough money to take care of all of them if they wanted her help.


"Please...can we stay there then? It's the closest one here..." she pleaded with Raze, noticing he was still browsing the map. He really is becoming obessed with this journey..."If we...keep going like this I'll have to fly the rest of the way, and last I checked I wasn't exactly a stamina based flyer..."

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Raze looked at the hotel, and thought about it. He had enough money, so why not?


"Sure, just as long as you all can pitch in for it," he said, walking towards the building.


Quickdraw reached into his bags and brought out a money pouch that was filled to the brim, one of the many pouches he "acquired" during his travels, and walked towards the hotel as well.

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Bliss merely smiled and levitated out her own little bag of bits from her saddle bags, and with her sleeping bag still firmly tied to her back, she leapt into the air and flew across the street, not hesitating to get a room as soon as possible. She fluttered through the rotating doors that were elegantly designed with golden seems and a red carpet as its base, but it did little to impress her. The size of the lobby alone though made her stop and hover in awe realizing it was made of marble decor, with golden outlined edges, and pastel oil like murals of alicorn ponies and pegasi flying through the air, seeming to be playing harps or a flute. It was so fascinating that she didn't notice that other pony guests that were staying in the hotel, were all seeming to stare at the fact she was an alicorn to begin with.


"Ahem...madame?" A Canterlot accented unicorn with a dark violet coat and silver mane spoke to her from behind his counter. He was dressed in a fancy tux with a red bow too complete the scenes, "may I help you...you're Highness...?"


"Oh..." Bliss blushed for a moment and then hovered down to the desk. She flinched realizing her hooves were still in a great deal of pain that she actually had to bite her tongue from making a cuss. "Gah...um..."


"Madame Princess are you alright?" The fancy accented unicorn asked politely.


"Yes...yes I'm fine...just a little sore from walking. Um... I need some rooms." She went straight to the point.


"Rooms? Are you not staying alone?" The unicorn raised an eyebrow. "Oh prehaps you have an entrouge and your royal guards accompanying you?"


"Not exactly..." she gustured to the rest of the group as they came in.

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Clover took out a bag of bits to contribute to the price of the rooms and walked inside. Tho her hooves weren't sore like Lightning's, Clover was feeling tired and was glad of a rest. She walked over and stood next to Lightning. @@Lightning Bliss, "Are they sorting out our rooms?" she asked Lightning. "Do you need any help?"

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@@Pripyat Pony,


"I just got in and asked them about the rooms," she replied back to Clover before turning back to the pony clerk. "We have a group of 8 ponies sir. Is there enough room to accomodate us?"


"8 other ponies?" He asked before fummbling with his levitation to go through some paper work, "Um...madaem that many guests on such short notice would be...difficult..um.." He was nervous, not wanting to turn away not one but two royalties that were now standing in front of him.


"Please sir..." Bliss asked, putting in a hint of charm, "My hooves are...really achy...my friend here is fatigued. Any rooms would be good for us...Heck I'd be happy to sleep in a closet-"


"OUTRAGOUS!" The clerk huffled up, shocked that a alicorn princess would even think such a thing, "as general manager and clerk of this...ahem...lovely 5 star hotel, I cannot allow lovily maries like yourselves... Sleep in such horrid conditions! Would the penthouse for yourself and your friends sofice?"


"The penthouse?" Bliss blinked and turned to Clover, and mummbled, "I don't think I have enough for such a place...unless we all were to pitch in..."


"Um your Highness..." The clerk motioned her, his ears were just as good as her, seeing that he listens to everything that happends in his lobby, "I can give you and your friends the pent house for 80% off!"

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Everlast followed the group into town, and walked with them to the hotel. His feet ached worse than they ever had before, and he would be glad to rest, This would be a good chance to write... Everlast knocked himself on the head. Before they went inside he went up to Raze. "I was wondering If you could reserve a slot for me along with everyone else. I need to go shopping, and I'll be back shortly and I promise I will pay my fair share of what ever may be required."


He didn't even wait for an answer before backing out and away from everyone. I made an idiot's mistake, going on this trip without the basic necessities. Making his way to the appropriate shop, Everlast purchased some blank paper, quills and ink. After getting his work supplies, He began making his way, back to the hotel.

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((Sorry guys. Stuff going on.))


Hurricane entered the hotel with the rest of the group. She felt uncomfortable and out of place in the fancy hotel. She looked around to see the high-class ponies give her odd looks. Hurricane looked at herself with her dirty coat and wild mane and tail. She looked behind her to see a small trail of dirt brought in from her hooves. She then decided to depart from the group and looked around the lobby some more. While wandering around, she saw a vase sitting on a table against the wall. She went up to the shiny vase and realized she could see her reflection in it. She looked at her dusty face and mane. Then, Hurricane started to make various facial expressions and moved farther and closer to the vase being slightly entertain. Unfortunately, she got too close and knocked it over. It landed with a loud crash with the dirt and flowers spilling on the  floor. Hurricane then quickly flew back to the group hoping they didn't notice.

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@, @@Pripyat Pony,


"AH!" The clerk was just about to explain to Blissy about the penthouse being big enough to accomadate all of them if they were willing to share the 5 bedroom apartment at the top of the hotel, when he saw the 'filthy' black wild mare pegasus, knock over a priceless vase. He leapt over his desk to inspect its damage, but it was clearly shattered in a hundred pieces. "You broke priceless vase that was worth three times over what you could imagine! How you expect to pay for this madem!!!??" He whinnied at the awkward mare.


Bliss's ears perked up at the crash and the sudden yelling of the clerk. She turned to Clover with an 'uh oh' expression, then galloped to Hurricane's defense. "Sir it was an accident!" She pleaded with him. "I'd be more then willing to pay for the damage. My friend is...she's tired and just a bit bored. Not exactly her most favorite accomadations and-"


"Her favorite accomodations??" The clerk now forgetting who he was talking to, "This is a five star class hotel that Princess Celestia herself stayed at! No pony can resist our accomodations...even this bum that walked in from out of what looked to be the marshes!"


Bliss's tongue hung out then, shocked that such a fancy pony would be so rude to insult a mare like this... She was so fueled with anger she couldn't form words.

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@@Lightning Bliss, With a feeling of rage at the clerk's snobbery, Clover turned and aimed her horn at the shattered vase. Using a top reforming spell, which didn't just mend broken objects but instead made them whole; in other words, reverting them back to their previous state, Clover concentrated on the broken vase. Sweat rolled down her face; Clover was already tired, so this made the spell more difficult, but she was determined to make it work, and eventually, it did. Turning to face the clerk, Clover said, in a voice tight with anger, "You will not insult our friend like this. Look; your precious vase is back to normal. Just cuz somepony doesn't look like your idea of the perfect guest does not mean that she isn't a decent pony inside."

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@@Pripyat Pony, @@Lightning Bliss,

Hurricane was about to deal out a sarcastic remark before Lightning Bliss stepped in. She was a little surprised at the alicorn's outburst. She was also slightly insulted by the clerk's response to her appearance. Hurricane just watched the fiasco, but when Lightning bliss referred to her as a friend, it caught her attention. She was called that be her before, but she still wasn't used it. It felt odd to her. She was taken from her thoughts when Clover used a spell to fix the vase. She had to admit, it was impressive. When Clover mentioned Hurricane being decent on the inside, it got her thinking. These ponies think of her as a friend. They can see past her rough edges and see that she's not all bad. They saw her as somepony worth defending.

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"Gin," Royal Flush called out while he laid down his hand of three cards. All of them were kings.


Steel Tempest sighed, and threw out his bum hand on the pavement. The two had been playing Gin Rummy for quite some time now, with the score being 220 to zip: in the favor of Royal Flush. They were still waiting for Quickdraw to come back with the unsuspecting group.


"It's been two hours already. Where is he?" Royal Flush said impatiently, gathering the cards and shuffling them again so that the odds would be in his favor.


"If he hasn't come back yet, then either something bad has happened to him, or he found what he likes to call 'a better deal' from the group you're planning on surprising. Knowing him, it's probably the latter."


Royal sighed in frustration. "Damn it. So he turned on us... why's you bring him along if you knew he would do something like that?"


Steel Tempest shrugged. "Sometimes it happens. I don't have control over him." He stood up, and grabbed his blade. "I'll look around and find him." He spread his wings, and flew into the air, gusts of wind blowing away the cards on the ground... into Royal Flush's face.


"Would it hurt him to at least make a less flashy takeoff?" he said, wiping cards off of him.

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@, @@Pripyat Pony,


Bliss smiled to Clover's efforts and decided to make the clerk's day a little more difficult after the way he treated them.


"There your vase is fixed thanks to her royal Highness Princess Clover," Bliss gestured sarcastically at the clerk. "But...since it appears you are too proud of your hotel to accept my pegasus friend here, or our company... I guess we'll take our business elsewhere. Good DAY sir...!" She then abruptly turned around in a huff while whispering to Hurricane quietly, "3...2...1...."


"Wait wait please your majesties!" The clerk stumbled, nearly knocking the vase down that was just fixed, "Please forgive my arrogance, it's just the owners of this hotel would have my head on a plate if anything were to be damaged...But it'd be worse if I were to turn away two princesses and..." he eyed realizing that a stallion alicorn was also here as well, "a Prince too!?"


"Well I don't think you need us to stay," Bliss said in a drama like fashion, "It seems you are doing...quite well on your own." She smirked, while secretly winking to Clover. If it was one thing she was good at thanks to being raised in the south, it was sarcasm.


"Please wait, wait!" The clerk teleported in front of them, bowing to them repeatly. "I couldn't bare three royals walking out of the hotel due to my poor hospitality! Please um..erm... The Penthouse! For free! Out of our good graces your majesties!"


Bliss at this point felt a bit guilty that her sarcasm went as far as it did, but at the same time, the idea that she was getting them all a room in the best location of the hotel that Princess Celestia herself stayed at, seemed more then fair considering how he treated Hurricane. She sighed and decided it accept it reluctantly.


"Very well sir...you drive a hard bargain. Please do stand up now... you're ruining your tie." She giggled at his groveling and watched as he stood up as happy as a colt and galloped over to some bulters to assist with their bags and take them up to the penthouse.


(If anyone wants to describe the penthouse feel free to do so or I'll do it next post.)

Edited by Lightning Bliss
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@@Lightning Bliss, @,


"I think that would be in order," Clover said, smoothly, holding back the chuckle she wanted to give out. Lightning had certainly set this clerk by the tail, in getting them the penthouse suite for free! The suite was big enough for all of them, in fact, for twice as many of them as there were. Plus, there was a spa attached; Clover was feeling as tho a soak in a jacuzzi was just what she needed after the journey so far.


She turned to the other two mares. "Shall we check out the spa, after we've washed?" she asked. "Seeing as it's attached to the penthouse, we might as well take advantage of it. I know it's probably not what Hurricane is used to, but it's just what we need after our journey! I wasn't keen on spas til my friend Morning Glory took me to the one in Ponyville, and after that, I was a convert." Clover giggled.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


Taking in the reminder that her hooves were still stinging from pain as the cysts were getting more annoyed with her standing on the, Bliss barely had to say a word. A big smile and her ears flicking upward was all that was needed at the word 'spa'.


"My mother took me to one back on Cloudsdale when I was a filly," she remarked, "I remember enjoying the hot tubes along with some mint chocolates. Oh I hope it will help my hooves though!" She turned to Hurricane then, "Come on gal! You'll love it besides...HMPFH" she felt her front left hoof sting again, "I don't think my hooves can take much more of this!"


She then turned towards an elevator and quickly fluttered her way over, and sat down inside holding the doors open for the others.

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Everlast got back to the hotel, and after asking the clerk where the rest were, made his way to the top floor and walked in. How did we end up in this place? Good goddess. He saw everyone settling in, and made his way to the coffee table and pulled out the new supplies he got. He sat down and began writing a letter. 


Quill Wit, 

     While in Ponyville a few days ago, a great opportunity was brought before me. Currently I am now in Manehattan with a group on the trail of Starswirl the Bearded himself, and as I understand it, we are going to find a treasure he died looking for, something that can grant any wish. There is a kicker as well. To alicorns, It provides a form of divinity, which, if true, will destroy previous theories of mine, but as three members of my travelling party are alicorns I will have a chance to see this for myself. During the travel time I have been gleaming parts of their history, and will have it all documented. While this journey will throw everything it contains to the winds, it is my hope that they may have answers to the mystery I have spent many hours on. I know you will shake your head upon reading that, but while I am also loosing faith in what it says, I am going to keep that option open. Even if it holds just a little knowledge to what may have transpired to create the original Alicorns, that little bit may be what is needed. Even if it doesn't, these two options seem equally plausible at this point, so if one works, I will have made great leaps for all ponykind. 


He folded the page twice, and then addressed it. He placed it back in his pack and panned to send it off as they leave the city. After that was taken care of, Everlast settled into the chair and took to reading over Starswirl's notes again. As an afterthought, he tucked a few of the pages with the letter.

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