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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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Hurricane coughed after she was knocked on the ground. She gasped for the air that was knocked from her lungs. As she shakily stood up, she felt her legs grow weak and her vision was blurry. Her body limits were starting to catch up to her. Everything started to slow down around her as she tried to motivate herself. "Come on, Hurricane, you can keep fighting, you can still do this. don't give up." she kept saying to herself as she slowly started walking back over to the enemy. Hurricane started to feel dizzy and her vision got worse. She could feel her muscles slowly giving up. "No, no, no, Hurricane, don't give out, stay strong, you can keep going."

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@@Lightning Bliss, @,


Clover knew she had no means of escaping the stallion's attack so she braced herself for the impact, but then Lightning came out of nowhere to knock Steel aside. Recovering herself, Clover ran over to stand by her friend.


"Why not talk?" she replied to what he had said to her. "You appear to have a greviance against us for no good reason. As Lightning rightly said, neither of us chose to become alicorns. We were granted ascension as a reward for our actions. I for one did not expect it, and did not perform the action with the intention of ascension. All I was doing was protecting my friend from the actions of an evil pony who was only concerned with himself. Much like you appear to be, in fact."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"His reasons for attacking you are standing right next to you," Royal Flush said, kicking Clover in her side. "I helped him escape when his country betrayed him, helped him hide when they were lookin' for him, helped fight off his former friends when they tried to kill him. I stuck my neck out for him, so he's in my debt, and he's fully aware of that."


Steel remained silent, not sure of what to think after that. While that was true... he betrayed him as well. He fell into a deep thought, but still tried to focus on the task at hand.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Bliss darted her eyes on Flush then...


"So you blackmailed this sword stallion to do your dirty work...Royal Flush..." she snorted and turned to face him, pawing the ground. "We did't have any quarrel with you back in the forest till you attacked us first! Tell me, did you bother to tell your friend that?!"


She kicked dirt at his hooves and swayed her head to intimidate, just like the buffalo showed her.


"I ought to skewer you where you stand!" :angry: She reared up and stomped the ground again, hoping intimidation would bail them out rather then another round of fighting.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Steel looked at the quarrel, then shouted "ENOUGH!!!" He dashed to Royal Flush and grabbed him with one hoof. "Let us not forget that YOU betrayed ME for money. Therefore I owe YOU nothing!" He slammed him into the ground, and just as he was about to stab him, Royal exploded into a bunch of cards that flew everywhere. He heard laughing then looked around, seeing that Royal was on the other side of the road in another alley, watching the fight all along.


"I never did trust you, Tempest," he said, tipping his hat. "I always knew you'd let the past get the better of you, and you just proved my point. You've outlived your usefulness..." He looked at Quickdraw. "...And the same goes for your gun-toting friend. Next time we meet... it won't be on friendly terms. Adios." He walked into the dark alleyway, and disappeared.

@@Lightning Bliss,

Edited by Polnareff

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@, @@Pripyat Pony, @,


"STOP YOU!" Bliss darted towards the end of the alley, but it was already too late, Royal Flush had completely disappeared into the alleys. She stomped her already sore hoof, it now bleeding from the open cysts, but her adrilien and anger kept her from noticing for the moment. Snorting with frustration she walked back to the others, not giving Steel or Quickdraw any respectful gesture of a look, back to Clover and Hurricane as well as the others, limping unknowing as she went.


"Gah...Royal Flush, that pony needs to be captured...and face up to his crimes against Equestrians!" She snorted and sat down to check on Hurricane. "What he did was cruel, narrow minded and...and...and just down right venemous!"


After huffing out a few moments, she calmed just long enough to realize that Hurricane was down, and struggling to get the air moving in her lungs normally again. "Gah curses...are you ok Hurricane..? Did he hit you that hard? Gah..." she twinged her horn, trying to make it glow so she could see better in the dim alley, but the shear shock of pain only came from it, reminding her that for now...her magic was sealed. "If I knew a spell to make simple heals I'd do it...gah...what can I do?"


Her anger flushed up again then, realizing that Steel had mentioned something about Blaze, and his poltential curse on her horn. The rage at this point had driven to intolerable...the cause of one pony had already left the scene...a scape goat was needed for her to vent. With that, she darted her head to Blaze...no longer afraid...but fueled with her father's rage.


@, @@purple.teal,


"YOU!" She snorted and cantered up to him, "YOU FOUL, LONESOME EVIL LITTLE PARASPRITE!" She aimed her horn like a sword under Blaze's chin, "You poisoned my horn didn't you! You didn't want me to tell the others what I know! What I sense in you! I know what you are though... I know it...and you know it too! So you poisoned my horn and at the worst possible time! I could have helped our friends with some magic I have! But not only did you poison my magic! You effected Everlast too! Bet you didn't count on that did you!? DID YOU!!??" She jabbed her horn firmly under his chin now, not causing blood but making it painful.


"TAKE THIS CURSE OFF ME NOW! Or I swear on my father's grave I'll show you how a real pony fights without MAGIC!" Snorting.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,

Steel shook his head at the sight of Lightning Bliss's anger. "Calm yourself," he said, walking towards her. "You're not going to get anywhere if you let your anger cloud your judgement... like I did..." He lowered his head.  "...But that's besides the point. Just relax..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Hurricane didn't clearly see Royal Flush. she just knew he was gone. She slowly gained a little sight and consciousness back. She then noticed what looked like Lightning Bliss threatening Blaze. She turned her whole body to them. "Lightning, what are you doing, stop!" she yelled at her still trying to regain strength. Hurricane didn't know what was going on, but she didn't like the sight of Blaze being threatened by somepony who is supposed to bring peace.

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@, Clover was aching all over, but she felt the spell passing so she knew she could do magic again. She limped over to Steel.


"So, where do we stand with you, now?" she asked, her anger gone. "You also have a score to settle with Royal Flush; you could do worse than join with us. You might wonder why I'm asking, but I try my hardest to see the best in ponies, whenever possible. I saw this for the first time, back when I was a filly and earned my cutie mark helping to rescue another filly, who most would have left to her fate. Also, perhaps now is the time when you ought to think about having friends. Being without friends must be lonely."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Everlast listened to the negotiations, and then watched as Royal Flush disappeared. He shook his head and began gathering his scattered papers, happy to call it a day. He heard yelling behind him again so he turned around to see Lightning Bliss attacking Blaze. He watched in horror as she was about to skewer him.


But she didn't, Instead she began to blame him for the poisoned meal. 


@@Lightning Bliss


"Princess, STOP! Listen to me before anypony else gets hurt. What proof do we have that he did it? The word of an assassin? From where I stand, I see two things; The first being you, and by accident, me, were poisoned right before this one-" He pointed at steel, "Shows up to finish the job. The second, is that the one who just tried to kill us, tells you that one of our own group, is the culprit, and you believe hem."


He moves closer to the action and turns toward Blaze.




I don't want to believe you did it, but by what I've seen and heard, you are the only one, besides the ones who attacked us, who had a motive. She was close to understanding something you didn't want her knowing. Blaze, I need to know what is going on, I only want to help you, And I'm sure that is her goal too. To put it bluntly, you are not right in the head. Maybe you know exactly what is going on. Maybe you don't fully understand yourself. Either way is acceptable. Just let us help."

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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@@purple.teal, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @,


(OOC Edit sorry I mean Stell not Quickdraw then)


Bliss bucked a rock at Steel, missing horribly though it wasn't intent to hurt him, it was more of a warning.


"You stay out of this! You were once in league with this assisain and Royal Flush!" She growled nearly at the gun barring pony, "As soon as I sort this all out, I'll be making sure to add your name to the list of arresst warrents! That way you can join your...friends..." she glared an eye on Steel before turning her attention back on Blaze.


But then to her horror, everypony seemed against her when it came to her accussations of Blaze. But she knew it was him who cuased her magic to be sealed, it had to have been...she didn't know how or why...but her instincts to protect her poweress, now being withheld, only made her more determined to announce the truth.


"I sensed something Blaze previously in the forest everypony!" She bellowed out, "you all have to believe me! I sensed an entity within his soul...A battle of good and evil wages within his body and currently the evil has won out... The Blaze we know of, would never use lethel violence when battling against a foe! Hurricane you saw it for yourself!" She turned to the still injured pegasus then back to Blaze, "the entity who has Blaze under control...knew that I sensed a disbalance in the peace of all beigns as well as our world...and he needed me out of the way! So you poisoned me to seal my magic from reacting to your presence! But I KNOW THE TRUTH!" She stomped the ground in front of Blaze, "release the real Blaze at once!"

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@Lightning Bliss

((OOC: Actually, I wrote Steel saying it, not Quickdraw XD))

Steel sighed, and walked closer to Lightning. When he was close enough, he delivered a chop to a part of her neck that knocked her unconscious.

"Sleep," he said as calm as a light breeze. He turned to Clover and the rest and gave an apologetic bow.


"What he said was true, I did owe him for saving me," he said, still bowing. "But... not any more. I have repaid his debts tenfold. Now I see I have made a new one for myself... if you would allow me to repay it by joining you with... whatever you're doing... I will. My blade is yours."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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(OOC...aww why you knock me out? Hope ya'll are gonna carry me and not leave me in a dirty alley!)


Bliss glared at the fake Blaze, knowing she had to be right, she could only hope the others were going to back her up. But before she could continue with trying to share the proof of how she just 'knew' the entity in Blaze was real...she felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck just below the skull. It was quick, sharp and very painful, to the point she wanted to scream, but her body reacted before she could make herself.


Feeling the weight of her body fall involuneetairly drop to the ground, her eyes went heavy from the shock of the pain...the last thing she could hear was the words..."Sleep" from Steel...


"Why...won't you...al...believe...me..." she shut her eyes, giving into 'sleep'.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Hurricane watched as Lightning Bliss yelled at everypony and was knocked unconscious by Steel. This alarmed her and she got another pump of adrenaline through her body waking up her exhausted body. She ran over to the group near Blaze. "Wait, what's going on?" she asked with concern in her voice. She had just now snapped back into full reality. She then noticed Steel standing near them. Hurricane quickly pounced on him with an angry glare of hate. "What did you do?" she asked forcefully.

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Steel put his hooves up in innocence.

"Nothing. I only put her to sleep, that's all. Nothing fatal. She'll wake up soon enough." He stretched his wings, and sat on the concrete, laying his blade in front of him.

"You are obviously not aware of the situation, so I will tell you." He looked at Hurricane. "Royal Flush is gone, he betrayed me and disappeared to who-knows-where... And you are no longer my enemy."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"You can't just tell us that we're not enemies and expect us to trust you." Hurricane said backing up a little from him. "We already tried to kill eachother, how do I know you wont try to turn on us again?" she asked. "I'm sure we all want to know how we can trust that you wont try to destroy us." she started raising her voice as if demanding an answer.

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"I have no reason to anymore," he said, looking at his sword. "The only reason I attacked you was to repay my debts to Royal Flush. Now that that's over... I've gone back to what I was before: a wanderer with no purpose. Just my blade and the wind at my side..." he grabbed it. "But now I am seeking a new purpose for myself." He pointed at the others with the hilt of his blade. "All I need is for you to let me pursue it."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Bliss groaned as she slept, her magic was attempting to fight back the curse, but it was only causing her pain as she slept. She rolled around on the ground, occassionally her back leg flickering up and down in a seziure like motion. It was almost comical as saddening.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss
Everlast was focused on Blaze when he saw Bliss slump down. "What?" He turned to steel, whom he saw withdrawing. "What was that about?!?" he leaned down to the spasming body. "Let's get you up. Back to safety." Everlast dropped his stuff that he was gathering and bent under the body to pick her up. He glanced up at their window. Who's idea was it to get a room on the top floor? Focused on balancing the sleeping body, he turned a bit toward the conversation.
"To be truly honest, we all have known each other for only three days as it is. The only thing we have in common is our treasure hunt." He glared at Blaze. "I won't throw away the theory that a traitor is within our midst as it is until I have final proof, one way or another."



"But please if the commotion is over for now, and ponies are going to stop breaking in through windows and knocking others unconscious, let's return to rest. We are never going to get anywhere having to deal with each other like this. Especially if we can still expect card thrower to show up again."


This party just gets more exciting every moment doesn't it? I'm going to have to watch my back now, until this poisoned thing is all over. Just when I thought I could finally find a trustworthy group.

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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@, Clover looked at Steel. "Perhaps," she suggested, "To prove that you are now on our side, you could tell us everything you nknow about Royal Flush, including anything which will help us defeat him. We have already found that magic is useless, as he just steals it. Physical force seems to have an effect, but is not immune from his tricks. We can discuss this in our hotel suite, as there is no use to standing out on the street, and most of us are injured. I could teleport myself and Bliss up there; perhaps you could help Hurricane and anypony else who needs help. I for one am happy to offer you friendship. Isn't that the true magic, as Twilight often says?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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She felt movement coming from underneath her, followed by the sense of a slight misbalance shift on whatever is she was laying on. Abruptly her mind came to realize she wasn't on a stabled hard ground but on the back of somepony. She thrusted her head up, clinging to the back and darted her head back and forth.


"Huh? What? Ouch..." the throb at the back of her head came back slightly, nothing a good medicine wouldn't cure, but she remembered instantly. She looked down on her cater, "What happened to the others? Who hit me? I remember telling you all it's Blaze who poisoned us! Did they do anything?" She asked the unicorn pleadingly. "Why are you taking me to the room? What is everypony else doing? Gah...and...do you...have any pain medicine?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@Pripyat Pony

Steel looked at Clover. "I do not know of this Twilight you speak of... but I guess he or she is right. I am Steel Tempest, the last remaining master of the legendary wind technique." He bowed, then raised his head. "I was branded a traitor by my country for something I did not do; now I wander this land in hiding, hoping one day I will find the real traitor and restore my honor." He turned around. "But enough of me. Let's get going..." He proceeded to walk back to the hotel, helping Everlast carry Lightning Bliss.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Bliss then darted back, seeing Steel was coming up to assist only forced her to put her wings up in defense.


"Don't TOUCH ME!" She snorted, "You hit me in the back of the head I assume?"


She turned her head away, covering her face with her wings, protecting her already painstaking horn and head.


"You obviously don't believe what was said of me so why would I accept any of your help, let alone after the fact you attacked us...You may gain the trust of the others but you have to earn it from me!"


At that she tossed herself off Everlast and fluttered up the stairs, avoiding contact with any other pony till she made it to her room, slammed the door and locked it behind her. Once she felt secured, she flew to her bed and began to cry.


"Oh Luna...what is to become of me...without the magic of peace? What good am I now?!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Hurricane followed the group back to the room. She watched as Lightning Bliss angrily flew up to her room. "Somepony doesn't handle injury well." she said to herself. Hurricane assumed that was the reason for Lightning's upset demeanor. She then turned her attention back to Steel. "Woah, woah, woah. You can't just try to kill us and expect us to let you stay with us." she said with scowl on her face. "How do we know you won't try to attack us again?" she growled. 

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@@Lightning Bliss


"There is nothing wrong with me Scribe, I am as I always have been, if I have a medical problem I will consult with you. My condition has not changed since we met outside of Poneyville." Blaze walked off and turned his attention to the other problem.


"Hurricane is right, you just tried to slaughter all of us to settle a petty debt. You're moral setting is obviously not one we want living with us." Blaze stepped in front of Steel Tempest. "In fact I think you should hand over Lightning Bliss and take your leave, we don't need you here." Blaze looked at Steel Tempest, "I'm afraid I'm not asking either."



Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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