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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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@@Lightning Bliss, "I can part the shield so that you can join me, but you must be quick!" Clover called out to her friend. "I know that you're nervous about this... I am too! But it's the only way to save our friends! Whatever happens afterwards, we won't know til we try! I trusted you when you said that you would fly by my side and help me to fly myself; please return the favour and trust me now!"


Clover took a deep breath and fired her magic at the shield, creating a small tear for Lightning to step thru. This would not last for long so she hoped that Lightning would come quickly before she got too tired.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


Bliss shook and took a hoof back as the gap opened for her just big enough to jump through. Fear overwhelmed her for a second or two...when she heard Clover say "I trusted you when you said that you would fly by my side and help me to fly myself; please return the favour and trust me now!"


At that, her face formed into a confident stare, and with a big huff of breath, leapt through the gap before it closed nearly on her tail.


As if in a reaction to her courage to keep the peace against a dangerous and deadly foe, Bliss stood her ground, and made one quick glare at the Entity that now had control of Blaze. Then she turned to Clover, her horn seeming to automatically glow with rainbow aura...it knowing within her, the time to act was now.


"I'm ready..." her Equestrian voice...though peaceful sounding, held a firm and confident vocal, to her friend Clover as she leaned her horn forward.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony


The Entity stood up and glared at the two Alicorns standing before him. 'I underestimated the power of Clover, but I will not make that mistake again' he thought to himself. He put himself in a stance to prepare a spell, his horn started to glow with fiery intensity and Red Axes were constructed from thin air and hanging from above his head ready to be thrown at Clover and Lightning Bliss. "Whatever you're planning to do it will not work!"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Quickdraw and Raze ceased their fighting as soon as the entity was out of their reach. Steel, however, hovered up and landed right in front of Clover and Lightning.


"Not so fast," he said, katana at the ready. "I'm not finished with you yet." He unsheathed his blade and began to hover a few inches off the ground, positioning himself upright, holding his blade with both hooves in front of him.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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((You guys...are...going...so...fast))

Hurricane heard Blaze talk about stars being traps and watched him fly to the roof. She had seen Lightning Bliss go up there earlier and had heard other ponies talking about a hostage. She knew that pretty much everypony was up there. She decided to stay down below for two reasons. The main reason was because Hurricane felt near useless in this kind of battle. This was a battle meant to be fought with magic that Hurricane didn't have. Hurricane stayed below to try to think of a strategy. She then thought back to when Blaze talked about stars being traps. All she needed to do was get Blaze to spring his own trap.

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@@Lightning Bliss, @, "If you believe this, then why try to stop us?" was Clover's only reply to the Entity, as she touched her horn with Lightning's. Clover concentrated all her magic to combine with Lightning's, feeling that, come what may, it was out of her hooves now. Like the others, she could only wait.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony, @@Lightning Bliss



His eyes widened looking at them, 'If what they were doing was going to work, and thy seemed pretty certain that it would. Then all of his work would come to a halt.' He backed up from the two Alicorns performing there spell. It was too soon, there was still so much work that he needed to do.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @,


(OOC Sorry if I take too much lead with this ya'll, and i'll try to divert Hurricane's plane into motion too I don't want you to be left out on this)



Bliss's magic became atuned with Clover's...like two friends were meeting after being seperated for a long time...Clover's magic, was a beautiful hue of pink and purple, overlapping and entwining with her rainbow magic...The rainbow power was wild and free, uncontrollable...but when Clover's magic overlapped with it...for once it became calm and in control, like it trusted the other alicorn and her wisdom with the sources of power.


At that Bliss's eyes widened brightly, glowing white as the power of Clover surged forth within her, as her own magic went through Clover...and embraced both alicorns equally. The power of both lifted them off the ground, surrounding them in a sphere of magic that couldn't be broken.


For a moment in time everything seem froze...and in a realm of peace and magical harmony...Bliss found herself face to face with Clover. She wasn't sure where they were or whether this was all a magical trance... But in the moment of silence and peaceful serenity, she realized how good of a friend Clover really is. She was the alicorn of magic, and that magic was there to guide her own, in its quest for peace of Equestria. The whole meaning to her magic seemed more clear then ever before when she used it the last time. But as she was about to speak in gratitude for Clover's guidence, she could tell from her friend's eyes, that right now their friends were in need of help.


"Must...rid the Entity..." her voice spoke out in Equestrian power.


At that both the powers of the alicorns, surged forward, envoloping every pony and the theater building itself, within its sphere. The power then, with electrical rainbow like tenderoils, surged forward at Blaze, grabbing him and dragging him downard back into the theater, away from the others. It brought him down somewhere near Hurricane, where an omnious familiar painted star had appeared.


"Must...contact...Blaze...through magical connection..." Bliss's voice ranged out. "Must help...Blaze...help himself!"

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony


"No! What is this!?" The Entity yelled and echoed through the Theatre. He couldn't escape, he was surrounded in pure aura and magic. The Entities eyes widened as the tentacles moved him towards his own star. Suddenly he was shoved inside his own force field unable to get out. He felt like a caged animal that couldn't even claw his way out. "Let me out of here! You think this will save Blaze? What makes you think he even wants to be free!? Who are you to make that call?!"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@, @@Lightning Bliss, The power enveloped Clover the moment her horn touched with Lightning's. She gasped; it was at the same time both primeval and blissful, and it was extremely powerful. Both she and Lightning rose in the air, surrounded by an aura of beautiful light, rainbow beams mixed with pink and purple ones. Clover saw the magic envelope Blaze; with all her heart, she wished for her friend to be freed and the evil within him to be transported elsewhere. Her wish was mirrored in the eyes of Lightning, and Clover concentrated her strength in sending every bit of her magic to combine with Lightning's peace magic.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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While trying to think of a plan, Hurricane heard some commotion around a corner near her. She rushed over to where she heard the noise. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Blaze caught in his own magic shield. She didn't know how he got there, but it didn't matter. "Well look who's smart enough to get caught in his own trap?" she said walking closer to him with a sly smile. "I didn't think you were dumb enough to outsmart yourself." she taunted the entity.

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@@Pripyat Pony, @, @,


"The entity is strong..." she gasped out in time with the fluxing of magic as Clover pushed her magic into her own, maximum limits. "We've...got to...reach Blaze somehow...if only we were..."


Suddenly she realized it...Hurricane was down there with Blaze...she remembed she and Blaze had a connection closer then the others at one point. Prehaps there was a way to reach him...


"Hurricane..." Bliss spoke through the magic, reaching to the black pegasus mare, "You're Blaze's friend...he trusts you...and the Entity knows this...Blaze needs your help...your friendship...you're strength... Our magic can help...but...we need you to talk to Blaze..."


She felt the Entity fightning back...he was strong but weakening...and she could sense he was putting all his efforts into keeping Blaze inprisoned.


"Gah..." she felt her magic push harder with Clover's again, "Hurry Hurricane! I don't know...if I can...control this...gah..." She looked to Clover then, trying to keep her trust in the gray alicorn. "Help me...Clover...The power of Peace...it's...it needs guidance..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, @, @,


Clover nodded, needing to keep all her energy for the magic. She hoped that Hurricane would do as Lightning asked; the reaching out of a friend would be what Blaze needed to get free from the Entity. After all, Twilight had once told Clover that the magic of friendship was more powerful than anything in Equestria. Thinking of this gave Clover a surge of energy; she and Lightning were fighting for a friend, a fellow alicorn! They must prevail. Instinctively, she felt that Lightning's peace magic needed the guidence of her magic, and she used the energy surge to direct the power of Peace directly into Blaze's mind, filling it not with the red hatred of the Entity, but instead filling every single corner of Blaze's mind with Peace, love, joy and friendship. This would make Blaze's mind a terrible place for an evil being to inhabit; in fact, it would be as unbearable to evil as an evil place would be to a good being, meaning that by simply remaining in Blaze's head, the Entity would suffer great discomfort. Even if it remained, the rainbow Peace magic, combined with Clover's powerful magic, would eventually force it out.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony @


"You idiots! You are nothing but mere magicians! I have lived through millennium! You think filling my mind with putrid thoughts of friendship and Peace will get you anywhere!? Then you certainly don't know a thing about Blaze!" The Entity put his head down in agony, covering his head with his hooves and shaking it from side to side.... "I will rip the flesh from your bones! I will mangle and mutilate you until you're nothing but strips of pony flesh! I will...!" He was cut off before he fell back from exhaustion.


In The Mind


"You think your friends have done anything for you Blaze!?"

"If anything they were able to shut you up."

"They are worms. Pathetic insects waiting to be squashed."

"You fail to comprehend their potential. You claim to be some higher being.... But we both know your nothing but a puppet.... Clarent."


"You've kept me captive for far too long, and it's time for you to take your leave."

Blaze appeared from the depths of his mind to face the Entity, Clarent. "I've told you before, you don't belong here." Blaze stood before the Entity ready to engage it and end this once and for all.

"You're too weak to defeat me Blaze."

"Maybe, but that won't stop me from trying."

Edited by Foxy The Pirate


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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While Hurricane was taunting the entity, she heard Lightning Bliss's voice in her head. She knew that the princess was trying to communicate with her. Hurricane looked back at Blaze who appeared to be fighting mentally with himself. She knew what she and to do and got serious and looked at him in the face. "Blaze, if you can hear me, you have to remember earlier. Remember the beginning of the journey when I first met you. I was angry and rude to you, but you still kept talking to me like it didn't bother you. I liked that about you. Remember when I lost my cool and was fighting with everypony. You were the only one who could tolerate me. I respected you for that. I felt that you different from anypony else I had met." Hurricane started to tear up a little. "You were the first pony to let me get to know you better." She then got a more serious and determined look on her face. "You are my friend. And if I'm your friend, you have to win this battle." she finished.

Edited by Houndoom
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@, @@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony, @@purple.teal, @


He heard it all, every word, he could see her expression. A friend, someone who he had connected with. If their was any reason to fight harder against his enemy, that would be it, to see his friends once more. All his life he had fought for himself and himself alone. Never any reason to go on. This was different, this was something that meant more to him than anything.


"Lies. She knows nothing of you Blaze. Simple imagery. She's playing you...." The Entity pleaded.

"No, you're wrong, I could hear the sincerity. For once in my life. I'm going to fight for some pony else. And not even you are going to stop me." Blaze planted his hooves and began gathering magic around and on his horn, this would be a massive spell, but sure enough to get rid of this Entity once and for all. The entirety of his mind began to glow with redness and shook the very astral grounds of his mind.

"Blaze think about this!"

Blaze stared directly at the Entity with ferociousness "I have..... For countless days." He said finally before taking a deep breathe and focused his magic into a tiny glimmer that shot out violently off his horn and directly through his enemy.


The Entity stood there, aghast and astonished. "You think you've won something. But you've won't nothing except an inevitable death." It fell to the ground, but before it appeared to have died, it dispersed into energy and at the same time Blazes sword struck through the roof of the theatre. The energy then flew out of Blazes mind and back into the sword where the sword glowed for a while then silenced.


He Awoke

Blaze opened his eyes and for once in a long time he could finally see clearly and was free from the grasp of the Entity. He coughed up blood and gasped for air, struggling to regain control of himself.

Edited by Foxy The Pirate


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Everlast felt the magic. He was scared that Blaze had won, but the fear disappeared almost instantly. He knew that magic. It had healed him once before. Everything will be alright. We're all going to be ok. That was when he saw the sword fly toward what he would assume to be it's master... Or not... 




He motioned to the two walkers with him, "Let's try to find a way up, If whatever they did didn't work I doubt we'll have a chance..." With that he ran outside, looking for a roof access.

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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@, @, @@Lightning Bliss, @@purple.teal, Clover was nearing exhaustion, but was able, with the remnents of her energy, to bring herself and Lightning down to the ground again as she saw Blaze fall. To the casual onlooker, it would seem as tho they had failed to rescue Blaze from the Entity, but Clover knew in her heart that the opposite was true. Her hooves gently touched the ground, and the magic caused by Clover's horn touching with Lightning's disappated, its work done. Clover stumbled slightly, using her wings to stop her from falling over and staggered over to where Blaze lay on the ground. She did what she could to help him, putting Blaze in a more comfortable position and raising his head, but her magic was spent, and she had no energy left to heal him.


"Everlast!" Clover gasped out. The unicorn stallion would be able to heal Blaze. Seeing him outside from where she sat on the roof besides Blaze, Clover called out. "Everlast! Use your magic to teleport yourself up here! Blaze needs healing and my magic is spent from joining with Lightning to save him. He is free from the Entity but the battle isn't won yet."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony, @@purple.teal @


"I'm so... Sorry... Clover... I'm so sorry I... I let him hurt... You all... I should have never let...this happen... I should've said... Something before... But I didn't want every pony....to think.... I was weak... Or I couldn't handle myself.... I'm... So so... Sorry." Blaze tried to spit out his words, but it got increasingly hard for him. His body was exhausted and abused beyond compare. The Entity couldn't feel the pain the body had, therefore it kept getting used when it should have rested. Blaze tried to lift his head up to look at the roof, still struggling to keep his eyes open. If these were Blazes last moments truly, then he wanted to get these words out before he passed.

Edited by Foxy The Pirate


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Everlast heard Clover calling to him, He ignored the part about teleporting, unwilling to admit that he couldn't. Luckily, what he was looking for was nearby, So he rushed up to Blaze's side. He began probing with his magic, healing the cuts and bruises.


@@Pripyat Pony, @,  @@Lightning Bliss


"So you did it then. That was the magic surge. Unless he is still suffering mental side effects, which I would still be hesitant to touch, he will be alright. You saved him.  He mostly just needs rest. I'll keep my eyes on him though, watching. At the moment though, I need to diffuse this."




"I'm intrigued by your state. But I'll wait for questions until you are rested."


After that was done, he walked aside with his books he took back from the prone Blaze, and sat down. He began his spell, and slowly began making the cuts he accumulated disappear.

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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"Thank you Everlast, I might've died without your magic, and that is a debt I can not repay." Blaze rested his head down on the wood floor. Only this time he wasn't fighting to keep his eyes open and stay awake, this time he watched the light shine through the top of the roof. He didn't know what was going to happen next, but he had to first recuperate from everything that happened in the last couple weeks.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@purple.teal, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @,


After what felt like an eternity of magical usage...she felt Clover's magic lower herself down to the ground till she was laying on her side. Unlike Clover, Bliss was not used to exerting this much magical energy...she didn't even know she had this much in her. Though happily, she lifted her head and could see all was well. Everlast came at the nick of time to heal Blaze's wounds. Now he seemed...more at peace then she remembered him.


"So...it worked," she smiled and spoke sleeply, "that's so good...so good...everything is so good..." She smiled, overly relaxed from the usage of peacful magic that came out of her in everyponys efforts to help him.


"Hurricane...you were brilliant," she spoke to the black mare who was close by, "Clover...thank you so much...for helping me, to help all of us...Think though I'm a little sleepy...think I'll just lie here for a little while..." she turned onto her back and spread out her wings and legs in a comical lazy position...just enjoying the peaceful feeling of victory and safety.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Clover lay down next to Lightning. She could see that now that Everlast had healed Blaze, that he was going to be alright. "I think that we all need to rest now," she said, yawning. "I haven't used my magic to the limit for some time, and I forgot how much it exhausts me! So we'll rest up for a while, til everypony is strong enough to make our way down and maybe find another hotel."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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After seeing that Blaze was alright, her face lit up with excitement and joy. He had won. It was over. At least that hurdle. She ran up to Blaze to hug him, but right when she was in front of him, she stopped herself in her tracks and tried to act like her casual self feeling a little embarrassed. She looked him in the eyes with sincerity in her face. "It's good to have you back." she said to him.

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@, @@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony


Blaze lifted his head to look a Hurricane and smurked. "It feels good to be back... Well not really right now because everything hurts, but later It'll feel good to be back in my own body." He rolled over on his stomach and began lifting himself on his hooves. He wanted to at least leave this Theatre before anything else. Then it struck him, "The Hostage!" Blaze opened his wings and flew threw the roof ceiling to the hostage. "I am, so so sorry Miss, I... I wasn't in control of myself, you have to understand...."


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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