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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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@,@@Pripyat Pony, @@purple.teal, @,

((Nah, it was an explosion, and the fire just spread in your general area. So yeah, you're surrounded.))

 The unicorn saw that one of the group members, a pegasus, was trying to blow out the flames with her wings, and another putting up a ward spell. He couldn't do much with the shield, but he could do something about that pegasus. He drew a card, imbued it with magic, and it changed into a black card with a symbol of a chain. He quickly threw it, and it dug into the pegasus's chest. Suddenly, it began to glow, and chains shot out from the ground latched to the pegasus's hooves, yanking her forcefully to the ground. The unicorn smiled slightly. As long as they couldn't move, he could care less about the ward they had put up. He had them cornered.

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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((Time to help out the group! Or, at least, cause a diversion.))

Rax'Mar was merely walking around the forest, using his magic to try to locate and harvest an obscure potion ingredient when the area nearby burst into flames.


No, seriously. It wasn't his fault. As much as he appreciated flames and that things had a habit of bursting into flames around his odd... addition, it wasn't him. There had been some sort of woosh, then a bang, and then a fire. He sighed and turned. Probably something from his bag had gone off, and he had to clean up the mess he made.


Except... it was too perfect. The ring was too high, too perfectly circular. His demonic hand spasmed for a moment, and then, suddenly, he was in a small battle of wills.


Put out the fire, or at least some of it. There might be ponies inside to help.


And so what if there are? Besides, magic often goes off sporadically in this part of the world. Why don't we continue moving along with our search?


The potion ingrediat we are searching for, if nothing else, could be in the fire. Why don't we take a look, at least? We might be rewarded.


As the mental argument continued, the fire continued to grow higher and... contract...?

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Hurricane felt a sharp pain in her chest. It pushed her back a bit. She looked down and saw a glowing card had been wedged into her. "What the-" she was pulled to the ground before she could finish her statement. The next thing she knew, she hit the ground and couldn't back up. She looked to see chains holding her down. She didn't know how it happened. Was this done by the group?. They wouldn't do that to her would they? she thought, but there was no time for deep thought. Hurricane was pinned and wouldn't be able to escape the fire if she wanted to. She pulled on the chains and struggled against them. She tried to fly up, but it was no use. Panic fully set in when she saw the inferno start to get closer ad close in on the group. Hurricane reached for her dagger and started stabbing at the chains hoping it would work.

((Good call on the villain. Really spiced up the RP.))

Edited by Vitani
  • Brohoof 1
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@, @@Pripyat Pony, @@purple.teal, @,

The unicorn decided that now may be his best chance to finish them off, and turn them in to the Diamond Dogs.


​Might as well make it a grand entrance, he thought, drawing another card from his deck, and using his teleport spell. The future prediction of the part didn't really help much, but whatever.


A circle of cards appeared on the ground in front of Raze and the group, and suddenly they began to swirl around in the air, until their attacker had revealed himself to the whole group. He tipped his hat in greetings.


"Howdy," he said in his Apploosan accent, smiling slightly.

Edited by Polnareff

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Everlast abruptly ended his singing as an explosion spread fire in their path. He was shocked, and looked at Blaze, their known pyromancer. By his expression, he was not the cause, unless, he lost control of his power. 


Then, as Hurricane attempted to fan the flames, he was about to shout what a stupid idea that would be. But watched in terror as a card hit her and sprouted chains, binding her to the ground. as the fire crept closer, he dashed to her side. What is going on? As she maneuvered to her knife and hacked at the chains, he began attempting to use his magic to pull them apart. He couldn't help but get a mocking jab in as they were close to being burned,  "I was going to ask what you thought was going to happen by giving the fire air, but to be fair, even I wouldn't foresee random chains."


He paused as the true culprit of the attack appeared in the center of the group. A swirling mass of cards rose and settled, and a cowboy unicorn stepped out. I hate it when ponies stack the decks. Takes all the fun out of playing. He was brought back to the current position as his flank began to get burned, and he returned to the magic chains. They are going to have to take care of him, keep him off our flanks.



If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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@@purple.teal, @,

Hurricane gave an angry look to Everlast. "I was pushing the flames back, you idiot." she remarked with the adrenaline talking. "And now's really not the time." She then looked up at the pony causing it all. "Stop this!" she yelled at him. "At least release me so you can have a fair fight! Or are you just a coward who uses playing cards to mask his fear?!" she taunted as she continued to struggle against the metal. It began to heat up as the flames got closer

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The unicorn smiled as the fire began to get closer.

"I'm not here to kill you..." His horn glowed, and the fire ceased, sucked into the air and transforming back into the red card. It whiz zed back to him and he quickly caught it in his hoof. "Name's Royal Flush, and I aim to capture you... alive. To whom, you ask? Well, I ain't in the liberty to say, but you'll see soon enough..." His horn glowed again, and the card in Hurricane's chest quickly dislodged from where it hit her, whizzing towards his hoof as he caught it. The chains sunk into the ground, releasing Hurricane from their grasp "Charmed, I'm sure. But let's get 'er done, shall we? Normally, I would've just chained you all, and that would be that, buut... I haven't had a good tussle in forever. Guess that's what happens when you're always on the run. But that don't mean it's gonna be fair, missy." He looked at Hurricane. "As I always say: only a fool plays with the hand he's dealt. Now then..." Some of the cards in the deck he was carrying flew out, and began to float around him in a circular motion. His eyes glowed cyan, and he gave a sly smile.


"Allow me to deal you in."


((OOC: Ok, so here's what Royal Flush may look like: http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/TwistedFate_0.jpg


Imagine that guy in pony form))

Edited by Polnareff

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@, So this guy was a unicorn, then. Clover ground her teeth at the stallion's arrogance at assuming that he could take them all captive and that would be that. She had no intention of showing her full hoof yet, tho. Obviously, this Royal Flush was in ignorance of the magical powers that she and the others had, and his arrogance could end up being his doom. All he had seen so far was Clover creating wards, which as Clover herself well knew, were something that many unicorns could do themselves. That had been why she'd come up with that particular spell, as it would have been pointless to fill spell books with magic that could only be performed exclusively by alicorns.


However, Clover also knew that a great deal of the magic she could do was alicorn power magic that couldn't be bested by unicorns. Princess Twilight had taught Clover about her new abilities after her coronation, and she had practiced by herself so that she would be an expert, as befitting the Princess of Magic. She wasn't about to tell this stallion that, tho. The thing to do now was to try and stall him.


"Who sent you?" Clover asked Royal Flush. "And why are you trying to capture us when we have done you no harm?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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((Honestly, when he said his name was Royal Flush, poker was not the first thing that went through my mind. ^_^ ))


Hurricane was so focused on getting the unicorn that she didn't hear Clover's question and she definitely didn't wait for a reply back. "Well Mr. Royal flush, allow me to flush you down the drain!" she exclaimed as she started to fly in circles around him hoping to blow the cards from his grasp. As she flew about, oxygen was solely starting to be sucked out of the vortex. She hoped the rest of her group would take advantage of him being distracted.

Edited by Vitani
  • Brohoof 1
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@, @,  


Oh, great. Now there was what appeared to be a tornado forming inside. Rax'Mar sighed. Enough debating. There's something in there that someone wants destroyed, and loved meddling in things that he shouldn't meddle in. Levitating his staff up with magic, his demonic hand flexed a few times before slowly starting to siphon the flames up. He surpressed a giggle as the heat flew up into his body. It tickled him so much whenever he had to do this.


Hopefully whatever- or whoever- inside wouldn't notice that much. He didn't want to be zapped. Or drowned. Or blown up. Or turned inside out. He could do that himself, turn ponies inside out. It was cruelly hilarious, but he didn't want to use it unless he had to...

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@, @, Taking advantage of Hurricane's distraction, Clover sent a blast of magic at Royal Flush. It was a spell that she didn't use very often, cuz it was very strong magic. This was what she had used to defeat the Windigoes back in the Northlands when she and her friend Stargazer had gone to help the ponies there and save them from the unnatural winter. Cuz this was a pony, and cuz no matter how bad the stallion was, she didn't want to kill him, she toned down the power of the magic blast so that it would knock him unconscious rather than destroy him.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

Royal Flush kept his cool while the pegasus was spinning around him. He wasn't distracted by her; he knew what she was doing. He had done it millions of times before, when he still had a partner-in-crime. The cards stayed in place around him, as they floated around with a strong magic force. Royal Flush focused his eyes on the group, and saw that an alicorn, possibly the same one who put up the ward spell, was charging up a magic blast, and a big one at that. He smiled cleverly and knew exactly how he could counter it.


Damn alicorns; thinking they're so invincible, he thought, picking a random floating card.

A good swindler always comes prepared for anything...

He imbued the card with his magic, focused, and it turned blue with an eight-pointed star on it.

Midnight blue... he thought. Perfect...

The magic blast came rushing towards him. He needed to time it right, as throwing it too early would mean the card getting knocked away by the vortex.

Wait for it... Wait for it...

As soon as the blast came through the vortex he threw it. It met the blast head on, and instead of hitting Royal Flush, all of it was absorbed by the card, which floated back into his hoof.


He then used his special teleporting spell to get out of Hurricane's vortex.

"Nice spell," he said to the alicorn, twirling the card in his hoof. "Mind if I take it?"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"This stallion is a clown. He's toying with us." Blaze stepped out of the aura Clover had so effortlessly conjured from her magic. He pulled out his sword and stabbed it into the ground. The sword sent off a few sparks and the sparks turned into lines of fire circling around the entire group of ponies in the forest. The lines turned into Scaley figures that stood above everyone, soon the heads of the figures had formed unmasking two giant vipers with oozing teeth baring sharp and menacing glares at Royal Flush. "Of course I don't expect them to scare you. There mostly present for....Decoration." Blaze smirked and his eyes began to glow orange.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Hurricane witnessed Royal Flush absorb Clover's spell. so that's how. She thought. When she realized her vortex did nothing and royal simply teleported out, she used the momentum from her tornado and allowed it to fling her toward to villain with amazing speed and force. She smashed into him hoof first and quickly picked herself back up. "Don't use magic, guys!" she warned the group. "He steals it because he knows his own magic is too weak." she gave Royal a sly smile. She reached for her dagger and crouched down ready foran attack. When she noticed Blaze's spell, she rolled her eyes. "Don't these ponies learn?" she said to herself.

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@ @


"There's hardly any magic in this trick." Blaze let the vipers try their intimidation tactics on Royal Flush, though he doubted it would get to him. Blaze picked up his sword with his teeth and lifted it above his head using magic. He started walking towards the villain, "You know I think it'd be funny to see you try and absorb all this fire. There's a lot of ways it could just backfire on you. No pun intended. Come on Shuffler' let's see what you got."

Edited by I Blaze I


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Everlast watched as the chains and fire were brought back into the cards they were spawned from, and as soon as she was freed from the chains, Hurricane blew past him, almost knocking him over and began creating a tornado around their opponent. Clover followed began to speak to him and charge up a spell from her horn. Everlast, quickly reached into his bag and brought out his own runebook to join the fray. 


The magic bolt Clover created seemed powerful enough take out Royal Flush, and Everlast stopped flipping through his book when he saw the spell absorbed by a card. So he is a magic thief. Now magic isn't our most effective weapon here. For me however, it is my only weapon.


Blaze stepped up with his sword drawn, and Everlast wondered if the cards could absorb physical attacks as well, or even fully trap an attacking pony. An unknown opponent, observe him. Make his strengths and weaknesses known. What we know is that he can absorb magic. Does he have to focus on the absorption process? Is it possible to hit him from behind? As Blaze drove his sword into the ground and began his own spell, Everlast couldn't help but groan. Did he not just see what happened? Use this opportunity. Strike at the same time, see if he can block both at the same time.


As Blaze raised his sword in a display of intimidation and preparation for his spell, Everlast raised his book and conjured a blade of his own. A spear, with an over sized blade, and he held it with his magic, waiting to throw it until Blaze attacked. What if this kills him? I don't want to kill anypony, let it will never be said of me that I am a murderer. Why are we fighting anyway? He works for someone else, but who would want to see us defeated? What enemies have we made?

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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((OOC: Welcome back Blaze. Where've you been?))

Royal Flush just shook his head. A good trickster never reveals his best material from the start. He was toying with them, letting them underestimate him.

He took the hit that Hurricane gave him, and quickly dug three cards into her-- with symbols of fire, ice, and a beam of light-- before getting knocked back. He kept his ground, only sliding back from the impact. The cards on Hurricane glowed, and activated one after the other. The light beam went first, a quick beam of light striking her from the sky and blinding her temporarily, sending her to the ground. Then, the fire, exploding and burning her. Finally, the ice, with Hurricane and everything around her chilling and freezing to sub-zero temperatures, before having almost all the body heat sucked out of her.

Edited by Polnareff

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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 Hurricane felt the pain of the cards jabbing into her. It was a familiar pain. She looked down and didn't have time to react before she was blinded by a bright light. She had no idea where it cam from, but she knew it was from the cards. She sat on the ground and shook her head vigorously trying to shake off the blind void from her eyes. Just then , she felt an intense burning sensation. It was all over her body. Like the sun was consuming her. She let out agonizing screams as her body shook from pure burning pain. Hurricane hoped with all her might that this torture would end. Her wish was somewhat granted when her body turned ice cold. She felt arctic water running through her veins. A tear left her eye from all the brutal torture she was going through. She lied on the ground defeated and shivering. Her vision was still very blurred and could barely make out objects. after lying on the ground for about a minute feeling dead, she then grabbed her dagger back and placed her hoof under her and began to struggle to get up. She slowly made her way to hooves with much intense labor. She stood shaking, facing Royal, half blind and still recovering from the pain she endured. "W...why are you doing this?" she asked trying to project her shakey voice.


((Did the cards do Hurricane any physical damage or just make her feel pain?))

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Royal Flush smirked at her helpless self.

"My own magic's weak, eh? Look who's talking..."

He frowned at her question.

"Nothing personal. I would say it's just business, but that ain't really it." He drew a card, which turned into the black chain card. He threw the card at Hurricane, and she was pinned down by chains on the icy ground she was standing on.

"I'm doing it for my freedom," he said quietly, but accidentally saying it loud enough that she could hear him.

One down... he thought, turning to face the rest.


((Oh, it's real alright. Very real :P))

Edited by Polnareff

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@, Clover was angry to see Royal Flush steal her spell. And to overhear him saying he was doing this for his freedom, too; what kind of lowdown brute swapped his own freedom for other's captivity? Maybe magic wouldn't work against him, but seeing as he was too busy gloating over Hurricane, something snapped within Clover. She remembered a few tricks that Lightning, her pegasus friend had taught her to build up her strength for flying. Of course, she had been too proud to tell him that she didn't plan to fly, but the training had been very welcome. Now was the time, when his back was turned to her. Clover swung round and delivered a roundhouse kick to the loathsome stallion's head.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Blaze looked at Hurricane and put his sword back into the ground and say down behind it. He closed his eyes and started focusing by putting his hooves on the hilt of the blade. A small aura visible to all the ponies around it. The glow was going far beyond the group and reaching into a far away mountain. Blaze's splitting head ache kicked in and gave him something else to think about, but Blaze ignored it and continued on. "Old friend, I need to call in a favor....."


(OOC: sorry for being absent for a while, also I hope what's about too happen isn't too OP for y'all))


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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(( I would say that it should be ok if you don't do it again, don't do anything else that might be considered OP. You don't wanna push it :) ))

Hurricane was pulled back to the ground by the chains. She kept trying to fight them, but of course to no use. The metal rubbed against and irritated her intense burns and frost bite all over her body. Hurricane could feel herself slipping into hypothermia. She still couldn't see and was freezing cold. She perked her ears up when Royal mention he wanted his freedom. She just found the crack in his iron wall she would have a chance at getting through. If she played her cards right. If he needed freedom, then he was being controlled by another force probably stronger than them. "You haven't tried just escaping your captor?" She asked. "Is hurting innocent ponies really worth all this? Can you live with yourself if one of us dies?" She started to raise her voice before curling into a ball trying to keep in her her minimal body heat to no avail.

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(((OOC: Er' we go)))


'No one's going to help you Blaze." A strange voice rang out in Blaze's head

Blaze's headache sharply rose to severe pain, Blaze wasn't sure he could handle it anymore. Soon enough Blaze fell to the ground and his mind shut down into utter darkness.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Everlast held his spear and waited, but as Blaze continued to prepare, he saw Hurricane go down. That is where I belong. He slammed his book shut and tossed the spear, Not caring what it did. Let it be absorbed. He sprinted in a wide arc around the enemy cardslinger to Hurricane, By the time he reached her, she was dying of the enchanted cold. He touched her with his magic and began sending her his own body heat. He couldn't stop shivering  This is powerful magic. It is probably not his. Magic thief. Is it possible to separate him from his cards? Achieve that and I am certain he would be weaker than the least of us. How could it be done?


He looked to the fray for an answer and watched Blaze go down. No. I go first. He reopened the book to a bookmark and scratched a sign into both of his fore hooves. I am no fighter, but she is. He touched the chains and hurricane. Instantly, the chains unwrapped themselves from her and latched onto himself and her curses also transferred. He fell. Tied taut by the ropes. Freezing and burning intermittently.


He looked at her, and urged her up, "Go on, take the thief down. I'll watch from over here." His chuckle at his terrible joke began turning into a scream, but he bit his tongue and clenched his teeth. She is strong, to have been silent under this torture.

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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(OOC sorry I've been out for so long guys, move finally done for the most part and finally got internet back, so hopefully I read enough to fully understand the situation.)


Bliss was in a twirl of confusion and terror as fire bursted around them. Everything happened so fast as the group rallied together to defend themselves, only for her to be pushed out in all the hysteria and into a fern bush, taking cover as the chaos reign out. Finally after a few moments of Hurricane struggle with her chains, and magic and fire being dispersed left and right...their attack finally appeared, revealing himself as "Royal Flush".


What do I do...? What can I do??? She tried to focuse her mind hard... I can't just teleport everypony...it's too much...and... I can't...Then it clicked with her... She may not be strong in attacking magic abilities...or making fire or magic cards...but she did have one peaceful solution... She took a deep breath, and leapt out of the bush...an instinctual need to protect her friends...igniting her magical sheild of peace.


"STAY BACK!" She whinnied as she hovered in the air above them, keepign herself between the group and the rogue unicorn. Her horn flushed with magic, creating a bubble sparkling in a rainbow color...it surrounded everypony within their group including herself. It shattered Hurricane's chane in the process as well as diminished any fire that was within the area. Her eyes glowed bright white as she used the uncontrolled untapped raw alicorn magic she didn't know she had...knowing it wouldn't hold for long. "DO...SOMETHING...I CAN'T HOLD IT!"

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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