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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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Blaze moved his wing up his blade and off the hilt. He wrapped his wing with fire to stop any bleeding and seal his wound. Blaze walked slowly up to the tornado and set it on fire. "I've done nothing to my species. You're one to talk about distrust." Blaze backed away from the tornado to plan his next attack.



OOC: Okay im done god modding now.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"He has a treacherous look in his eyes." Everlast rose, seeing everyone else take action gave him courage. "He has the look of a traitor. So says the one who assaults us for no apparent reason. To attack without a reason would make you less than the most primitive of beings. Now we have seen how combat has worked, let us now try words. You attacked us, so what was your reasoning? Give me a valid reason as to why each of us should suffer under your hand." As he spoke, he moved to the front of the party, but stopped as he finished. He stood there staring into the wind, trying to see a reaction, waiting for a reply.

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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As the dust began to rise around Steel, he still remained unmoving. He began to close his eyes and focus his hearing, trying to find out where the Pegasus was. Since she needed to fly in order to make this tornado, he tried to listen for the sound of her wings cutting the wind.


Focus... he thought, closing his eyes tighter. Everything around him began to fall silent as he concentrated on certain sounds. The trash flying in every direction. The raging howl of the tornado. And then he found it. The sound of the pegasus's wings flying in the wind. And she was heading right for him.


Taking advantage of the dust cloud covering him, he turned towards where Hurricane was charging, and thrusted his sword in that direction, shouting "Ton!"


((OOC: Fun fact: That word actually means "Blunt," or " Stupid" in Japanese. And yes, that was intentional :3. Also I reeeeaally want someone to take the bait and believe what Steel Tempest is saying. The group can't always be sunshine and rainbows you know :P))

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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As Hurricane entered the tornado, she planned on hitting Steel right on point. She was taken aback when she heard his shout and came face to face with a shining sword all at once. She had no time to react before she felt a sharp, intense pain in her shoulder. She cried out in agony as the cold metal entered her right shoulder. It went in about three to four inches. Hurricane used her wing power to separate herself from the blade before collapsing on the ground cringing at the pain.

((Too much?))

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@ OOC: nah that was great.


Blaze went over to the fallen Hurricane and sealed her wound with his fire. It would burn a little bit, but it would also help her keep fighting. "You're not weak Hurricane, you need to keep fighting viligantly." He said in her ear, he lifted her up on her hooves. "Come on, got anything tricky?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@Lightning Bliss, "I will try, that's all I can do," Clover said. She worked the healing spell on Lightning, not caring about how she felt herself; she only wanted to try and help her friend. Concentrating on the spell took all her concentration, but after she had finished, she caught Steel's last words. Blaze did this to Lightning? But why?



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


Bliss cringed as Clover tried to work her spell...but it felt like the curse on her horn was only getting worse with her efforts...Whatever this was, it wasn't going away unless...whatever or whoever cast this on her...took it off themselves...


"Ouch...OUCH!" Bliss squirmed under Clover's horn, "stop please stop!!! It hurts!!!" As she struggled under Clover's healing spell, she watched as the others continued to battle against the pony Steel. She gawked in horror as Hurricane was stabbed through her shoulder, only to fall down and helped back up by the awaiting hooves of Blaze. She began to sweat under her wings as the pain continued to grow...not sure what to think even after hearing Stell accusing Blaze for the curse upon her.


"How could Blaze curse me?" She asked Clover as she tremmbled... "he wasn't anywhere near me when this started happening!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Hurricane shrieked in pain as Blaze healed her wound. She slowly got up as she listened to Blaze's words. "He doesn't just rely on sight." she said. "So that means he also uses an acute sense of hearing. We need to distract his eyes and ears. I need your help with drawing his attention away fro  me." she whispered to him. "I'll do the rest." she said before flying up to the clouds.

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@@Lightning Bliss, Clover looked at Lightning, a troubled look on her face. "I don't know," she said. "I don't think it was a curse; I've studied curses along with positive magic and they have to be performed face to face as a general rule, at least powerful ones do. Less powerful ones can be performed using a totum like a mane hair, but they wouldn't cause you as much pain as you're in right now. The only thing I can think of is some kind of poison... but why? That's the real question. Why would Blaze do such a thing?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


"I...I..." she paused a moment, feeling guilty knowing deep down she felt she knew only one reason why he'd do such a thing...Because he's not the Blaze they orginally traveled with...something else has taken over his body and replace him...but...would Clover believe her?


"B-before we came here...to the penthouse," she pulled her horn away from Clover finally, "my hooves were hurting...and I fell down...but as I did...my magic...it reacted somehow near Blaze again...this time I knew why..." She looked up into the other alicorn's eyes, "I sensed somepony else...somepony that wasn't Blaze...it was like there was a battle of souls going on in that one stallion body...and our Blaze is trapped behind the bars of his mind...while this...new being roams free, controlling all his actions...There is a battle going on between this entity and Blaze...and it doesn't want me to find out what it is..."


She turned away then, wrapping her face in her wings feeling embrassed...Would Clover even believe me?

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"Alright, I've got something that can work. You lure him out of his tornado and I'll do the rest." Blaze backed up and put his sword back into the ground to prepare a simple spell to distrust his hearing so Hurricane could finish him off. He needed to hurry up and get moving again, Blaze wasn't making any progress escaping, but that didn't mean he wouldn't eventually.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Hurricane nodded at Blaze to show she understood. She flew over to the tornado still whirling around him, but slowly diminishing. She outstretched her wings and drew them forward in a swift, strong motion. It thrust a powerful wind forward that blew the tornado away. She stared at Tempest with a cold, piercing look and awaited Blaze's next action.

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Steel didn't return the stare, instead focusing on the others in front of him.


"Make it quick," he said, readying his blade, and stretching his wings. He had distracted them long enough, and stared at the reason he was here in the first place: Quickdraw, who remained quiet with his gun at the ready. He was about to move, when suddenly...


"Hold it, partner." 


A voice came from an alley near the hotel, followed by the sound of something zipping in the air and hitting Blaze. It was a card with a picture of lightning. In the blink of an eye, it exploded, sending out a wave of electricity that shocked him. From the shadows of the alley came a familiar stallion, wearing a Stetson hat...


"Howdy, y'all," Royal Flush said tipping his hat. "Long time no see..." He threw two chain cards quickly at Clover and Everlast, which restrained them to the ground, followed by two more lightning cards. The metal chains conducted the electricity, shocking both of them.

Edited by Polnareff

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Everlast turned away from staring at the pagasus to see the new arrival just in time to see a card flying at him. Him! How could I not see he was involved?!? The card latched him to the ground, and began electrocuting him. AGAIN!?! I will not put up with this again! He strained against the chains and struggled uselessly hopelessly to move toward the card thrower. He attempted to use magic against his bonds, but the searing pain in his horn, coupled with the electricity coursing through him, caused him to black out.

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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"Your Petty electricity is weak." Blaze shook off the spell and proceeded over to Everlast to cut his chains off. "Come on Everlast, use that big brain of yours." Blaze shook him intensely, "Wake up Everlast!!"



Blaze turned to Royal Flush with a startling stare, a giant wind brisked past his ears. A spell that clouded his ears with sounds of angels and demons. Loud whispering and interrupting screams, hopefully that would distract him for a bit. The only way to get rid of the spell was to get the dealer of if to take it back. It would ware off eventually, but not fast enough. Blazes eyes glowed and from the ground rose a viper with sharp scales and leaking a hot like lava liquid from its teeth. "Defend your master!" Yelled Blaze.

Edited by I Blaze I


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Bliss didn't know what hit Clover till she was on the ground along with Everlast as Royal Flush emerged from the shadows. Great just great... She thought to herself as she weakly rose to her feet. She realized then, aside from Blaze, Raze, and Hurricane as well as Quickdraw, she was the only one of the 'useless' that wasn't tied up or down. Think Blissy THINK! What would father do in this situation! What would Shy Hammer do?


She thought hard and fast, then went back to her roots of Appleloosa...remembering the orchird harvest during the great buffalo migration... She remembered spotting two bulls duking out on one side of the trees, due to one of them was blocking the others path.


'Why are they figthing Shy Hammer?' she asked her step father as she fluttered up grasping a basket.


'It's what the other has to do,' Hammer replied, 'sometimes, a bull most fight for what's right...even if he's gotta use nothing but his head to do it. Never be afraid to use more then your wings Blissy.'


She smiled and glared firmly as Royal Flush seemed to have ignored her from the time being. Alright then Shy Hammer... I'll use my head!


With that she kicked herself off the ground, fluttering just a few inches from the concrete, her horn down and aimed for Royal Flush's side. 


"TAKE THIS YOU CUR!" Bliss whinnied as she slammed head on, her horn lodged into the side of Flush.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Blaze stared in awe, watching as the Princess teared through Royal Flushes side. The blood seeping from his wound, he had never expected that from her. "So the Princess of Peace isn't completely useless...." Blaze remarked quietly. He was interested to see how Royal Flush would retaliate.



@@Lightning Bliss

Edited by I Blaze I


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Clover was angry as, just as she was about to reply to Lightning, Royal Flush appeared again. The chains were bad, but her anger was worse. She managed to use her magic to disintegrate the chains which sparked on the ground, indicating that she had escaped something worse. Clover wanted more than anything to blast the hated stallion with all her magic, but experience had shown her that this was futile. She would have to put that spell on herself again, and use her horn, teeth and hooves against Royal Flush. A few moments while Lightning attacked were all that was needed to put Twilight's gift on herself again, so that any magic sent her way would rebound on the one who sent it. She temporarily didn't have magic herself, but that didn't matter for the moment. Jumping next to Lightning, Clover swung round and delivered a double hoofed kick to Royal Flush a split second after Lightning jabbed him with her horn.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Everlast rose, freed from his bonds by Blaze. If he had poisoned the princess, and by accident, me, why would he continue to help me? He shook of these thoughts and the last of the lingering pain. I'll look into this later for now... Use my big brain he says. So Everlast thought. He looked around for his bag, remembering the cards he had found. Being unable to cast magic, he would use the dealer's magic against him. That is, if he isn't immune to his own magic, and the magic is within the cards as theorized, and not royal pain himself. 


When the two alicorn princesses assaulted royal flush, he froze in awe. The princess are going to kill him! Seeing his bag a on the side of the alley, he dashed over and pulled out the two chain cards, He ran back to the combat and tossed one at the pagasus, He stopped before throwing the second at Royal Flush, afraid to see what would happen if he caught the princesses along with the target. 

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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Hurricane realized that the group had Royal Flush under control for the most past. Although, she knew one of his tricks would pop up eventually. She was more worried about Steel. With every pony focusing on Royal Flush, she knew Steel would have a chance to strike hard. She charged at him with speed and force fuelled by anger. She pinned him to the ground and pulled out her dagger. "I should have known you were with this rat." She snarled. "Let's see how much he really cares about you." Hurricane gave them each a chance to do something.


((Sorry I haven't been too active lately (computer problems). If I seem to leave for a long period of time again, I give @@Lightning Bliss,  and/or @,  control over Hurricane. If its really necessary :) ))

Edited by Houndoom
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@@Pripyat Pony, @@purple.teal, @,


Bliss felt her target dislodge off her horn just after Clover dealt a chin shattering buck to his face, followed by a flash of magic, then chains spurting forth after Everlast threw a familiar card spell at Royal Flush. Panting and trying to calm from her anger, she backed away as Royal Flush seemed to be for now, chained down by one of his own cards.


A sense of irony was in the works as she smiled and nodded to Everlast, before turning her attention towards the sword barring pegasus.


"Leave us alone!" She whinnied at the stallion, "we have no qurral with you! Why are you attacking us in the first place! If you have any since of honor or peace within your soul you'll fly off now and leave us be!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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The stallion took the brunt of the attack. He didn't flinch, just smiled, and pushed them aside, but he wasn't able to react fast enough as his cards came whirling towards him, and was chained. He laughed at his situation.


"Ah, ah, ah," he said mockingly, as his horn began to glow, and the chains began to unravel.


"So you thought you could use my magic against me... not a ver good idea, considering it was MY magic in the first place, not yours." He began to heal himself slowly.


Steel head butted Hurricane head on, then, reaching for his sheath, jabbed her in the chest with it, knocking the wind out of her.

"My honor left a long time ago," he said to Lightning, as he grabbed his blade. "And just who are you to dictate what is honorable and what is not? Honor is in the heart, not the name.... You Equestrian diplomats are all the same. You boast and parade your power about like it's some sort of plaything." He looked at Blaze. "You turn on each other for it, even going so far as to take it away. Some of you, who have so much of it, you begin to reject it, even hate it. The teachings they give you... the lessons the two Princesses want you to learn... you treat it as some sort of joke after you've tasted it." He brandished his blade. "Where I come from, power such as yours is honored and honed, through constant perfection of technique and discipline. Only those who truly know the meaning of such power are worthy of receiving it." He pointed at Lightning with his blade. "You are not worthy, and you will know your place!!" Wind began to swirl around him, and he began to focus.



((OOC: I don't you to defeat him yet, I'm trying to fit in a couple things before I do. I haven't had time to think about this, so please bear with me if my posts seem... OP. Also I want characters like Royal to be al recurring villains that serve as a harassment towards the group. The only reason I put the whole clone thing was to introduce a new trick that Royal has up his sleeve. This trick will be used rarely, I just wanted to have some fun with it. But if it's too OP, I'll get rid of it.))


@@Pripyat Pony

Edited by Polnareff

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@, Ooc: Clover put the spell on herself again, also that's godmoding. Also, your characters seem undefeatable, and it kinda takes the fun out of the RP if no matter what we throw at them, they can't be beaten and the fight only ends when they decide that they want it to.


Ooc: Edit - It is a bit OP; I just remember that Blaze was told after doing something on a similar level so am trying to be fair. Also, it's best not to godmod what an attack does to another character; ie, I had Clover kick at Royal, but didn't say what happened next. Godmoding would have been if I'd posted Royal's skull cracking after the kick. However, since he's your character, I left it to you to decide. Also, regarding recurring villains; they can be defeated, but can come back later after recovering for revenge perhaps. Kinda like in the 90s X-men cartoon when the likes of Mr Sinister are defeated. Doesn't stop them returning later on. ^^ Anyway, enough of the ooc and back to the RP. XD


Clover glared at both the enemy stallions. "Honour is everything," she said. "I do not speak for my friend, but to me, if you have no honour, then you are nothing. We have done you no harm, yet you attack us."

Edited by Pripyat Pony



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Steel looked at Clover. "The time for talk is over." And with that he began to zip towards her, the wind behind him, as he readied his sword. However, instead of using it, he quickly slid to a halt in front of her, and tried to deliver a powerful kick to her stomach.

Edited by Polnareff

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Bliss didn't have time to think as Stell raced toward Clover with a powerful gust boosting his speed. Her legs were faster then her wings and she was going to use them. She bolted at the same time as Steel dove down and in direct hit, she slammed her shoulder into Steel's stomach in full force, crashing into him and throwing off his target Clover.


"Gah!" She felt her shoulder muscle pull as she slammed into the much beefier stallion. Then she pulled herself up right, using her wings to hover. "You act as if I was given a choice in this magic... You know NOTHING about us alicorns! NOTHING!" She whinnined in a huff. "You act as if your way is the only right way to coexist, that we somehow gained this magic without earning it?! That give you the right to attack innocent ponies who done no harm to you like Clover said...You're nothing but a hypocrit! And I won't...as Princess of Peace...stand by...magic or no magic... Allow you to hurt one MORE SOUL!"


She landed down in front of him, slamming her hooves despite their sorness, into the ground, making the cement crack in a thundering shake. Though her magic for the moment was...clouded if not sealed silent, the aura within her appeared to spiral around...as if the magic of harmony itself seemed, moved by her words and emotions.


"You won't hurt Clover...you won't hurt anypony else! Not while I'm still breathing!" She spread her legs out, readying for whatever comes next.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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