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unicorn Spiritus Whitemane


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Name: Spiritus Whitemane (Spiritus being from the Latin word for breath, or life)


Nicknames: Dr. Whitemane, Spirit (Prefers this in most informal situations)


Age: 23


Gender: Male


Species/Race: Unicorn


Appearance: *Pictured Below*


Spiritus's body and horn are an off-white color, and his mane and tail are dark brown. His mane is kept well groomed and slicked back most of the time, as pictured, but he allows his tail to grow slightly shaggier and to a medium length. His eyes are a bright emerald green. He wears a white coat most of the time, in addition to a platinum hoofwatch, which was a present from his parents upon his graduation from the medical academy. Physically, he is more athletic and quick than bulky or overly muscular.


Cutie Mark: The Staff of Asclopius, in a dark blue color, which represents both his profession and his affinity for the healing arts.


Personality: Spiritus is a kind and trustworthy pony. He's empathetic and is generally willing to listen and help others work through their problems, especially if they are his friends (He would have become a psychiatrist if he had not been admitted to the Academy of Medical Magic). He became a doctor not for the pay (he comes from a wealthy family already), but for his deep desire to truly make a difference in Equestria.

Though not what most ponies would consider extremely extroverted or outgoing, Spiritus is still sociable and enjoys meeting new ponies and making new friends. Due to his kind nature and standing as a doctor, he prefers to solve conflicts with words rather than hooves, but is not afraid of resorting to the latter if the need arises.


Backstory: Spiritus was born to a wealthy, high class family of doctors in the upper-east side of Manehattan. Though he certainly never lacked for anything growing up, the love, attention, and general life lessons that his parents imparted upon him ensured that he never developed the arrogance or sense of superiority that seems to come with being rich in Manehattan.


His father was an earth pony, and was a practiced herbalist and apothecary. His mother was a unicorn, and thus was a doctor specializing in magical healing. With parents like these, it was the general expectation that Spiritus would follow in their tracks. Up until he was a teenager, however, Spiritus never showed any signs of being extraordinary. He was terrible at chemistry, never had much interest in picking herbs or mixing potions, and whatever magical potential he may have possessed was still just that: potential.


When he was thirteen years old Spiritus was still a blank flank, much to his disappointment. His parents reassured him, telling him that something special was bound to happen sooner or later, but he became dejected and worried that he would never make anything of himself.

That summer, he and his family took a vacation to their summer home closer to Canterlot, on the northern edge of the Everfree forest. One day, when both of his parents were out on a walk to the nearby town of Ponyville, Spiritus and his sister snuck into the woods to play. Galloping through the trees and splashing across streams, the young ponies were suddenly ambushed by a Basilisk, a rare and terrifying serpent-like creature that had escaped captivity from the Canterlot zoo. As they attempted to escape, the monster sank its fangs into Spirit's sister, who collapsed into a venom-induced coma on the spot, before turning on the frightened colt. Luckily, a detachment of the royal guard had been hot on the beast's trail, bursting onto the scene and subduing the basilisk before it could kill Spiritus.


When Spiritus begged them to get help for his non-respondent sister, however, the guards sadly informed him that the creature's venom had spread too far. She would be dead within minutes. And then it happened. Sobbing over his sister's body, the grief at her seemingly inevitable death sparked something within Spiritus. In an instant his true magical ability had awakened. His horn was surrounded by a brilliant green aura, and it touched his sister's side. Moments later she was back on her hooves, seeming unaffected by the Basilisk's bite. The poison had been dispelled, and the wound was gone. Spirit's flank was no longer bare. There was now a dark blue shape present: The staff of Asclopius, the universal symbol of healers and medicine.


Ten years later, Spiritus is a recent graduate of the Equestrian Academy of Medical Magic in Canterlot. He now travels the land, looking to open his own private practice clinic, and to better the lives of Equestrians everywhere.


Other: Spiritus is skilled in any magic pertaining to the healing arts, such as mending wounds and injuries, dispelling poisons and venoms, etc. He also possesses the general magic skills that most unicorns have, such as minor telekinesis. He is very intelligent, and this becomes apparent when he truly applies himself to something. He enjoys reading and occasional creative writing.


Edited by MasterCombine
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