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open A Dark Fate real RP

Harmony Cube

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"Vhat if ve are invisible here?" Hazmat suggests. "Ze guards seem to have passed right by us vhen zey vere going after berry. Not giving us a glance. Maybe ve are paranormal..?" He adds in. "As you said before Shooting vhen ich over heard a conversation of yours: 'Ze guard didn't even see us'." He mimics her voice. "So vhat if zat's ze case und ve're just visiting zis history wizout corrupting it? Vhat if zere is somezing else zat ve'er suppose to witness zat ve didn't get to see in ze future?" There he goes. Blabering about. Silly Hazmat.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"The guard wasn't even looking up here. He was going to but Berry already knew and probably didn't want to be punished too badly from being late." Shooting said. She put aside the fact he was mimicking her. "Berry can see us, anyone in the empire can see us, the guard didn't look up here." Shooting explained better.


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@@Harmony Cube,


Eternity wasn't sure what she was getting at. She made it seem like we have to survive out here. He knew it will take some time to devise a plan but he doubt they will be there for a long time. "I say we all go to the Library or someplace better to hide as soon as possible and then wait there for Berry's return. He's probably going to be the only local who will help us and if anypony is going to know how we can get food or water it will be him. He may even provide us a better place to stay 'till we figure out how to get back home."

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"That's exactly the problem!" Shooting said to Eternity. "Right now, we have no source of food, water, or even know which way to go to get to the library safely. What if we get caught, huh? We'll be punished!" Shooting exclaimed. "We have to stay here. If Berry comes to check on us and sees no us, who knows what he'll think!" Shooting continued.


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@@Harmony Cube,


Silver Brush kept coming up with new ideas, then finding glaring flaws in them and discarding them.  She wanted to come up with a decisive, strategic plan, but they have a limited time frame and every pony's beginning to panic.  So after a minute, she came up with an idea that she thought might work.  "I'm not sure about food and water, but I'm sure we can obtain some information.  How about some pony go in as a spy of sorts?" 

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Winter turned to the mare who suggested a spy, finally jumping into the discussion.

"Not a bad idea, " she said. "But it would have to be either a Pegasus like me or somepony who knows their way around. If we send somepony who doesn't know the Empire very well, they could get lost."

Edited by Mint Drop
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@Pay attention

Shooing turned to Winter. "It also has to be somepony who knows where all the guards are. Most of us don't know so we might need to just stay here." Shooting said. She wanted to be staying and waiting for their guide to come back and help them.


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Forge steps up to the group. "If some pony takes care of Amber here" he motions to the drunk unconcious mare on his back with his hoof "Then I can do it. I know my way around fairly well and, assuming things are relatively similar to our present as they are now, I shouldn't have much trouble getting around or watching for guards."

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Mint Drop,



"Why yes Diamond, I would love to kiss you" Amber said to the semi-crystalline pegasus in front of her as she puckered her lips and leaned forward in expectation- suddenly an invisible force picked her up and threw her roughly over the back of none other than Forge himself. "Forge? wha- why did you?-" She was cut off by a disorienting growl as the world around Amber began to pixelate and grow dark, Forge and Diamond's happy faces were suddenly marred by sinister sharp-toothed smiles and glowing red eyes. Amber tried to run away but she was immobilized on the not-Forge's back, her legs struggling uselessly beneath her. Not-Diamond leaned in close, a snakelike tongue slithering out of her evil mouth and waving threateningly in front of her face. "What's wrong Amber? Didn't you want to kiss me?"


Back in the real world Amber groaned and kicked in her sleep, one leg even managing to find purchase in Forge's side. She mumbled and unconsciously struggled to make herself more comfortable on the larger stallion's back.


((Consider this a "kick" to get you all moving))

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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((Consider this a "kick" to get you all moving))

(((Why did you have to kick Forge though? That hurt... XD)))



Forge winced as Amber kicked him and then took a wheezy breath before  finally being able to look around at the group, some what sheepishly. "I guess...never mind. I can hold on to her for the time being. If anything happens, well, I've carried heavier things with my magic before." He starts to turn away to try and think of a plan when he stops and turn back to the group. "Actually, I should tell you guys that I might know where a source of water is...though if we use it, we'll have to be quick about it. There used to be a cave where my smithey is now. In that cave is a spring of fresh water. Only problem is, if we want that water, we have to break open the entrance which will cause quite a bit of racket...possibly attracting guards. I don't know if it'll be worth it...I'll leave it up to you ponies to decide."

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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"As much as I would like to stay here," Eternity said to Shooting, "we were just lucky we weren't noticed and I don't think we have a lot of luck left; if we stay we may very well be caught. If things go perfectly we would be in a more secure spot than this. Yes it will be a risk but I'd rather take the risk than be siting ducks. Forge here can help lead the way to a better spot and Diamond here can stay behind and watch for Berry's return." Eternity looked away for a moment and rubbed his chin. "We are a fairly large group though..." He looks back to the group. "Perhaps it would be better if we split up a bit? So that we can minimize the risk of detection? It might be hard for a dozen ponies to travel together without being caught." If only I visted that Library... I might have been able to teleport some of us there...

Edited by AnonBrony
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Diamond nodded, agreeing with the stallion's idea.

"I'm fine with staying here, but if you do split up into groups, make sure that at least one of you knows the way around. Like, um. -" she pointed at Winter, not knowing her name. "-...she... Just pointed out, we can't get anypony lost."

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@@Mint Drop,


Eternity thought again for moment. "Fair enough. I don't want anypony to get lost as well. Hmm... I suppose we can go as one group then." *sigh* Part of him didn't want to go out and sneak around for fear of being caught, but he knew they had to. He looked to the rest of the group. "We should get going then. The sooner the better. Forge lead the way."


(Do ze time skip!)

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Shooting finally gave in. "Two groups it is then." She said. How did these poor ponies survive? They're so sad an gloomy... Shooting thought.


~Later, Library People~

Shooting went with her group to the library. She wanted to find facts on how to survive without being noticed. Luckily all the guards were too busy with ponies who tried to run away to notice them.


~Cave People~

The cave had no guards nearby and almost got caught on the way. Luckily a crystal pony tried to run away, distracting any guards that were over near this group.


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@@@HunterTSN,@@MagicalStarRain,  @@Lighting Star,@,  @@Harmony Cube,@@AnonBrony
Diamond watched everypony leave and flew up to nearby cloud,making sure her tail didn't hang off of it. It was fairly high up, and gave her a clear view of the Empire as it was in that time. She gave a melancholy sigh and looked away from it, laying down on the cloud. 

Winter went with the group going to the library. She figured if any pony was going to look for certain books, being able to fly among the higher shelves would help her speed up the process of finding some books.  Edited by Mint Drop
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Forge, still carrying Amber, led the group to where his Blacksmith shop would be in a few hundred years or so (((is that right? or was it thousand?))). He carefully made it to the opening of the cave and found it sealed just as he predicted. He very lightly used a piece of crystal from nearby to pry open a small crack in the wall, chipping at it until it was big enough for a pony carrying a pony to get through. "Alright, follow me inside. There's some fresh water nearby, so if you have any water bottles or anything like that at all, refill them here." He slowly makes his way inside the cave, using his horn to light the way. He illuminates a small stream a little ways inside and sets Amber down next to it. He fills up the small bottle he'd had earlier and takes a big drink. Then he pours the rest on Amber's head. Having done that, he refills his bottle again and then pockets it, waiting for the other members of his party to get their drinks or what ever they need to do.


@@Harmony Cube


Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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