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open Fall of. Equestria (RP)

Drago Ryder

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Lucid kept walking with Clayton; looking around untill he saw 2 figures, 2 cloaked figures. His eyes widened again and he started to step away from where they were heading. "Dont look now, but somepony is following us," he said quietly.

He began to feel the same dread of pain he felt earlier and adrenaline started to fill up along with the dread.

Lucid started to feel his horn glow lightly.

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Vibrant smirked as he saw the other changeling walkout of the cave, just as he expected. 'Perfect' he thought as he shed the bags and readied himself to pounce. 'What am I doing?' he suddenly realized in horror that what he was about to do went again against everything he believed in, 'I woke up out here less than a day ago and I'm already becoming as bad as Trench'. He tried to prepare his pounce again, but with the sudden comprehension of his actions he found that he could no longer do so. Sighing he walked out from the underbrush to speak to the changeling face to face. "Why are you here?" he asked sternly.

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Skater whipped around to see Vibrant. She got in her battle stance spreading her wings and baring her double set of terrifying fangs. She expected the changeling stranger to get into a full on brawl. they were brutal, harsh creatures. "I'm just minding my own business around here." she replied. Skater didn't relax one bit talking to vibrant. "What are you doing here?" she asked him. "In my home."

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"Getting as far away from Ponyville as I can, that's what" Vibrant said not bothering to hide the hostility in his voice. "And please, excuse me for intruding on you're home, I must have missed the giant billboard that claimed it belonged to someling" he added sarcastically as he glared into the eyes of the changeling in front of him to mask the fear he felt. 'I don't think I can win this if it turns ugly, why couldn't I just take her down when I had surprise on my side?' he berated himself mentally.


((Just a note: I consider "someling/anyling/everyling" to be the changeling equivalents of everypony and etc.))

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((@,That's cool. I like it! :) mind if I use it? ))


Vibrant's sarcastic comment stuck out to Skater. She fired back. "I don't need a billboard. Ponies and other creatures know immediately to stay away from here. They fear me and every other living thing in this forest" she said. "Why are you away from your swarm, stranger?" she asked changing the subject. "Shouldn't you be busy taking over Ponyville and hurting innocent ponies?"

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((Do what you will, I don't mind in the least))


"I lost connection to the hive mind years ago, there's no way I would ever consider going back to those ruffians" Vibrant shot back. "And you're one to talk about innocents. What do you do? hole up in a cave until you get hungry and hunt down some unknowing pony to drink them of their emotions?"

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Tempest sighed as he entered the cave from the hole above the spring and laid against the wall. "I needed to send a message. I know what I did was wrong, but it's not like I had a choice." He thought to himself.


"I'm going to go see how Tempest is doing." She said, glancing at Frost before getting up and heading deeper into the cave. The dragoness immediately noticed blood on parts of Tempest's fur and ran to him. "What happened?"


The bat pony glanced at his long time friend and sighed. "I paid a visit to Ponyville." He said. "I think it's time that we start to fight back."


Gale put a paw on Tempest's chest and shook her head. "Tempest, you aren't in any condition to fight right now."


"This isn't my blood. I had no other choice."


Gale sighed. "It's ok, Tempest." She said. "You are right, though. We have to fight back to free Equestria."


Tempest smiled slightly and washed the blood out of his fur, before curling into a ball and falling asleep next to Gale.

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"No, I don't." Skater snapped back. "I've lived in the Everfree my whole life and haven't harmed anyling. I hide here so I don't get my head sliced off by rash ponies who will strike even a tree if it looks like a changeling at first glace!" she raised her voice. "I'm in the cave because I was found by such ponies. They found me in my disguised state and don't know I'm a changeling." she added less loudly. she didn't want to attract attention to them and risk being killed. "And yes, I do feed off their emotions. As  much as I can, and you should know as well as me that good emotions are scarce."


((do we know what time of day it is? I feel like it's night, but I haven't seen any proof of that.))

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'So there are others with her in the cave' Vibrant thought as the changeling spoke. "Let's make a deal, you convince your group to let me stay a while to feed, disguised of course, and I'll let your group take one of these" Vibrant said hauling the two supply filled bags from the brush. "If I'm feeling nice I may not even rat out your identity to your companions."

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"Your funny to think you could accuse a simple mare of being a changeling." she smirked. "I'll take your deal, but don't try anything funny." she eyed him suspiciously. "Follow me." she said as she transformed into her white unicorn disguise. She started to walk back to the cave wondering what the others would think. Skater looked back to Vibrant "Oh, and it's not my fault if they kill you." she said in a serious tone. Skater's harsher, changeling nature was starting to show. She couldn't escape it.

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Igniting his horn, Vibrant sent a wave of magic over his body from that changed his disguise from that of Vibrant the light blue hairdresser to Shroud, a young unicorn stallion raised in the slums of Canterlot. It was a persona he hadn't used since right after the failed invasion and though he wasn't as comfortable as with Vibrant, Shroud didn't wan't this new group of ponies hunting him down if this encounter should end badly. "Yo!" he said to the disguised changeling, "when we get in there, you tell your crew my names Shroud got it?"

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Clayton glanced back and noticed the two ponies. He then noticed a forest not to far ahead. "Come on. We can lose them in the trees." He said, before galloping forward. He didn't want to risk a fight without first knowing what these two ponies wanted and he wasn't about to ask them.

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Trench was on his almost to the cave when he say two ponies. And from the looks of it they were a white and black unicorn. He thought that they must have been friends with bat pony, Tempest. When he got closer he could smell there magic slightly. A while back a friend of Trench trained him how to smell magic, even though he could only smell it a little he could still smell it. And he could tell that they where changelings. He had an idea that one of them was Vibrant. But he didn't know they other one, With him not being a shoot first, ask questions later kind of pony he just simply walked up to them. But he kept the dagger in his mouth just in case . 


"Hello againVibrant." He said as he got closer. Then he looked to the other disguised changeling. "And misschangeling."

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@@Gloomfury, @,

Before skater could give a sarcastic comment to Vibrant, an unfamiliar pony approached. "Not again." she said to herself sounding highly annoyed. Skater glared angrily at Trench as he talked. She knew she couldn't deny that she was a changeling. Not after he already said that vibrant was one and he seemed so certain. She transformed into her changeling self. "How do you two know eachother?" she asked them preparing for the two to pounce on her at any second. She was out numbered and her only weapon at the moment was her sharp fangs and horn. "why are you here?" she specifically asked Trench. It was unusual to see ponies in the Everfree.

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Shroud couldn't tell if he was more surprised that Trench was still alive, that he had caught up with him, or that he had recognized him through the disguise. Still Trench being here and knowing who he was could only mean problems and Shroud decided the best course of action was to deny everything. "Never met him in my life" he said in his rough accent, "and who in Tartarus is this Vibrant. You may got some skill to sniff out changelings, but you ain't know what you're talkin' about."


((Yes my changeling OC has OCs, get over it.))

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Trench didn't pay attention to Vibrant as he kept eye contact with skater. He looked  her over a few times before looking back into her green eyes. "We just met today or yesterday day after I rescued him from Canterlot." He said as he took the dagger out of his mouth and tossed it in the back of the cart. "We were in Ponyville to get some supplies. He left when I wanted to take down all the drones in town cause I did not want to see them starve the town to deathAnd to answer your other questionmiss... Kijani," He called her in his native language without thinking, "I met a bat pony in town who said I could come to his cave."

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Lucd started to follow, looking back every few steps. He whispered, "We should find someplace to hide now."

Adrenaline kept flowing through his head, he forgot about water, the more the 2 hooded ponies followed the more suspicious he got and the faster he galloped. He kept looking back every once in a while.

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Skater ignored Trench's native talk. She eased up a bit when he threw his dagger down, but was still prepared for attack. Skater thought this pony wasn't worth a fraction of her trust. Of course, she felt that way about all ponies. For all she knew, Trench could be trying to lure her into a trap. She snapped back to reality when he mentioned the bat pony. "Bat pony? cave.." she asked herself. "I was brought to this cave by a batpony named Tempest. If you're with him, then I guess I can't hurt you." she said. Skater knew perfectly well that if she harmed a pony that was associated with Tempest, she wouldn't have to time to regret her decision.

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 Tench nods. "That is what he called himself." He said as he kept eye contact with the changeling mare. "And to be frank, miss Kijani. I do not think you could hurt me." He said without boast or arrogance, but just a simple fact.  As he kept eye contact with her a small smile made its way on his face.

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Frost had lied down facing away from Gale, he gave a nod when she mentioned she was going to check on Tempest. Frost tried to stand once again, he managed to get to his feet but after a moment of standing his hooves started to shake and he fell back onto the bed of leaved once again. "I never thought being bedridden would suck so much." He growled to himself

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"You'd like to think that." Skater replied to Trench remaining firm. "I'm going back to the cave right now. I guess I'll have to bring you and Shroud with me." she said sounding slightly annoyed by the idea. She then turned into her disguise. "When we get there, my name is Sparkler. If any of you rad me out, you will regret it immediately." she threatened. In reality, she knew that she was the one that would regret it if they knew she was a changeling.

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A changeling ran through the castle of the ancient pony sisters and stopped in front of Chrysalis. "My queen, there have been reports of a bat pony from Ponyville. He attacked with a unprecedented ferocity and was able to free a few ponies. It was like he was possessed. A scout did, however, see him head into the forest.


Chrysalis hummed to herself and glanced at the underling. "Send out a search party and a message to Sombra and Nightmare Moon. We may have a uprising on our hooves."


"It shall be done." The changeling then left and Chrysalis turned to stare out a window and into the forest.

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Clayton nodded and saw a cave opening out of the corner of his eye. He quickly pulled Lucid into the cave and waited for the two beings to go by. When he didn't see anything, he turned to Luicd. "We seem to have lost them, though they could've been an illusion." He said. The unicorn then noticed Frost and sighed. "Well, this is awkward."

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Frost ear twitched at the sound of hoofsteps entering the cave, it sounded like they were in a hurry to. He rolled over to see to strange ponies one of which was staring at him. He didn't know if these stallions were harmless or not, Great...I've got to randoms here and with Gale in the back of the cave probably with Tempest and Sparkler still out I'm alone... he thought to himself not saying a word to the ponies

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"How long where we running!" Lucid thought to himself.


He looked inside the cave and frowned. A white pony was inside, he could barely make it out. Lucid's horn lit up, ready to shield, "Come on Clayton... It could be a trap, best idea is to run," he began to back up.

He didnt want a fight, not with this odd cave dweller or the ponies that we're chasing him earlier. It seemed cowardly to even him, but a fight would waste precious recources and time; and to Lucid, it was just better to play it safe.

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