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private Eclipse Chapter one: Unity? (OUTDATED II)

Trevor Bright

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OOC Thread

The Princesses are at war. No one is sure what happened, but what they do know is that anguish and anger drove the young Luna to regain her former dark power, becoming Nightmare Moon once again. This time though, she seems to have retained some semblance of sense. She still prefers to be called Luna, though many of Celestia's supporters still insult her by calling her Nightmare.


Luna was not the only one to be affected severely by this mysterious power. Celestia herself also changed. She turned in to a darker form of herself, one dubbed Sunstroke. Her mane is like the fire of the sun itself and her wrath is just as fierce.
After these strange transformations, the sisters had a fight, one that escalated from angry voices to that of magic. In the escalation of their terrible battle, ponies ended up having to flee Canterlot for fear of their own lives. Many tried to find refuge in ponyville, but even that was not far enough away to avoid the sisters wrath and in a violent last ditch effort put on by both princesses to try and be rid of each other, the both created a blast so strong, that, together, they destroyed Canterlot and Ponyville.
Survivors from the destruction went to the Crystal Empire hoping to find refuge in Cadence's realm.

They went to Las Pegasus where, sick of the destruction caused by the battling princesses, vowed to live on their own, with no alicorns aloud inside their walls, they live in some semblance of peace. It is said that they have been focusing on a way to rid themselves of the sisters, and may have a weapon that could harm even an alicorn.

Or, they went to one of the remaining factions. The New Lunar Republic, which promised a new, safer way of life. The Solar Empire, which promised a brighter, better future. Or they fled to Appalaloosa.

After the sisters started warring with each other, the Mane Six had a disagreement. Twilight wasn't sure she knew Celestia anymore. Celestia, for her part, did nothing to allay those doubts, calling on Twilight to help her attack Luna. Twilight refused and left. She contacted Applejack and made arrangements to move some of the survivors to Appaloosa where the Apple family helped tend to the wounded.

Appaloosa became a place for peace. Neither taking sides nor persecuting them, they retain their neutrality only through Twilights constant negotiating and dealing. Being an alicorn, both sides want her to join them, but neither wishes to do something that might anger her and force her to join the other side. So Twilight remains neutral, a blissful peace in a war torn land. That's not to say that they can't or won't defend them selves. The NLR and SE both learned the hard way that force won't get Twilight to join them, so they both focus more on the other side then Appaloosa and Dodge City.

The rest of the mane six was scattered. Besides Applejack, they moved in to various places.
Their current whereabouts are unknown.

  • Twilight is currently the leader of a small but powerful neutral faction located in Appleoosa/Dodge City.
  • Apple Jack is in Appleoosa/Dodge City with her family and a portion of the refugees and Twilight. 
  • Rainbow Dash moved to Cloudsdale where, after the death of Spitfire in one of the more extremely aggressive fights early on in the war, she became the new head of the Solar Empire Air Force. She has become a great strategist and is renown for her ruthlessness in combat.

(This will update as the mane six is either found or clues about them are found.)

If this wasn't bad enough, the changelings, sensing a weakness in the land, invaded to try and take over once and for all. They were unsuccessful. They attempted to cross Discord's swamp, unaware of what befell those that attempted to do the same thing previously. It was slaughter. The pure fury that nature unleashed on them cut their numbers by a full third. Now, the changeling force is left divided on either side of the swamp. King Spellcaster on the south, and the new Queen Spellbinder on the north.
Hive Spellbinder is undisciplined and scattered, erratic. She is new to ruling as she just recently disposed of King Metamorphosis and took his place. Her rule is not concrete, and most of the drones that are supposed to follow her act more like feral animals then devious insects.
Hive Spellcaster, on the other hoof, is quite organized. They've taken control of the Bad Lands, uniting some of Chrysalis's drones with his own. This makes King Spellcaster a force to be reckoned with.

That is the situation Equestria is in. Chaos, strife, hatred and anger rule where harmony and friendship used to be. Can harmony be found and peace be reclaimed? Or is all hope lost?

Red: Completely hostile to any faction member (peaceful to neutral parties)
Orange: Solar Empire (hostile to New Lunar Republic)
Seat of Power: Cloudsdale
Blue: New Lunar Republic (hostile to Solar Empire)
Seat of Power: Manehatten
Purple: Twilight (mostly peaceful faction)
Seat of power: Apple Loosa
Brown: Discord's swamp (imminent death upon entering)
Seat of power: Hayseed Swamp
Green: Changeling infestation
Seat of power: Bad Lands (imminent death upon entering)
Pink: Crystal Empire 
Seat of power: Crystal Empire (mostly peaceful faction)
Edited by Dave Pyro

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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  • 2 weeks later...

Tempest walked through the streets of Manehatten. He was never a fan of big cities, but he knew that he had to support Luna. Of course, there was another force contributing to all of this, but hopefully Xena, the spirit that inhabited Tempest's body via a amulet, and Gale, a dragoness who he had met long before the actual fall, would behave themselves.


Gale sighed as she walked around the outskirts of the city. She knew Tempest had gone in, but wanted to wait for him outside, not knowing how the other ponies would react to seeing a dragoness. The dragoness then walked in and began to search for her friend.

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Legion let out a metallic sigh as he walked past yet another empty corridor, he had hoped to find something of use here in the castle archives, but sadly nothing of use had been found, it looks like today's search was a complete waste of time...


Legion turned a corner and his visual sensor widened at what he saw.


A giant gray door the size of a small house was there not twenty yards in front of him, above the door held the words.


'Canterlot forbidden archives. No access to unauthorised personnel'


Legion grinned and flipped his chain sword out of his hoof and started to work on the door, a loud grinding noise takes over the silence.

Edited by lonewolf1735
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Mythos Gray looked around as he walked the quite halls of the castle, a once beautiful and illustrious building that had been home to the hallowed sisters. For nearly a thousand years Princess Celestia had ruled here in Canterlot, with her younger sister Princess Luna joining her not even a year before this war started.


The storyteller sighed, pondering how he had once wished to meet with the princesses and learn their story, but this was impossible now. Especially since he had decided to join neither princess in their fight with each other. Instead he was a negotiator for Twilight, search the city for any still there and decided to take a detour into the castle.


He was a tall unicorn, well groomed yet with clothes clearly travelled in if kept nice through time and attention. With a grey coat, styled white mane and tail, the stallion moved his man away from his purple eyes.


It was about this time he caught a glimpse of a pony down the hall. Mythos found this interesting, as such since he was always one for adventure and possibly a good story he decided to follow after the pony.

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Legion notices a reflection in his chain sword and looks around to spot the tall unicorn, his eyes narrowed as he scanned the new arrival.


"Can I help you with something Meatbag"


Legion the returns to sawing a hole in the giant stone door, a sizable incision already apparent in the door.

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Mythos watches is suprise as the pony saws a hole into the door before frowning and saying with a shake of his head, "Was that really necessary? That door is dragon ash wood, quite rare in Equestria... more so now then ever."


The stallion steps past the pony to examine the door before turning to look at a nearby tapestry that had falling to the floor before continuing, "You do realize just how old this castle is and that you're destroying history? Swinging a saw around all willy nilly will only break and harm more."


Looking the pony in the eyes he finally says with a smile, "I am Mythos Grey, not Meatbag, and I'm searching the castle for that which has not been irreversibly damaged. I noticed you and decided to follow."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Tempest walked through the streets of Manehatten. He was never a fan of big cities, but he knew that he had to support Luna. Of course, there was another force contributing to all of this, but hopefully Xena, the spirit that inhabited Tempest's body via a amulet, and Gale, a dragoness who he had met long before the actual fall, would behave themselves.


Gale sighed as she walked around the outskirts of the city. She knew Tempest had gone in, but wanted to wait for him outside, not knowing how the other ponies would react to seeing a dragoness. The dragoness then walked in and began to search for her friend.

As Gale enters the city, she gets a lot of strange looks from ponies. Some glare at her, some just turn around and pretend she isn't there, and some just stare. The streets clear pretty quickly where ever she goes and she thinks she hears a few ponies make passing comments like "And I thought Griffons were bad, now this?" and "Somepony ought to get the guards before it hurts somebody." Finally a grey unicorn stallion steps in to the street in front of Gale. He walks right up to her and says, "Hello there. Sorry, most ponies around here get kinda nervous around things they don't understand, and very few understand dragons these days. If you need some help, I'd be willing to assist you. Name's Forge by the way, Forge Smith."  

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Legion nods and bucks the broken part that he just sawed, and pokes his head through, his sensors adjusting to the darkness.


"Well historian meatbag, the left side of the door is fine, and I'm looking for ancient artifacts, and what better place to look that the canterlot forbidden archives, never breached, not even with Nightmare moon and Sunstrokes chaotic yet respectable power, your welcome to take any books you may find, which I might add are full of unknown and lost history"

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The unicorn chuckled at the stallions words, sighing a bit before asking, "Might I ask why you seek artifacts from the forbidden area of the archives? I hope not for money or power. More do you understand why an artifact is placed there? Because they are of dark and dangerous magic, strange and foreign design, or that which has not yet safely understood... like opening Pandora's Box in many ways."


Of note, though Mythos may seem like he was convincing the pony not to go onto the forbidden archives... he was also not doing anything but talk to stop him. Instead he uses his magic to see what spells have been cast on the doors and that could be sensed beyond.

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Gale glanced at Forge, and shrugged. "I'm used to it." She said. "Anyway, I'm looking for a friend in the city. My name is Gale."


Tempest noticed a few ponies acting strange down the road and decided to investigate. He understood when he saw Gale and felt a but angered at the other ponies. He then noticed Forge, and smiled slightly. "I see you and Fake have met." He said. "My name is Tempest."

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Legion nods and bucks the broken part that he just sawed, and pokes his head through, his sensors adjusting to the darkness.


"Well historian meatbag, the left side of the door is fine, and I'm looking for ancient artifacts, and what better place to look that the canterlot forbidden archives, never breached, not even with Nightmare moon and Sunstrokes chaotic yet respectable power, your welcome to take any books you may find, which I might add are full of unknown and lost history"


The unicorn chuckled at the stallions words, sighing a bit before asking, "Might I ask why you seek artifacts from the forbidden area of the archives? I hope not for money or power. More do you understand why an artifact is placed there? Because they are of dark and dangerous magic, strange and foreign design, or that which has not yet safely understood... like opening Pandora's Box in many ways."


Of note, though Mythos may seem like he was convincing the pony not to go onto the forbidden archives... he was also not doing anything but talk to stop him. Instead he uses his magic to see what spells have been cast on the doors and that could be sensed beyond.


As you step in the chamber, you find it empty. Upon closer investigation, you find that there is very little dust in the area meaning that somepony had cleared it out recently. As you look around more, you hear a whirring sound. Moving towards the whirring noise, you look up and see a small red light glowing up near the ceiling mounted on a wall. You then hear through a speaker placed just bellow the little red light (that turns out to be a camera) "Hello? Who goes there? This is David, agent shadow of the NLR. You're trespassing on a secured area. Step forward and identify yourselves." 




Gale glanced at Forge, and shrugged. "I'm used to it." She said. "Anyway, I'm looking for a friend in the city. My name is Gale."


Tempest noticed a few ponies acting strange down the road and decided to investigate. He understood when he saw Gale and felt a but angered at the other ponies. He then noticed Forge, and smiled slightly. "I see you and Fake have met." He said. "My name is Tempest."

Forge turns at the voice of another pony. "Ah? Tempest? Pleased to make your acquaintance. I was just speaking to your scaly friend over here." He nonchalantly walks up to Tempest. "So, what brings you to the capital of the NLR?" About this time, a squad of security guards and a few night guards had arrived on the scene. They were talking nervously among one another and motioning towards gale with their hooves. 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Canterlot, the Ruined Capital - Forbidden Archives of the Castle


The unicorn, having identified himself as Mythos before says as he steps into the light, "You may call me the Storyteller, a neutral agent who holds to the memory of an Equestria when the Celestial Sisters ruled together. Though really, I doubt a member of either the Lunar Republic or Solar Empire would understand this and even consider such a notion foolish."


The stallion would step aside so that Legion would have a go at introducing himself but also add as he looks around, "I admit, though that I am surprised. I had thought the castle would be abandoned or completely destroyed, as I cannot see either of the princesses giving up the castle to the other without doing such."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Legion stood forth and aimed his visual sensors at the red light as if by instinct.


"I am legion, registered with Canterlots special projects division as Platform 21-P. I am a fully equipped Luna class military peace keeper, my primary directive since the great division of harmony caused by our great rulers Celestia and Luna, is to find old tech to make sure ponies as a species don't get sent to the discord ages after this war is complete. I was commissioned by the LunaCo cybernetics division, primarily funded by luna and [Data Classified] Any more information will require I.D and Pass phrase"

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Tempest nodded slightly and smirked. "I'm actually a member of the NLR." He said. "I was one of Luna's best before the current predicament and decided to come here. As for my relation with Gale, I met her before the sisters'... disagreement" The bat pony then noticed a few guards giving Gale dirty looks and motioning towards her. "Is there a problem, here?" He asked, turning to face the guards.


Gale sighed and backed up slightly. She knew what Tempest was capable of, and she wasn't about to get caught in the cross fire. The dragoness would help her friend, if there was no other option, though.

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Moonlight walked through the streets of Vanhoofer she wasn't a fan of the place actually she wasn't a fan of any area with other ponies since being and alicorn and all she gets a lot of looks which made her feel quite nervous and stressed since she gets paranoid quite easily. She was also wearing some kind of full body clothing it didn't cover her neck though it was dark grey and red parts on her hoof and ankle it isn't blood though. She was also wearing a red scarf and saddle bags that are hidden by her bat wings.


(yea sorry this post was quite bad but i am bad at introduction post anyway).


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Dark Wing stood watch over the Crystal Mountains dwelling that he had been tasked to protect. He was loyal to Luna above all else. The pony that gave him and his brother a chance to prove themselves. He had not heard from his ruler since the battle had happen and he and Paladin had been hoof selected for their current assignment, however now that assignment is drawing near an end as he awaits his brother to return with news from Manehatten.
His fur and armor had become covered in show as he awaited Paladin to return. He could hear the familiar flaps of bat wings approaching from the south. To him it was a good sign. Paladin was drawing near, hopefully with his new orders...for both of them.  As the other bat pony approached, Dark saluted his brother, as he nodded for him to head inside. It has seemed like an eternity since they had last seen each other. Hopefully his brother could fill him on on what was happening elsewhere in Equestria. .


"Welcome back Paladin. I trust you bring news from Her Magnificents?"

Edited by Skycoaster

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Canterlot, the Ruined Capital - Forbidden Archives of the Castle


The unicorn, having identified himself as Mythos before says as he steps into the light, "You may call me the Storyteller, a neutral agent who holds to the memory of an Equestria when the Celestial Sisters ruled together. Though really, I doubt a member of either the Lunar Republic or Solar Empire would understand this and even consider such a notion foolish."


The stallion would step aside so that Legion would have a go at introducing himself but also add as he looks around, "I admit, though that I am surprised. I had thought the castle would be abandoned or completely destroyed, as I cannot see neither of the princesses giving up the castle to the other without doing such.

Legion stood forth and aimed his visual sensors at the red light as if by instinct.


"I am legion, registered with Canterlots special projects division as Platform 21-P. I am a fully equipped Luna class military peace keeper, my primary directive since the great division of harmony caused by our great rulers Celestia and Luna, is to find old tech to make sure ponies as a species don't get sent to the discord ages after this war is complete. I was commissioned by the LunaCo cybernetics division, primarily funded by luna and [Data Classified] Any more information will require I.D and Pass phrase"

You both wait for a moment, then you hear over the speaker "Well, technically I'm not really part of that operation anymore since it was...um...eradicated. Chalk it up to a changeling infestation. Anyways I-...No!" He yells loudly in to the mic. "I'm not giving away classified information! Don't worry so much!" After that outburst his voice calms down and he seems a bit somber. "Sorry, my partner is a...worry wort. Anyways, the artifacts are hidden safely away. I'm trained in the use and handling of many forbidden dark arts and artifacts so they are completely safe. Also, the entrance to my...um...complex is not located in a nearby area. I just monitor the vault in case curious ponies like you show up."




Tempest nodded slightly and smirked. "I'm actually a member of the NLR." He said. "I was one of Luna's best before the current predicament and decided to come here. As for my relation with Gale, I met her before the sisters'... disagreement" The bat pony then noticed a few guards giving Gale dirty looks and motioning towards her. "Is there a problem, here?" He asked, turning to face the guards.


Gale sighed and backed up slightly. She knew what Tempest was capable of, and she wasn't about to get caught in the cross fire. The dragoness would help her friend, if there was no other option, though.

One of the guards steps up to Tempest and says, "Uh sir, are you responsible for that dragon? If you are, we must ask you to not leave it unattended. We know that dragons are intelligent, but these are dark times and we can't have anything as strong as a dragon running around unchecked." 

Before anyone can say anything, Forge walks up to the guard. ​"Lieutenant. Looking well I see. Those swords are almost finished, I'll also have that ammo ready for you with in the month." Then stepping up to the guard, he whispers in his ear, "I'll take responsibility for these two. Just leave them to me, ok? Forget anything happened." As he takes a step back, the guard gives Forge a look, then nods and turns to go. He calls over his shoulder, "Sorry sir, please, stay out of trouble." Forge turns to Tempest. "If you don't a place to stay, my forge is pretty empty. I'm just finishing up a few orders so the forge is still warm. Make for a comfortable night if you need somewhere." In his head, Forge thinks 'what has gotten in to you. you don't usually just invite strangers over for the night...well...it does look like they might need it...I guess i'll just see where this goes...'





Moonlight walked through the streets of Vanhoofer she wasn't a fan of the place actually she wasn't a fan of any area with other ponies since being and alicorn and all she gets a lot of looks which made her feel quite nervous and stressed since she gets paranoid quite easily. She was also wearing some kind of full body clothing it didn't cover her neck though it was dark grey and red parts on her hoof and ankle it isn't blood though. She was also wearing a red scarf and saddle bags that are hidden by her bat wings.


(yea sorry this post was quite bad but i am bad at introduction post anyway).

As Moonlight walks through the city she earns lots of strange looks and even a few glares. FInally, when everything seemed like it could only escalate in to a confrontation of some sort, a young colts voice rings out shrill and clear. "Hey! Leave her alone! Go away! You're all a bunch of bullies. Go away!" As the crowd thins then disappears, a young colt steps up. "Hi! I'm Bolt! Nice to finally meet another alicorn that isn't crazy."


Dark Wing stood watch over the Crystal Mountains dwelling that he had been tasked to protect. He was loyal to Luna above all else. The pony that gave him and his brother a chance to prove themselves. He had not heard from his ruler since the battle had happen and he and Paladin had been hoof selected for their current assignment, however now that assignment is drawing near an end as he awaits his brother to return with news from Manehatten.
His fur and armor had become covered in show as he awaited Paladin to return. He could hear the familiar flaps of bat wings approaching from the south. To him it was a good sign. Paladin was drawing near, hopefully with his new orders...for both of them.  As the other bat pony approached, Dark saluted his brother, as he nodded for him to head inside. It has seemed like an eternity since they had last seen each other. Hopefully his brother could fill him on on what was happening elsewhere in Equestria. .


"Welcome back Paladin. I trust you bring news from Her Magnificents?"


Paladin landed and saluted back. "Brother! It's good to see you again! New orders indeed, and straight from the princess herself! We're to report to her about the condition of this checkpoint and also tell her the status of the Crystal Empire. Then I believe she may have another assignment for us, though I am unsure as to the location or the parameters of it." As he'd been speaking, snow had started collecting on him. He quickly shook it off and turned to take off. "Reinforcements are on their way as we speak so we have no need to wait round. Ready to get going?" 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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The stallion found a few things odd with what the one over the mic said and decides to ask for clarification, "Not apart of the operation... you mean LunaCo Cybernetics Division?"


Mythos considered the one next to hin that the unicorn thought was a pony, wondering if that is why he had been called a 'meatbag'.


Returning to look at the camera the storyteller would continues conversation by asking, "Who controls this section of Canterlot, the royal castle itself? The Solar Empire or Lunar Republic?"

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Tempest grit his teeth in anger at the guard's words. "Just because she's a dragon doesn't mean that she's dangerous." He growled, before turning his attention to Forge. "A place to stay would be nice. I just have a few things to take care, but I'll meet up with you two later." With that, the bat pony trotted away, hoping to find something to occupy his time with.


Gale was slightly surprised that Tempest didn't fight those guards, but she figured that it was for the best. The dragoness then turned her attention to Forge. "So, where do you live?" She asked.

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As Moonlight walks through the city she earns lots of strange looks and even a few glares. FInally, when everything seemed like it could only escalate in to a confrontation of some sort, a young colts voice rings out shrill and clear. "Hey! Leave her alone! Go away! You're all a bunch of bullies. Go away!" As the crowd thins then disappears, a young colt steps up. "Hi! I'm Bolt! Nice to finally meet another alicorn that isn't crazy."


Moonlight jumped a bit when the colt stepped up and looked at him with a blank stare. "I won't exactly say i'm a sane pony though so nice to meet you Bolt names Moonlight so i'm not the only alicorn you've met? also i'm surprised that those ponies actually listened to you being a foal and all i expected you to get ignored."


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Dark Wing's snow covered face cracked a small smile at the sight of his brother. "I'm glad to hear it. It will be nice to thaw out in Manehatten for a bit. Two months in this frozen waist land is enough to never want to see snow again."  Dark Wing shakes his face to get the shall amount of snow off. "I'm almost have to ask what you have been up to since I have been freezing my tail off the past few weeks. To say the least I kept busy."


After a few moments he shook all the snow off of himself, raveling scuffs on his armor. "I've had a busy few days lately to say the least. I hope these reinforcements are up to the task..." as a small smirk appears on his face. "I feel sorry for that poor unicorn. He'll live, but he is in the shack, prisoner."

Dark looked up to the sky as the snow began to trickle off. "Looks like our window of flight. After you Paladin"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Legion takes a step forward and continues to stare out the camera.


"It would be illogical to have a camera here unless you are trying to protect something, and even then your base would have to be close otherwise your response time to any attacks made would be to late"

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Tempest grit his teeth in anger at the guard's words. "Just because she's a dragon doesn't mean that she's dangerous." He growled, before turning his attention to Forge. "A place to stay would be nice. I just have a few things to take care, but I'll meet up with you two later." With that, the bat pony trotted away, hoping to find something to occupy his time with.


Gale was slightly surprised that Tempest didn't fight those guards, but she figured that it was for the best. The dragoness then turned her attention to Forge. "So, where do you live?" She asked.

Forge nods towards the west. "Just a little west of here. It's the black smith's shop. If you want to fly there, you can't miss it. If you want to walk, I can show you where." 


Moonlight jumped a bit when the colt stepped up and looked at him with a blank stare. "I won't exactly say i'm a sane pony though so nice to meet you Bolt names Moonlight so i'm not the only alicorn you've met? also i'm surprised that those ponies actually listened to you being a foal and all i expected you to get ignored."

Bolt smiled. "Let's just say that I'm quite the shocking colt." As he says this, a small spark of electricity zips from the tip of his horn to the base of it and disappears. "And you're not the first alicorn I've met. The princesses both came here. They heard there was an alicorn in town and wanted to recruit him. They were disappointed to say the least when they saw me..." Saying this, he flares out his wings very unimpressively. His grin turns into more of a sheepish smile and he says "That would've been cooler if I was older...or bigger...anyways, all the ponies cleared out because they don't want to be zapped. Bullies have messed with me before, and they all end up...in a very...how to put this...sorry state afterwards." Bolt's smile returns to a big grin and electricity dances around his horn.




Dark Wing's snow covered face cracked a small smile at the sight of his brother. "I'm glad to hear it. It will be nice to thaw out in Manehatten for a bit. Two months in this frozen waist land is enough to never want to see snow again."  Dark Wing shakes his face to get the shall amount of snow off. "I'm almost have to ask what you have been up to since I have been freezing my tail off the past few weeks. To say the least I kept busy."


After a few moments he shook all the snow off of himself, raveling scuffs on his armor. "I've had a busy few days lately to say the least. I hope these reinforcements are up to the task..." as a small smirk appears on his face. "I feel sorry for that poor unicorn. He'll live, but he is in the shack, prisoner."

Dark looked up to the sky as the snow began to trickle off. "Looks like our window of flight. After you Paladin"

Paladin nods. "As you say! Let us be off!" with that, he took to wing, flying swiftly towards an opening in the clouds that had appeared. He flies past three other night guards who had been assigned to take Dark and Paladin's place. They come in for a landing and salute. "We're here to take your place sir! Anything to report before you leave?" Paladin circles patiently over head, awaiting his brother.


The stallion found a few things odd with what the one over the mic said and decides to ask for clarification, "Not apart of the operation... you mean LunaCo Cybernetics Division?"


Mythos considered the one next to hin that the unicorn thought was a pony, wondering if that is why he had been called a 'meatbag'.


Returning to look at the camera the storyteller would continues conversation by asking, "Who controls this section of Canterlot, the royal castle itself? The Solar Empire or Lunar Republic?"

You hear a cough as David clears his voice over the speaker. "Er...to clarify, I'm technically no longer a part of the NLR. After an...incident...I ended up stranded and on my own. It was about as much of a discharge as I needed. I'm on my own now." You hear a groan as if David is in pain or straining, but then his voice comes through the speaker normally. "Anyways, I'm sort of incharge of the Canterlot area...and possibly ponyville. I'm...eh...on the watch for changelings. I have a sort of vendetta against a hive that I need to settle. Some show up on my cameras from time to time and I go to take care of them." 

Legion takes a step forward and continues to stare out the camera.


"It would be illogical to have a camera here unless you are trying to protect something, and even then your base would have to be close otherwise your response time to any attacks made would be to late"

David's voice stops as legion starts to speak, then you hear him shout, then a deeper, and obviously less sane sounding voice comes through the speaker. "Logic? Hahahahaha! What fun is there to logic? Why should things be logical? That's Boring! If-" David suddenly interrupts the second voice, speaking a little louder then before, presumably to talk over the second pony. "Um. What my partner is trying to say is that there doesn't need to be logic, though I find it logical to keep tabs on all important locations of the castle. The armory, the archives, places like that."


(((Sorry for the confusion! David's text is Green and the second ponies is Blue.)))

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Dark Wing nodded to his replacements. "I see it takes three of you to replace me." Dark laughed for a moment. "It has been picking up lately so stay on your hooves. Perhaps you can get more out of this unicorn that I captured trying to make his way into Lunar Republic territory. He may have friends."


Dark salutes them once more before taking flight a few feet from the ground before looking back at the pass that had been his frozen home for recent memory and shakes his head before flying up to Paladin's altitude. "Just like old times...wingpony." he said as he began flying in the direction of Manehatten, with a smirk on his face. "So, anything you wish to tell me about since you left. You where gone a long time to just report to the capital."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Legion nods and looks away from the camera.


"Illogical but its your choice if you wish to waste resources and time, I however need some things that were inside this archive, where would I be able to find these items now, I will require them if I wish to complete my mission"

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