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private Eclipse Chapter one: Unity? (OUTDATED II)

Trevor Bright

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 Dark Wing lands near the center of the town. He begins walking towards what he assumes is a small group of towns ponies from a distance, his wings still upright. "You there!" He yells, "We have come on official business from Princess Luna herself!" He only hoped that his armor would show their official nature for this visit. 


Solar Sentinel

"Hello Sorain'," Solar says in a depressed voice. "No news from the doctor yet. I could not stand these cursed badages for another moment," as he extends his injured wing outword, showing off the damage that was done. The bone and mussel had healed, but the feathers left something to be desired, A few charred feathers still remained on his wings, as he quickly returned it to his side. 


"At least the physical pain is gone....it's just...all my unit was wiped out. I know the Princess expects me to lead again, but....look, Rainbow is a wonderful leader. For the time being, I'm just a desk commander. Once I'm cleared to fly again, maybe I'll take another front line assignment...but not till then..."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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(((Late night time...though with Luna and Celestia fighting, I'm not sure the day/night cycle would work...))) As you leave, Clean waves good bye to you and finally manages to gather his family. They go inside and Clean waves friendly like one more time over his shoulder, before the door closes behind him. As you're about to go, a soldier comes up to you. He's wearing the Crest of Twilight on a beret and also on his body armor. "Hello sir, Princess Twilight has asked for an audience with you."


It was fairly late in the night now, from what he could tell. "Hmm-" Shutter looked up at the sky, once again, and then scratched his head. "I suppose the sky its' self serves as a reminder to the princess' war." He chuckled, apparently finding something funny, "Fine, I'll get a watch a later." Shutter took his camera and pointed it towards the sky, for some reason, he wanted a picture of it.  


Once again, he heard an oddly familiar click, followed by- No flash... Only this time, when he tried to take out his notepad and walk, Shutter was stopped by a guard.  


Shutter gave the guard a confused stare. "An audience... with me?"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Tempest sighed as he continued to fly. "I guess I lost whatever that thing was." He thought to himself. "Now, what should I do?" The bat pony had three options. He could head back to Manehatten, continue flying west to do a bit of recon, or fly south for the same reason. He could basically fly in any direction, and he would probably face a potential enemy or ally in this war. "So many decisions. I might as well pay Luna a visit." With that, the bar pony did a 180 a flew back towards Manehatten. His aura began to surround him as he flew, increasing his speed and helping him blend into the night sky.

As you fly towards the tower that houses Luna's throne room, you see there's what seems like a battle going on. When you land you see the Lunar Guard standing in a semi-circle behind Luna who's horn is glowing. When you land in front of the now broken open door's, Luna swings around, her horn brightening and her eyes glowing. She immediately calms down the moment shes see's you though. "Oh, it's you. I'm sorry if I startled you. We were...attacked. It turns out several of the lunar guard were changelings. They came at us without any warning." As she says this, you notice an array of dead bodies all over the ground, some of them bat ponies, most of them changelings. "They tried to take the tower but didn't have the strength to do so. We eliminated them all. Thanks to a spell invented by one of my former agents, may his soul find rest, we were able to identify the changelings and kill the rest of them before they could do any real harm."





"I guess Soarin delivered the message safely then. Actually I was just coming by to check in, is it so weird for a pony to say hi to their boss every once in a while?" Darts asked with a good-natured chuckle. "So, care to tell a friend what you and the almighty sunbutt talked about or is it supposed to stay all hush-hush?"




Twelve Gauge frowned for a second before finally pulling back and dropping the stallion to the floor. "We'll talk, but I'm telling you right now there's no way in tartarus I'm spending any more time down here than I need to. Either we come to some sort of deal or I'll have dig my own way out" he said stepping away from the prone unicorn. "The name's Twelve Gauge, most ponies call me Slug."

RD smirks and stand up, stretching her wings. She walks around to sit in one of the chairs in her office, motioning for Darts to sit in the one opposite her. "I honestly couldn't tell you, but it's all really boring. Mostly just move this here and that there. Supply lines and all that stuff. We weren't able to sort everything out because the captain of the sky guard was gone due to injuries sustained during the princess's fight, but we sorted out some minor things. Anyways, enough about that, how's training coming? Are the green hooves coming along alright?"

David smiles and says, "Slug? Charmed." he turns around and leads the way out of the hospital block towards a what seems to be the central room. He continues talking as he walks "Pardon me, but it's been a while since I've had someone to talk to other than myself, so if I start to ramble, just zone me out. I'll probably take a hint and shut up...eventually. Oh yes, you should also probably be careful. Don't strain yourself. You lost quite a bit of blood before I found you, and your leg hasn't fully recovered yet. Take it easy for a day or two, yes?" As you continue to follow him, he starts to talk about the safe house that he lived in for so long and that you "invaded". "It wasn't this big from the start, no, I dug out and reinforced more tunnels and rooms as time went by. I've been stuck down here for...oh, feels like ages. I heard the princesses had a little disagreement? Just kidding, I was around for that, not long mind you, but long enough to start the war aiding Luna by feeding her intel on the SE. Then...well...something happened and I ended up down here. I can't tell you exactly what happened as that is classified information, but it was bad. Drove me in to hiding. I-ah! We're here." He declares as you finally end up in a large room. It has many computers set up on one side of the room with a display showing various districts of ponyville and canterlot, including an interesting shot of a robot pony in a dark room and a robotic wolf walking through the halls of the ruins of the old castle. On another side of the room is an ammo dump with all kinds of guns, swords, knives, daggers and everything in between all arrayed on wall mounts displays. The last most interesting part of the room, besides the various tunnels leading off in to other rooms with who knows what in them, is a kitchen looking area with enough supplies that it looks like it could last until Doomsday and back...or just back. David walks over to this area and turns around, a grin on his face. "Tell me, how do you like your coffee?"






 Dark Wing lands near the center of the town. He begins walking towards what he assumes is a small group of towns ponies from a distance, his wings still upright. "You there!" He yells, "We have come on official business from Princess Luna herself!" He only hoped that his armor would show their official nature for this visit. 


Solar Sentinel

"Hello Sorain'," Solar says in a depressed voice. "No news from the doctor yet. I could not stand these cursed badages for another moment," as he extends his injured wing outword, showing off the damage that was done. The bone and mussel had healed, but the feathers left something to be desired, A few charred feathers still remained on his wings, as he quickly returned it to his side. 


"At least the physical pain is gone....it's just...all my unit was wiped out. I know the Princess expects me to lead again, but....look, Rainbow is a wonderful leader. For the time being, I'm just a desk commander. Once I'm cleared to fly again, maybe I'll take another front line assignment...but not till then..."

The ponies turn and, at the sight of the bat wings, immediately recoil. At the sight of his armor though, the group seems to relax and one pony steps forward, timidly at first, but at your declaration about Luna he grows bolder and walks right up to Paladin and Darkwing. "Hello sirs, you've come to help us?" Paladin nods. Stepping forward, he says "The princess has heard your plea. We are here to deal with this beast of the night."

As you say this, the doctor who had been treating you steps in to the room. He looks down at his clipboard, then at you and smiles. "AH! Mister Sentinel. I've got good news! In a few weeks to a month, you should be able to fly again! Two months and you will easily be combat ready!" Soarin' smiles broadly. "This is good news! Yes?"



It was fairly late in the night now, from what he could tell. "Hmm-" Shutter looked up at the sky, once again, and then scratched his head. "I suppose the sky its' self serves as a reminder to the princess' war." He chuckled, apparently finding something funny, "Fine, I'll get a watch a later." Shutter took his camera and pointed it towards the sky, for some reason, he wanted a picture of it.  


Once again, he heard an oddly familiar click, followed by- No flash... Only this time, when he tried to take out his notepad and walk, Shutter was stopped by a guard.  


Shutter gave the guard a confused stare. "An audience... with me?"

The guard nods. "I've not been briefed on the reason why, I merely ordered to inform you that Princess Twilight would like to see you. You don't have to come if that is your wish, but she would like to see you. I'll be heading back to report to her. If you're willing to see her, please follow me. If not, please have a nice day." with that, the guard turns around and immediately starts to walk down the street, out of the residential district, towards the direction of a large tower like structure. Do you follow him, stay, or go elsewhere? 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Tempest nodded slightly and looked over the bodies. "It is to be expected in these dark times." He said, feigning belief. "At least you are safe, Luna." The bat pony then gave a slight bow and rose after a few seconds. "I wish to speak with you privately, if you have the time."


Xena growled as Luna spoke. Something about all of this didn't seem right, but it's not like he was going to reveal himself just to make a point.

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The guard nods. "I've not been briefed on the reason why, I merely ordered to inform you that Princess Twilight would like to see you. You don't have to come if that is your wish, but she would like to see you. I'll be heading back to report to her. If you're willing to see her, please follow me. If not, please have a nice day." with that, the guard turns around and immediately starts to walk down the street, out of the residential district, towards the direction of a large tower like structure. Do you follow him, stay, or go elsewhere?


Shutter raised one hoof, just underneath his chin, as the guard started to walk away. He looked over to his right, the direction he was originally heading, and sighed. I guess I'll be a little bit later than I thought... He put his notepad away and slowly started to descend to the ground. After a short sprint, he caught up to the guard.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Tempest nodded slightly and looked over the bodies. "It is to be expected in these dark times." He said, feigning belief. "At least you are safe, Luna." The bat pony then gave a slight bow and rose after a few seconds. "I wish to speak with you privately, if you have the time."


Xena growled as Luna spoke. Something about all of this didn't seem right, but it's not like he was going to reveal himself just to make a point.

Luna tilts her head curiously at him, but then nods. She turns to her guards and says in a commanding tone "Leave us." The guards do not hesitate. They all immediately turn and exit the room. Luna steps outside on to the deck next to you and asks in a low voice, "What is it, my loyal servant? Is something the matter?"

Shutter raised one hoof, just underneath his chin, as the guard started to walk away. He looked over to his right, the direction he was originally heading, and sighed. I guess I'll be a little bit later than I thought... He put his notepad away and slowly started to descend to the ground. After a short sprint, he caught up to the guard.

As you run to catch up with the guard, he turns and upon seeing you, smile. He then resumes his  march towards the tower. The tower, it turns out, is a fortified library with the top floor being the throne room. As you walk through the many books, you see many of them are charred, or look like they've been torn, stained, or worse. There are some new books that haven't been touched, most look in bad condition though. Following the guard, you go up a few flights of stairs until you make it to the throne room. You enter to see twilight standing near a window, talking to some of what look to be nobles, or could've been nobles, as their clothes, while nice, have seen better times. Twilight is just about to say something to one of the nobles, (((or ex-nobles))) her expression quite cross, when the guard announces "Your highness! He's agreed to come and see you!" Twilight turns and, upon seeing you, breaks in to a smile. She turns and you hear her say something a bit harshly and the nobles huff. One of them raises his voice to say something, but Twilight cuts him off saying "No! We will resume this later. I have urgent business with this newcomer." The nobles turn around and leave all the while shooting Shutter dirty looks. Twilight walks up and says to the guard, "Thank you, but I can handle it from here." The guard salutes and turns and walks out the door, shutting them on his way. Twilight turns to you and visibly relaxes as she lets out a long, tired, sigh. "So...you're Shutter?" She starts raising an eyebrow? "I'm Twilight, though I suppose you already knew that...I'm sure you're curious as to why I asked you here. I'll explain it, but I'd like to wait until a friend of mine shows up..." even as the words leave her mouth, the doors open and a familiar orange earth pony steps inside. "Sorry Twi! I came as soon as I got your message." AJ hurries in, breathing hard. When she finally catches her breath, she looks over and notices Shutter. "Oh! Hay! Your that pony I met this mornin' right? Shu...um...Shutter right? What are you-" "I asked him here Applejack. I think it's time we figure out what happened." AJ looks up at Twilight as she's interrupted, her mouth dropping open in disbelief. "Twi...you can't be serious. You know that none of our friends want anything to do with each other anymore. Rainbow's in charge of Sunstr-er...I mean Celestia's Wonderbolts! There's no way she's going to even think about helping us. Not after what happened to-" "I KNOW!" Twilight glares at AJ for a moment, angry at her for using the insulting title the NLR had come up with for her ex-mentor. Finally she looks away, and takes a few breaths to try and calm down. When she feels she's back in control, Twilight turns to AJ and says "I know Applejack, but we have to try, they're our friends." Turning to Shutter, she smiles a sad and weary smile. "I'm sorry, I just realized I haven't explained why I asked to see you. I'm looking to send out some ponies who would be willing to search for my friends. I want to try and open a line of communication with them." Turning to AJ, she gives her a hard look and says "All Of Them." Turning back to Shutter, she keeps speaking, saying "Applejack told me about a pony she met at the train station that seemed to be writing things down. There's not much to write about these days, unless it's a letter, and ponies don't usually write letters in note pads. So we figured you were probably keeping track of events. Some pony who wants to stay up to date with all that's happening seems to me to be the perfect candidate to try and help start putting this land back together. I won't order you. I wouldn't feel right telling you to do this, but I'll ask you. Will you help me find the Elements of Harmony? Help me try and restore Equestria?"


(((I'm sorry for the 3000+ long post, but this was an important one. Also, I won't usually color the text of anypony except for my OCs, but I'll make an exception for this post because it's so big.)))

Edited by Fictional_Author7
  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Dark Wing nods as his brother talks to the villagers, waiting for him to finish before addressing the pony in front of them. "What can you tell us of this situation? Or orders where thin on details. We would like to finish our assignment and return back to her highness as quickly as possible."


Dark looks over to the group of ponies and back to the one in front of him and Paladin. "We need a base of operation. Some place that we may look over maps of the area to better track this threat to the Lunar Republic down. Your town has a library I take it, yes? and maps of the area? I myself would prefer the hooves on approch myself, however untill given the order from the captain of the night guard, we must do things by the book."  Dark Wing said with a bit of disappointment. He wanted to end this threat as quickly as possible and get back to his princess of the night.


Solar Sentinel

Solar shakes his head at Sorain' and the doctor. "I'm afraid not. If this war keeps escalating, I'm going to need to be front line ready as soon as I can, even if it's on the ground Doctor."

Solar sticks his wing out flat in front of the doctor. "I hope you have that report filled out for my medical leave. You want to deliver it to Princess Celestia for me? I don't know how she'll take it, or how I'll take her reaction." Solar retracts the wing once more.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Tempest nodded slightly. "Of course. Let's get down to business." He said, trotting towards a window that overlooked the main part of the city. "Before I continue, I think it is best if a... old friend of mine takes over for the time being." With that, Tempest's aura began to surround him.


Xena quickly took over Tempest's body and he cast a glance at Luna. He would relish in her shock when she heard his voice. "Hello, little Luna." He said, his voice echoing through the chamber. "It's been a long time since I last saw you,your sister or Discord. 5000 years to be precise." The aura beast then gave out a dark laugh, before casting a glance at the alicorn of the night. "Of course, you were to young to remember me at the time, but I'm sure your sister has told you tales of my kind and myself. I am Xena."


(The aura beast cometh. Play your cards right and you may just survive for to Xena, there are no allies.)

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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"Slowly but surely, cap. The newest batch of rookies are still just about wetting themselves every time Soarin walks by, he's got them on this crazy workout regime. It's only been like a week since they've arrived at the compound and I'm already hearing about assassination attempts, those didn't start until at least after a few months when I was new" Darts chuckled. "By the way we got some of that cider you love imported from outside the SE. Fleetfoot had to sneak it through customs, so be sure to keep quiet if you want your share" he said with a wink before slipping out of Rainbow's office.




Slug sat down at a small table and let his vision wander over the various stockpiled weapons and electronics around the room, finally his eyes settled on the strange unicorn standing in the kitchenette and he scowled. "No coffee. What do I need to do to convince you to let me out of this hole in the ground?" he asked dangerously.

Edited by HunterTSN


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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(((Alright guys, it's getting very close to morning. The Sunrise is just about to start beginning. If you're going to use time in your post, that should help))) 



Dark Wing nods as his brother talks to the villagers, waiting for him to finish before addressing the pony in front of them. "What can you tell us of this situation? Or orders where thin on details. We would like to finish our assignment and return back to her highness as quickly as possible."


Dark looks over to the group of ponies and back to the one in front of him and Paladin. "We need a base of operation. Some place that we may look over maps of the area to better track this threat to the Lunar Republic down. Your town has a library I take it, yes? and maps of the area? I myself would prefer the hooves on approch myself, however untill given the order from the captain of the night guard, we must do things by the book."  Dark Wing said with a bit of disappointment. He wanted to end this threat as quickly as possible and get back to his princess of the night.


Solar Sentinel

Solar shakes his head at Sorain' and the doctor. "I'm afraid not. If this war keeps escalating, I'm going to need to be front line ready as soon as I can, even if it's on the ground Doctor."

Solar sticks his wing out flat in front of the doctor. "I hope you have that report filled out for my medical leave. You want to deliver it to Princess Celestia for me? I don't know how she'll take it, or how I'll take her reaction." Solar retracts the wing once more.

The villagers now all, seeing that the two bat ponies meant them no harm, gathered around them and started talking all at once. Finally Paladin is able to reclaim some order. He asks each pony individually some questions and writes down their responses. Finally after he and Darkwing were done interviewing the immediate ponies around, Paladin turns to Darkwing and says "I suppose we should go do some research, but I think we got enough here to go and start some ground work. The last sighting of this...thing...was in the forest a few miles that direction...east? No, north east." as he says this, he points in a northeasterly direction. "The suns just starting to rise. How about we search until full sunrise? When the sun's fully up, if we haven't found anything, we'll head back and give our report. Is this agreeable with you, brother?"

The doctor looks a bit shaken at Solar's retort, but manages to regain his composure. "Sir, I said two months easy. That's the maximum amount of time. You could be ready within a few weeks. It all depends on how fast and well your feathers grow back. I could deliver this report to her if you like, but I'd rather do it when we have a more specific time frame."




Tempest nodded slightly. "Of course. Let's get down to business." He said, trotting towards a window that overlooked the main part of the city. "Before I continue, I think it is best if a... old friend of mine takes over for the time being." With that, Tempest's aura began to surround him.


Xena quickly took over Tempest's body and he cast a glance at Luna. He would relish in her shock when she heard his voice. "Hello, little Luna." He said, his voice echoing through the chamber. "It's been a long time since I last saw you,your sister or Discord. 5000 years to be precise." The aura beast then gave out a dark laugh, before casting a glance at the alicorn of the night. "Of course, you were to young to remember me at the time, but I'm sure your sister has told you tales of my kind and myself. I am Xena."


(The aura beast cometh. Play your cards right and you may just survive for to Xena, there are no allies.)

(((I'll humor you-ish. Warning, don't make Luna angry)))


Luna's eyes widen for a moment, then she gives a smirk and turns away. "Oh yes, I remember hearing about thee. Time was it? Yes, well, time has moved on, and so have we. We don't need our sister. We're strong enough to fight for our self. Do not test us, timeless one. Thy may be powerful, but there are things at play that are beyond even thine own understanding. Havest thou heard of the nightmare forces? A being of powerful energy that may bless a being with unimaginable power. He hath given his blessing to me and mine sister. It would be folly to challenge us now. Hath you come ten years ago, it might have been possible that thine might have vanquished us in battle, but now the scales tip in our favor."





"Slowly but surely, cap. The newest batch of rookies are still just about wetting themselves every time Soarin walks by, he's got them on this crazy workout regime. It's only been like a week since they've arrived at the compound and I'm already hearing about assassination attempts, those didn't start until at least after a few months when I was new" Darts chuckled. "By the way we got some of that cider you love imported from outside the SE. Fleetfoot had to sneak it through customs, so be sure to keep quiet if you want your share" he said with a wink before slipping out of Rainbow's office.




Slug sat down at a small table and let his vision wander over the various stockpiled weapons and electronics around the room, finally his eyes settled on the strange unicorn standing in the kitchenette and he scowled. "No coffee. What do I need to do to convince you to let me out of this hole in the ground?" he asked dangerously.

Rainbow nods to Darts as he leaves, smiling to herself. With a tired sigh, she gets back up and heads for her desk, glaring daggers at her paperwork.

David sighs and, after making a fresh hot mug of coffee, sits down across from Slug. "Well, if you're so insistent about leaving, I suppose I could let you go. Though if I ever catch wind of anyone looking for me, you'll be the first on my list. Got it?" he gets up and makes a 'follow me' gesture with his hoof. "Oh! Before you go, would you mind taking this communicator? It'll allow you to tell me if the changelings get you. Thanks!" David hands Slug a sleek black playing card looking device. (((Yes, @Contrast, I'm sorry, but I had to steal your idea...I liked it to much.))). After giving Slug the communicator and completely forgetting to teach him how to use it, David set off at a quick pace. "Keep up if you don't want to get lost!"


Agririon grinned. "You should talk to her sometimes. The only pony in the world able to move faster than Death. He glanced upwards with a grin, spotting the near-invisible specter that was Lural, the guardian of the Element of Loyalty, floating along the trail that Rainbow Dash had left a few minutes prior with purpose. Chuckling and waving, and recieving a slight wave in return, he turned back to Dusty. "She's definitely someone who you want 'officially meet' with at least once. Just don't mention Spitfire around her. She tends to break whatever she's holding and end the conversation." He shrugged as he neared the residency of Celestia.


"Well, this is my stop," he said quietly. "I guess I should be headed off now. Thanks for the conversation- I hadn't had a decent one is a while." Bowing, he finished with, "May you always find thy target." Before walking inside, casually spinning his scythe as he entered the building and returned to his position directly across from the receptionist, appearing as a statue, before entertaining himself the way he usually did- seeing how paranoid he could make the receptionist without revealing that it was a prank or causing her to crack, all while listening for a sound of the slightest disturbance or a summons from Celestia.



Moon Crypt was initially taken aback by the friendliness of this dragon pony. Deciding to go along for the flow, he took a breath. "Well... err... I have to get to Apploosia, so it's quite the long journey... and company would be nice, if you want to come. But right now, I'm just taking a breath for a moment... taking a drink..." He shrugged. "Thank you for not immediately killing me, by the way. That was quite kind of you."


(((I'm so sorry! I swear that I posted a reply for you! I guess it didn't go through...I'm sorry!)))


Dusty nods. "I'll consider that. Thanks. May you...get lots of souls...I guess..." he finishes lamely. Watching Agririon go up the steps, he takes one more swig from his bottle before shoving it back into his coat, and walking off towards the barracks. 

The receptionist finally cracks. Gets up an wearily approaches Agririon. "Hello?"

Darius nods, but you can tell from the look on his face that he's confused. Finally he shrugs it off and sits down. He smiles at Mooncrypt's thanks and replies "Well, it's ok. I like you. You talk instead of fight. Most ponies attack me on sight. I don't know why though...they don't really hurt me much, but it's kinda annoying, and mean. I have to put them down. It is sad. But you make me happy because you don't fight!"

  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Agririon couldn't do much but hide a smirk as the receptionist approached. "Forgive me, madam, it gets boring staring at the door for hours at a time as what I am assigned to do." He gave a respectful bow before, with a sigh, returning his gaze to the door, resigning himself to another dull, boring day.


Hopefully something would happen soon. Somehow, he doubted it.



Moon Crypt smiled slightly at this dragon pony's filly-like demeanor. Taking a breath and standing up, he looked at the filly. "Yeah... most ponies don't understand and are afraid of who I really am, especially in this day and age." Shaking his head, he reshouldered his bag. "Well... I have to get moving. Would you like to tag along? I doubt it is very amusing, being staved off from company. Besides, if you haven't been down that way, it'll be a new experience for you."

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Xena smirked slightly and nodded. "Oh, I understand that you have grown very powerful, but I have no quarrel with you. It was your sister who blinded Icarus, throwing him into the Caspian sea, used the pegasi to turn Cella's storms and winds against her, vanquished Nephyer with her light, drowned Vaketh in water, and used her magic to burn Baz and the forest she called her home. I wish to help only you, princess of the night, and in return, you will help me." Xena knew he could simply absorb whatever magic Luna threw at him, but he would rather spare Tempest the grief of losing a friend. "I swear on the names of my dead brethren that I will cause you or any of the ponies that you rule over no harm."


Gale sighed as she woke up and noticed that Tempest was gone. "I wonder where he went off to?" She thought to herself.

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One of them raises his voice to say something, but Twilight cuts him off saying "No! We will resume this later. I have urgent business with this newcomer." The nobles turn around and leave all the while shooting Shutter dirty looks.


Shutter slowly entered the throne room, following close behind the guard. Just a little bit ahead him, he could see a few other ponies had gathered and were leaving the princess' chambers. He couldn't help but notice one of the ponies staring at him oddly and returned his look with a questioning glare. I wonder what happened, or what I've done, to make them so upset?


For the time being, Shutter had other things to worry about. He still had no idea why the princess had summoned him and was slightly eager to figure out why.



I won't order you. I wouldn't feel right telling you to do this, but I'll ask you. Will you help me find the Elements of Harmony? Help me try and restore Equestria?


Sun Streaks, maybe Sun Streakers, what's that? Shutter took a moment and sat down. The princess' request was quite a bit for him to take in. So, the other elements aren't in contact with each other... at all; and some of the're location may be 'completely' unknown. He looked at the two mares in silence, for a moment, as he thought about what he would do.


"Trying to restore the Elements of Harmony and Equestria, it's not going to be an easy task..." He pulled his notepad out of his coat pocket, examined it, then tried to hide a small chuckle. I guess I'll need a larger notepad. He put the notepad away and started to stand. "I'd be happy to help your highness."

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Dark Wing nodded. "Let us begin our search while we still have some of the precious night," he said as he looked up to the sky as it was beginning to lighten. "I'll take to the right hoof side and I shall meet you back here when that cursed bright sun is in the 9 o'clock position, unless you have another plan for me brother?" as the bat pony takes flight just feet above the rooftops, looking at his brother and villagers below, as he awaits Paladin's feed back as to what to do.


Solar Sentinel

Solar sighed once more at the doctors answer. "I understand that Doc, I really do. I'm sure some though I would never even get the chance to move this wing again, let alone fly on it..." he said as he looked over at Sorain'. "I guess we'd better tell the Princess. I'd like to have a copy of that file to take with me," as he looked at the doctor once more." as Solar turns and walks out of the office and looks down and sighs again. "This is going to be a long walk..." as he sets off on his way to Celestia's cloud plaice.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Agririon couldn't do much but hide a smirk as the receptionist approached. "Forgive me, madam, it gets boring staring at the door for hours at a time as what I am assigned to do." He gave a respectful bow before, with a sigh, returning his gaze to the door, resigning himself to another dull, boring day.


Hopefully something would happen soon. Somehow, he doubted it.



Moon Crypt smiled slightly at this dragon pony's filly-like demeanor. Taking a breath and standing up, he looked at the filly. "Yeah... most ponies don't understand and are afraid of who I really am, especially in this day and age." Shaking his head, he reshouldered his bag. "Well... I have to get moving. Would you like to tag along? I doubt it is very amusing, being staved off from company. Besides, if you haven't been down that way, it'll be a new experience for you."

Much to Agririon's surprise, the summons was almost immediate. It seemed that Celestia had been awaiting his arrival. 


(((You mean foal-like demeanor...or maybe colt-like? He isn't a girl so it wouldn't be filly...)))

Darius's smile gets bigger and jumps to his feet excitedly. "Yeah! Sure. I was getting tired of just sleeping anyways! Let's go adventure!"

*Author's Note: Word or warning. Ponies will react to Darius in a more hostile or frightened way, so if you, say, want to see the princess...I would advise against bringing Darius.* 




Xena smirked slightly and nodded. "Oh, I understand that you have grown very powerful, but I have no quarrel with you. It was your sister who blinded Icarus, throwing him into the Caspian sea, used the pegasi to turn Cella's storms and winds against her, vanquished Nephyer with her light, drowned Vaketh in water, and used her magic to burn Baz and the forest she called her home. I wish to help only you, princess of the night, and in return, you will help me." Xena knew he could simply absorb whatever magic Luna threw at him, but he would rather spare Tempest the grief of losing a friend. "I swear on the names of my dead brethren that I will cause you or any of the ponies that you rule over no harm."


Gale sighed as she woke up and noticed that Tempest was gone. "I wonder where he went off to?" She thought to herself.

Luna raises an eyebrow. "Oh? I will help you? What makes you think I have to do anything for you? I'm quite capable of using the resources avalible to me to get what I need done. What makes you think that I need you? You seem awfully desperate to get my help." 

Forge was already up when Gale awoke. He smiles and greets her. "Morning."


Shutter slowly entered the throne room, following close behind the guard. Just a little bit ahead him, he could see a few other ponies had gathered and were leaving the princess' chambers. He couldn't help but notice one of the ponies staring at him oddly and returned his look with a questioning glare. I wonder what happened, or what I've done, to make them so upset?


For the time being, Shutter had other things to worry about. He still had no idea why the princess had summoned him and was slightly eager to figure out why.




Sun Streaks, maybe Sun Streakers, what's that? Shutter took a moment and sat down. The princess' request was quite a bit for him to take in. So, the other elements aren't in contact with each other... at all; and some of the're location may be 'completely' unknown. He looked at the two mares in silence, for a moment, as he thought about what he would do.


"Trying to restore the Elements of Harmony and Equestria, it's not going to be an easy task..." He pulled his notepad out of his coat pocket, examined it, then tried to hide a small chuckle. I guess I'll need a larger notepad. He put the notepad away and started to stand. "I'd be happy to help your highness."

(((The name AJ was going to use is Sunstroke. It's a double meaning. You know that sunstroke is a condition, but I'm also playing off of Sun [obviously reference to Celestia] and Stroke [like a sword stroke or any any kind of attack with a bladed weapon])))


Twilight smiles, and you can see the relief in her eyes. "Thank you very much. Since you're helping me, I'll do everything in my power to help you. If you need anything to get started, just ask. Also..." she looks at Applejack now, "Applejack, would you-" AJ innterupts before Twili can finish. "I know what you're gonna ask Twi and I'd be happy to help." Turning to Shutter, she says "If yer ok with me tagin' along, I promise I won't slow ya down"





Dark Wing nodded. "Let us begin our search while we still have some of the precious night," he said as he looked up to the sky as it was beginning to lighten. "I'll take to the right hoof side and I shall meet you back here when that cursed bright sun is in the 9 o'clock position, unless you have another plan for me brother?" as the bat pony takes flight just feet above the rooftops, looking at his brother and villagers below, as he awaits Paladin's feed back as to what to do.


Solar Sentinel

Solar sighed once more at the doctors answer. "I understand that Doc, I really do. I'm sure some though I would never even get the chance to move this wing again, let alone fly on it..." he said as he looked over at Sorain'. "I guess we'd better tell the Princess. I'd like to have a copy of that file to take with me," as he looked at the doctor once more." as Solar turns and walks out of the office and looks down and sighs again. "This is going to be a long walk..." as he sets off on his way to Celestia's cloud plaice.

Paladin nods sharply at Dark. "That plan is most agreeable. If anything happens or you find anything, just use the lunar guard whistle. I'll do the same should anything arise." After that, Paladin takes off to cover his side of the forest.

The doctor nods and steps outside to get a nurse to copy the file. Soarin says his goodbyes and says that he has some business to attend to. As Solar walks out of the building, the doctor catches up with him, folder in hoof.




@@Moonbacon as you make your way to appleloosa, Bolt talks about some of the cities he's visited and how he ended up where he did. Finally, he asks, "So, where are you from?"

Edited by Fictional_Author7
  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Xena shrugged. "It's your decision, Luna." He said. "As for the being you call a Nightmare, have you ever wondered why it is called that?" With that, the aura beast let Tempest take over, his aura receding back into the pony.


The bat pony glanced at Luna, and sighed. "You know, I liked you a lot more before all of this happened. I actually believed you to be a goddess, but now you're no better than what you were before you were banished for 1000 years, and we both know I'm not the only one who thinks that, the only difference is that there are no pathetic elements of harmony to create a balance this time.I guess history is repeating itself, only with more lives on the line, however. Either way, don't expect to hear from the Changeling hoards or Discord when I'm through with them. As for myself, I'm done and I've been meaning to say that for quite a while." Tempest then fired a aura sphere at the window he was looking out of, and flew out and south.


Gale glance at Forge and smiled. "Good Morning." She said. "Wait, what time is it?"

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Following closely behind the unicorn as they passed through the bunker Slug could definitely see how easy it would be to get lost in the winding labyrinth of identical tunnels. Finally things began to look oddly familiar and another corner landed the pair at the base of a rickety wooden ladder, Slug was prepared to climb away and leave the nightmare behind when something stopped him. The smaller stallion may have been dangerously paranoid and even a bit insane, still he had opened up his rather unconventional home to a complete stranger and even pulled a fractured bullet from their thigh, even if it was against their will. He had even offered him coffee, which was something Slug was starting to wish he hadn't turned down. "Ya know I don't think I ever thanked you for helping me out back there, I'll be sure to let you know if I ever run into any changelings snooping around" he said, 'like that would ever happen' he added sarcastically to himself. "I don't believe you ever did tell me your name."

Edited by HunterTSN


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Paladin nods sharply at Dark. "That plan is most agreeable. If anything happens or you find anything, just use the lunar guard whistle. I'll do the same should anything arise." After that, Paladin takes off to cover his side of the forest.
Dark Wing began his thorough search of the forest, checking everywhere for the creature but with no avail. As he turned around, he could see the risen sun and sighs before flying back to there meeting point, as he waits for his brother. "I am sorry brother, but I feel is though I have failed the Princess in not nutrlizing this threat to her republic. I hope that you had better luck that I. If not, that I propose we report back to her as soon as possible."




The doctor nods and steps outside to get a nurse to copy the file. Soarin says his goodbyes and says that he has some business to attend to. As Solar walks out of the building, the doctor catches up with him, folder in hoof.

Solar Sentinel


Solar accepts the file from the doctor and nods. He than turns and begins his walk to the castle of clouds that Celestia was using as her seat of power. Shortly after, he finds himself at the entrance to the throne room and knocks, awaiting a reply to enter. 

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Much to Agririon's surprise, the summons was almost immediate. It seemed that Celestia had been awaiting his arrival.

(((You mean foal-like demeanor...or maybe colt-like? He isn't a girl so it wouldn't be filly...))) Darius's smile gets bigger and jumps to his feet excitedly. "Yeah! Sure. I was getting tired of just sleeping anyways! Let's go adventure!" *Author's Note: Word or warning. Ponies will react to Darius in a more hostile or frightened way, so if you, say, want to see the princess...I would advise against bringing Darius.


Agririon was quite surprised when he noticed the mental buzzing with his head. It was lower pitched, so he knew it was from Celestia. "Well, wouldn't you know," muttered him as he stood up and glided over to the doors. For a moment, he considered walking into the throne room through his normal means- rifting through Mortus to arrive at Celestia's side- but he decided against it. If he needed to go someplace far away, he would prefer to rift through Mortus then instead of using it in place of walking a mere ten feet. So, going in through the double doors, he bowed to the princess of the Sun, sitting regally in the cloudy throne and looking over several documents.

"My lady," he said regally and respectfully as he bowed and the doors closed silently behind him. He mentally thrummed the spiritual chord that connected them, producing a pleasant humming that sounded in his head. "Hast thou summoned me?"



((Well... yeah. I kinda expected that. Also, is it alright if I start tying some of my other characters in? Like Karma or Shadow Seer?))


"Excellent," said Moon Crypt, stretching both his back and his neck. "Well, shall we get on the road?"


((Scared to godmod a little bit like I usually do to keep everyone moving forward. Do you mind if I do in the future within reason?))

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Twilight smiles, and you can see the relief in her eyes. "Thank you very much. Since you're helping me, I'll do everything in my power to help you. If you need anything to get started, just ask. Also..." she looks at Applejack now, "Applejack, would you-" AJ innterupts before Twili can finish. "I know what you're gonna ask Twi and I'd be happy to help." Turning to Shutter, she says "If yer ok with me tagin' along, I promise I won't slow ya down"


A partner, huh? Shutter turned towards AJ and chuckled. "Slow me down? I've learned the hard way these wings aren't made for speed. I'd be happy to travel with you Applejack." Then he looked back to Twilight and bowed his head respectfully. "And thank you Princess. Although, I think I will only need a few item from my hou-" He thought for a moment, "Actually, can I make a small request?"


(I'm actually have the same question as Squigly, would it be alright if I add another character in the future?)

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Xena shrugged. "It's your decision, Luna." He said. "As for the being you call a Nightmare, have you ever wondered why it is called that?" With that, the aura beast let Tempest take over, his aura receding back into the pony.


The bat pony glanced at Luna, and sighed. "You know, I liked you a lot more before all of this happened. I actually believed you to be a goddess, but now you're no better than what you were before you were banished for 1000 years, and we both know I'm not the only one who thinks that, the only difference is that there are no pathetic elements of harmony to create a balance this time.I guess history is repeating itself, only with more lives on the line, however. Either way, don't expect to hear from the Changeling hoards or Discord when I'm through with them. As for myself, I'm done and I've been meaning to say that for quite a while." Tempest then fired a aura sphere at the window he was looking out of, and flew out and south.


Gale glance at Forge and smiled. "Good Morning." She said. "Wait, what time is it?"

Luna's eyes widened when Xena asked her about the name nightmare and she indignantly replied "No, I don't. Only my enemies call me nightmare, and that is out of fear and..." but before she could finish, Xena was gone, replaced by Tempest. She started to pull herself together when she froze, hearing what Tempest had to say. As he uttered his resignation and flew out the window, Tempest hears a roar of energy behind him. Then a flash of black energy surrounds him, pummeling him from all sides. Finally, when it becomes to much, he passes out. He awakes to find something covering him. Something very cold and wet. As you shake your head and come back to your senses, you realize you're standing in a mountain of snow. Somehow, Luna must've teleported you from Manehattan to the Frozen North.





Following closely behind the unicorn as they passed through the bunker Slug could definitely see how easy it would be to get lost in the winding labyrinth of identical tunnels. Finally things began to look oddly familiar and another corner landed the pair at the base of a rickety wooden ladder, Slug was prepared to climb away and leave the nightmare behind when something stopped him. The smaller stallion may have been dangerously paranoid and even a bit insane, still he had opened up his rather unconventional home to a complete stranger and even pulled a fractured bullet from their thigh, even if it was against their will. He had even offered him coffee, which was something Slug was starting to wish he hadn't turned down. "Ya know I don't think I ever thanked you for helping me out back there, I'll be sure to let you know if I ever run into any changelings snooping around" he said, 'like that would ever happen' he added sarcastically to himself. "I don't believe you ever did tell me your name."

David smiles. "Just helping another trooper in need. Stay safe out there." Then as he's about to leave, he turns around and says "Ah, yes. My name's David. Charmed, I'm sure." With that, he turned around and wandered off down one of the tunnels. 





Dark Wing began his thorough search of the forest, checking everywhere for the creature but with no avail. As he turned around, he could see the risen sun and sighs before flying back to there meeting point, as he waits for his brother. "I am sorry brother, but I feel is though I have failed the Princess in not nutrlizing this threat to her republic. I hope that you had better luck that I. If not, that I propose we report back to her as soon as possible."




Solar Sentinel


Solar accepts the file from the doctor and nods. He than turns and begins his walk to the castle of clouds that Celestia was using as her seat of power. Shortly after, he finds himself at the entrance to the throne room and knocks, awaiting a reply to enter. 

Paladin returned to Dark Wing and, hearing his words, nods in agreement. "I can't help but feel that this was a waste of time. Though it was a mission expressly given to us....we didn't find anything here at all. If the villagers hadn't been so insistent that there was something out there..." He sighs sadly and agrees with the last statement. "Yes, let us return to our princess post haste. 

Before any answer can come, you hear an exclamation from somepony behind you. Turning, you see RD standing in the doorway of her office. "Captain? It's good to see you up! Are you better?"




Agririon was quite surprised when he noticed the mental buzzing with his head. It was lower pitched, so he knew it was from Celestia. "Well, wouldn't you know," muttered him as he stood up and glided over to the doors. For a moment, he considered walking into the throne room through his normal means- rifting through Mortus to arrive at Celestia's side- but he decided against it. If he needed to go someplace far away, he would prefer to rift through Mortus then instead of using it in place of walking a mere ten feet. So, going in through the double doors, he bowed to the princess of the Sun, sitting regally in the cloudy throne and looking over several documents.

"My lady," he said regally and respectfully as he bowed and the doors closed silently behind him. He mentally thrummed the spiritual chord that connected them, producing a pleasant humming that sounded in his head. "Hast thou summoned me?"



((Well... yeah. I kinda expected that. Also, is it alright if I start tying some of my other characters in? Like Karma or Shadow Seer?))


"Excellent," said Moon Crypt, stretching both his back and his neck. "Well, shall we get on the road?"


((Scared to godmod a little bit like I usually do to keep everyone moving forward. Do you mind if I do in the future within reason?))

Celestia looked up at his entrance and smiled. "Ah! Agririon. Yes, I've been expecting you. Has there been any word from or about my sister yet? I'm sorry for asking so suddenly, but her little rebellion has been very quiet as of late and that's making me nervous. I'd like to just confirm that she's done nothing overly threatening?"

As you continue on, you hear Darius humming something as he walks next to you, his shadow covering you and a good bit of the landscape. Eventually when he gets tired of humming, he starts blowing little smoke rings and watching them rise. As you approach Dodge City, sister city to Appleloosa, you hear a yell of fear and a mare goes running towards the town at sight of Darius...what will you do?

(((Yes and yes, though please do just send me a PM before you do anything.)))



A partner, huh? Shutter turned towards AJ and chuckled. "Slow me down? I've learned the hard way these wings aren't made for speed. I'd be happy to travel with you Applejack." Then he looked back to Twilight and bowed his head respectfully. "And thank you Princess. Although, I think I will only need a few item from my hou-" He thought for a moment, "Actually, can I make a small request?"


(I'm actually have the same question as Squigly, would it be alright if I add another character in the future?)

AJ grins happily and says, "Alright then, I'm goin' to pack a few things. I'll be back in a jiffy." With that, she canters out of the castle. Twilight watches her friend leave and smiles, Turning back to Shutter, she nods. "Of course. What do you need?"

(((Same as Squigly. Just shoot me a PM with a link to the character or drop it in the OOC and I'll look 'em over. Though knowing you, I don't expect to much trouble. :) )))

  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Tempest sighed as he stood within the snow and grit his teeth in anger. "Well, that happened." He said, as his aura began to surround him. It formed a cloak that covered his body and protected him from the cold. "It doesn't matter, though. Now, I have no reason to hold back." With that, Tempest flew into the air and thought for a second on where to go. "I might as well pay the new alicorn princess a visit. I believe her name was Twilight." The bat pony then flew south.

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Celestia looked up at his entrance and smiled. "Ah! Agririon. Yes, I've been expecting you. Has there been any word from or about my sister yet? I'm sorry for asking so suddenly, but her little rebellion has been very quiet as of late and that's making me nervous. I'd like to just confirm that she's done nothing overly threatening?"  

As you continue on, you hear Darius humming something as he walks next to you, his shadow covering you and a good bit of the landscape. Eventually when he gets tired of humming, he starts blowing little smoke rings and watching them rise. As you approach Dodge City, sister city to Appleloosa, you hear a yell of fear and a mare goes running towards the town at sight of Darius...what will you do? (((Yes and yes, though please do just send me a PM before you do anything.)))


Sighing inwardly, he bowed deeply. "Nothing but the usual confirmation that she is alive, my lady... at least, nothing yet, anyways. I'm expecting something anyday now. It's been unusually quiet." He shrugged. "Anything else, madam?"



"Alright, hold up a second, my friend." Moon Crypt looked over the town. Except for the mare, no one noticed them, but the scream certainly drew attention. Let's take a step back really quick. I'd like to talk to you for a second...." Stepping back into the shadows, he smiled at him. "Alright, we have a bit of a problem... your appearance is quite a shock for other ponies." He shrugged. "Don't get me wrong- you aren't a monster or anyone bad. Actually, you've been one of my better traveling companions. But ponies tend to assume the worst possible thing, and we're going to have to do something about it." He stopped and paused for a moment, thinking. "Do you have any illusion magic that you can use?"


((I swear, Author, if I use my changeling magic and you have someone come along and dispel me, I will animate your phone/computer, have it grow a pair of super muscle arms, and strangle you.))

Edited by Squigly
  • Brohoof 1
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AJ grins happily and says, "Alright then, I'm goin' to pack a few things. I'll be back in a jiffy." With that, she canters out of the castle. Twilight watches her friend leave and smiles, Turning back to Shutter, she nods. "Of course. What do you need?"


Shutter removed a photograph from his coat pocket, and examined it for a moment, before presenting it to Twilight. It was a picture of a mare with long, black hair, and a red pelt. No matter how you looked at the photograph, the mare in the picture seemed slightly angry at something? 


Shutter stifled another laugh, before looking up at the princess, and asking, "If it's not too much trouble, I was hoping your guards could keep an eye out for the arrival of this mare. I'm not sure when she will be arriving in Appaloosa, but when she does, do you think someone can give her this picture?"


(P.S. the mare is the one I may add (with permisson) when her bio is finished)

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Tempest sighed as he stood within the snow and grit his teeth in anger. "Well, that happened." He said, as his aura began to surround him. It formed a cloak that covered his body and protected him from the cold. "It doesn't matter, though. Now, I have no reason to hold back." With that, Tempest flew into the air and thought for a second on where to go. "I might as well pay the new alicorn princess a visit. I believe her name was Twilight." The bat pony then flew south.

As you fly south, you see the Crystal Empire bellow you. It's surrounded by a large shield. Do you investigate? 

Forge had gone to deliver a few items he'd made a day or so ago. You have the smith's house to yourself. What do you do?



Sighing inwardly, he bowed deeply. "Nothing but the usual confirmation that she is alive, my lady... at least, nothing yet, anyways. I'm expecting something anyday now. It's been unusually quiet." He shrugged. "Anything else, madam?"



"Alright, hold up a second, my friend." Moon Crypt looked over the town. Except for the mare, no one noticed them, but the scream certainly drew attention. Let's take a step back really quick. I'd like to talk to you for a second...." Stepping back into the shadows, he smiled at him. "Alright, we have a bit of a problem... your appearance is quite a shock for other ponies." He shrugged. "Don't get me wrong- you aren't a monster or anyone bad. Actually, you've been one of my better traveling companions. But ponies tend to assume the worst possible thing, and we're going to have to do something about it." He stopped and paused for a moment, thinking. "Do you have any illusion magic that you can use?"


((I swear, Author, if I use my changeling magic and you have someone come along and dispel me, I will animate your phone/computer, have it grow a pair of super muscle arms, and strangle you.))

Celestia shook her head. "Keep me up to date. That is all. Go ahead and make your usual rounds. And Agririon," she had been pacing in front of her throne, but she stops and sits down, facing you now. "Thank you for sticking with me. It...it means a lot to me to have you here instead of in Manehattan." Saying that, she waves her hoof, a clear sign of dismissal.

Darius blinks at Mooncrypt's question. "Illi-what nows? Are you saying I should hide? I usually just hit the bad guys, not hide from them." He scratches one of the horns on his head then perks up. "Can you do an illuminati what's it? Show me to see if I can do it?"



Shutter removed a photograph from his coat pocket, and examined it for a moment, before presenting it to Twilight. It was a picture of a mare with long, black hair, and a red pelt. No matter how you looked at the photograph, the mare in the picture seemed slightly angry at something? 


Shutter stifled another laugh, before looking up at the princess, and asking, "If it's not too much trouble, I was hoping your guards could keep an eye out for the arrival of this mare. I'm not sure when she will be arriving in Appaloosa, but when she does, do you think someone can give her this picture?"


(P.S. the mare is the one I may add (with permisson) when her bio is finished)

Twilight looks the picture over, then tucks it in to one of the pockets of the dress she's wearing and nods. "I'll see to it." You hear the sound of hooves outside and a guard walks in. He salutes to Twilight and then turns to Shutter. "Sir, Miss Applejack has requested that you meet her in dodge city. There's transport waiting for you that will take you to her residence."

(((Just PM me the link to her bio when you're finished with it.)))



  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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