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ooc [CLOSED] Equestria: 28 Days Later


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You sound like your his angry grandmother or something, always rushing him, LOL

Well, I don't mean to. It's just I expect a certain level of independence from the players, in the sense they come back every now and again to check for updates. 


*Puts on Dexter's voice from Dexter's Laboratory* Grandma?! Why I oughta........  :okiedokielokie:


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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He's on hus way to Georgia without widow and didn't have a lot of time to warn you.

I see. Well, I guess our OCs better get some sleep then. It'll be a wise decision, as Sage wouldn't have necessarily missed anything and Shadowking and I would be able to dispose of Dusk's body without having to carry the story forward. What do you guys think?


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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@Damonater @Shadowking58 @dusk shade @Gloomfury


So I checked with to see if I could still make an application for this RP and he said it was cool so yeah hopeful this is good and I get to play with you guys. Everything so far seems awesome, I'm surprises I hadn't seen this RP earlier.


Here's my character

Name: Crystal Cracker

Nickname: CeeCee

Age: 10

Race: Unicorn Crystal pony

Appearance: Light blue coat that crystallizes when she's happy, deep blue short curly mane and tail, emerald eyes, cutie mark of a pink heart that is cracked all over.

Bio: Crystal is a filly who was having the vacation of a lifetime with her family in Canterlot when the outbreak destroyed everything. Her parents were rock farmers from the Crystal Empire that obviously specialize in crystals. She discovered her special talent and got her cutie mark almost a year ago and it fit her families work perfectly, she can identify weak spots in anything and used her magic to crack it. She's always just used it on stones and crystals until the outbreak, now she's found it's perfect for make crevices in walls to crawl through and the more traumatic discovery that pony skulls are very similar to the large geodes she grew up splitting.

Personality: She's a strong independent little filly raised on the farm to be resourceful, but today she's seen her family fight for its life and die. She's been chased constantly by monsters and had ponies that seemed normal and nice turn on her and try to kill her because of the wound on her leg; she no longer trusts any pony and is on the edge of giving up and breaking down like any little filly should have hours ago. Right now she just wants to curl up, cry, and wait for the end but her last promise to her daddy stops those thoughts and keeps here fighting for another breath.


First day encounter:

Crystal was with her parents when a crowd of infected attacked Canterlot's famous Canter Park. It was horrible, with confusion and gore descending on all the peaceful ponies; the infected tore away her mother while she and her father barely escaped. It didn't last long as they came upon a drain pipe to small for her father, he made her promise to 'stay alive and get out of all this madness' before he started bucking the pipe shut so no pony could follow. Similar to 28 Weeks Later for some reason her father retained some intelligence and hunted her. Later with a group of Pegasus survivors on a rooftop her father lead a small group of infected to attack her and bite her on the leg before she was forced to buck him off of her and the roof.


After that every survivor group would notice her bit and either turned her away, drove her off or flat out tried to kill her. Now she's just trying to seek shelter and avoid all ponies whether infected or not.

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Oh I think I forgot to mention that CeeCee is a carrier of the virus like in 28 weeks later, so she is infected but won't show any symptoms other than one bloodshot eye with the infected iris, she'll never turn but a down side of it is the infected are extra aggressive (if crazy rage zombies can be more aggressive) towards carriers. At least it was like that in the movie but I haven't confirmed any details with firebolt yet. I did get his approval to make her a carrier though, just so everyone knows.


So do you guys listen to music while you write? I always do and I listened to Bastille's 'Bad Blood' while thinking about this RP and it really fits when you just listen to it and think of an infection end of the world story. The 'Bad Blood' being the feuds and problems between group members, the blood in the infected and personally overcoming the things you have to do to survive. I don't know, I tend to over analyze but I felt it was worth sharing, take a listen if you want.

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Yeah, i mainly listen to the cod nazi zombie easter egg songs as I type. :) Also firebolt... Its your turn to post!!!

Ok, but before I post, I have to know. Are you and Stronghammer going to get some sleep? The thing is that my next post will be in the morning, when I find Torrent's character, so if you guys want to doctor your respective last posts a little, that would be great.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Can I ask why we went from examining a dead body to sleeping?

Because it was night when we examined the body. I mentioned this in my entry. We needed to get some sleep, so I told you to fire an arrow in his brain. Capiche?


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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