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earth pony Sage


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Name: Sage

Age: Young adult (early twenties)

Gender: Female

Species: Earth Pony





Cutie Mark: Three sage leaves; this pony's cutie mark represents her love of herbs. She grows, dries, and sells herbs for various usages and sometimes even makes her own aromatherapy potpourri.


Personality: This little green and white pony is not really anything special in terms of her personality. She is kind, gentle, sweet, and loyal. Her life has been very easy which can account for her not having to necessarily visit her darker side. Sage had never had to deal with much anger, despair, loss, or tragedy of such great degree that she may have needed to hold a grudge. Instead, she continues to believe in the kindness of strangers and that anyone deserved a chance to be trusted.


Back story: Born on a rural farm far from any city easily reached on hoof, Sage was raised solely by her parents and her aunt; the latter of which was a botanist who spent a lot of time teaching Sage about plants. She taught her about photosynthesis and how to tell the different between poison ivy and poison oak, small things and the like considering she was only a filly. But as she grew, she learned more while taking a special interest in herbs and spices. Her cutie mark appeared a few days later; as if it wasn't late enough!


Now, Sage can be found on her own property where she grows her own herbs, spices, and various flowers. Once in a while she can be found pulling a small carriage into [insert town here] to sell her home made products and clippings of flowers.



<-- running .gif I made of her where I got the above image from (base found on DA)

Edited by SkySong


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