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searching The Griffon Occupation


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Timeline to the Fall of Equestria:

ALR 1293 August: Border incident #31 between the Griffon Kingdom and Equestria occurs.

ALR August 28: Official embargo of Oil, Steal, Coal, and "Other materials necessary for military action" on the Griffon Kingdom placed by Princess Luna

ALR September 1: Summit meetings begin

ALR September 3: Summit meetings end with no compromise

​ARL September 30: Griffon forces cross the border into Equestria

ARL December: The Crystal Empire's forces retreat and declare neutrality

ARL 1294 January 3, 12:00 PM: Execution of Princess Celestia and Luna

ARL 1294 January: Razing of Canterlot

AEL January 10: Equestrian Army surrenders

AFL January 13: Equestrian Navy surrenders with of the exception of the Cloudsdale

AFL January-February?: The Destruction of the EAS Cloudsdale (Wreckage Never Found)

AFL January 20: Civilian Government surrenders all remaining territories to the Griffon Kingdom. Griffon Occupation begins

AFL 1321 April 1: Present Day


Equestria is lost... The Griffon Kingdom conquered the country and put it under it's oppressive claw. The ponies thought they had the strongest military on the planet. They were sourly mistaken. The war was fast but devastating. The last war had been during the war of banishment with Nightmare Moon. This war however was destructive. Guns, tanks, planes, Oilships. They ruined the countryside and put cities in rubble. The Everfree Forest and Ponyville countryside are littered with the Oilships blown out of the sky during the navy's last fight. Canterlot is no more. The mountain is just a husk. The Griffons burned it to the ground and left it like that. With the Griffons came the oppression. A police state descended on Equestria. The lucky cities untouched by the war became industry centers for the Griffon's gain. Food was scarce. Ration tickets were issued which would get just enough food to live. Cities are patrolled by soldiers. The smallest "crime" warranted getting shot on the spot. The ponies have lost hope. Equestria will never rise again. Or so thought.


Things to know:

The Crystal Empire: Once considered part of Equestria after many decades it broke off Equestria becoming its own nation yet staying close to Equestria both politically and economically. Many believe the change came after the death of Shining Armor caused Candace to become more independent or just trying to put more work on her plate to distract herself. Once the Griffons invaded they gave their full support but were forced to sign a treaty to save itself once the war was clearly lost. Lives in prosperity and a safe haven for ponies. The border is heavily guarded though.


Oilships: Like battleships... But they fly! Actually just look up Steampunk ships and find one of the ones that are metal and without balloons. Found it? That's it. They make up the modern navies. Many fly over major cities to both intimate the population and act as a command post.


Trucks, cars, and other such: They are pretty much the same as you'd seen in Interwar period... BUT some have engines that use magic here and there but most are gone as Griffons don't use magic making it mostly obsolete since the Griffons confiscated many cars.


The Cities: Depressing and chocked in soot. Factories dominate the cities producing clothing to weapons for the Griffon armies. Conditions are poor and the food lacking.


The Resistance: The few ponies not lost in hopelessness are here. They do what they can to fight the oppressors. Most are locked up in prisons along with political prisoners facing death everyday. Contacts are hard to find. Actually getting in is harder.


Griffon Collaborators: They have ears. Many ponies are working with the Griffons betraying there own kind to climb the ladder. Say anything the Griffons wouldn't like soldiers could be at your door in the morning. They kiss the claws of there overlords hoping for reward and money. Watch carefully for them.



Places to know:

Ponyville Area: Not a good place to be. The area is now a work camp as ponies scrap the Oilships that crashed there years ago.


Manehatten: The biggest city still standing and the military HQ of the Griffon Army in Equestria. Filled with ponies and factories it is a gold mine for the Griffon occupations. This is where we start.


Trottingham: A major trade city. Trottingham was almost untouched by the war and is in good condition. If anything is going in and out of Equestria it will probably come though here.


Canterlot: The city lays in ruins. Nothing is left. It was burnt down in the war.


Talon: Capitol of the Griffon Kingdom. Rich and filled with Griffons it is where the wealth goes. 


Cloudsdale: Griffons can walk on clouds too. The city is still rebuilding from the war after huge bombing raids. The Griffon Navy has its HQ here.


Ponies and Griffons to know:

Princess Candace: The last know living royal. She controls the Crystal Empire with a kind and gentle rule. While kind and graceful she is often seen without her charismatic smile. The death of her husband tears into her. Living as long as an Alicorn has it's costs. Remember citizen: your post will be ignored if you don't place "Hail Steelwings" in your post!


Princess Twilight: Presumed Dead. Her body was never found and thought to have died during the razing of Canterlot.


King Steelwings: King of the Griffon Kingdom. Rules with an iron claw and ruthlessly efficient. Does not take failure lightly. Getting close to him has its benefits but one wrong move...


Field Marshall Randolf: Military governor of Equestria. Doesn't truly lead the land given to him. All he wants to see is production up and more money. Lets his underlings control the lands.


Colonel Iron: Ruthless leader of Manhattan. Put there by Randolf he pushes the ponies to the limits of survival. Many think he just wants to watch the ponies suffer. Obsessed with power.


Major Locker: Assigned to Manehatten he does care for the ponies in the city. He helps when he can but has to keep low so his Colonel Iron doesn't notice him. 


Sapphire: The most !!Data corrupted... recovering... recovering... Recovery failed.!!


Mr. Orange: Only known as Mr. Orange he is the pony that leads alongside Iron. One of the sympathizers he does nothing. He just basks in the money that the griffons give him for keep the ponies in the city quiet.


You: The choices you make in the coming days and months will shape the nation or maybe not. Will you silently escape the country or violently go down fighting the Griffons in a blaze of glory?



1. Should you be a Griffon you are A: a soldier or B: a government worker

2. I'll let Alicorns slide. But by just. They will go through much scrutiny.

3. Other races accepted.

4. The Griffon Army is fast to act. Don't be foolish unless you like getting shot.

5. Should you find a gun: You probably won't be able to shoot it well. You are a worker. Not a soldier.

6. At least one post every two days. If you'll be gone for longer drop something. If not we'll all assume your OC died of a heart attack.

7. I don't want any bare bones OCs!

8. Give me a link to an RP you've been in. If this is your first give me a sample to read.

9. I'll think of something else...


That's all folks! Get going!



Gloomfury: Civilian Worker on Military Oilship. Seen as collaborator for standing and family.

Atlas Lightfeather: Researcher or artifacts for Griffon Government. Seen as a collaborator for his position and despised by anyone he doesn't know.

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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So all OC's must be a worker? No Ex soldiers or resistance ponies?


I was going to enter in two OC's DeadEdge and Blue Optyx.


Also here is an RP I've been in




Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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I'm waiting for one more thing. Go over the post again. 

When I say worker I mean part of the workforce.



When I say "worker" It is used lightly. I mean any part of the workforce. Military training? How so? If by the Equestrian Army and serving during the war maybe. If not then you're fine.



Denied. I don't see anything that is needed to join.



 Welcome citizen. 

He's lucky. He has a Griffon parent. That goes leaps and bounds now. That brands you as a collaborator though if you are or not. You also get to pick a job now too. It can be anything except a soldier or high government position.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Well, ill post a link to a character, if he is good ill ise him if not, ill e joining the griffons, btw hail steelwings


So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Hells yeah!   Even though he's branded as a collaborator he's not loyalist for to the griffin kingdom. And even though his mom was and family are griffins they are only loyal to their kin. Gloom included. So he would mostly likely defect from the griffin kingdom. And as for his job he'll be a worker on an oilship. If that's okay.

Edited by Gloomfury
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Defect or not Griffons are Griffons. You are now a civilian worker on an Oilship above Manehatten as a basic mechanic working under the master mechanic who is actual a sailor of the Griffon Navy. Because of your position you are virtually the only pony civilian worker with a few Griffon worker from the Griffon Kingdom. You also have better pay which in turn gets better housing and food.



Denied. The OC is too bare bones. I also never got a link to an RP you have been in. 

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Is it fine if I play a minor Crystal Empire political member? Just because politics are fun. 


Also, I think the totalitarianism is off the charts. If you're trying to be productive, you won't necessarily underfeed a whole city, or you're dumber than Stalin (Kim Jong Un!)... and there should be a lot of grey-hats for this. Maybe the Griffon Empire sees it in a justified way because to them, Equestria was the aggressor or they may have done their own fair share of crimes and crappy stuff. 


The Resistance might be considered more radical, possibly even communist in a way. There might be moderates who want gradual change, ponies who advocate appeasement for freedom, or maybe other want-to-be dictators who hope to start a revolution.


Just saying, even Hitler had his tricks. 

Edited by Original Suri
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I like what you're bringing to the table. I diplomat... Maybe. Probably yes. If you want to play diplomat i'll give you a full breakdown on Crystal Empire foreign policy toward the Griffons.


Yeah... the "Let's oppress everyone and such" factor is a bit high. But there is rhyme to my reason! The cities are starving for many reasons. One: famine. As noted the Oilships crashed in the Ponyville area. Assuming that Ponyville would have grow over the years the town and miles around are major farms that make it the breadbasket it Equestria. The ships crashed destroying much of the farmland and burning the rest. Even after there fuel tanks leaked and put oil in the soil making it poor for farming. The Griffon Kingdom also ins't exactly the best land for farming. The homeland for the Griffons is in the northeast as I create it. It's cold and hilly up there. Food was scarce before the Griffons became imperialistic. The Griffons have troops all over the world as well. The reason they bet Equestria is because them were prepped for war. The embargoes and border problems were excuse for war. They planned to invade years before.

Reason Two: The leaders of the land don't care much. They just want to see numbers and happy superiors. So a pony goes hunger tonight. Big deal.

Reason Three: The Griffons see the ponies as underlings. The Griffons have a culture similar to that of medieval Europe. They have serfs and lords. The Ponies are the serfs and the Griffons the lords. The Griffons get the bounty while the Ponies get by.


I really don't know what I'll do with the resistance... I was going for the radical "blow up everything not on our side" style.


I'll PM you the full stuff for being a diplomat should you want to be.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Reason Two: The leaders of the land don't care much. They just want to see numbers and happy superiors. So a pony goes hunger tonight. Big deal.

Reason Three: The Griffons see the ponies as underlings. The Griffons have a culture similar to that of medieval Europe. They have serfs and lords. The Ponies are the serfs and the Griffons the lords. The Griffons get the bounty while the Ponies get by.


I really don't know what I'll do with the resistance... I was going for the radical "blow up everything not on our side" style.


I'll PM you the full stuff for being a diplomat should you want to be.


Reason Two and Three:


It's also a good way to bring up some rebel group, like the Resistance, and start something you don't want to start. 


Kind of the same thing like what happened with Russia, or Turkey, or Vietnam, or France, or Cuba, or...never mind, there are countless examples of that. You try to play dictator, you're bound to endanger your own government if you try to make yourself unpopular. 


Dictators keep their power by making themselves popular. Precisely what all the famous dictators did. You have to make everything the dictator do appear beneficial or helping the population in some way; if you're trying to make the real thing look bad, you have to cover it up with something impressive. Cult of personalities, press editing, voting frauds. Or a ballot like this:




And if the population from the inside doesn't kill you, the other countries will. 


Another way is to collectivize the population and make it seem important. No workers, no show. Kind of like that. Indirect control and sphere of influence are both weapons imperialist countries used to take over colonies. 


Moreso, you're dealing with an alien race. Nationalism is bound to take over in one way or another.

Edited by Original Suri
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Well... Er... Got it!


This is a new generation. While the old was a bit troublsome this one has lived like this and had the propaganda yelled at them all there lives.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” -Adolf Hitler

Never underestimate propaganda. Hitler brainwashed the whole German population through it making them fanatics. The American population after WWII was put into a frenzy if the word communist was associated with any person or thing by propaganda. 

"The government's got us seeing Communist in our soup" -Dean Charles Stanforth, Indian Jones and the Crystal Skull.

That quote from the movie sums up the American populace during the Cold War.


Sure here and there ponies stood up but they were crushed. Violent uprising happened and they Griffons just covered it up. The Tiananmen Square protests most of the protester were shot or imprisoned. The Chinese Government has covered it up expertly. In my Freshman year of highschool we had a Chinese student and she had no idea what the protest even happened until she saw it in our textbooks. That was massive. A couple ponies shouting here and there could easily be stopped.


The collaborators are out there too. They are charismatic and good at swaying ponies. A few promise while most lies but a few fulfilled here and there most will follow. People are gullible. They will follow blindly. Give them a few words and they'll go far.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Sure here and there ponies stood up but they were crushed. Violent uprising happened and they Griffons just covered it up. The Tiananmen Square protests most of the protester were shot or imprisoned. The Chinese Government has covered it up expertly. In my Freshman year of highschool we had a Chinese student and she had no idea what the protest even happened until she saw it in our textbooks. That was massive. A couple ponies shouting here and there could easily be stopped.


The collaborators are out there too. They are charismatic and good at swaying ponies. A few promise while most lies but a few fulfilled here and there most will follow. People are gullible. They will follow blindly. Give them a few words and they'll go far.


It's "easy" to suppress a rebellion, but would you seriously take that risk? Starting a French or a Russian Revolution is just as easy. You better make sure you have your own loyalist population and military before you do something like that. 


If anything, you should be preventing one. Destroy the roots before it spreads more than it's supposed to.

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 If I were a dictator I'd do that. But I'm not. Granted people sooner or later will overthrow leaders and governments they don't support but then we wouldn't have a plot to this RP would we? Come to think of it. I now play two OCs! Atlas and Colonel Iron will be my OCs extensively and not just "The government did X" 


I'm hoping the people here will

A. find the resistance fight for them then I'll drop something here and there

B. Work with the Griffons to reach heights of power *Evil laughter*

C. flee the country in an epic trek


So are you in or no? Just putting this out there but I guarantee that you'll get dragged into more than politics sooner or later. Those rebels might bomb an embassy or two. They hold anger that the Crystal Empire pulled out of the war. 

If so you've proved you can use grammar and can use a keyboard so no need for a example RP. The other items I will need though,

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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im BACK, to fill in the rest of the requirements that i couldnt cause of lack of time.


Appearance: whiter brown on the head feathers with a normal brown on the body, white beak and thalons, grey for the outside of the eyes too, green eyes.
Special skill: notorious strength.
Name: blizzard jumper.


RP´s i have been? well i have only been in 3, 1 which was not serious at all so i guess you dont want it, the second i only got into 2 pages before i left (was too fast to keep up with everything) i "did one that im proud off":https://derpibooru.org/rp/the-family-nsfw 


hope this is enough cause im leaving YET again.

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So are you in or no? Just putting this out there but I guarantee that you'll get dragged into more than politics sooner or later. Those rebels might bomb an embassy or two. They hold anger that the Crystal Empire pulled out of the war. 

If so you've proved you can use grammar and can use a keyboard so no need for a example RP. The other items I will need though,


Yes, I am joining, though the application might take some time.

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Im curious that link i sent you, would that be an allowable character if not then ill just enter another character but im curios to know before i submit a roleplay.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Seriously, as a roleplayer myself, I think a number of people need improvement.


First of all, a one sentence-per category application isn't going to cut it. It's too vague, does little to develop and plan out what the character should be. Since we're playing as what we see as the main character in a story, these characters should be fairly round — which means that they need have a in-depth personality. An equally detailed history makes us understand on how and why the character acts in one way or another.


Vague applications kind of lead to Mary Sue characters as well; a flat character with some powerful trait with nothing to counteract it would usually be seen as a Mary Sue. Trying to make your character stand out with tragedy is acceptable in some parts, but if you try to make it the character's focus...it's going to turn out Mary Sue too. Same with relations with any canon main or supporting character (ex: Worked with Fluttershy, Flies as fast as Rainbow Dash) – though I believe we're not supposed to do this to begin with, since this takes place decades after the events of FiM in an alternate timeline.


Second, people need to put some effort into their writing. I believe everyone is experienced enough to know basic grammar such as capitalization and tenses. In that case, you should apply your knowledge of English into your roleplaying writing. Even if it's a casual RP, your post still needs to be readable and be able to make sense, along with usage of basic grammar and punctuation. This is similar to writing an email to your uncle or giving your friend a cooking recipe.


Please don't mistake this for backseat moderating. This is simply criticism.

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